As this childlike silhouette of a young girl and an older woman standing respectfully behind her became more vivid, so did Mr. Feng's anger. When the light had finally died down and everyone could finally see the person standing there the devilish smile always plastered on Mr. Feng's face was gone, it was now replaced with a look of complete shock and if you looked very closely, you could also see a hint of fear in his eyes.

But if we're being very honest who wouldn't be shocked from witnessing such a scene, the same girl he was supposed to sell off a few days ago just emerged from a dazzling light as though she were an angel, if this scene were narrated elsewhere everyone would mock Mr. Feng and say he was delusional and had way too many drinks.

But nevertheless, she was still a slum rat and if this petty light show was all she had then she had a lot coming. Jena felt a bit nauseous from teleporting for the first time, it was riding on a roller coaster that kept spinning non-stop for a few minutes then coming to an instant stop, it was a miracle she didn't hurl all over the ground.

"Elixir attack this girl, but don't hurt her. You can kill the older one, I have no use for her" Mr. Feng said clearly out of patience for this girl's childishness, ''Yes master" Elixir replied and moved swiftly towards his target like a heat-seeking missile, unfortunately for him, his targets weren't pushovers.

"Ma...Jena should I kill him instantly" Amber said still trying to get used to calling her by her name, "No I can't waste my trump cards like that" Jena replied hastily thinking Amber would suddenly use one of her usage limits on her death energy special ability.

Suddenly elixir had closed the minimal distance between them and was already hurling a dagger as them quickly and precisely at Jena's vital points, Elixir was a powerful servant and Mr. Feng was no pushover either although he was only a level 1 late-stage energy master, he possessed death energy which was an attacked based type energy, he was also one of the heads of an organization that was a rank 1 quantum organization, he also had sufficient battle experience and had killed lots of people, so looking down on him would be a grave mistake for an opponent with equal power or a slightly higher power to his.

Elixir was dubbed the title Blade Lord (I used this title instead of his real name in chapter 3) for a good reason, he was just so skilled with the blade and his special ability which he just used on Jena was called death pierce, it could aim at any vital point Elixir willed and would swiftly but accurately pierce it leaving the opponent dead, but how could he imagine Jena the owner of a relic to be so easily disposed of.

"You're just so…slow" Jena said irritated as she sidestepped and easily dodged the attack. 'This girl dodged my special ability, but since I shouldn't hurt her I should just continue advancing towards this woman' elixir thought as he quickly changed his direction and target, in the blink of an eye he had arrived in front of Amber plunging at her heart by activating death pierce once again and to make sure this battle finished quickly, just as he was about piercing her, a dazzling sword with a faint glow on it suddenly appeared on Amber,

"Just die, you piece of trash," Amber said as she swung the sword in an arc and an enchanting sword stroke headed swiftly towards Elixir's head before he could change direction, he was already moving too quickly and he could only watch and be amazed at such a dazzling stroke before he head was cleanly swept off his head, but it didn't stop there, it continued on its path still moving as swiftly as it was when it was released from the sword and still retaining that original brilliance it had.

As Mr. Feng saw this stroke coming towards him he immediately sent a message with his phone that said 'Master the main headquarters is under attack return quickly', before also losing his head and the door a few meters away from him was destroyed, and the two guards behind the door lost their lives.

How could they even survive an impact that effortlessly killed a late-stage energy master, while they were just barely mid-stage? "Now Amber you've caused a ruckus, why did you use so much power," Jena said laughing but still reprimanding Amber, "I'm sorry but that stupid servant was getting on my nerves" Amber replied shrugging her shoulders as though what she did was casual.

'I only struck once and didn't even use any energy point, the sword just reacted with my will energy and was triggered. So why is Jena reprimanding me' Amber thought as she pouted, clearly dissatisfied with the situation?

"Well just forget it, we have to move on to more important matters, I haven't said hi to mother yet," Jena said coldly, "so should I take care of these guards that are coming, you do know this is the headquarters of the Daji organization and you just killed one of the main heads," Amber said reminding amber of the danger they were in if they stayed longer.

"Well we'll just have to take her with us or better still end her pitiful existence, although it disgusts me to say, if we leave her here they'll torture her even more than what she's going through at the moment," Jena said with disgust in her voice as she stared expressionlessly at her mother in the dog kennel she was in that was about the size of a small, but comfortable room.

As Jena walked slowly but purposefully towards the direction of her mother she paused right in front of the cage and saw the state her mother was in, she said "I was the worthless disgrace, the mistake you wish you never had, I was a thorn that you wished too hurriedly rid yourself, now look at you, look at the pitiful state you're in, you're a disgrace to all mothers everywhere, I thought I was the mistake, now this very mistake, this worthless swine as you loved calling me, is the same person that'll rid you of this state you're in and you'll die knowing that fact.

" tears streamed down her eyes as she said all this and the rage that she had kept bottled up inside her was unleashed and Jena bent the iron bars with her bare hands using her will energy and she walked to her mother, that had experienced what hell on earth felt like.

The dogs in the cage all backed off whimpering as though an asura from hell was heading towards them, when Jena got to her mother and stood above her ready to kill her and rid the world of this worthless existence she was cursed to call a mother she heard something, it was a faint sound but she heard it clearly and ignored it Jena raised her foot up above her mother's head ready to smash it to a pulp when once again when she heard Jade say once again, "I yo…u", with much pain as a worm had been gnawing away at her voice box. At that moment Jena paused and said in a pained voice with tears in her eyes.

"it's much too late for this now, don't you think" and Jena stomped down on her mother's head splattering blood everywhere and killing her mother finally. After she had killed her mother, Jena started laughing hysterically saying "My first kill was the woman that gave me life, this irony deserves an award". "Amber return, " Jena said as amber disappeared from killing the guards that had come swarming in after hearing that explosion.

"System take me back," Jena said

Ding!! 'Returning host to dimension'

Ding!! '10%...50%...100%'

Ding 'complete'

Once the notifications rang in Jena's mind she was once again shrouded by that white blinding light and disappeared.

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