I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 310 Have you lost your confidence?

"Damn it, it still doesn't work..."

Looking at the bright red word failure, Qin Hao did not feel depressed or uncomfortable.

After all, he had just started practicing small cannons and was not very familiar with the kill lines of each level. It was normal for his judgment to be different from the ideal effect.

As for why we need to practice more small guns?

Because he feels that the idea of ​​double furnaces and double shots is very comfortable to play.

The only problem is that Airplane is different from Lucian. This hero has little suppressive power and cannot put pressure on the opponent to take the line.

Of course, for the incense burner version, Lucian’s strong node is too far forward, which is actually a risky choice.

Getting it means getting enough initiative within 20 minutes. Otherwise, Lucian will go downhill, and it will be easy to get unknown AOE in team battles.


How can we achieve the containment effect the coach wants?

In the eyes of the coach, the advantage of double shooting is that it can connect the line first. After pushing the line through, while the opponent is dealing with the line of troops, one's side can occupy the jungle area, position in advance, and plan how to proceed with the next wave or even the next wave of collision. .

one more.

Most ADs in the Incense Burner version don't lack output, but what they lack is the output environment. The advantage of double shooting is that even if one of them is opened, there is still another AD that can cause a lot of output.

Judging from the games of the past week.

Most teams have gradually turned to two ideas in response to the incense burner rampage. One is to protect the output environment of their own back row, choosing combinations such as barrels and poppy, and the other is to force open——

Since the incense burner monster is strong, we can just focus on the auxiliary attrition in team battles.


The incense burner version has been playing hard and fast, and it has become a game of strong opening and protection. Many heroes who were popular at the beginning of the summer split were directly abandoned by major teams.

The more you play training matches, the more you will realize that team battles are all about whose Censer Monster dies last.

Even if AD dies, as long as the Censer Monster is still there, there is still room to fight back. On the other hand, if the Censer Monster is the first to fall, it is time to find a way to stop the loss.

With this kind of thinking.

Qin Hao quickly locked onto the hero Xiao Pao.

This is an AD who has sound in the early, middle and late stages. The disadvantage of not being able to control the line is put in the middle, and it becomes an advantage. After all, the center line is short, so there is little trouble of the forward line getting stuck.

"Come again!"

Click on Xiaohu's avatar, and a cold electronic voice sounds in your ears: "The enemy has 30 seconds to arrive on the battlefield, crush them!"

10 minutes later.

Qin Hao glanced at the progress bar. Compared with just now, the light beam was advancing towards level five with an increase that was almost visible to the naked eye.

This feeling is quite wonderful.

It should be said that he practiced certain heroes and got started quickly. Previously, he played Cards, Nightmare, and Galio. He has a good feel for playing them, including the mid laner Rambo.

On the other hand, for Syndra, Enchantress, Yasuo, etc., the progress bar increases very slowly.

You know, when he didn't play professionally before, he didn't often encounter small guns in the rankings, but Syndra often played it, but it wasn't until this year's spring split that he was able to use Syndra...

"If you don't have enough talent, you have to work hard to make it happen."

Qin Hao once again devoted himself to Summoner's Canyon.

"The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield, crush them!"

Listening to the familiar electronic sound, Iboy silently operated the keyboard and mouse. When the round was over, he cut the screen to see how the people in the counter bar would criticize him.

[If you don’t get rid of this problem, you will never win the championship in your life. 】


What do netizens know?

His first reaction was to curse, and his second reaction was to leave a message under the corresponding post - What's your rank, bro?

Before he started playing professionally, he saw otto scolding netizens in lower ranks, which he felt was violent. Now that I have been rushed, I realize that some people really don’t understand the game and only know how to follow the trend.

this moment.

The Bible verse rang in his mind——

If you think it is my fault, then it is my fault. Do you know why?

Because what Bai Yin said is like what a terminal cancer patient said. He is already like this. Why don't you obey him?

Yesterday's BO3, Abramovich's review said that the lineup was the biggest problem. To put it harshly, in the first situation, what could Xia Xia do?

This hero was not chosen to grab the lane.

As for the team failing to defeat, there are many influencing factors. For example, the wave of vanguard groups. The best way to deal with it is of course that Poppy knocks away the big bugs and puts the barrel in to take damage. He and the mid laner are responsible for attrition.

In the command voice at the time of the problem, someone clearly asked him to watch the plane. If he had known that Xing Ma would die, he would definitely choose RE and DPS, kill Cuishen, and then retreat with the front row.


Who would have thought that a team fight would turn into this? What’s wrong with pursuing more revenue?

The comments that accuse him of disrespecting his seniors and having low moral character are even more hilarious.

Have you ever thought that he and Penicillin are both from Hunan Province, who would be in the way of interacting with each other in the game?

Iboy was sulking and clicked on Penicillin's Weibo - he had followed LGD since they entered the playoffs.


The latest news stayed a week ago, and Penicillin didn't talk about yesterday's game at all. It is conceivable that this is another spontaneous act by fans.

Speaking of which, before he joined the circle, he would only be happy when he saw fans scolding each other. Whether it was ancient 60E fighting IG fans, or Huang Za chasing after 59E, he would always watch it for fun.

Now that the fun has become my own, the taste is actually a bit bitter.

"Used to it."

Mingkai passed by Iboy's location and saw a familiar page.

Iboy scratched his hair: "Gan, this is my first time and I have no experience."

Just like what Mingkai thought, Iboy has a good mentality, unlike some newcomers who get criticized after losing the game and either doubt their life or end up in a hurry to end the match.

However, Mingkai knew that the scolding on the Internet was a bit excessive. He walked behind Iboy and put his right hand on Iboy's shoulder. "It's a headwind situation now. No matter how you explain it, it's wrong."

"It's nothing else. The main thing is that I can't stand these people's guessing." Iboy said with helplessness in his tone: "I entered the youth training camp after listening to Brother Hao's story."

Next to him, Meiko poked his head. He knew this for the first time: "Qin Hao is famous over there?"

"Nonsense, the day LGD won the championship, I was watching the game in an Internet cafe. The boss was so happy that he gave me 200 Internet fees."

Talking about Penicillin, the pride of Hunan Province, Iboy's tone became lighter: "You don't know, I was on the mobile League of Legends when I learned that the official organization was going to hold a youth training camp, and I used the example of Brother Hao to convince my parents."

"Ah, your parents know Qin Hao?" Ming Kai was a little surprised.

"Anyone else would definitely not know him, but my mother knows Brother Hao's mother."

Iboy told the truth: "My mother has a relative in xx County. Last year...it seemed to be at the end of November? I don't remember. I only know that a reporter interviewed me and made a big fuss. That's when my mother knew about the incident in xx County." A famous person."

Seeing that everyone was very interested, Iboy became more and more enthusiastic as he talked:

"Do you know what's the funniest thing? On New Year's Eve, when my mother saw me huddled in my room and couldn't come out, she said, 'Can playing games be used as food?' Because she kept saying this kind of thing, I was a little annoyed. I was immediately He said, 'It's really good, look at the county next door'..."


"I didn't expect that my mother would answer the call when I was talking about the county next door. She asked if you were talking about the Qin family. She used to work in a shoe factory."

When Meiko listened to his story, such a scene seemed to appear before her eyes. He actually had a similar experience, becoming someone else's child in the early stages of his career.

At some point, the criterion for judging was no longer good at studying. When he was a child, his grades were average and he was always transparent.

Of course, compared with Xiangguo's experience of quitting Internet addiction, he is happy, at least his family is very supportive of him.

Meiko held the mouse with her right hand and watched Iboy's story with interest.

"After that day, my mother saw that I was huddled in my room and couldn't come out, and I had fewer BBs. Then in the first half of the year, Fujii held an e-sports camp, and I said I wanted to try it. If I still didn't agree with it at the time, I just went there secretly. Go, anyway, the announcement said, board and lodging are included.

Unexpectedly, it was very easy to convince my mother. It was surprisingly easy. That’s when I found out, my mom looked it up online... eh. "

When Iboy said this, he finally changed from his previous briskness. He fiddled with his fingers as if to relieve his depression, "I obviously talked about what game I was playing, and I thought my mother would forget it, but that day I realized that it turned out that My mother felt that I was lying to her, and she instinctively thought that I was looking for an excuse to play.

It wasn't until she learned about Qin Hao from her relatives that she realized that the game was really not simple - she would rather trust her relatives than me. "

After hearing this, everyone didn't know how to respond.

"Fortunately... my dream has finally come true." Iboy laughed and said, "I play games every day and have no worries."

"Ha." Meiko chuckled, quite understandably.

After all, everyone here is a beneficiary of the e-sports industry.

"In the evening training match, let's practice piano girls and gems." Mingkai said casually: "Let them scold them, and they won't be able to brush them in a few days."


Iboy saw a pop-up window and said happily: "Look, Brother Hao explained it to me. Damn it, I didn't mean to mock anyone in the first place."

Mingkai was about to return to his seat, but at this moment he felt a little bit of an auditory hallucination.


It wasn't until Iboy repeated it happily for the second time that he came up to watch.

in front of the screen.

In addition to Iboy's head, there was another head on the left and right, and on the other side, Scout only felt noisy.

[Iboy and I are fellow villagers. In addition, pay more attention to the game and less speculation. 】

This is the latest update posted on Penicillin Weibo.

There are many familiar faces in the comment area below.

【First! 】

【Fellow? 】There are always netizens who don’t pay attention to the off-site.

[Indeed, just watch the game, why are you still speculating? 】

[I read it yesterday and thought it was too much. I was complaining about food and chatting about operations. It was no problem. Why are there still people talking about Iboy’s poor moral character? Where do you see this? 】

【Ao God! 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask what happened. 】

[If the enhancement post has not been revoked, you can see it by clicking on the resistance bar. 】

[Who is playing against it? I only play on Weibo. 】

[Ah ah ah ah ah, the pentakill plane yesterday was really cool. 】

[Since PP has said so, I will definitely help the situation. 】

Sometimes, a word from the person involved is better than all explanations.

I saw someone talking about Pentakill, saying that if it was really because of Qingshen’s displeasure, why stop and give it.

When I saw this, Iboy’s ears were a little red.

In the review last night, he was picked by Abramovich.

In other words, this BO3 will not affect the playoff situation.

Otherwise, Abu will only scold more fiercely. After all, Wusha Chunchun is motivating the opponent...


Ming Kai let out a long sigh, feeling extremely complicated.

He thought about asking Qin Hao for help last night.

The problem is that many things that are taken for granted are not taken for granted.

A week ago, Abramovich often talked about the IG management and cursed him. Why? The IG who reported the incident refused to speak out, and several phone calls failed.

If IG official Boken said that it was not the reporting material submitted by EDG, and that this matter was purely a fictitious comment by some netizens, public opinion would definitely not be one-sided.

The question is why IG did this. Is there any benefit in explaining it to EDG?

To put it harshly.

The fraud was caught by Fujii, and IG itself was very worried and worried that there was no place to distract the fans.

If everyone knows that IG management is just a grassroots team, what do you want the fans to think? You can't live too comfortably and want to be scolded.

To this.

The management of IG very considerately said that EDG being suspected has nothing to do with them, and it is only because of their recent bad image.


It's obviously a matter of explanation, but the choice is in the hands of others. If they are willing to explain, you can explain. If they are not willing to explain, you have nothing to do with it.

After all, I have passed the test with EDG, but netizens are still suspicious of being reported. When the suspicion comes to RNG, does IG want to help explain?

It’s all explained, who can explain it to IG management?

Happy to see Iboy.

Mingkai felt more and more that Qin Hao was a particular person.

Sometimes, fans need a little bit of shared hatred to increase cohesion.

If a fan group never attacks anyone, what's the difference between it and passers-by? Fans who don't sign up for the group will be laughed at if they tell anyone about it.

No one asked him to do it, but he just did it.

Just like I was scolded by the A monster some time ago and didn't take it seriously.

But at that time, Ming Kai thought that Qin Hao didn't want to see those netizens who claimed to be fans to bully others online, and he had concerns in his heart.

But it wasn't until this moment that Ming Kai realized that he had misjudged Qin Hao and underestimated Qin Hao's temper... It turned out that he really didn't care.

"Before the playoffs, find a time to invite LGD out for dinner." Mingkai always felt that if he didn't do something, it would be like he owed someone something.

In the evening between training matches.

Regarding the double-skinned combination, Qin Hao expressed his thoughts: "The test of this combination is whether it can sustain the game before it takes shape. It doesn't matter if it is two or three thousand at a disadvantage. The problem is that it is easy to lose the tower in the disadvantaged game."

at the same time.

The SKT coaching staff made the same judgment.

"So, as long as it's not particularly broken, it's actually quite suitable for the incense burner?"


"The main thing is that Qin Nu doesn't need to eat too much economy. The middle line can allocate part of it to the jungle. So as long as the side lanes are okay and the middle lane is enough for defense, as long as the opponent dares to press in front of the tower, they can always find opportunities to start a team fight."

"Is that so..." Kuama listened thoughtfully.

Four days later.

As SNG defeated OMG 2-1, Group B has already determined the playoff situation. The last remaining SS will play RNG, which will not affect the ranking.

Just when 59E was madly attacking coach BP.

Riot has officially updated version 7.16.

Among them, the most eye-catching content is of course the weakening of the incense burner.

Not only has the selling price increased from 2400 to 2700, but the shield strength has increased from 10% to 8%, and the additional bloodsteal it comes with has been reduced from 25 to 35 to 20 to 32.

in other words.

The time point of the naked incense burner was changed from 9 to 10 minutes, and after it became the vanguard group, its early influence was reduced.

in addition.

Along with this, there are also weakening of S.H.I.E.L.D., among which the best ones, Feng Nu, Lulu and Glory, have all been cut off. It's fist-pumping.

Although on Twitter, the designers proudly claimed that they had noticed the phenomenon of Feng Nu and Lulu wreaking havoc in the canyon.


Everyone in the comment section is scolding the designer for not having an M.

After all, the equipment of the incense burner did not become stronger only occasionally. It became a monster after the designer made a total of 9 small enhancements from 2016 to 2017.

Put it this way.

Some time ago, the controversy over whether Glory can use the incense burner has disappeared, because Gorilla, the assistant of the LZ team, proved that this routine can play a thousand rounds. In the 2-page record, he only lost one game——

Talent point Stone Contract can trigger the incense burner.

As of the release of version 7.16, Glory has become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and a W in the later period can bring a shield value of 1,800 to his teammates.

What a concept.

Many AD's health bars are not as high as one shield of Radiance, and Radiance's W is considered a pseudo-group shield.

"The influence has declined relatively in the early and mid-term, but... it's still powerful."

The night before facing IG.

Cvmax gave his own opinion: "It can only be said that it is not so perverted."

When saying this, Cvmax did not feel any pity.

The next day.

Qin Hao and others rushed to Hongqiao World.


Miller stood in the commentary box and talked about the recent game: "...SNG relied on its mastery of the piano girl and the gem combination to win OMG."

"This is bad news for OMG fans. At the beginning of the summer split, OMG's record was pretty good.

I just don’t know why, but I got a little lost in the second half and missed a lot of good games. In the end, I barely made it to the playoffs in fourth place. "

Who would have thought that OMG could reach the second round in the spring split, but be knocked back to its original shape in the summer split. The reason why 59E is angry is because they played too badly in the second half, otherwise they would have a chance to compete with RNG for the top two.

Another reason is that the follow-up version is slow.

The piano girl and the gem are obviously good, why not ban them? Even if I don’t get banned, why do I look like I’m not prepared at all?

Wawa: "West is actively communicating with his teammates. It can be seen that he is not nervous against a strong enemy like LGD."

First round.

The one on IG is TheShy.

As the outside world said, this game will not affect the ranking.

IG's current points score is only third, which is a bit behind EDG.

【I'm coming. 】

[The Korean server has already reached version 7.16, and we are still on 7.14. 】

[Hey, I’m used to the backward version. 】

[Why not go to Duke? We are about to play in the playoffs and train new players. 】

[No one thinks that IG can still compete for a spot in the World Championship. 】

[Laughing, I am a coach and I also train. Anyway, there is no hope this year. 】

Soon, BP started.

LGD is on the blue side, IG is on the red side.

As soon as it comes up, Cvmax bans Xia first and respects West's natural hero.

The red side blocked Feng Nu with a backhand.

In the incense burner version, Feng Nu is considered a ban position that the red side needs to assume.

The main reason is that everyone discovered that Feng Nu's protective ability or ability to hide the truth is stronger than Lulu.

After all, Feng Nu’s ultimate move can blow away people who rush into her face, while Lulu can only knock people away or transform into sheep. Although there are many control methods, her own AD can only output the front row first to hit the face.

Cvmax banned the prince in the second hand, and IG removed Kalista.


The first round of bans is over.

LGD: Xia, Prince, Liquor

IG: Feng Nv, Kalista, Gem

"IG, this ban guy, is quite targeted at the bottom lane." Miller commented.

It’s time to select people.

The blue side took away Pig Girl on the first floor, while the red side took Lulu and Big Mouth on the first and second floors, and followed LGD to lock in Star Mom and Varus.

"Both sides selected players very quickly, and the ones they picked were all popular in the version."

Miller: "Here we come, Langx's Green Steel Shadow."

In the second round of bans, each other will send two mid laners to the ban position. Seeing that there was a big bug on the fourth floor of IG, Cvmax directly asked the big wolf to take Qinggangying and supplement the rock bird in the middle.

Wawa: "This is a system that LGD likes very much. I don't know how IG will respond."

Miller: "Actually, it's not bad. It's an advantage to play Qinggangying in front of Big Chong. The problem lies in the transition period. TheShy may not be able to control Langx.

However, LGD only has pig girls in the front row. IG can try to actively force the team. "

The words just fell.

IG fifth floor chose the czar without hesitation.

"IG chose to ensure fault tolerance in the later stage." Faced with this choice, Miller's tone was a little doubtful: "It's just that, the bottom lane may be a little uncomfortable."

【crazy? What is Chris doing? 】

[Ritz is outside, why not choose. 】

[Outrageous, I know that LGD wants to go lower when they take Rock Bird, but they choose a stupid midfielder with Xin Zhao and Czar. 】

【Do you like dragging so much? 】

[Take it out and do it with the opponent. Is Rookie losing confidence? 】

In the camera.

Compared with West, Rookie's face was solemn, and those who didn't know thought he was playing in the playoffs.

The lineup has just been decided for the game.

A title post titled "Facing Qingshen, Rookie loses confidence" appeared in Kangba...

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