At this moment, Jian Mu has a fragile feeling on her body, as if she could easily shatter like a ceramic doll as long as she gently pushes her away.

The last time I saw Jian Mu like this was three years ago.

On the night of the graduation ceremony of Cenluo University, many classes had a dinner party organized by the class committee.

The graduation ceremony of the Department of Journalism and the Department of Mathematics were not on the same day. According to the time of the air ticket that Cen Luo bought at that time, the Department of Mathematics would not start the graduation ceremony until she returned to Cotton City.

Maybe we won't see the last time.

At that time, Cen Luo thought so.

It's just that Cen Luo didn't expect that the mathematics department's graduation dinner was ahead of schedule. By coincidence, it was in the same hotel as the journalism department's dinner.

Therefore, when he saw Jian Mu at the entrance of the hotel, Cen Luo was both surprised and hesitant.

From high school to university, it took seven years, not too long or too long, but in these seven years, all her heart was on Jian Mu.

It is a lie to say that it is not sad.

After all, it takes so much time to love someone.

It's just that Cen Luo is more worried about who will accompany Jian Mu in the long years to come.

After she leaves, will Jian Mu return to the state she was in when she was a freshman in high school.

Alone, no friends, no feelings.

Or meet another person who makes her want to change and live happily ever after.

Although both would make Zen Luo feel bad.

But compared with the two sides, Cen Luo hopes that Jian Mu can meet someone who makes her happy.

After a long time, the news of Jian Mu will not reach her ears. Whether she is happy or sad may have nothing to do with her.

Maybe I will think about it by chance and lose it for a while, but I will never give birth to the heart to chase.

This is what Cen Luo thought and planned.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would meet Jian Mu the day before she left.

Maybe she should go over and say hello, she thought.

However, she will be leaving tomorrow. If you go to her now, you will be reluctant to leave tomorrow.

Worried that he didn't want to leave because of his nostalgia, Cen Luo stopped less than one meter away from Jian Mu.

Just let it go.

Everyone deserves a new life.

The first floor of the hotel is divided into two areas, half of which are the Department of Mathematics and the Department of Journalism.

Because they are different departments of the same school, they are friendly and friendly to each other and want to learn from each other.

In a short while, the two sides were in full swing.

Those who confess are confessing, those who are reluctant are hugging and crying.

Cen Luo deeply felt the atmosphere of graduation season.

However, amid the laughter and tears, only Jian Mu was sitting in the corner drinking suffocating wine.

The dishes on the table were all spicy dishes, and there were wine bottles in front of her.

I drank the wine toasted by everyone who came.

Jian Mu's drinking capacity is good, but his stomach is not very good.

Compared to being drunk, what made Jian Mu feel the pain in his stomach first.

But what does this have to do with her, who is about to leave?

Cen Luo sat there and observed Jian Mu for a long time, her words were as few as ever, and even the expression on her face didn't change.

There seemed to be only one thing in her eyes, and that was drinking.

Cen Luo couldn't explain his mood, but only knew that that night, Jian Mu had a drink and she had a drink.

Cen Luo's alcohol intake was not good, after a few drinks, Cen Luo couldn't hold it anymore.

She had never seen Jian Mu drink like this, as if she had something very important on her mind.

I really want to go to Jian Mu and ask her what happened and what made her drink cup after cup, ignoring her stomach.

However, Cen Luo thought that he was going to leave tomorrow, and he had no position to care about Jian Mu.

Just go with her.

In order to blow off his drunkenness, Cen Luo went into the back garden at the back of the hotel.

There is a swing inside. Cen Luo sat there and thought about things for a while, thinking for a long time in his mind whether to change the ticket.

In fact, it is not too late to leave after watching the graduation ceremony of the mathematics department.

Such thoughts only reverberated in my mind for a few seconds.

Cen Luo didn't expect to see Jian Mu who also came out for a walk in the back garden.

Next to the swing was a bench, where Jian Mu sat down and looked at her.

Cen Luo didn't take the initiative to speak, but just met her gaze and stayed as quiet as her.

"Are you going?"

After a long while, Jian Mu suddenly spoke.

It was the gentlest voice that Cen Luo had heard from Jian Mu in the past few years.

It may not be gentle, but it sounds gentle to her.

Because Jian Mu actually knew that she was leaving.

Cen Luo didn't know who told her the news that she was going back to Miancheng, Cen Luo only told Qin Ran.

But Qin Ran would never tell Jian Mu the news.

"Well, tomorrow's ticket."

Cen Luo didn't say where she was going, just answered the statement Jian Mu wanted.

Jian Mu didn't even answer an "oh", but just stared at Cen Luo with burning eyes.

In the dark back garden lit by only a few dim lights, Cen Luo once again saw a sense of loneliness in Jian Mu.

The moment Jian Mu stared at her, Cen Luo seemed to see brokenness in her eyes.

It was as if Cen Luo had done something huge to hurt her.

At that time, Cen Luo wanted to remind Jian Mu that it was you who never accepted.

But before Cen Luo could speak, he saw Jian Mu, who was sitting upright on the bench, suddenly curled up into a ball.

Just thinking about it for a while, Cen Luo knew that Jian Mu must have drank too much wine just now and hurt his stomach, which is why his stomach hurts now.

Jian Mu lowered her head and hugged her legs on the bench, like an abandoned stray dog.

At that moment, Cen Luo suddenly remembered Jian Mu who had been sitting by the sea all night.

It hurts to be lonely.

This kind of emotion made Cen Luo breathless.

Otherwise, stay with her for a while.

Such thoughts grow wildly in her mind like weeds.

Cen Luo poured a cup of hot water from the kitchen and handed it to Jian Mu who was sitting on the sofa.

Said to hug for a while, Jian Mu would only hug for a while.

He only hugged Cen Luo for less than a minute in front of the gate, and then let go.

Just one sentence: "Go home."

Cen Luo was also used to this kind of Jane Mu, so he didn't think there was anything weird at the time.

If it was weird, it should be Jian Mu's sudden embrace.

Until now, Cen Luo didn't think that Jian Mu was jealous, not to mention how short the hug was. Besides, did Jian Mu really see it at that time?

"You, just..."

When Cen Luo spoke, Jian Mu kept staring at her, as if waiting for her to finish speaking.

However, Cen Luo changed his voice: "It's too early to come back."

"Well, just went over for a while." Jian Mu took a sip of hot water and replied.

The Jian Mu at this time was no different from the usual Jian Mu. The hug just now seemed to be just an illusion of Cen Luo.

But Cen Luo thought about it and seemed to think that a hug was not a big problem.

Are they not lovers?

What is a hug between lovers? As for the fuss?

"Jane Mu."

Jian Mu heard the sound and looked at Cen Luo.

"You should hug me more in the future. I now think it's a strange thing for us to hug."

Cen Luo leaned on the sofa and tilted his head to look at Jian Mu.

Jian Mu was stunned for a moment because of her words, and then heard Cen Luo say, "Or do it now."

After speaking, Cen Luo stood up from the sofa, patted his sleeve, and opened his hands to Jian Mu.

"Come on, give me a hug."

Seeing that Jian Mu didn't speak, Cen Luo waved her arms again, accidentally bumping her left hand into her right hand, causing her to whimper softly.

"Does it hurt?" Jian Mu asked.

"It hurts," Cen Luo muttered, and then stretched out his hand at Jian Mu again, "It won't hurt if you hug me."

Jian Mu looked at her and then extended her hand to her.

Cen Luo smiled happily.

Sometimes Jian Mu is still very good at talking. She hugs when she wants to, and sleeps when she sleeps. Although, sometimes it's really unpleasant to talk.

For example, sometimes when the relationship between the two is just warm and she can't help but ask Jian Mu if she loves her, Jian Mu will reply to her very coldly: "I don't love you."

At first, Cen Luo also liked to compete, although he didn't know who he was competing with.

But later, Cen Luo gradually got used to it, and Jian Mu insisted on this unloving sentence.

Maybe, you can listen to it as the opposite.

Cen Luo remembered what happened in Yunxiang Club today, held Jian Mu's hand for a while, then touched Jian Mu's hair, and asked her casually, "Why didn't you admit it today?"

Jian Mu was stunned for a moment, and it took two seconds to realize what Cen Luo meant.

In fact, when Jian Mu thought about it, she felt something was wrong, but at that time, she heard Cen Luo changing the subject, thinking that Cen Luo didn't want others to know about their relationship.

Jian Mu then pushed the boat with a hum.

Actually, it shouldn't.

"my question."

Jian Mu has always been wrong about her own mistakes.

After thinking about it, maybe I should find a way to make up for it, so I asked Cen Luo, "Do you want to invite your colleague to dinner again?"

Actually, hearing Jian Mu's words, Cen Luo thought that was enough.

Sometimes Jian Mu's brain circuit is indeed different from others. When she first chased after her, Cen Luo was sad for a while because of her words.

Later, I got used to it, understood Jian Mu's behavior, and trusted Jian Mu a little more.

"But Jian Mu," Cen Luo bit her lip, and decided to say what was in her heart, "Can you not meet Ding Yue in the future?"

After the two were together, Jian Mu was a little indifferent, but he still listened to Cen Luo's words most of the time.

Jian Mu just wondered about Cen Luo's words, and then nodded.

Jian Mu didn't want to use Ding Yue to stimulate Cen Luo to break up. It was just an accident to meet Cen Luo at dinner time.

After the last time with Zuo Mo, Jian Mu thought about what she was doing for a long time.

Want Zen Luo to leave?

It seems not.

But to love Zenlo...


When this idea appeared in Jian Mu's mind, Jian Mu was taken aback by herself.

Cen Luo believed what Jian Mu said, and also believed in Jian Mu's promise to her.

If Jane Mu goes back on her word one day, she should be very sad.

I don't know what Jian Mu is thinking, but it is not difficult to see from her expression that she is thinking about something that shocks herself.

Cen Luo hugged her again and patted her back, as if to comfort and encourage her:

"Jian Mu, you can love me and always believe in me. I won't lie to you or leave you."

"Even as it is now, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Cen Luo's voice was like a spell, and Jian Mu had heard Cen Luo say this many times over the years.

But this time, it made her feel strange.

stronger than ever.

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