After securing the top lane and returning to the lane, only 2 soldiers were supplemented by the defensive tower.

Seeing this scene, the barrage was not calm. The main reason was that LGD had never played like this before. If Godv didn't touch the money this time, he must be possessed by something dirty.

The older generation of mid laners always play games with the belief that they can win if they have an advantage.

No head to support?

None of the dogs will go.

Even Faker doesn't play like this. It's not good to just expand the pressure knife. Why sacrifice his radiation influence? I'm afraid I can't c.

"This new mid laner is really good at dealing with us. He's really helpful when I need something."

"He warms me to tears."

"Don't you want the mid laner RNG?"

"The little tiger is stronger than him, why didn't I see it?"

"If you win, you can meet the porcelain tiger? Can this idiot drag his teammates with him?"

"Why are you dragging your teammates?"

The barrage started quarreling over whether and how useful Qin Hao was.

In LGD voice.

MaRin came out after replenishing his equipment. The lane was so good that he didn’t need to use T, but the bottom lane was not so comfortable. He had to resist the pressure in the early stage of playing Kalista. Before he knew it, IMP was playing in the tower again.

Every time this happens, PYL feels itchy. The auxiliary position is different from AD, there is no need to rely on lane so much.

"PP, can the lower wave line go in?"


After receiving a positive answer, PYL focused on Eimy. In the Spring Split, he actually led the jungler more. In the occasional picture: the support is in the full field of vision, and the jungler is eating monsters several positions away, or Two people are squatting in the grass to cause trouble, taking advantage or being taken advantage of.

In the words of PYL: Brother, you have to find opportunities. I don't look for opportunities as an assistant, so whoever looks for them? Even if I give them away, the loss will be very small. If you make a profit, you will make a lot of money. This business is not a loss.

There was a line in the middle lane, but no line in the bottom lane. Seeing that RNG had no special intention to get stuck in the bottom lane, PYL took Eimy who was brushed to the bottom lane and ran to the opposite red zone.

Because half a minute ago, the troll was getting more and more deflated, and it would be necessary to clear the wild unless he stopped growing.

"Brother, I'm in, please pay attention to my position."

Eimy: "Hold on, I will challenge you twice in a row."

Qin Hao: "Okay, I will definitely arrive before the other side. I won't scold you until I arrive."

PYL started to make calculations. He felt that the jungler was usually the most defensive about the buff, so he took the prince and hid in the wall behind the red buff. As long as the troll wanted to explore the river after getting red, he would die.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't explore, he just squats for more than ten seconds. After this time, a new wave of lanes comes in from the bottom lane, and he has to return to defense.

"RNG is signaling. The incense pot throws icicles to explore the grass on the side."

"There seems to be something to the position where Nosuke is squatting. Mata is leaning on him and he is alert, but the incense pot is already turning red."

At the kill line, Q Punishment was firmly taken. After finishing the red, Xiangguo took advantage of the situation and moved closer to assist.

Just walked out.


Bronn roared and slowed down. In the next moment, the flag was flying and the man was following him.

"How many seconds are there before the Troll Pillar? Braun was immediately weakened, knowing that your Troll didn't dodge."

2 seconds.

The bull flew the prince with its head, and raised Braum with Q, but the troll suffered multiple slowdowns, and was stunned by Braum's A flash at the end.

"The mid laners on both sides were leaning on each other. When he came out of Q, Xiaohu moved out of position and twisted. In this aisle, it was difficult for Xiaohu to come over. He was stopped by Penicillin."

Run if restricted.

The main purpose of this wave is to cover Nosuke, and the secondary purpose is to consume blood.

Mata saw Lulu coming to support first, glanced at the position of the puppy, and chose to keep the bloom.

"The one who steps on the horse will die!"

"Haha, I guessed he would come."

Lulu used W to speed up the prince to deal with the opposite troll. Not long after PYL was happy, Kalista came to kill. In this passage, Uzi was keenly aware that Nosuke was out of touch with the middle, and Lulu was two positions away from Nosuke.

No communication is required.

The puppy crosses Q to mark Braum, slide up and right, and enter the range of Lulu's normal attack. After taking 2 normal attack damage from Lulu, Braun followed the prince and turned to the front of the red buff to widen the distance from the C position, but was flashed away by the bull-head Q with the skill changed.

"Fuck, Uzi came so fast."

The next second, PYL said again: "It's okay, you'll make money if you eat the troll's head."

Yutong: "Can we still keep him? The prince took a set of damage from Ryze, and it's not very painful. Before the bull heads come around, move and run away."

“Swapping auxiliary kills for jungler kills is acceptable to both parties.”

Qin Hao returned to the middle and continued to line up.

In the next few minutes, Xiangguo did nothing more. LGD's lineup has survived the embarrassment of the first three levels, and its ability to defend the line has improved. If you want to cause trouble, you can only wait for the line to exert force and lower the blood volume first.


Xiangguo was very unhappy to see this Lulu.

Had it 2 times!

"Damn it, you fight him."

Lulu was only at level five, and she had returned home after helping the jungle. This will be the second wave of soldiers after returning to the line, and the next wave will be the artillery carriage.

In such a gun cart round, Lulu's sword will slow down.

"The incense pot is moving towards the middle, and there are flashes on both sides."

The incense pot is judged to be able to force the dodge, but the kill lacks damage.

Xiaohu concentrated his attention and slowly used the Q tail knife to stack the mark.

Ever since Demon King showed off a scene of killing a jungler in person in the S5 World Championship, Ryze has become a little more proficient and knows how to control his passive.

As the core mechanism, once Arcane Specialization reaches the fifth level, a shield based on mana will appear, increase the attenuation movement speed, and reduce the CD of other skills based on the overloaded CD.

However, it was cut after the World Championships, and the ban rate dropped. It has not played as many times as the midfielder Kalmado, and it is only strong if players with unique skills can get it.

The reason is actually very simple. Its hands are short and its tanking ability is not particularly outstanding.

In this mid lane ecosystem full of attribute monsters, once the threshold for transforming into a machine gun is raised, Ryze's strength will become weaker in the early and mid-term.

Otherwise, all the Ryze players are blaming Faker. After the S5 World Championship, everything that needs to be nerfed has been nerfed, and he has directly become a T3 mid laner. A lot of players watched the machine gun video and played it, and were beaten to tears by the Czar, Enchantress, and Victor. Calling daddy to mommy is completely exhausting.

Xiaohu's forward movement was noticed by Qin Hao.

Dozens of battle experiences told him that Xiaohu was murderous.

"Can you control it first?"

"This consciousness?!"

Before entering the normal attack range, Qin Hao used Q to slow down, W to accelerate and pull back, giving up the remaining troops.

"Is this Lulu still a human being? I'm so cowardly, or am I being seen?"

"I took a detour on horseback."

Xiangguo couldn't figure it out.

Turning around and looking at the river grass, there was no real eye.

Xiangguo became even more angry.

How can there be such a cowardly mid laner in this world?

Labor and management haven't come up with anything yet, so why don't you push it forward if you have cable? This reminded Xiangguo of the cards in the previous game, how he was so cowardly when leading the line.

Lulu shouted "Run quickly" to avoid a wave of potential crises.

The barrages started popping up one after another.

"Is it better to be conscious or to be stupid?"

"Is it because Xiaohu is too obvious? He didn't even take action."

"Ho ho ho ho!"

"A pure passerby, this Lulu is more stable than a stable stick."

"Steadiness means arrogance, jumping over the tower means restraint!"

"Stick stick stick stick."

There was a lot of ridicule in the live broadcast room, mainly because the pace of this game was very slow.

Qin Hao escaped this gank.

The fragrant pot has developed.

In the chat between the two commentators discussing the number of last hits, it was not until 7 and a half minutes that RNG took out the next tower through the Troll's two standbys.

After that, RNG switched lanes first and operated 2 waves of troops to pull out the previous tower, and LGD used this to replace the next tower.

It’s time to occupy Central.

Qin Hao held the idea of ​​​​putting the line online and quickly entering the second tower and then returning to defense to protect the wheel mother and earn money.

There is an electric knife.

Wheel Mom's W will be cleared in three basic attacks. If it's more troublesome, just throw Q to suppress the minion's health in advance.

"It can't be opened. Both sides are waiting for C-position equipment."

"Ike has ice fists and magic resistance boots. The ice girl can only kill half of its life with one set now, so it is very difficult to kill."

"Similar to the previous one, LGD still wants to release Ekko, guard the mid-tower, and draw out the lineup curve they want."

The commentator saw the way, and the role of the wheel mother has just been revealed. With Lulu helping to speed up, IMP can see both routes in time.

"What are you cowarding? Why doesn't RNG find an opportunity?"

"Stop farming in the jungle and do something."

"Ritz feels very comfortable when playing like this. It feels like it can drag on."

Heart was staring at the electronic screen in the background, shouting in his heart: Keep this rhythm, drag four pieces of wheel mother, Kalista's output method is simply not enough.

compare to.

Fly was disappointed.

The uptempo of the first wave was disrupted, and the impact was too great.

Originally, Ekko was going to collapse. After catching the first wave, it would be easier to design the second wave to get higher.


Could it be that the goddess of victory really wasn't on their side?

The puppy had a little pressure in the early stage, but how to expand the advantage?

Another 2 minutes passed.

Looper finally moved...

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