A mentally ill wife?

Did she push people? Isn't it a pity to die?

Cen Luo didn't quite understand what they were talking about, but the only certainty was that what Jian Mu said she had no family was true.

Even when listening to Jian Congbin's words, Cen Luo was still wondering if he picked up Jian Mu from a pimple nest.

The daughter was hospitalized, and the father didn't care how her health was recovering. Instead, he yelled at her in the hospital and slandered her deceased mother.

How can there be such a father.

However, Jian Mu's words should be angry, no matter how you look at her, she should not be the kind of person who can push people into the water.

Then why did she say that? Was it deliberately mad at Jian Congbin?

Is this the legendary rich and powerful family?

After returning home, Cen Luo thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure it out.

If he didn't understand Cen Luo, he didn't think about it, and simply lay on the bed to brew drowsiness.

However, after a while, she tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

At this moment, the mobile phone she placed on the bedside table vibrated.

It's Jane Mu's message.

【Are you coming tomorrow? 】

Didn't she say that she would go there during this time?

Why suddenly asked her if she was going tomorrow?

[Go, I will go during this time. 】

A few words were being typed at the top of the interface for up to a minute, and then Cen Luo received a message from Jian Mu:

【I'm waiting for you. 】

【Good night. 】

The crescent moon outside the window has spread over the treetops, and before you know it, it is close to zero.

Is Jian Mu still asleep?

When she left, she had already helped Jian Mu cover up with the quilt, and Cen Luo closed the door when she saw her eyes closed.

why are not you sleeping?

Cen Luo's fingers stayed on the keyboard of the mobile phone for a long time, the words Jian Mu said flashed in his mind, and he wanted to ask the reason several times, but in the end he gave up.

After two minutes, Cen Luo returned to Jian Mu to say good night.

Jian Mu's avatar is a starry sky, and his nickname is the simple number 123.

It was very common, but Cen Luo felt a little strange.

Before she could figure out what was strange, Cen Luo saw a picture and a small red dot appear in her circle of friends.

Cen Luo clicked in and saw the bunch of lilies in a vase in her circle of friends.

It should have been taken after she left the hospital, and it was published half an hour ago.

No wonder she hadn't fallen asleep yet. It turned out that after she left, Jian Mu got up again and took a picture of Lily and posted it on her Moments.

But the photos are pretty good, the filters are also pretty good, and it looks very warm.

There is no match for a word, but it seems that she can feel what she wants to say from the picture.

Do you feel warm? Or happy?

Jian Muke is really easy to satisfy.

Zen Luo felt a little funny.

In the first week of resumption of work, Cen Luo had already adapted to the work content, and also adapted to... the reprimand from his superiors.

After seeing Cen Luo come out of the minister's office for the third time this week, Jiang Ting couldn't help but ask Cen Luo if something happened.

"Maybe I haven't worked for too long, so I'm not used to it."

Jiang Ting bit her lip when she heard the words, and said to Cen Luo, "Team leader, if you have any tasks you want to assign to me, you can assign them to me. I've been quite busy these days."

"Also, the interviews you don't want to go can also be assigned to me. I like the interview session the most."

This is probably a good colleague.

Willing to share the work for her.

"But team leader, don't you know that Wang Da doesn't like being asked about his love life? Why would you ask this question?"

Another colleague suddenly spoke up, his tone full of confusion.

After all, the previous Cen Luo was very clear about all the likes and dislikes of the interviewee.

Cen Luo: "..."

Can she say that she played a little cleverness and went to the forum to search for fans hoping to know what is wrong with Wang Da.

Who knew it was his taboo.

However, the minister of the interview outline she handed over did not refute it.

However, the minister said that because he trusted her, he didn't check her outline more, thinking she knew it, but who knew she would make such a low-level mistake.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. Wang Da has cooperated with us so many times, and he shouldn't take it to heart. Maybe the minister thinks that you are too careless, so he will reprimand him."

Another colleague saw that Cen Luo had not spoken, so he comforted again.

However, Cen Luo's thoughts had drifted to other places, and she frowned and asked, "So, why don't you let everyone ask him about his love life?"

"He said he didn't want to respond because there were many rumors that he was cheating."

Jiang Ting replied.

"Then did he cheat?"

"I'm out, but I won't admit it." Jiang Ting nodded and pointed to her cheek again, "The skin is too thick."

"Tsk, then I should have forced him to ask him a few more questions, he was also trained anyway." Cen Luo regretted a little.

Jiang Ting burst out laughing: "Team leader, you feel so lively now."

I often go shopping for snacks at noon, and run after work. I don’t care about anyone like before, and I often chat and gossip with people around me.

The most important thing is that he will directly ridicule Guan Hui.

And it's quite yin and yang.

"Have I not been active in recent years?"

"Then I'll add a new word to make it more lively."

Cen Luo found out that this Jiang Ting was like her little fan girl. She was right in whatever she said and did. Others were not friendly to her. Jiang Ting helped her speak for the first time.

Pretty cute girl.

Liu Dan on the side felt a little strange, but couldn't think of anything strange.

Suddenly, the sound of a document hitting the desktop sounded, startling several people.

"There is still time to chat? The interviews are not good, and the manuscripts are not well written. What do I want you to do?"

This is a clear connotation of Cen Luo.

During this time, she was the only one who was trained because of these two things.

"This is the working document for next month. Get familiar with it in advance." The minister threw the document on the table in front of Cen Luo, "Aren't you and Jiang Ling friends? I have interviewed her so many times before, this time is for you. It shouldn't be difficult, right? Don't make a mistake."

After saying this, the minister left, leaving Cen Luo with a confused face.

Is she on good terms with Jiang Ling?

But think about it, she did receive a message of blessing from Jiang Ling during the Chinese New Year.

"Jianyi Technology Brand Spokesperson." Cen Luo read a few key words on the document.

"Jianyi Technology also needs a spokesperson? But Jiang Ling's image is quite suitable." Jiang Ting grumbled.

If Cen Luo remembered correctly, Jiang Ling's company seems to be Orange Sky Entertainment, right?

Isn't Orange Sky Entertainment Xu Fengwan's company?

When did the two of them talk about cooperation?

Cen Luo just remembered that she hadn't heard from Xu Fengwan for a long time, and the information between them stayed half a month ago.

On the way to the hospital, Cen Luo thought about whether he should take the initiative to greet Xu Fengwan.

Later, Cen Luo remembered that the news about Xu Fengwan and her during this time seemed to be conveyed through Qin Ran.

So, Cen Luo sent another message to Qin Ran, asking if she had seen Xu Fengwan recently.

Since they started working, Qin Ran and Xu Fengwan have basically no time to come to the hospital. If you count the time, they haven't seen each other for more than a week.

Qin Ran: [She is looking for life and death recently. 】

Cen Luo: [? 】

What happened to the story she didn't know?

But Qin Ran didn't say much, just said that she would tell her later, and also asked what she meant by what she asked a few days ago.

After Qin Ran's reminder, Cen Luo thought of Jian Mu again.

Two days ago, she searched Yunjing Group on the search engine, but found nothing from it.

There are only a few words about family privacy.

From the information, Cen Luo didn't see the person named Jian Mi they mentioned.

However, there are many "informed people" on the platform.

It is said that Yunjing originally had two heirs, but one of them killed the other in order to inherit the family property. In order to keep the only heir, the Jian family chose not to call the police.

Seeing this illogical revelation, Cen Luo felt amused.

Others who started from scratch without Yunjing are still prosperous, and it is not rare to return to Yunjing at all.

Another reason is barely convincing.

For another reason...

Cen Luo suddenly remembered their conversation——

"Bai Shuang killed Jian Mi, did I call the police?"

What if that person wants to hurt her mother.

Just thinking of this, Cen Luo shook his head suddenly.

Thinking about something messed up.

She Cen Luo only believed the facts she saw. Jian Mu was a little cold before, but her nature was not bad.

I actually gave birth to such a terrible conjecture because of other people's three or two words.

What a sin.

Today, Cen Luo worked extra shifts at the company and arrived at the hospital much later than usual.

When entering the ward, Jian Mu was sitting on the hospital bed typing on the computer. From a few days ago, Jian Mu also ended her vacation and started working.

Jian Mu's work is much busier than hers. Several times she was bored and sent messages to Jian Mu in the early morning, but Jian Mu was still there.

After a few more questions, Jian Mu said that she was still working.

It seems that managing the company is really not an easy task. Cen Luo is glad that he didn't listen to his parents and go home to manage the company.

Doing something you don't like for a long time is the most painful.

"It's time to eat."

When Cen Luo said these words, Jian Mu had already packed up all the computer files on the desktop and put them aside.

Seeing Jian Mu obediently sitting there waiting for dinner, Cen Luo felt a little funny.

Pass her the lunch box.

Then he went to the window.

Today, Cen Luo brought another bunch of flowers to Jian Mu, red roses as she requested.

These days, Cen Luo would bring a bunch of flowers to Jian Mu when she came, and she would put the flowers on when Jian Mu had dinner.

"You like flowers very much?"

One day before, Cen Luo forgot to bring flowers, but Jian Mu was aggrieved for a while.

She didn't say anything on the face, she was silent when she lowered her head to eat, and asked her if the food was not delicious, she said no, and said nothing else.

Later, Cen Luo discovered it himself.

"I like the flowers you brought."

Cen Luo wondered: "Why?"

"Because I can look at the flowers you brought while you're away."

Jian Mu met her eyes, curled her lips and said warmly.

Almost didn't say it directly.

"Is the temperature of the air conditioner a little too high here?"

After a while, Cen Luo went under the air conditioner and looked at the temperature on the display.

28 degrees, which seems to be the same as usual.

Suddenly, Cen Luo heard a muffled laugh, and saw Jian Mu was looking at her and smiling.

"What are you laughing at? Are you so happy that you are so hot?"

Jian Mu suddenly pursed her lips: "No."

Then shut up.

Cen Luo picked up the remote control of the air conditioner on the side, and pressed the button to lower it by one degree.

Just after adjusting the temperature, Cen Luo heard a rustling sound from outside the door——

"Don't push me."

"Can you stop talking?"

"It will be discovered later."

Cen Luo: "..."

"Tsk, it's quite popular," Cen Luo smiled, "but it's all because you're the president of Jianyi Technology."

Jian Mu was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Mmmm."

Cen Luo pouted. She has to help her drive away these people every day for the past two days. I don't know how Jian Mu was doing when she was not in the hospital?

Let those people see? Don't you call a nurse?

Oh, the nurse is also fascinated.

A few days ago, the nurse who gave Jian Mu an drip came to the ward for the second time and remembered that she had seen Jian Mu on TV.

It has been passed on from ten to ten, and now everyone knows that the person living in this VIP ward is the president of Jianyi Technology.

On the bright side, she did not disturb the patient's rest, but secretly there were many more people who came to see her.

That day, Cen Luo also heard a question from a girl: "She also seems to be about the same age as me with two arms and two legs. Why did she set up a company and I work part-time?"

It made Zen Luo feel amused for a while.

"Friends, everyone has two arms and two legs, nothing to see."

Cen Luo suddenly came out of the front door, startling a few people, and her face became hot when she said it.

Reluctantly left.

Cen Luo closed the door and asked Jian Mu, "What do you do during the day? Let others watch it?"

"Well... I'm mostly at work, and I don't care much."

As soon as he finished speaking, Cen Luo frowned: "You mean I'm nosy?"

Jian Mu was startled to realize what she had just said. She closed her mouth tightly, shook her head, and opened her mouth again, "I didn't mean that, I meant—"

"No one will help me when you're not there. I'm very helpless and can only let them discuss."

The author has something to say: good night, good night.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-2823:57:59~2021-08-2923:57:46~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1250 bottles; ww5 bottles; 1 bottle of 41164595, purgare, and Yasha in the Spider Mountain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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