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Chapter 806 turned into ashes (1/4)

Do not!"


"don't want!"

Ino and Ye Du pounced towards Senju at the same time.

"Do not!"

Ino's eyes were wide open, because he had already seen that his body had turned to ashes, burning like a piece of paper with the Senju Hashimoto.


Ino's soul wanted to escape, but it was too late, because his soul had been wrapped in flames, and he had turned to ashes.

Ye Du's body was burned by the flames of the Thousand Hand Pillars.

In this way, Ye Du's body was consumed by the flames and disappeared.

Ye Du saw the bodies of 15 himself and Ino turned to ashes in the raging flames before he died, but a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ino! I don't blame you anymore! I...I don't blame you anymore!"

Ye Du recited Ino's name silently in his heart.

"We, farewell!"

Ye Du felt that his body was constantly dissipating.

"Ino, I'm here to accompany you!"

"Farewell, my dear brother!"

Ye Du closed his eyes.

"Ye Du, you…"

Senju Hasuma had just killed Ye Du when Ino's face suddenly flashed before his eyes.

"Ah! Ye Du...currently

"Ah! Ino, why are you taking this for me!!

Senpaura let out an angry roar.



Ye Du's body was thrown to the ground by Senju Hakuma.


Ye Du's body hit the ground heavily, and the magma under him was hit by Ye Du's body, causing a scalding heat wave.

"Ah! Ye Du!"

"Ye Du! Why don't you run away!

Senju Hashima roared while frantically attacking Ye Du.

"Ino, Ino, why are you so stupid! I don't need you to be beaten for me, I don't need you to sacrifice yourself to protect me!"5

Ye Du kept shouting in his heart as he endured the attack from the Senju Hashirama.

"Hahaha...I won!"

Qianshou Zhujian smashed Ye Du's dantian with one punch, and after destroying his dantian, Qianshou Zhujian was completely victorious.

"Ahhhh! I won! I won! Hahahaha..."

Thousands of arms burst into a frantic laugh.

"Thousands of hands, don't hurt Ye Du any more!"

"No! 39

"Ah ah ah!

Before Senju Hashima's smile could be restrained, Ino punched him in the head.


Qianshouzhuma screamed and fell to the ground, his eyes widened to the limit, filled with fear and unwillingness.

Ino punched Chisuma Hashima's head one by one, and his fist was glowing with golden light, each blow would cause Ye Du to vomit blood, and Ye Du's wound was constantly flowing with golden liquid.

Ye Du's body was slowly turning into a pool of blood.

507 "Ino, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you, I'm the one who blamed you!"

Ye Du finally figured out everything when he was dying.

"I shouldn't doubt you, it's my fault, I shouldn't treat my love for you as an enemy, I shouldn't doubt you, I shouldn't drive you away, it's my fault, it's all my fault!

Ye Du's body turned into a pool of blood mud.

Qianshou Zhujian lay motionless on the spot, his eyes were wide open, and the pupils in the eyeballs turned purple.


There was a shrill scream in Qianshouzhujian's throat, his facial expression was distorted, he felt that his stomach was turning upside down, and he wanted to vomit.

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