Xu Xiaopan knew that Penicillin had many female fans.

Although she deleted that post, most of the people who scolded her in private messages and clicked on their account avatars were female accounts.

It was precisely because the scolding words were unpleasant that she said she stepped on dog poop when she went out.


She was actually mentally prepared.

But she didn't expect that the quality of Penicillin's female fans could be so high. Just listening to them chatting, she felt that they were very happy and had a beauty that had not been beaten by society.

After all, her impulse to rise came from the net worth revealed online. As for face, compared with money, it didn't impress her that much.

As a girl.

She was not willing to waste her life.

Who wants to live a life where you have to calculate one hundred or two hundred and have no money for the rest of your life? So many people who are not as good-looking, temperament, and academically qualified as her can live a good life through marriage, so why can't she.

Like now.

These ones with open and closed mouths are really abstract.

She heard on Zoom that some female fans would send cool photos to Qin Hao via private messages. As a result, when he first joined the team, he was warned by the team leader not to reveal Qin Hao's mobile phone number.

But she is such an abstract girl, wearing famous brands from head to toe, but she still thinks that the tickets released are too few and she can't get them no matter how hard she tries.

"Women must have independent financial rights. Emotions will fade."

My best friend’s advice came to mind.

Xu Xiaopan suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

I used to like to share everything with her, but now? Didn't reply in time. I talk a lot and always say "I want to train."


No matter how hard you train, you don’t even have time to look at your phone? It's not that I don't love her that much.

"... Say hello to everyone."

Qin Hao and Karsa took the stage for interviews.

in front of the stage.

Wearing a white shirt and a black hip-hugging skirt, Yu Shuang handed over the microphone.

"Hello everyone, I am LGD's mid laner, Penicillin." As he spoke, Qin Hao waved to the audience.


"Look here, look here!"

"Qingbao, look here!"

Yu Shuang:......

Such a fierce response reminded Yu Shuang of Zhang Jie's concert in Hangzhou last week. Wherever he looked, there were fans screaming.

"I am the LGD jungler, Karsa."

There was a temporary silence in the scene.

The corner of Karsa's mouth twitched twice, feeling that these female fans were too real and unwilling to give even a little bit of support.

Seeing this scene, C Bo even laughed miserably, "I have already dug out three bedrooms and one living room."

Yu Shuang smiled and shook his card: "I played great today."

The tone is full of flattery, not the players, but the traffic.

Qin Hao was happy in his heart, but when he heard this compliment, he subconsciously said: "I was really bad in the first round, I hope Brother Ka can play well."

Saying that, Qin Hao commented on himself: "Hey, just lie down."

"Ha." Yu Shuang laughed awkwardly: "That wave of small dragons, I remember that you single-handedly cut off the AD, which is still very crucial."

Qin Hao was puzzled: "Without the barrel to support the rhythm, I should be caught dead. Another thing, I have been stealing wild monsters, and my development is actually not bad. As long as I hit the blow, it is quite easy to kill an AD."

Qin Hao added: "That wave was a formation of wine barrels and vampires tearing apart. Their attention was not on me."

Yu Shuang:......

Is it so difficult for me to praise you and make your fans happy?

[The mold is somewhat self-aware and knows who is c. 】

[I'm going to die laughing. 】

[LWX: Is it easy to kill me? ? ? 】

[The mid laner generally has two levels of higher AD, and with that one, Qingdi sucks up the blood in the jungle, so Karsa has thick blood, otherwise he would really be sucked dry. 】

[One last time, don’t persecute us AD players. 】

[The director just fainted, what happened. 】

[Kid, this is not funny. 】

[Karsa is really fierce. 】


I almost said "I don't believe it".

Yu Shuang pretended to look at the cards in her hand, but in fact she quickly organized her thoughts.

Although this was not his first time dealing with Qin Hao, he always didn't follow the direction of the sedan chair.

"Who commanded that wave of dragons?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Yu Shuang chose to change her angle. She didn't believe it, this wave couldn't blow.

"When selecting the lineup, Brother Ka said that he would be responsible for driving the back row, and I would be responsible for connecting the white line." Qin Hao said: "So at that time, I saw that NB wanted to control the dragon, and we all thought we could give it a try."

Karsa was in a much better mood. He put on a shy smile and said, "I feel that our middle lane is more useful than the other side during the fight."

Seeing that the two were complimenting each other, Yu Shuang had to remind: "Who was the first to say that he would take over?"

Qin Hao recalled for a while, "Bo Shen was leading the line, and the opponent wanted to put pressure on two fronts, forcing us to defend separately. However, their front row was not in the front, and it was difficult to block the position..."

Karsa helped translate: "When I heard Shen was on top, I knew he wanted to team up. Then we talked about how to team up, and talked about positioning and vision."

"Mainly, Verus is picking up the middle line alone. After he picks up, he can only come to the river from the position of the three wolves." Qin Hao finally emphasized.


NB and his team were preparing to go back to the hotel. When they heard this, all the team members looked at Swift.

LWX's thinking is very simple: I said when I connected the center line not to be fired, none of you care about me.

What V was thinking about was that I agreed to put pressure on the line, but before I even sent it to the second tower, I urged him to keep the clockwork. It's completely different from what was agreed in advance.

"I told you to come over and pull me away!"

Swift was annoyed to be stared at by so many people.

What do you mean, pass the blame to me?

"Didn't it get pulled off..." LWX muttered. He just reached the blue buff, and all his teammates were forced to the intersection...

"I still don't know how AD died." Seeing that the jungler was focused on fire, V defended: "That wave of attacks was pretty stinky."

"Okay, let's go back and review it again."

Seeing the coach speaking, everyone fell silent and could only keep their opinions on their teammates to themselves.

On stage.

Yu Shuang finally asked: "Why did you choose Yasuo as the first hero? Also, can you share your thoughts on playing Yasuo?"

Urged by the coach...

He thought so, but said: "It would be good to use it to restrict Verus."

"In terms of ideas, pay more attention to the jungle position in the lane, switch lanes and lead less across the river, and then try to enter the field with the backhand and place the wind wall when playing in a group."

After a pause, Qin Hao added: "This hero does not necessarily require very precise operations. As long as his teammates drive well and have the right time to cut in, his tactical position will not be bad."

"Of course, that's what I thought and what I did, but I still got caught in the lane."

Qin Hao's words caused the barrage to start a riot.

[Haha, it’s true. 】

[Aogami: Huh, team fights are still useful if you get caught. 】

[I understand, the name of this tactic is Dadai. If Dad drives well, team battles will be easy. 】

[When I play Yasuo, I always want to show off my E for no reason. 】

[We see more Yasuo with high proficiency, but less Yasuo who is not lazy. 】

[Qingshen is indeed a man who has given up on sex, and can even hold back when playing Yasuo. 】

"Okay, thank you both for the interview, next..."

When Yu Shuang said that, C Bo and others came up carrying gift boxes.

It’s time to draw the lucky audience.

Xu Xiaopan obviously noticed that the sister group next to him was a little nervous.

"There are eight of us, eight front-row seats, there's no way we won't have one."

"During the competition, the director also gave us a close-up, indicating that we chose a good position." Someone encouraged.

While talking.

Seeing that the seat number was Block 06 in Area D, the sister group burst into cheers as if they had won a war.

"Remember the reaction."

"Don't be a nymphomaniac on stage."

"Don't forget."

"I know."

Su Xue straightened her skirt and went on stage happily. Just as Yu Shuang was about to hand over the microphone, the microphone was taken away as soon as she stretched out her hand halfway.


Before the call process, Su Xue couldn't wait to say: "I am the LGD that I paid attention to in last year's playoffs..."

"I want to tell Qingbao that I hope he takes care of his health and doesn't stay up too late... There is also a live broadcast, so just do the right thing, don't be tired."


It has developed to the point of teaching PP how to do things, and C Bo was very envious for a while. He doesn't like being controlled very much, but he doesn't hate the feeling of being controlled.

Su Xue had a lot of posts. She started broadcasting the show after she was worried about the intercontinental competition. When she checked Weibo that day, she found that Qin Hao was still ganking in the Korean server at 5 o'clock in the morning. She blamed Qin Hao for not taking care of his body.

Seeing that five minutes had passed, the sisters almost fainted before the conversation got to the point.

"Turn around and forget?"

"I knew she would be a nymphomaniac."

"Her room is covered with Qingbao posters. I turned my head to look for the one in the auditorium, and she enlarged it."

"Speak quickly, I'm so anxious."

"It's time to steal her spot on stage."

Xu Xiaopan:......

Good thing.

Yu Shuang reminded "take a group photo", Su Xue stopped and turned to a very serious tone and said to Qin Hao: "Can you persuade the Queen Mother to give out more package tickets? I don't want to queue up every time I come here. .”

Among those services, in addition to post-game interaction, what she values ​​most is the independent ticket check-in channel and exclusive seat names.

She was so serious that Qin Hao found it absurd.


Qin Hao thought to himself: Do you need to be persuaded to do something that can make money?

Qin Hao thought it was ridiculous, and the cheerful audience was even more upset.

I heard her nagging before and thought the little girl was quite interesting. The barrage was called "mom fan", but now I felt a little disgusted.

[Spend more money just to avoid queuing. 】

[Fuck, I'm poor. 】

[Why not eat minced meat? It’s still a classic. 】

【There is a kind of beauty in missing brainstem. 】

[Where did this ugly guy come from? Can you please get out of here? 】

[This is still a fair, so jump. 】

Being stared at with expectant eyes.

The hand holding the microphone felt a little nervous.


It was rare to see Qin Hao become mute, Yu Shuang quickly smoothed things over: "Your suggestion will definitely be noticed by LGD."

He took the gift box from Qin Hao's hand and returned to his seat.

The sister complained: "You can really speak."

Su Xue couldn't help but said: "This is my first time being whipped."

"Forget it, forget it, the problem has been reflected anyway."

"I think the first two rows in area D are suitable for a package ticket." Someone suggested, which made the sisters smile.

20 minutes later.

Jingtian Roast Pork took his place in advance and squeezed in next to Qin Hao.

The indigo suspender skirt she wore specially today especially highlighted her figure.

Different from others asking for WeChat, what she asked was: "Penicillin, I have been following your Weibo for a long time, can you block me?"


This is called creating opportunities first.

There was a voice coming from the side. Qin Hao glanced sideways and quickly looked away. Looking at this unusual action, Ida Yakiniku put on a slight smile.

It's not a waste of time to dress up like her.

"Is that okay? It's just a mutual relationship."

When Qin Hao heard this, he thought, "Can I give this to you?" He must treat everyone equally and cannot be special.

In order not to think about it, Qin Hao thought for a long time and said politely: "No."


Ida's roast pork almost spurted blood. Before she came, she thought her curve strategy plan was very clever, but she found that Qin Hao didn't look like a normal man.

If you don’t want WeChat, you won’t be given a mutual relationship?

Is there a tigress at home?

Jingtian Shaorou didn't know that Qin Hao was suffering from harassment by private messages.

IMP, on the other hand, had an easy look and noticed the only one in the room, Ida Yakiniku, who was wearing a suspender skirt.

That face and temperament reminded him of his female classmates in school.

Wait until the team leader persuades these people to leave.

IMP leaned close to Qin Hao and asked calmly: "There was a guy in a suspender just now...what did he say?" He spoke loudly.

"She asked me to follow her Weibo."

"Oh." Before he could ask the second question, Qin Hao said nonchalantly: "I refuse."

"If you want to give it, you won't just give it to one."

Qin Hao still sighed: "If I follow her and she posts a message saying that she is unavailable to me, then should the other people who are following me unfollow me one by one? It's troublesome to think about it."

"What's her Weibo name?"

Concern leads to chaos, IMP's tone was a bit urgent, interrupting Qin Hao's complaint.

Qin Hao was a little strange, but he still answered: "Why do I ask this?"


Qin Hao patted IMP on the shoulder: "But I feel like she doesn't care about the game." Qin Hao recalled the conversation just now, but didn't say a word about "Come on" until the end.

"nailed it?"

After Ida Yakiniku, I walked into a taxi and found my best friend asking.

"I'm so drunk."

Qin Hao's coldness reminded her of her own experience of failing to strike up a conversation with Meiko.

But in fact, the latter didn't refuse much. It was just that when they entered the ambiguous period, the other party suddenly deleted her WeChat account, which made her think that she was too impatient and scared the other party. She shouldn't ask someone out just after they met.

Oh, she's asking to go out for the evening, doesn't this seem more proactive?

"... He is definitely a normal man. You also said that the moment he looked at you, his eyes changed. The problem now is that he doesn't give you a chance to get close."

After hearing the description of Ida's roasted pork, my best friend swears by it.

She feels that the more introverted a person is, the hungrier they are.

It's just that many times, their superficial morals are very high, but after taking that step, they still have to spend money.

"Yeah, I can't even take the first step." Ida Yakiniku began to feel distressed: "The package ticket is for nothing." She doesn't like watching games, and she doesn't feel there is any passion in the games.

"There is no cat in the world who doesn't eat fish."

"He is resisting now, maybe he just feels unfamiliar."

"When it feels familiar, maybe he will take the initiative to release a signal!"

Looking at the receding street scene outside the window, Ida Yakiniku feels a little sad for some reason.

If you are like this, why can't you catch a golden turtle? Obviously, those with a technological face who are not as good as her can succeed.

She took out the makeup mirror from her bag, looked around, and thought to herself: With this face, she should be carefree...

Betta fish.

The barrage kept blasting Penicillin, which made Liang Ziyan a little annoyed.

"The game is a game, and ranking is ranking. It is not that easy to find opportunities in the game, so Penicillin said that the timing of entering the field is more important than the operation, but that is not the case in ranking, do you understand?"

"What do you mean I don't understand? My Yasuo proficiency is definitely higher than his."

"Does the championship mean everything?"

"I accept Yasuo Solo because I am afraid that your master will feel guilty."

"Oh, I watched the whole live broadcast. It's true that he was targeted, but his way to deal with the targeting was to run to suck the blood of the jungle. NB tried to squat him out several times, but he couldn't get past the river and could still maintain development.

Unless you have a good relationship with the jungler in duo queue, how can they have no problem with you sucking like this? "

"How about we count how many wild groups Penicillin has eaten?"

"A group of people who don't watch the game, can you please get out of my live broadcast room?"

At the end of the debate, Liang Ziyan broke his guard.

The barrage went back and forth like "What kind of champion are you?", "Don't you want to play professionally if you are so strong?", "I understand, anchors don't like money, so don't buy gifts."

He didn't understand why he, a professional anchor, couldn't comment on Penicillin's operations. He originally thought that with Penicillin playing Yasuo, he could pick up the flow.

I didn’t expect the barrage to be so harsh, as if I had never received compulsory education.

And resist it.

Someone broke through the defense——

"Is this B of LWX a loser? He played so well in the laning phase and was directly cut off in the team battle. 》

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