I lost everything but my will

16 Let the fight begin Pt 2

"You know minus smashing the gate I had no other way of drawing their attention," Olive said scratching his head with a sword in his hand, and loads of guards rushed their way. "I cannot waste words on you. You retard" Amber said as she looked at him closely also holding her sword in a battle-ready to paint the ground red.

"So are we going to kill them or what, you do know they have energy weapons and without energy, you can use them," Olive asked as the guards approached quickly already firing shots at them. "Wait for a while, we need to draw them away from the house. Remember Jena's plan" Amber said calmly clearly unperturbed by the situation.

After smashing the gate. Amber and Olive stood there with their weapons to signify they were responsible for what happened. The aim was to draw the lackeys towards them, before beginning the massacre. Currently, they were hiding behind the walls away from each other to take cover from the shots that were being fired at them.

"1, 2…5" Amber counted under her breath. It was as though amber predicted everything because the next set of actions were just too amazing to say they were done on a whim.

The next thing Olive saw was Jena suddenly wasn't where she was but suddenly a bright light was suddenly moving at the corner of his eye and there were red splashes as it moved and the frenzied gunshots stopped and was replaced by a ground-shaking 'Boom' that resounded in his ears and made them start ringing.

When Olive looked from the corner of the wall the shock on his face was very visible and he now held great fear of Amber and his fear for Jena grew significantly.

It turns out Amber had precisely timed the moment where she believed that they had stopped shooting with the assurance Olive and herself were dead. In that exact moment, she moved swiftly from her position then swung her sword forming a beautiful arc that then continued it'd travel reaping lives as it went and then finally it hit the building then blew up.

Mind you she did all this in less than 10 seconds from the moment she made her first movement. That level of speed was something Olive had never seen in any of his battles. It reminded him of how insignificant his power was in this world where power as prioritized over anything else. What was more shocking was the fact that this was just the level of power a level 2.

Something inside of Olive had changed today, something had risen inside of him. His thirst for power was restored to him once again. As he watched Amber slaughtering these people he felt no pity for them and the sense of attachment he felt to this place was replaced with deep disdain and disgust.

After watching to his feel he decided to join Amber, who really didn't need his help. But she let him, without even caring about his existence on the battlefield.

-James' Room-

"If you're going to stop staring please do so quickly. You're beginning to annoy me and whoever is with you can also come out," James said as he opened his eyes. "How rude, the first thing you say to the girl crushing on you is that that's not fair is it," Jena said pouting utilizing her adorable looks to the max.

"Girl, I have no time for your rubbish, my heart belongs to one" James replied sharply. "So who is this girl, at least tell me about her," Jena said pouting. "Ok, I'll tell you about her. On one condition you promise not to scream" James said with a smile on his face. "Good. Ok, I promise not to scream" Jena said cutely before lying on James' huge bed staring at him expectantly.

"Ok, Her name is Jena, She is a very beautiful girl, she lives in the slums too in an old hut-like building, she's really poor, her mother maltreats her but you know what she does…She smiles through it all" James said and you could hear the hint of happiness in his voice and pain that soon came with it.

"Well…She's gone now, she disappeared and her building was just destroyed a few days ago" James said before looking Jena in her eye smiling. "You promised not to scream," James said and what replaced him in the spot he was air. Suddenly Jena saw a blade hurling at her throat but then it stopped. "You see I kept my promise," Jena said laughing.

James was shocked by the scene that just took place. From the moment he left he already counted Jena dead because he believed there was no way she could dodge or parry that strike. But instead of doing all this she just pointed her blade at his stomach at the moment the length of the blade could reach him, and his blade couldn't reach her throat or else he'd get stabbed.

"I always knew you had feelings for me. Why else would you give me this ring" Jena said staring at the suddenly shocked face of James smiling innocently. "Return to your master and help him in battle. Amber return" Jena suddenly said not taking her eyes off James for a moment.

Ding!! 'Dangerous threats approaching this location, emergency teleportation will soon begin'

'System take this person with me' Jena told the system in her head

Ding!! 'Confirm teleportation of the target and host'

'Confirm' Jena replied and the system began booting

"Jena! I should've known you'd live, you're much like me anyways" James said returning the dagger to his storage ring. "I'll deal with your doubt later and all other details. For now, give me your hand" Jena suddenly said and then they were both covered by a bright blinding light.


"So it seems she left me to die. I now understand what she meant when she said I could go see her mother. That cheeky brat. Well…I'll fight until I've nothing left in me" Olive said still going hard on the battlefield before a beam of energy blasted his head off.

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