The sky in Yuncheng in November will change, the sun is still shining during the day, and it will rain heavily at night.

Cen Luo's work station was near the window. The strong wind smashed the glass window mercilessly with the torrential rain. Lightning appeared in the sky with the sound of tearing.

Overlooking the street, the neon lights, indicator lights, and headlights were mixed in the rain screen, the wind and the rain, and the heavy traffic made Cen Luo, who was watching all this, feel a little depressed.

Taking a deep breath, he stood up and closed the curtains.

The screen of the mobile phone vibrated because of the information, and the screen lit up. Cen Luo unlocked the mobile phone in surprise, but when he clicked on it, it was only a pre-shutdown reminder from the communication company.

It's the beginning of the month, and it's time to pay the bill.

Cen Luo sighed, but instead of paying for the call immediately, he clicked into the WeChat chat interface.

Her chat with Jian Mu stopped two hours ago.

To be precise, it was her one-sided greeting to Jian Mu that stayed two hours ago.

【Have you eaten dinner yet? 】

[The kebab shop we went to before changed the owner. 】

[I mean, do you want to have dinner together? 】

【Cat Probe/】

Each message is separated by three minutes.

Cen Luo's typing speed is not slow, but he just thinks that sending messages at such intervals will allow Jian Mu to receive four message prompts less intensively.

It's a pity that even though she thought she was thoughtful, she still didn't get a reply from Jian Mu.

Are you still having a meeting?

Cen Luo supported his head with his hands and looked at the interface of the mobile phone. The rain in his ears was intertwined with the sound of his colleagues typing on the keyboard. The tip of his right finger tapped on the table.

After a long while, she took a deep breath as if she had made a big decision, sat up straight, picked up the phone, typed a line of words on the chat interface, quickly sent it out, and then turned off the phone and threw it to the right.

Then continue to revise the interview manuscripts of these two days.

Although his eyes were always on the computer screen, he glanced at the mobile phone beside him from time to time.

An hour passed without any information prompts.

The chat interface stayed on the message she just sent.

【Can you pick me up at Yunjing Building? I forgot to bring an umbrella. 】

Cen Luo knew that Jian Mu was busy with work, so he seldom made such requests. Cen Luo was very sensible since the two officially confirmed their relationship.

Just like now, even if he didn't receive a reply, Zen Luo didn't send another message to urge him.

I'm busy, I'll reply when I'm done.

"Team leader, aren't you off work yet?" Jiang Ting took a cold drink from the tea and glanced at the clock hanging in the office, "It's already seven o'clock."

"Well, the manuscript hasn't been revised yet," Cen Luo smiled, "How about you? Why haven't you gotten off work?"

"Hey, don't mention it, team leader, do you know Zhao Zhao, the latest new traffic flower?"

Seeing Cen Luo nod, Jiang Ting sat on the vacant seat in front of her before continuing, "I originally thought it was a good job, after all, Zhao Zhao is in fire now and the limelight is booming, the traffic must be good! No matter what the traffic stars are pretending to be or what, they are still quite humble."

"As a result, Zhao Zhao was simply arrogant and rude. I was preparing for an interview for several days, and she said oh oh um um, you're right, that's it, she sent me away, I was really... "

Obviously, Jiang Ting was really angry. When she said this, she didn't mention it in one breath, and then took a sip of water.

Recently, Zhao Zhao became popular because of a sweet pet drama. In the drama, he was called "National Girlfriend" because of his arrogant and bright image.

Cen Luo had not watched the show, but just got to know it out of the needs of an entertainment reporter.

"I'll teach you a way, so you can write an exposé quietly, and I'll help you figure out the title. It's called 'the national girlfriend's private conduct is so bad that she did this to the Yunjing reporter...'" Sitting in Jiang Ting Liu Dan, who was behind him, suddenly spoke up.

"Go away, just tell me if you want me to receive a lawyer's letter." Jiang Ting angrily turned around and patted Liu Dan's back, and Liu Dan let out a soft cry in pain.

The office, which used to be only the sound of keyboards, suddenly became lively because of the noise of the two.

Cen Luo, who was in a bad mood at first, also smiled when he saw this, but when the quarrel between the two had almost subsided, Cen Luo said with a smile: "Next Tuesday, Zhao Zhao will come to Yunjing to sweep the building."

As soon as Cen Luo's voice fell, the office fell into a silence, and the knocking and noise all stopped because of her words.

After a long while, Jiang Ting muttered: "No wonder these inexplicable cartoon stickers have been posted on the wall these two days. It turned out to be to welcome Zhao Zhao. We have to hang her posters in our office in the next two days. There is a promotional video of her in the lobby. ,asphyxia."

Half a year ago, Orange Entertainment was acquired by Yunjing Group and belongs to the entertainment sector of Yunjing.

Cen Luo also naturally entered Yunjing Entertainment, but in fact, the negotiation between Cen Luo and his colleagues around him was not deep except for work.

Listening to the chattering discussions in the office, the originally unclear emotions also dissipated a lot.

While listening, I began to revise the manuscript.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was no sign of it going to stop.

Suddenly, someone noticed that Cen Luo had not spoken for a long time, so they called her and asked her:

"Team leader, it's raining more and more outside, have you brought an umbrella?"

All eyes were on Zen Luo.

Cen Luo was still immersed in the consideration of the problem, and before he could react, he heard the sound of high heels stepping on the floor from outside the door.

The loudness of the sound gave the illusion that the floor was about to be stepped on.

"They have girlfriends, so it doesn't matter if they bring them or not. Can they be picked up by their girlfriends? You're right, Team Leader Cen." The voice was a little sharp and a little rushed.

At first glance, it sounds like he is envious of Cen Luo having a girlfriend, but those who know the relationship between the two know that it is impossible to hear good things about Cen Luo from Guan Hui's mouth.

Because of Guan Hui's sudden appearance, the office fell into an eerie silence.

Guan Hui put the document in her hand on her workstation, and suddenly covered her mouth in surprise and giggled: "I'm sorry, I forgot, your girlfriend won't come to pick you up."

The cause of the incident was the team building two months ago. The person Guan Hui liked confessed to Cen Luo, but Cen Luo rejected it with the words of his existing girlfriend.

Originally, this should be a good thing for Guan Hui, but she didn't expect her to have a clear mind, thinking that Cen Luo had hurt the person she liked, and when Guan Hui was promoted at the beginning, she couldn't compare to Cen Luo, so she completely confronted her. up.

In the next two months, Guan Hui always asked Cen Luo to bring his girlfriend out for everyone to take a look.

In fact, not only Guan Hui, but also many other colleagues wanted to see Cen Luo's girlfriend.

Colleagues who used to work with Cen Luo at Orange Entertainment knew about Cen Luo's girlfriend.

I fell in love originally, and it's nothing special, but some people say that they have met Cen Luo's girlfriend, and her temperament is not inferior to that of the actress Gu Qingyue.

After that, it became more and more outrageous, and some people said that Cen Luo's girlfriend was Jian Mu.

As the heir of Yunjing Group, Jian Mu is not limited by comfort and ease. He founded his own technology company as early as college. head.

But Jian Mu rarely gives interviews to the media, and only occasionally sees Jian Mu at product launches.

In the few videos and photos, Jian Mu's beauty is well known.

Are the two people who are inseparable from the eight poles lovers?

Who believes this.

It happened that this rumor had spread throughout the company, but Cen Luo never denied it.

And the girlfriend she mentioned has never been officially seen, and all kinds of rumors spread wildly for a while.

It was said that Cen Luo either didn't have a girlfriend, or the two had a bad relationship, and her girlfriend never took the initiative to come to the company to find her.

The words that her girlfriend is Jian Mu must have come from herself, she is a vain woman.

Cen Luo had heard of various versions, but he didn't take it to heart.

There is no need to prove it to anyone for such things as feelings.

She likes it, she likes it.

"Since you care so much about my love life, I'll take the liberty to care about you too. Will the person you like give you an umbrella?" Cen Luo's eyes slowly fixed on Guan Hui from the computer screen, although he used the It's an interrogative sentence, but there is no doubt about it.


Guan Hui did not expect that Cen Luo would not shy away from this topic, and even had the nerve to mention the person she likes.

Now, who doesn't know that Guan Hui is not only frustrated in the workplace but also in love, and she is also hurt by the same person.

Everyone was laughing at her secretly, but Cen Luo even dared to mention it.

"Xiao Ting, is there an interview assignment for a variety show on location next week?"

"Yes, the team leader, I need to stay with the team for a whole day and climb mountains and water." Jiang Ting answered Cen Luo knowingly.

Compared to Guan Hui, she liked Cen Luo as the team leader so much.

Sure enough, Guan Hui's face turned pale when she heard that the outsourcing task required a whole day with the team and climbed mountains and water.

Now their interview assignments are all assigned by Cen Luo, isn't this threatening her?

Guan Hui hates running on location the most, she only likes to stay in the studio to do simple interviews. Of course, it would be better if she could show her face.

Before Cen Luo could speak again, Guan Hui picked up her bag and walked towards the door on 7cm high heels.

Before leaving, he said fiercely to Cen Luo, "You're cruel."

When Guan Hui went out, she could clearly hear the laughter behind her.

In the bottom of my heart, I secretly scolded Cen Luogong to avenge his personal revenge.

Hearing the laughter of her colleagues, Cen Luo also smiled innocently. She just asked about the latest work assignment. Who knows what Guan Hui has made up her mind.

The rain gradually decreased, and the people in the office also left one after another.

Cen Luo glanced at the phone and then at the computer screen.

I couldn't help sighing: Today's manuscript is really hard to change.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening after submitting the final revision, and when I looked up again, I found that there were only a few people left in the office.

Jian Mu still didn't reply.

Out of power? Still having a meeting?

Cen Luo held the phone in his hand, stood by the window and looked out the window, the rain seemed to have stopped.

After saying hello to the rest of the people, Cen Luo went downstairs.

When I got to the lobby on the first floor, I found that the rain had not stopped, and it was still drizzling.

Vehicles cannot reach the building and have to walk out for five minutes to reach the driveway.

It's not impossible to run in the rain, but these two days are special, Cen Luo is already cold, and if he catches a cold, it will be even more uncomfortable.

Growing up, what Cen Luo hated most was getting sick.

Thinking of this, Cen Luo only felt that the whole body became colder and colder, he lowered his head and buried his face in the scarf, and closed his coat.

Some are glad that I reminded Jian Mu to wear a sweater in the morning, otherwise it would be very cold today.

While thinking about it, Cen Luo didn't notice that there were two people walking towards her.

A clean fragrance came from his breath, Cen Luo was attracted by the smell, and turned his head subconsciously to look at the two people who had just walked up to her.

One man and one woman, the man was wearing a suit, the woman was wearing a black hat and mask, so she couldn't see her face clearly.

Cen Luo hesitated.

During the hesitation, Cen Luo and the woman's eyes met.

Although he couldn't see his face, he could see that his eyes were clean and clear.

Soon, the two passed by her.

Cen Luo recalled, the smell was very similar to the morning bamboo forest mixed with the faint fragrance of plum, I couldn't tell what it was.

It just smells good.

Jane Mu would definitely like it.

Originally, I wanted to ask what perfume it was, but I felt a little presumptuous, so I didn't say it.

Immediately regret it.

Can be given to Jane Mu as a weekend gift.

Just when she was annoyed, a male voice suddenly came from Cen Luo's ear:

"Hello, this is what my artist asked me to give to you."

It's that talented man.

Cen Luo didn't react, and the man even shoved the umbrella into her hands and went upstairs.


It's so late, does the artist come to Yunjing Mansion for something?

I don't know who this artist is, but he must be a good guy.

Nice guy who gives an umbrella in the rain.

When Cen Luo left, he glanced back. The Yunjing Building was brightly lit, and he could see the people by the window struggling to type on the keyboard.

Cen Luo took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the building and sent it to Jian Mu.

[The beautiful people have finished get off work, and the ugly people are still working. 】

[Fortunately you didn't come, I just met a kind person who gave me an umbrella. 】

【have you eaten? What do you want to eat today? 】

【How about going home and making your favorite braised pork ribs. 】

【morning! point! back! Family! Otherwise, don't blame me for not waiting for you. 】

Instead of taking a taxi, Cen Luo sat on the platform and waited for the bus for a long time.

Avoiding the rush hour, there were not many people on the bus, and they were basically young people like her who had just returned home from overtime.

Everyone's face showed tiredness, some were listening to music with headphones on, and some were leaning their heads against the window and didn't know what they were thinking.

Cen Luo chose a seat by the window and sat down.

Everyone seems to be busy, busy with work and learning.

And Jian Mu was so busy that she didn't even have time to reply to her news.


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