outside the operating room.

Cen Luo leaned against the wall, lowered his head and looked at the blood-stained hands, tears kept flowing.

Jian Mu, who fell in her arms, was pale and fragile, her abdomen was stained with blood, and her weak voice echoed clearly in her ears.

She said don't cry.

Thinking of this, her tears became more and more uncontrollable.

What if, what if Jane Mu had an emergency?

Wouldn't she have just left suddenly like a brook after so much blood.

At the end of the incident, Jian Mu smiled and wished her a Happy New Year, but she didn't even want to reply to her with a Happy New Year.

Thirteen years ago, she was angry with Xiaoxi because of a piggy bank, and she didn't have time to reconcile until her death.

Just before Xiaoxi stopped breathing in her arms, Xiaoxi was still comforting her intermittently: "Sister, don't cry, I bought you a birthday present."

But that gift has become a secret forever.

Will Jian Mu be like Xiaoxi?

All because of her.

She shouldn't reply to Jian Mu's message.

Shouldn't use that bracelet.

"Xiao Luo!"

When Cen Luo fell into the abyss of self-blame, Qin Ran and Xu Fengwan appeared at the end of the corridor.

Cen Luo didn't hear, just kept sobbing.

Qin Ran was startled when she received a call from Cen Luo, and heard her cry and say that she was in the hospital now, and was relieved when she heard that she was not injured, but then heard her say that Jian Mu was injured because she was injured. Qin Ran's heart came to his throat again.

If it wasn't for the dangerous situation, how could Jian Mu be injured.

Ignoring the recent grievances with Xu Fengwan, the two came to the hospital together after calling her.

As soon as he arrived outside the operating room, he saw Cen Luo sobbing non-stop.

Qin Ran hurriedly ran over to support her, wrapped her arms around her shoulders, hugged her and comforted her: "It's alright, it's alright, don't cry."

When Cen Luo heard Qin Ran's voice, he buried his head in her shoulders, and when she heard her words, don't cry, she cried even harder.

Qin Ran was distressed and at a loss, so she could only pat her back lightly, repeating that sentence over and over again and it would be fine.

Xu Fengwan also looked distressed on the side, his eyes kept wandering between Cen Luo and the emergency room.

"Xiao Ran..." Cen Luo took a breath, looked up from Qin Ran's shoulder, and asked her, "Will she be like Xiaoxi, will she just..."

Cen Luo still couldn't help crying before he could say the rest.

Qin Ran had never seen Cen Luo cry so fiercely. In the past, when Cen Luo was sad, he would hide secretly by himself so that they would not find out.

At this time, Cen Luo's eyes were swollen.

"It's alright, it'll be alright, this is Yuncheng Hospital, Jian Mu will be alright, don't cry."

"She bleeds a lot," Cen Luo raised his head blankly and showed her the palm that was stained with Jian Mu's blood, "It's really a lot of blood, I'm so scared, so scared that she will suddenly leave like a small stream. "

Qin Ran knew that Xiaoxi's death was her inner demon, and now with such a shock, all the sorrows that had been suppressed in the past all erupted at this moment.

Qin Ran didn't dare to think how sad Cen Luo would be if something happened to Jian Mu.

How sad should Cen Luo be after regaining his memory.

"I am a disaster star, and they are all injured because of me."

"No, Cen Luo, stay awake, it's all an accident, don't do this."

Qin Ran heard Cen Luo's self-complaint, her eyes were wet, she wiped her eyes, and then comforted Cen Luo over and over again.

Xu Fengwan was also sad, but now she can only hope that Jian Mu can come out safe and sound.

After a long time, the lights in the operation finally went out.

The doctor came out of the operating room, took off the mask, and calmly said to a few people: "Fortunately, the internal organs were not injured, and they were delivered in time. After a few months of rest, they will be fine."

Cen Luo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jian Mu, who was being pushed out of the operating room while lying on a trolley.

Jian Mu was sent to the ward by the nurse.

The three of them followed closely behind.

"The patient will wake up within 24 hours. Who among you will take care of her?" The nurse asked her while giving her a drip.

"Me." Cen Luo said thoughtfully.

Because of her injury, she should naturally be responsible.

The nurse glanced at Cen Luo and saw that she was crying so badly that her eyes were swollen, and she asked, "Are you her girlfriend?"

Cen Luo opened his mouth and finally explained, "She was injured because of me."

Seeing that Cen Luo said this, Qin Ran choked up again, and hurriedly said, "Nurse, is she serious?"

"It's alright, there's no damage to the vitals, the stitches can be removed in ten days, and two more months of recuperation will do."

The nurse packed up the used medical tools on the bedside table, glanced at Jian Mu lying on the hospital bed, thought for a few seconds, and muttered to herself, "Why do I think she looks so familiar?"

However, no one answered her question.

Cen Luo's eyes were always on Jian Mu, while Qin Ran and Xu Fengwan were also worried about Jian Mu.

After all, they were injured because of Cen Luo, and the two of them didn't have time to care about their previous grievances at the moment.

I just hope she wakes up sooner.

In this way, Cen Luo won't cry anymore.

The second the nurse left, Cen Luo's eyes turned red again.

She couldn't forget the scene at that time.

Jian Mu told her to run and tell her not to be afraid, and even tried her best to subdue him in order to stop the man after being injured.


Why do it.

Qin Ran saw that Cen Luo's eyes kept staring at Jian Mu, and the tears in her eyes kept growing, knowing that she had to find a topic to divert her attention now.

"Xiao Luo, have you notified Jian Mu's family?"

Before Cen Luo could speak, he heard Xu Fengwan ask back, "You ask her?"

Qin Ran didn't want to talk to Xu Fengwan, but when she heard her rhetorical question, Qin Ran remembered that Cen Luo might not know more about Jian Mu than the two of them now.

Only then did Qin Ran realize how out of place the topic he was looking for was.

The scene was quiet for two seconds, and then Qin Ran said again:

"She should have family numbers on her phone, right?"

The smell of disinfectant in the ward was very strong, as if not to wake up Jian Mu, the three of them spoke very softly.

Although it's rude to flip through other people's mobile phones, after all such a big thing has happened, she should tell her family.

After they came, if they wanted to beat or scold, Cen Luo accepted it.

The mobile phone was put on the bedside table by the nurse, and Qin Ran took the initiative to hand it over to Cen Luo when she got close.

As soon as he handed out the phone, Qin Ran suddenly realized that Jian Mu's family had only seen it on TV, so he didn't know what his personality was in private.

Now that Jian Mu is injured because of Cen Luo, will her family blame Cen Luo for this? Will it hurt Zen Luo?

It's not that Qin Ran doesn't thank Jian Mu, but that Cen Luo's mental state is not good now, and guilt can crush a person and be beaten and scolded.

"Otherwise, wait for the situation to get better tomorrow before calling?" Xu Fengwan seemed to have thought of this and asked.

However, Cen Luo shook his head, lighting up Jian Mu's screen.

The mobile screen saver is a simple landscape photo with a lock screen password set.

Cen Luo's fingers stayed in front of the screen for a few seconds, then pursed his lips, recalling the computer password that Jian Mu told her that day.

From the official recognition to the night of graduation.

But I tried four passwords in a row, but it didn't work.

Somehow, Cen Luo thought of something, and finally tried 190622.

The day after the drunken **** was the day they were officially together.

However, the moment she turned on the screen, she was suddenly stunned.

Seeing this, Qin Ran leaned over to take a look, but saw that Jian Mu's screen wallpaper was a photo from college - a photo with Cen Luo.

The background is an quaint long street, Cen Luo is smiling at the camera, and Jian Mu is also looking at the camera indifferently.

Suddenly, Qin Ran's mind came to the chat between Cen Luo and her in the second year of sophomore year.

She had just returned from a trip to Rongcheng Town that day, and told her with great interest that she had forgotten to book a hotel, and it was Jian Mu who took her in.

They also went to see a lot of places together. Jian Mu said not to follow her, but she always slowed down and waited for her. Every place she stopped was something she was interested in.

"I think she likes me. Although she is a little cold and doesn't like to talk very much, she is just not good at expressing."

Qin Ran saw more of Cen Luo's self-improvement, and every time Jian Mu ignored her or spoke indifferently, she would take the initiative to find reasons for Jian Mu.

So at that point she just reminded her to stay sane.

"Really, I even used her phone to set our photo as the screen wallpaper, and she didn't change it."

Qin Ran remembered that it seemed that she poured a basin of cold water and told her that she might change it later.

Her original intention was to make Cen Luo see this hopeless relationship clearly and hope that she would live a happier life.

Later, Zen Luo did seem to understand.

Gradually, he became mature and rational, and he stopped telling her that Jian Mu would definitely like her, and even mentioned Jian Mu to her much less often.

She began to be troubled and melancholy, and as she thought, she began to accept the fact that Jian Mu didn't seem to like her.

Has the wallpaper been changed recently? Or maybe it hasn't changed since then?

if the latter one……

Qin Ran looked at Jian Mu who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face, something seemed to be breaking the ice.

Cen Luo retracted his gaze from the screen, and then clicked into the address book.

Unexpectedly, he was startled again.

There is no phone number of her parents in the address book, and there is even only a number remark in it.

is her name.

Is it because I changed my phone number?

Cen Luosheng stopped the thought of flipping through the call records, and finally heaved a sigh of relief and said, "It doesn't seem to be her usual mobile phone, there is only one number in it."

"Who? You can contact her." Xu Fengwan didn't look at the screen of her phone, so she didn't know what happened. She only knew that Qin Ran glared at her after saying that.

Cen Luo pursed his lips and said nothing.

After a while, he raised his head and asked Qin Ran again: "Xiao Ran, she really used to..." Don't you like me?

In the second half of the sentence, Cen Luo didn't ask.

But Qin Ran understood what she wanted to say and fell silent.

She was also a little unsure.

But it can be seen that Jian Mu now seems to like Cen Luo very much.

"Would you like to check WeChat?" Xu Feng asked in the evening when he saw the awkward atmosphere.

Cen Luo took a deep breath, then clicked into her WeChat, and quickly jumped to the contact list, without looking at her chat interface.

However, there was no parental word in the contacts, and even the surname Jane did not appear.


Cen Luo turned off the screen of his phone and put it on the bedside table again, looking at Jian Mu with puzzled eyes.

They couldn't get in touch with Jian Mu's family, so they had to wait for Jian Mu to wake up before contacting her.

It was already noon when Jian Mu woke up.

Xu Feng went to buy lunch late, and Qin Ran fell asleep on the chair beside the hospital bed.

"you're awake?"

Cen Luo didn't close his eyes all night, and only asked aloud when he saw Jian Mu woke up and rubbed his eyes.

Jian Mu's eyes stared at her without blinking, and after a long time, Cen Luo heard Jian Mu's weak voice:

"Nice to meet you, my name is Jian Mu."

Cen Luo was puzzled and did not understand why Jian Mu suddenly introduced himself as soon as he woke up. There should be no memory loss due to an abdominal injury.

Thinking of the nurse's advice, high fever caused by wound infection cannot be ruled out.

He quickly reached out and touched her forehead, but she didn't feel her forehead getting hot.

Cen Luo turned his gaze back to Jian Mu, wanting to ask her if she was uncomfortable.

However, Jian Mu suddenly coughed, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, very shallow.

Cen Luo was startled, she heard Jian Mu's weak voice:

"You're right, I'm worried about you."

Answering ten years late, at this moment, Jian Mu finally said it.

--Nice to meet you.

——You are right, because I was worried, I went upstream to find you.

The author has something to say: Good evening, I would like to recommend to you the sleepy essay "Gods are in my house and won't leave" by my friend. [The text is a bit long, please forgive me. 】

Copywriting: Shi Yan likes Lu Yuyun very much, to the point that she is willing to stay by her side for seven years, seeing that she has been in constant contact with one girlfriend after another.

Until she saw Lu Yuyun humbly following behind other women, she couldn't help it. She found in a bizarre book that people can **** with gods to realize their wishes.

Shi Yan gambled, she just asked Lu Yuyun to look back at her, one glance was enough.

She pawned her emotions in order to have her in Lu Yuyun's eyes.

But when she really became Lu Yuyun's girlfriend, she realized that being her girlfriend also had to endure the countless "sisters" around her. She loves you, but she also has many sisters to take care of.

Shi Yan suddenly realized that she thought she played an indispensable role in her life for so many years, but in reality, there are countless people like her around Lu Yuyun.

She decided that such a person did not deserve to be liked by her.

I thought that she would be cut off from love and love, but I didn't expect that this **** was not good at learning skills, just made her have a dream, and when she woke up, nothing happened.

She had to withdraw from Lu Yuyun's world again.

But in reality, Lu Yuyun began to panic.


When Shi Yan stopped following her, Lu Yuyun began to get used to it.

The little junior sister started to get jealous and lose her temper again.

Lu Yuyun came to the door with her carefully crafted handmade gift, intending to coax her junior sister, but found that a woman lived in Shi Yan's house at some point.

A flamboyant woman.

And this woman looked at the beautiful handicraft she took out, and spit out vicious words with a lazy smile: "How dare you take out this thing to be embarrassing?"

Lu Yuyun: "Xiaoyan, I can't live without you, I just found out that I actually love you!"

Shi Yan: "Cognitive error is a disease, go get it as soon as possible."


Shi Yan didn't expect that this **** **** would live in her house because he wanted to try human emotions but didn't want to experience it himself.

When Lord God learned to use a mobile phone to see the world:

"These shoes... this skirt... these stockings, oh, there are such exquisite vulgar things in the world, buy them for me!"

Shi Yan, who was so poor, turned out his pocket: "What did you say?"

Xuan Zhu smiled: "No money? Please please me."

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-1823:58:17~2021-08-1923:57:11~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 384406401;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 25 bottles of meat to eat with Brother Cheng; 20 bottles of 25642250, Zhang Nima; 10 bottles of Jkrz1, Lian Haike; 5 bottles of ww;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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