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Chapter 833 The Final Decision (4/4)

Then, after the soldiers of Prose whipped these people, it would intensify the hostility of the people in the desert kingdom to the soldiers of Prose.

The contradictions and rifts between the two sides are getting bigger and bigger.

Ye Du pondered.

Regarding Matthew's report, the easiest way is undoubtedly to send more soldiers to supervise to prevent this group of soldiers from rioting. But Ye Du also knows that this is only a temporary solution.

Moreover, if Ye Du dispatched a large number of soldiers to guard the group of captives, then there would be a situation where there were not enough soldiers in his hands.

So in any case, sending more soldiers to watch over the captives is the worst thing to do.

"What's going on with this group of captives now? Show me. 35

Ye Du decided to go to 523 to see what was going on in person, and then make the final decision.

"Okay Your Majesty. 99

Without hesitation, Matthew took Ye Du to a place where the captured soldiers were being held.

This is a place transformed from a huge farm, where the place where the local farmers used to keep their sheep has been turned into a place where the soldiers of the desert kingdom are kept.

These people were surrounded by a rough wooden fence, surrounded by a circle of well-loaded Pros soldiers, who were scanning the group of prisoners in the fence with vigilant eyes.

Ye Du followed Matthew to the front, looking at the prisoners in the fence in front of him.

The group of prisoners have been seized with weapons and changed into black and white prisoner clothing. They were shouted and squatted on the ground, and no one was allowed to stand up.

In Ye Du's eyes, some of them were afraid and fearful, but some were full of dissatisfaction and unwillingness.

"Your Majesty, this is just one place. There are quite a few in the cowshed next to it. It took us a lot of effort to settle these hundreds of thousands of prisoners."

Matthew complained a little, that just placing the prisoners gave him a lot of headaches.

"Food has caught up too?" Ye Du asked again.

"Your Majesty, it can be said that except for the sleeping place, we have done our best. We have fully guaranteed the rations of this group of captives. But Your Majesty, you know that due to cultural issues, this group of prisoners from the desert kingdom Soldiers and captives are always worried that we will execute them. After all, in their culture, massacres are common after defeat. So in this case, even if we give them food, it will cause them to riot and worry, Because they're worried that this sumptuous meal will be their guinea pig. Really, when did cheap canned food become guinea pigs?"

Matthew stomped his feet in anger, and the poor communication with the captives made him a little angry.

"Are there any people in the team who can speak the language of the desert kingdom?"

"Your Majesty, there are a few, but it's just a simple conversation." Matthew sighed weakly.

"I will think of a way to do this. But I will let the train bring a batch of quilts next time, and send the quilts to these guys. It won't be considered to kill them anymore, right?" Ye Du asked Matthew.

"That's definitely not going to happen, but Your Majesty, it's too extravagant to make a quilt? This logistics..." Matthew didn't continue, but Ye Du also understood the meaning.

"It doesn't matter, as long as it's something that can be solved with money, it's not a thing.

Ye Du waved his hand and said generously.

Although Ye Du will still feel a little distressed about this money, considering the economic benefits that the hundreds of thousands of captive labor will bring, Ye Du should consider it as an early investment.

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