When Cen Luo arrived on the first floor, Xu Yanyan was watching a child's teeth. The child was not very obedient and did not want to open his mouth. In order to calm the child down, Xu Yanyan took out a tablet to show the child a cartoon.

He also coaxed him in a gentle tone: "Come on, let my sister have a look at her teeth, okay? When her teeth are healed, Binbin can eat candy."

The child's eyes were attracted by the cartoon. Hearing Xu Yanyan's gentle words, he sniffed, and then opened his mouth obediently.

This is too gentle.

Just as Cen Luo was about to go to the dentist, he felt that the handle of his wheelchair was being held.

"What are you doing?" Cen Luo turned around and looked at Xu Fengwan who was pulling her wheelchair behind him.

I saw Xu Fengwan pointed in the direction of Xu Yanyan and asked, "The sister Xu you said is Xu Yanyan?"

"Yes." Just after answering, Cen Luo realized something was wrong. How did Xu Fengwan know Xu Yanyan's name?

So he asked, "How do you know Sister Xu's name?"

Cen Luo remembered what Xu Yanyan said last time when she added WeChat to her, and called her Luoluo.

Thinking about it this way, since Xu Fengwan knew Xu Yanyan, she should know her too, right?

Xu Fengwan opened his mouth and was too surprised to speak.

After a while, in Cen Luo's urging voice, Xu Fengwan finally explained: "Didn't you say you wanted to meet the school girl in Yunzhong? It's her, Xu Yanyan."

"Ah? Then I should know her, right? No wonder she called me Lolo last time." Cen Luo muttered.

Xu Fengwan hesitated to speak, and then said: "You chased her back then, but when you were about to chase her, you didn't want to be with her anymore, saying yes..."

"What is it?"

"Said she was too controlling."

Cen Luo: "..."

Xu Feng saw that Cen Luo was silent in the evening, and thought that Cen Luo had heard what he said, but Cen Luo suddenly said again, "Why do I still have the habit of speaking ill of people behind my back."

"I actually caught up with the school flower sister, didn't I publicize it?"

Xu Fengwan: "..."

Not only not, but because he turned his head and liked Jian Mu, he didn't let anyone mention it at all.

Xu Fengwan held the handle of the wheelchair and did not intend to let Cen Luo go.

Cen Luo only told her that Xu Yanyan was too controlling and she couldn't stand it. Xu Fengwan didn't know how strong it was.

For a while, she didn't know what words to use to stop her.

Who knew that after hearing her words, Cen Luo stood up straight and said, "You made me more curious."

After saying this, Cen Luo went to the dentist.

Leaving Xu Fengwan and Yinyin to look at each other.

Cen Luo entered the dentist, and the child was just about to go out after the examination. Cen Luo gave way to the child, but the child saw that she was wearing a hospital gown, and also took the initiative to make way for her.

The two were deadlocked there.

After a while, she heard a puffing voice, and Xu Yanyan said, "Why are you acting like a child?"

Seeing that the child was so polite, Cen Luo took the initiative to accept the kindness.

After entering the office, he sat directly opposite Xu Yanyan and grinned: "Sister Xu, I have a toothache."

Unexpectedly, Xu Yanyan's snort came again. Seeing her raise her chin, she asked her to carefully read the words outside.

Xu Yanyan asked her:

"I'm a pediatric dentist here, how old are you?"

Cen Luo thought for a while, and then said, "I'm only over three hundred months old."

Xu Yanyan was amused by her, she sorted out the information on the desktop and asked her, "Do you really have a toothache?"

Cen Luo shook his head: "I'm here to continue my life."

Xu Yanyan was puzzled: "Huh?"

"Looking at a beautiful sister can prolong your life."

Xu Fengwan and Yin Yin stood at the door, and when they heard Cen Luo's words, they looked at each other.

Although Yin Yin was only ten years old, she could already understand what Cen Luo meant.

There are some small complaints in my heart, can the sultry method be a little more clumsy?

However, Cen Luo's words were very useful to Xu Yanyan, she laughed twice and was about to answer Cen Luo's words when she saw Xu Fengwan come in from the door.

The smile faded in an instant.

"Just now Xiaoluo said he wanted to see Sister Xu, so it was you. We haven't seen each other for nearly ten years since graduation, right?"

In high school, Xu Fengwan and Xu Yanyan had contact. Although the two were in different grades, they had the same subject teacher. They were both class representatives, so it was inevitable to meet and contact each other.

But we must really unload the succulent and restore the inferior.


Xu Yanyan can remember Xu Fengwan because she was with Cen Luo all day in high school. At that time, when the two occasionally met because of class representative work, she also tentatively asked Xu Fengwan about it. Cenlo's matter.

Xu Fengwan usually looks carefree, but she doesn't talk about things involving Cen Luo.

Because of Xu Fengwan's addition, the atmosphere in the office instantly became a lot weirder.

Cen Luo glanced at Xu Feng Wan and asked her to take Yin Yin out quickly.

Of course Xu Fengwan, who grew up together, knew what Cen Luo meant, but she deliberately pretended not to know and distorted her meaning.

"What? You said you were tired and wanted to go back to the ward to rest?"

While talking, Xu Fengwan walked to Cen Luo's side and pushed her arm.

Cen Luo: "?"

"When did I say..."

"Your colleague came to see you, don't you want to go back and see you?"


It was only then that Cen Luo remembered that she is now a Labour Party member. Today happened to be Saturday, and her colleagues heard that she woke up and looked at her as normal.

Cen Luo pouted, and reluctantly waved to Xu Yanyan: "Then Sister Xu, I'll go back to the ward first."

Xu Yanyan smiled: "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

After Cen Luo and the three left, Xu Yanyan stared at the information on the desktop for a while, and then resumed work.

When Cen Luo returned to the floor of the ward, she found that Jian Mu was still standing outside the ward, and a few people who were completely unfamiliar to Cen Luo stood beside her.

Colleagues didn't know Cen Luo's specific condition. Seeing her sitting in a wheelchair at this time, her expressions were all still.

After a long time, Cen Luo heard a cry:

"Team leader! What's wrong with your legs!"

While crying, he ran to Cen Luo's side, and finally squatted in front of the wheelchair that Cen Luo was sitting in and pulled Cen Luo's arm, repeating that sentence.

Cen Luo looked at Xu Fengwan at a loss and wanted to ask who she was, but in fact Xu Fengwan didn't know Jiang Ting's name.

A helpless look on his face.

Maybe only Qin Ran knew, but just now Qin Ran called her and only said that she was on the road, and at this moment she couldn't get help from Qin Ran.

"Not that serious……"

Seeing that Jiang Ting's concern was not fake, Cen Luo tried to explain so that she wouldn't be so sad.

However, at this time, Jiang Ting could only see Cen Luo in a wheelchair.

When do you need a wheelchair? It must be a serious situation.

Jiang Ting's heart aches when she thinks that Cen Luo has been in a coma for so long in the hospital.

Her team leader, the team leader who worked so hard, can't you just live like this in the future?

Liu Dan on the side pulled Jiang Ting: "Don't do this."

Cen Luo just wanted to say, right, right, don't be like this, she's really not that serious.

However, in the next moment, Liu Dan lowered his head and whispered, "You will make the team leader even more sad."

Everyone looked at Cen Luo with a pitiful look.

Cen Luo: "..."

In the end, I had to prove that I was really not that serious. Cen Luo stood up from the wheelchair.

He turned around in front of them.

"I'm really fine, I just feel tired from standing and want to sit for a while."

After explaining, Cen Luo sat back in the wheelchair again.

Everyone: "..."

When Xu Feng saw that everyone believed it late, he told everyone to enter the ward instead of standing in the corridor.

The crowd followed Xu Fengwan.

Jiang Ting walked at the back and was about to step into the door of the ward when she saw Jian Mu still standing there and asked, "Mr. Jian, aren't you coming in?"

Obviously, Jiang Ting thought that Jian Mu had come to visit Cen Luo just like them.

At this time, Cen Luo and the others had already entered the ward.

Jian Mu pursed her lips and glanced at the ward, then said, "No."

Jiang Ting snorted and then entered the ward.

Cen Luo didn't know the people around him, so he thought for a while how to euphemistically tell them that he lost his memory.

I don't know if the amnesia will affect her work.

Cen Luo sighed, alas, she is so tired, she is only sixteen years old.

After seeing everyone entering the ward, Xu Fengwan politely asked everyone if they needed hot water.

They came to visit Cen Luo, not to beg for water.

Jiang Ting put the flower basket that everyone bought together on Cen Luo's bedside table.

Cen Luo glanced at the flower basket and asked, "Is it also full of stars?"

In fact, it is not only the gypsophila, there are all kinds of flowers, but the gypsophila is still the main one.

In the past few days, the flowers everyone gave her seemed to be full of stars.

Cen Luo really couldn't appreciate Man Gypsex except for his nice name.

"Team leader, don't you like Man Gypsophila?" Jiang Ting thought of Cen Luofa's circle of friends that day, thinking that Cen Luo liked Man Gypsophila very much.

Cen Luo: "?"

Does she like gypsophila the most? Why doesn't she know about this?

However, Cen Luo did not refute it. It is normal for his preferences to change in such a large span of ten years.

Two days ago, she told Qin Ran that when she was discharged from the hospital, she was going to have a good lobster hot pot, but Qin Ran reminded her very politely, saying that her stomach may not be suitable for eating these things.

In the past ten years, too many things have changed.

There was a sudden ring of cell phone ringing in the ward, Xu Fengwan pressed the mute, and after talking to Cen Luo, he went out of the ward to answer the phone.

Before Cen Luo could stop him, Xu Fengwan had already left.

After Xu Feng left the ward late, he was about to answer the phone, but it happened to meet Jian Mu's eyes.

Xu Fengwan turned a corner and went to the rest area on the other side before pressing the connect button.

At this time, only Cen Luo, Yin Yin and colleagues were left in the ward.

From the moment she entered the door, Yin Yin didn't speak, just stared at Cen Luo to see if she was uncomfortable.

Jiang Ting asked Cen Luo's body again, and then asked Cen Luo somewhat mysteriously:

"Team leader, why doesn't Mr. Jane come in outside the door? Aren't you friends?"

"Friend?" Cen Luo wondered.

"Yeah, aren't you friends? She rushed to the office a few days ago to ask us where you were. She heard that you had a car accident and her eyes were red."

Cen Luo guessed, it was probably the day she woke up.

Jian Mu knew it too early.

However, it seems that her colleagues around her think they are just friends?

"Why do you think we are friends?" Cen Luo asked.

"The last time we had dinner, wasn't there a rumor that Jane was always your girlfriend? Then Jane said she was single, but your relationship seemed to be pretty good. I thought you were friends."

After Jiang Ting finished speaking, she glanced at the other colleagues beside her, and they all nodded.

In fact, Jiang Ting almost believed the rumor before, after all, in her heart, the team leader is a perfect existence.

In her mind, the two are still a good match.

Cen Luo's current mood can't be said to be anger, but it's a little funny.

Is this relationship unrecognizable?

No wonder I regret it, no wonder my friends discourage me like that.

It's really not worth it.

"It's not a friend, right? At most, you know this person?"

Jiang Ting glanced outside the door suspiciously, and hesitated: "Then Mr. Jane is..."

"Ah, generally all CEOs have some strange hobbies." Cen Luo paused for a while, then continued, "This Jane may always be practicing being a door god?"

"It's like chasing people for money."

The author has something to say: I took a picture of the moon tonight, and it is very beautiful. The color of the original camera is warm blue, and there is a star in the distance. Unfortunately, it is hidden behind the clouds. Comes out, but looks especially healed.

I mean, I'm still blowing the cold wind outside, there's no second update today [paralysis]

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-07-14 23:01:49~2021-07-15 19:59:20~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Odin 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 3 Fuyasha and skin in Spider Mountain; 1 Zifei;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 58 bottles of Qiqi riding Kwai Kui; 10 bottles of Yuanchen, 19101663, Bai Xi do not eat vegetables; 6 bottles of Fu Yasha in Spider Mountain; 5 bottles of Jisoo knock lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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