Orochimaru's speed was very fast, Ye Du's Susanoo was destroyed, and Orochimaru immediately appeared on the top of the house, ready to jump to the top of the house and enter the house from there.

"I don't think it is possible for you to enter here in front of me." Ye Du's face darkened and he waved his hands. On the ground, many black tentacles appeared immediately. These tentacles wrapped around Orochimaru's body instantly.

"What are you doing?" Orochimaru felt the powerful pressure from those tentacles.

"There is no one in this world who can enter my home right under my nose.

"Humph." 15

Seeing these black tentacles wrapped around Orochimaru's body, Ye Du sneered, put his hands together, and chanted a spell.

"Blast me! 35

Following Ye Du's spell, those black tentacles on the ground immediately exploded, and pieces of minced meat splattered in all directions. Even Orochimaru was embarrassed by this threat.

"At this level, even if your Susanoo is powerful.

"But, to me, you are still just ants. 35

Ye Du raised his head, and a huge vortex appeared on the palms of both hands. In the vortex, there were waves of violent spiral wind blades that were flying non-stop.

"The technique of helical cutting.

Rumbling, the huge spiral wind blade spun rapidly on Ye Du's hands.

"Ah ah ah!" Orochimaru's body continued to emit flames.

However, even though the flames of Orochimaru continued to burn, Ye Du still had no fear. Instead, a cruel and cold smile appeared on his face.

"Go, Spiral Scalpel!"

With a swish, a spiral scalpel appeared on Ye Du's hands.

Ye Du held the knives in both hands and slashed towards the position where Orochimaru was, and he slashed several hundred knives in an instant.

Orochimaru's face suddenly paled. His hands kept pushing outwards, trying to block all the knives. But how could Orochimaru's power be compared to Ye Du.

No matter how powerful Orochimaru is, can it resist the immortal art of Qianshouzhuma? Orochimaru has no such qualifications at all.

"Boom! 55

Ye Du's spiral scalpel directly cut off Orochimaru's hands, Orochimaru cried out in pain, and his entire body fell from the air.

With a bang, it fell on a stone slab.

Orochimaru was cut in half by Ye Du's spiral scalpel.

What weapon is this!

Orochimaru's face was extremely ugly, a burst of blue smoke appeared from his body, and his body quickly withered.

He was actually injured by this young man!

"As expected, the man who can beat me." A smile appeared on Ye Du's face. "But 470, you're still too weak. 99

Bang bang bang bang bang, Ye Du walked to Orochimaru step by step.

pat! pat! pat!

On Ye Du's feet, Orochimaru's body was slowly disappearing.

"No! Mr. Ye Du, we can't waste time here." Seeing this situation, Senju Hashirama couldn't help shouting, "We must find that wooden house as soon as possible.

"You don't mind me, I can deal with this guy." Ye Du shook his head.

Although Orochimaru is now the body of Senju Hashirama, it is just a puppet.

The puppet's body naturally couldn't bear the power of Ye Du.

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