I, Lord Of The Void, Join The Chat Group

Chapter 800 There is no place to die! (3/4)

"This method won't work." Feng Yan shook his head and said, "Your method is too risky. If he is really a powerful character, then our company will be doomed."

"So, I'm going to let the person I trust the most." The proprietress nodded and said: "This person has extraordinary strength, and he is very loyal to me, so I believe that he will succeed in removing that person's body. Bring it back, so you don't need to worry about "five zeroes" at all.""

"Okay then." Feng Yan took a deep breath and said, "Since you have made this decision, I don't have much to say. I just hope that person can bring his body back safely. 39

"Don't worry." The proprietress nodded and said, "He is my most proud apprentice, and his strength is very powerful, so this time, he will definitely not let me down, and this time, I must let that People die without a place to be buried!""

"Okay, then I can rest assured." Feng Yan nodded.

After Feng Yan chatted with the proprietress for half an hour, the proprietress went back to the room to sleep.

And after Feng Yan left, she immediately called Guo Dehai.

At this time, Guo Dehai was about to rest when he received Feng Yan's call, he was immediately excited, looked at Feng Yan's name with excitement, he hurriedly pressed the answer button, and said, "Master, you finally give me I'm on the phone, how is it? Is it all right? 35

"It's done." Feng Yan nodded and said, "I did kill Ye Du for you."

"Haha...that's great." Guo Dehai laughed and said, "This bastard Ye Du is finally dead, haha...that's great."

"However, there is a very powerful expert by his side. The two of them joined forces. If you want to grab the corpse from his hands, it may be difficult. 35 Feng Yan said.

"What?!" Guo Dehai was shocked and said, "There is another powerful person?"

"Well, that's right, and his strength is very tyrannical. He is a mysterious master." Feng Yan nodded.

"I see." Guo Dehai narrowed his eyes and said, "Thank you, Sister Feng. 35

Feng Yan smiled and said: "If there is nothing else, then I will hang up first, I still have a lot of things to do."

"Okay, bye!" Guo Dehai smiled.


Ye Du got up early in the morning, had breakfast, and immediately drove towards Nanlan City.

At this time, Feng Xue and Zhang Yun were sitting on the side drinking tea, watching Ye Du hurried out the door, they both glanced at Ye Du curiously, and then Feng Xue said: "This child, so panicked for what?"

"He must have gone after someone last night." Zhang Yun said with a smile.

"Who to follow?" Feng Xue asked curiously.

"I don't know much about this." Zhang Yun shook his head and said, "I didn't ask, I guessed that he should have gone after his enemy, and it is estimated that he wanted to kill his enemy.

"Oh?" Feng Xue was stunned for a moment, and said, "In this case, there is some possibility."

"Yeah, this person has not known how to restrain himself since 4.8. He must have a lot of enemies. It is estimated that his enemies are already eyeing him." Zhang Yun said with a smile.

"No matter who is the enemy, as long as he dares to provoke us, we must kill him, otherwise, our life may not be very good." Feng Yan gritted his teeth and said: "I always thought that this person is a scourge, must kill him.35

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