After dinner.

"It's getting late." Cen Luo glanced at the horizon and hinted.

"Then I'll go." Jian Mu got up and pointed to the door and looked at Cen Luo.

Cen Luo, who was sitting in front of the stone table in the courtyard, nodded and waved at her: "Goodbye—"

Seeing that Cen Luo had no intention of changing his mind, Jian Mu had no choice but to walk to the door.

Step by step and turn back: "Am I really gone?"

Cen Luo propped his head with his right hand and waved his left hand: "Well."

Seeing this, Jian Mu was silent for a few seconds, and then asked, "Is there a lake nearby? There seems to be a lot of fish there?"

Cen Luo also doubted him, and nodded: "Well, over there."

He also helped Jian Mu to point to the east.

"Great, then let's go fishing at noon tomorrow? We can eat fish at night." Jian Mu said, "See you tomorrow without waiting for Cen Luo to answer."

Then out the door.

Leaving Cen Luo with a dull face.

"Jian Mu!"

When Cen Luo reacted, Jian Mu had already stepped out of her line of sight. When Cen Luo stood up and chased to the door, she saw Jian Mu's back just disappearing at the end of the path.


Originally, she was still thinking about how to tell Jian Mu not to come tomorrow and not to waste time in Cotton City.

Before he could say this, Jian Mu had already snatched it first.

Forced to agree to her invitation tomorrow.

Or reject her on WeChat?

The evening sky is half glowing, and the colorful clouds are very beautiful.

Cen Luo stood at the door and stared at the sky for a while, then picked up his phone and took a picture of the sky.

Chat needs an opening line, right?

This photo is quite suitable.

While thinking like this, Cen Luo opened WeChat to find Jian Mu's chat box, and chose the picture just now to send it.

As soon as she sent the picture, a new message appeared on the chat interface.

Cen Luo rubbed his eyes and was stunned when he was sure that the other party was also sending a picture of clouds.

The two images appear on the interface at almost the same time.

Cen Luo withdrew the message with a shake of his hand.

Guilty and wanting to cover up.

Jian Mu: [Look, we have a heart-to-heart. 】

Jian Mu: [Does it look good? How am I shooting? 】

Cen Luo clicked on the original picture and looked at it, but the angle was different from her picture.

He replied perfunctorily: [It’s okay. 】

While replying, Cen Luo walked to the room, closed the doors and windows and entered the bedroom.

As soon as I turned on my phone, I saw Jian Mu's message:

[Teach me photography the day after tomorrow? 】

Cen Luo: "..."

Cen Luo understood what it meant to shoot himself in the foot.

【You should go back to Yuncheng, don’t waste your time here. 】

After thinking about it, Cen Luo still sent this sentence out.

Jian Mu: [How can being by your side be a waste of time? 】

[You should have been the No. 1 pick. I was bad before, and I won't make such a mistake again in the future. 】

Cen Luo looked at these two lines in a trance for a while.

For a while, he didn't know how to face Jian Mu's words.

For a long time in the past, Cen Luo had been expecting Jian Mu to give her more time.

She can wait for her to open her heart, and she can accompany her silently.

But also selfishly hope that Jian Mu can put her first.

When the once expectation turned into reality and said from Jian Mu's mouth, Cen Luo fell into a vicious circle of self-doubt.

When the expectation of the past is gradually approaching reality, why is it suddenly not now?

But what if she continued, just because of habit, as before, what should she do if she could find someone more suitable?

In the end, Cen Luo still couldn't make up his mind.

The reason for breaking up is that Jian Mu wants to run to someone who is more suitable for her, and that person can bring Jian Mu what she couldn't give before.

It doesn't matter if Jian Mu's future is without her.

In a long time, she will meet someone who is right for her one day.

They can all have a better future.

It was clear that everything was in order, and even though he was mentally prepared, when he thought of this, Cen Luo's heart suddenly throbbed.

[I took a shower. 】

After replying to Jian Mu, Cen Luo went into the bathroom with his pajamas in his arms.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Cen Luo turned on the faucet, took a deep breath and buried his face in the sink.

After a few seconds of sobering up, I looked up and wiped my face, then turned on the shower to adjust the water temperature.

It has been an hour since Cen Luo came out of the shower, and the sky outside the window has completely darkened.

She wiped her hair with a turban, then looked in the cupboard for the hairdryer.

Halfway through my hair, my thoughts drifted away.

When she came to her senses, her hair was almost dry, so she turned off the hairdryer.

As soon as it was closed, she heard the cell phone that she threw under the pillow ringing.

Someone is calling her.

Cen Luo hesitated for a moment, then took out his phone from under the pillow, and was relieved when he saw that the name on it was Yu Jiao.

Line connected--

"Yu Jiao."

"Xiao Luo, have you returned to Cotton City?"

"Well, I just arrived this morning, and I haven't had time to tell you about the temporary decision."

"It's okay, have you read the news? Let's chat on WeChat."

Only then did Cen Luo hear that Yu Jiao's voice was a little low, and if he listened carefully, he could hear faint voices beside her.

Cen Luo answered and hung up the phone.

It was found that Yu Jiao had sent her several messages, but she didn't hear it because she was taking a shower.

【What's up? 】

Yu Jiao would say that the WeChat chat must be inconvenient for others to hear, so Cen Luo asked her like this.

After a while, Cen Luo received her reply.

【Do you have time at 12 noon tomorrow? 】


When typing these three words, Jian Mu's words when she left quickly flashed in her mind.

After thinking about it, I deleted these words and replied to her:

[A friend asked me out, what's the matter tomorrow? 】

[Wuwu my mother asked me to go on a blind date tomorrow, I am afraid and want you to accompany me. 】

Cen Luo hesitated for a few seconds, then asked her: [What are you afraid of? 】

[The other party is too good-looking, and he is a university professor, so he is exactly my ideal type. 】

[I'm shy and worried about what to do if I get soaked. 】

[My mother asked me if I liked men and women, and I said I liked women. She found relatives who could be found in a radius of ten miles to help me introduce them. 】

[I'm so nervous, save me Xiao Luo. 】

Yu Jiao's nervousness, Cen Luo, could be seen from her news.

A little laughing, Yu Jiao, who has always been carefree, would have such a time.

[I ask my friend. 】

After replying to Yu Jiao, Cen Luo took a picture and cut the picture, leaving only the first sentence Yu Jiao said and sent it to Jian Mu.

【I have an appointment tomorrow. 】

After sending the message, Cen Luo saw that Jian Mu had sent her several messages.

But they all asked her if she had finished washing, if she wanted to eat supper, if she wanted to drink milk tea, and said she could run errands for free.

These words were all too familiar to Zen Luo.

It's all what she said and did to Jian Mu before.

Jian Mu: [But I'll invite you first. [Wronged/]】

Cen Luo paused for a moment because of her aggrieved expression, or pushed it to the evening.

The thought flashed through her mind quickly.

can not do this.

But in the end she was rejected by her reason.

She can't do this.

[But I didn't promise you. 】

After Cen Luo sent these words, Jian Mu didn't reply for a long time.

are you angry?

Get angry.

If you are angry, you should go back to Yuncheng.

Cen Luo replied to Yu Jiao, then returned to the main chat interface to refresh.

Are you really angry?

Cen Luo was lying on the big bed, holding his phone and muttering to himself.

The next moment, finally receiving a reply from Jian Mu, Cen Luo subconsciously sat up from the bed.

Jian Mu sent a picture and a sentence.

【what is this? 】

Cen Luo clicked on the picture, the corners of his mouth froze, and in the corner of the picture was a brown-black unknown creature the size of half a fist.

[Perhaps, it's a cockroach? 】

Jian Mu: [I know it's a cockroach, but I want to ask why this cockroach is so big? 】

Cen Luo was speechless for a moment, thought about it carefully, and answered her seriously:

[Because this is Cotton City. 】

Miancheng is different from the dryness of Yuncheng. The climate is warm and humid, which is not only suitable for people to live in, but also suitable for insects to grow.

Cen Luo: [Are you afraid? 】

Seeing Cen Luo's words, Jian Mu thought that Cen Luo was caring about her, maybe she would agree to let her find her next moment?

So he answered without thinking:

[Hmm, I'm so scared. 】

He also sent a shivering emoji by the way.

Who knew that Cen Luo replied to her:

[So, it's better to go back to Yuncheng early, there are no insects there, it is suitable for you to live. 】

Jian Mu: "..."

【I do not. 】

Recently, Jian Mu has been looking at the house in Cotton City.

If nothing else, she will live in Cotton City for a long time.

In the past, Cen Luo stayed in Yuncheng for her.

Now, she will accompany Cen Luo to stay in Cotton City.

Stay in the city that Cenlo likes.

Cen Luo snorted and threw the phone under the pillow, forcing himself to ignore her.

But he couldn't fall asleep tossing and turning, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of Jian Mu's aggrieved expression.

Is she really afraid of such a big cockroach?

[Have the cockroaches been hit? 】

[No, I am afraid. [picture/]】

【Where is your address? 】

Upon receiving Cen Luo's inquiry, Jian Mu immediately sent the address.

Cen Luo hesitated for a while, then withdrew his move to go out, then turned on his phone and searched.

At this moment, Jian Mu is sitting by the bed and looking at the cockroach that she is pressing in half a mineral water bottle:

"If you succeed, you must be grateful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a knock on the door.

Although fifty meters is not far, it shouldn't be so fast, right?

Jian Mu kicked the bottle, and the cockroach ran out of it.

However, when Jian Mu opened the door and saw that the owner of the room was reserved for her, she was a little confused.

"Little girl, did you call? You said there were cockroaches in the room?"

The landlord's aunt looked at the room as she spoke.

Jian Mu: "..."

Cen Luo didn't come, but called the person who rented her room.

The contact information is hung on the software, and even on some maps, so it is not surprising that Cen Luo can call the owner of the house.

Just a little lost.

"Well, a big one."

The important thing is that the cockroach just now was released by her.

Now she really doesn't know the whereabouts of the cockroaches.

Thinking of this, Jian Mu felt a little annoyed.

The owner's aunt brought a young man, and upon hearing this, she entered the room with him.

Jian Mu stood by the wall and felt the phone vibrate. It was Cen Luo's message:

[I know you are embarrassed to call and trouble others. 】

[I called the owner for you, should you be there? 】

Jian Mu was speechless for a few seconds, but when she thought that Cen Luo helped her call the owner of the house because she cared about her, she felt a lot better in an instant.

[Hmm, here you are, you are so kind, and you even called someone for me. 】

【I love you more. 】

Cen Luo: "..." How could this rise to love her more.

She flipped the phone twice and repeatedly confirmed that this was really the message from Jian Mu?

She is stupid.

Where did the cold and quiet Jian Mu go?

I wanted to ask her, but in the end I swallowed the words, and only said to her to have a good rest, and then turned off the phone.


This kind of Jane Mu seems more cute.

When he was about to fall asleep, such a thought suddenly appeared in Cen Luo's mind.


The next morning, Cen Luo was awakened by a knock on the door.

Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the morning. Maybe Yu Jiao called her, so he hurriedly got up.

When he opened the door, he found that it was Jian Mu.

When Jian Mu saw that Cen Luo was wearing a messy chicken coop head and wearing pajamas, she just reached out to say good morning.

The next moment the door was slammed shut.

Not welcome?

Jian Mu was lost for a few seconds, and then knocked on the door again.

After a few minutes, Cen Luo reopened the door.

By this time she was fully dressed.

"I said I have an appointment today, why are you here?" Cen Luo leaned against the door, looking like he didn't intend to make room for Jian Mu.

Jian Mu glanced at Cen Luo, an idea rose in her heart, and the corner of her mouth raised.

"Your appointment with someone else is at noon. I'll come to you for breakfast. It doesn't conflict."

Cen Luo: "..."

This natural level is really similar to her back then.

——I am going to read a book in the playground at noon today.

——I can accompany you to read the book and then go to the cafeteria to eat together, this is not a conflict.

That day, Jian Mu was so annoyed by her that she couldn't read books, and finally went to the cafeteria with her.

Thinking of the past, Cen Luo suddenly laughed and looked up to see Jian Mu's doubtful eyes.


Then make way for her.

It was half past ten when the two of them finished their toss and had breakfast.

The place where Yu Jiao and the other party made an appointment was a restaurant with four seats, and the other party would also bring a friend.

Cen Luo packed up and it was half past eleven when Yu Jiao came to her.

"Let's go, Xiao Luo," Yu Jiao had discovered Jian Mu long ago, but Cen Luo never asked her before introducing her.

Jian Mu was standing in the garden, looked at Yu Jiao next to her and asked, "Can't you bring me?"

Cen Luo was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "It's not suitable."

"Oh—" Jian Mu squatted down with her head lowered.

"You didn't tell her we were going..."

"Go to the party." Cen Luo interrupted her and asked Jian Mu again, "Aren't you going back to the hotel to rest?"

Although Jian Mu doubted the authenticity of the party, since it was Cen Luo who said it, she believed it.

"Your flower needs watering, the soil should be turned over, and there should be someone watching for you in this room."

Anyway, she didn't come back.

Cen Luo: "..."

"Then you can stay here," Zen Luo paused, remembering that Jian Mu had complained to her about falling asleep late last night, and added, "I have a room next door, if you are sleepy, you can stay there. Get some sleep."


"The room next to you is not..."

The room next door?

Isn't that the room where her sister used to live?

Jian Mu raised her eyes to look at Yu Jiao, curious about what she wanted to say next.

"Go, go, go."

Cen Luo interrupted Yu Jiao again.

It wasn't until he couldn't see Cen Luo's house anymore that Yu Jiao said what he just said:

"Didn't Cen Xi live in the room next to you? I accidentally opened the door before and you were angry with me for a long time. You not only let her in, but also let her sleep in it."

The more Yu Jiao talked, the more aggrieved they became. After all, they had been friends for more than ten years.

But there is a reason she can accept it.

"Is she your girlfriend?"


Cen Luo didn't plan to lie to her either.

"Before? Ex-girlfriend? Not only did you have contact with your ex-girlfriend, but she also came to your house? You let her sleep next to you?"

"Are you going to get back together?"

Yu Jiao scratched his head, not knowing what Cen Luo was doing.

After all, she hadn't been in a relationship several times, and each of them didn't last more than half a year.


Cen Luo was startled for a moment because of these two words.

"Don't ask, refuse to answer."

Yu Jiao made a move to keep his mouth shut, but it broke in a few minutes.

"Do you still like her?"

Cen Luo glanced at her.

"Don't like it? If you don't like it, leave it to me," Yu Jiao guessed that Cen Luo's mind was normal, and said deliberately, "I just thought she had a good temperament, good looks and a good voice, she is exactly my ideal type. "

Ideal type?

Cen Luo glared at her: "What about your professor? No more?"

"In case it doesn't work, isn't it prepared in advance, and I have many cousins ​​and cousins ​​who can help introduce them."

Cen Luo: "..."

"Go on a blind date yourself, bye."

The restaurant is not far from Cen Luo's house, ten minutes away, so the two chose to walk.

After saying this, Cen Luo turned his head and planned to leave, so frightened that Yu Jiao quickly apologized:

"I'm joking! I'm wrong and I'm not talking nonsense."

"I don't want you to get back with her because you like her."

Yu Jiao and Cen Luo have a good relationship, so they often make jokes.

This is what Cen Luo had done to her before.

And then she was really with the person she liked at the time.

"You don't have to be together if you like it." Cen Luo stopped and murmured.

"Why not? I remember you said that if you like it, you must be together."

"At that time, I was young and ignorant, and I didn't know that there would be more important things than being together."

Yu Jiao asked back, "What's the matter?"

Cen Luo didn't speak any more.

It was fifteen minutes before twelve o'clock when the two arrived at the restaurant.

However, two people were already seated in the seat they had reserved.

"Did they come so early?"

Although it was only the back of his head, Yu Jiao became nervous.

"Don't be afraid, she is also here for a blind date, maybe she is more nervous than you."

Hearing Cen Luo's comfort, Yu Jiao's tense emotions relaxed.

"Sorry, I'm late." Yu Jiao said as he walked to the seat.

The other party smiled slightly: "It's okay, we came early."

After listening to her words, Yu Jiao turned his attention to another person.

It was discovered that the person accompanying the other party was Dunna.

Also stunned was Cen Luo.

She still remembered the thing about the roses and flower seedlings yesterday.

"Meet again, Cen Luo." Dunna greeted Cen Luo first.

Yu Jiao didn't expect that the other party would be Deng Na, and Deng Na told her about Cen Luo's return.

People who hadn't chatted for hundreds of years suddenly told her that Cen Luo was back, so she asked Cen Luo for confirmation, but she didn't expect it to be true.

"Wow, they're all old classmates, do you look down on me? Why don't you say hello to me?"

Yu Jiao could vaguely sense what Dunna meant to Cen Luo.

Even she conspiracy theory, Dunna told her that Cen Luo was back because she wanted her to bring Cen Luo on a blind date.

The deliberately created ambiguous atmosphere was broken by Yu Jiao's words.

After that, a few people ordered food and started chatting.

The home court belonged to Yu Jiao and another person, and Cen Luo and Dunna didn't interrupt much.

Cen Luo felt that Dunna's eyes were always on him, and felt a little uncomfortable.

The phone, which happened to be on the table, lit up.

It was Qin Ran who sent her the message.

[Xiao Luo, I'm so bored, what are you doing? 】

Cen Luo: [I'm going on a blind date with a friend. But I met an old classmate who had a very strange attitude towards me, and it was a little embarrassing. [bitter/]]

Qin Ran: [Men and women, why are you embarrassed? 】

old classmate? Blind date?

Cen Luo: [Female, because she ordered a lot of roses for me yesterday, I didn't want them, she came with the other party. 】

Qin Ran: […]

Why send roses? Definitely like it.

Say it's a test.

Send her a lot of roses.

Qin Ran gritted her teeth, looked at others and then looked at Jian Mu.

Can you argue.

【Jian Mu, what are you doing? !】

At this time, Jian Mu was carefully watering the flowers in the garden with a watering can in her hand, and when she received Qin Ran's news, she replied seriously:

[Watching the house and watering the flowers. 】

Qin Ran took a breath, resisted the urge to beat someone, integrated the information Cen Luo gave her in her brain, and told her:

[Xiao Luo has gone on a blind date with her old classmates, where are you still watering the house? 】

[You really **** me off. 】

The watering can in his hand suddenly fell to the ground.

It took a long time to receive the clear news of Qin Ran.

It was a blind date.

So when Yu Jiao was talking just now, did Cen Luo interrupt her?

Cen Luo doesn't want her anymore, he wants to like others.

Only at this moment did Jian Mu feel more truly the fact that Cen Luo would like others after breaking up.

Cen Luo really doesn't want her anymore.

This fact she couldn't accept.

【Where are they? 】

The author has something to say: it is another rounding and double-shifting integration~zZ

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2021-09-2223:34:13~2021-09-2422:15:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: BlueBlood 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Fuyasha in the Spider Mountain;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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