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Chapter 824 The Last Hope (3/4)

Fane Khalid was not angry and cut off the opponent's head because of the retreat of the cavalry archers. Fane Khalid didn't have much hope for the first round of harassment of this group of cavalry archers, but the opponent unexpectedly shot an arrow. Running away before sending out is really unforgivable.

The first round of harassment failed with no results, and Fane Khalid quickly dispatched the second platoon of infantry.

The infantry in the front row are the most advanced musket infantry in the desert kingdom. These infantry are professional soldiers, so they are fully equipped and armored.

And behind them, is a large group of light infantry as support.

Most of this group of infantrymen were recruited from the towns, and their weapons were quite varied, but most of them had a decent hunting bow in their hands. Although the lethality was average, it was enough as a supplement.

In the rear of the infantry, followed closely by the terrible war elephant.

This group of war elephants controlled by the shamans is larger than the Asian elephant in Ye Du's impression, and even bigger than the Phina elephant, the body of the elephant is covered with a layer of thick scales , looks like a moving hill from a distance.

On the back of the elephant is the rider, who is responsible for controlling the direction of the war elephant.

Behind the rider stood two musketeers, who were responsible for protecting the elephant and the rider.

Behind the war elephant, the last thing that was pushed out was the artillery of the desert kingdom.

Due to technical problems, these artillery pieces in the desert kingdom can be said to be bulky and heavy.

Not only is the operation cumbersome, but the range is also very limited.

But this is still the most threatening unit in the entire army to the Pros.

With the sound of a horn, the mighty desert kingdom infantry and war elephants slaughtered towards the position of the Pros.

Ye Du didn't let the artillery fire behind him before so as not to expose his firepower in advance. Now, seeing that the desert kingdom has sent a large number of offensive troops, Ye Du finally ordered the artillery behind him to fire.

But still to prevent the terrifying firepower from scaring James and his army, Ye Du only let one-third of the artillery fire.

The remaining two-thirds of the artillery will fire only when James Paulus thinks he is winning and is ready to deliver the decisive blow with his elite cavalry.


And at that time, the salvo of artillery will destroy the last hope of the desert kingdom.

Just as the desert kingdom's Chinese infantry formed a core around the war elephant and slowly advanced, their two wings also moved.

The elite cavalry and light infantry on the two wings of the desert kingdom also pressed towards the two wings of the Pros.


The cavalry archers on the two wings of the desert kingdom are not the cheap cavalry archers that were recruited from the tribe before. These cavalry archers on the two wings are the most elite cavalry archers from the nomadic tribe of Tu, they have the best riding skills and the most exquisite In many cases, the desert kingdom relies on this group of elite cavalry archers to contain the heavy cavalry on both flanks of the enemy.

This group of cavalry archers from the Tu ethnic group has superb skills and high morale, and can be said to be the most reliable left and right wing in the desert kingdom.

The Tu ethnic cavalry archers rode their fast horses and quickly rushed to a distance of about 500 meters from the Pros people's position, and at this time, the Pros people's muskets rang.

Immediately, quite a few horse archers of the Tu ethnic group tumbled for a long time.

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