Resist it.

Someone posted photos of Rookie's expressions when he played against Penicillin.

In the screenshots that are not very clear.

Rookie went from being carefree at the beginning to pursed lips, then serious, with slightly furrowed brows, and now solemn and seems to have something on his mind...

The reason why the original poster dares to say that Rookie is not confident.

It is precisely because the expression changes are too obvious.


Except for the first round of the playoffs, when I cried on the spot.

Most of the time, Rookie is quite calm.

If there is emotion, it will only change when the situation is not going well or when you are at a huge disadvantage. For example, when he is anxious, Rookie's lips can obviously not be pressed together.

[Is Lao Song feeling stressed? 】

[The pressure from the champion mid laner. 】

[I have seen this expression on Xiaohu before. 】

[The false Qing'er is Xiye; the real Qing'er is Xiaohu. Really, Xiaohu’s brows can kill flies. 】

After reading the screenshots, they intuitively told them that Rookie would not be able to relax when facing Penicillin. Because the relaxed expression doesn’t look like this, it appears on the face of the opponent’s seat next door.


The director is showing a close-up of the contestants.

People stared at Qin Hao.

He feels serious now. Although his eyes are always fixed on the screen, he is able to communicate with his teammates without distraction and rarely closes his mouth.

Looking back at Rookie, he is not even as relaxed as Ning, who is on the same team. Although Ning looks very serious when wearing headphones, at least he is not a wooden sculpture. He will twist his butt and adjust his sitting posture from time to time.

[I feel sorry for Rookie, my teammates are all CBA. 】

[If JKL can play to share the pressure, you can see Lao Song smiling. 】

[In this version, AD is too important. The mid laner can be a tool man, but AD cannot. 】

[Why are you playing an AD who hasn't played every day? With West, at least he is locked in third place, and he doesn't have to look at other people's faces. 】

[Compared with last year, IG has indeed improved. 】

[It’s hard to hold an S competition right at home. What’s the use if you can’t get a spot. 】

This sentence expresses the voice of IG fans.

They didn't mean to disgust their own players.

Anyone who is not stupid or blind knows that West is not bad.

The problem is that he can't get a spot and can't go to the World Championships, which is equivalent to wasting a year of Rookie's career. In the IG team, since Kid became a substitute, all the older generation of IG have retired, and most of the ones who remain are Rookie fans.

For these people.

Rookie's league performance is definitely better than most of the mid laners who went to the World Championship. Why can those people go but Rookie can't?

If you usually like to watch OB in the Korean server, you know that this season, when Rookie encounters BDD and PawN in the Korean server, he can basically achieve lane superiority. In the first few levels of the game, he can kill the opponent like a pig.

But these two are currently tied for first place in the LCK, and IG is third in Group A.

What a concept.

Winning line but not winning the game?


It must be teammate CBA.

IG fans hate the Incense Burner item because it weakens the influence of the mid laner.

In the mid-to-late resource group stage, the mid laner can win with a little stealth, but AD stealth is really unplayable. After all, most mages lack the means to reduce the blood volume of the front row.

Then here comes the problem.

Since the influence of the mid laner has declined compared to the spring split, and in the last two games, SKT relied on protecting Bang to get the fourth pick.

How could IG fans be satisfied with West.

Except for Xayah, the other big-core ADs look average, not smooth enough to play, and have no aesthetic appeal.

The same lineup works very well for other teams, but IG is almost boring to play.

Including this round of BP.

Seeing the big mouth in the bottom lane, IG fans don't feel safe.

But change the ID to Mystic or smlz, and the barrage will definitely have a different style.

[In the past two weeks, IG has only won against weak teams. 】

[Even BLG can’t beat it. 】

[One thing to say is that the jungler has the biggest problem when losing to BLG. Damn it, I get angry just thinking about it. His teammates are preparing to force Baron, but he insists on taking that advantage. 】

[It makes no sense to change Kid. This guy Ning doesn’t know who his father is. 】

[This is a bit humorous. Ning is definitely better at playing than Kid. At least he dares to start a group. 】

Talking about jungle.

IG immediately split into the Baodad faction and the Ning faction.

The former's point of view is always the closeness rate of the middle and jungle, while the latter likes to talk about Ning's help to the three lanes after playing.

Load the game.

The lineups of both sides are as follows——

LGD (Blue) top laner Qinggangying, Fighting Wild Boar Girl, middle rock bird, bottom lane Verus (barrier), Xingma (healing)

IG (red) top laner Big Bug, jungler Xin Zhao, middle lane Tsar, bottom lane Big Mouth (purification) plus Lulu (healing)

When buying equipment, Rookie was thinking: Without interference from the jungle, nothing would happen to his bottom lane. What he needed to watch out for was Yanque going to six and forcing the pig girl to clear the line.

And before that.

Is there any chance in the middle to force out Yanque's flash?

Thinking about how to deal with it, Rookie was not in the mood to listen to his teammates' wisecracks, although he knew it was a way to relax.


Seeing that Rookie had been silent, Ning thought he was sulking about last night's training match. Damn it, isn't it just that the training matches were a little more casual, as for keeping a cold face?

That’s what everyone does.

If you are serious, but your opponent is not serious, it is still just like playing casually. Besides, you are quite casual sometimes...

Anyway, there is a lot of tower rushing in the training matches.

Just as he was thinking about it, Ning bought a wild knife, marked the river channel, and said, "Wait until I come here before sending it in."

TheShy sent a signal that he was on his way, indicating that he had received it.

Of course he didn't understand.

But this kind of line-field coordination is only at the entry level.

"His star mother may have to take precautions." Baolan reminded.

"Do you want to arrest me? If I do, I can only open the lower half of the area."

Ning was not particularly happy. He planned to finish controlling the Shanghe Crab and enter the blue zone to find Karsa.

Because Big Insect fights Green Steel Shadow, he definitely has an advantage in the early stage. When he enters the jungle, the Green Steel Shadow on the opposite side cannot get through - unless he doesn't want the tower line and comes to help.

"I'll be very comfortable if the other side can't get the grass." West followed.

"Okay, follow me from the middle."

West has spoken, and Ning plans to help his roommate. You know, after the two-year contract was renewed in early August, the outside world continued to question West.

Sometimes when I see similar comments, Ning Ting defends West.

They obviously have a good run-in and work well together, so why don't they have a chance to compete for a spot in the World Championship?

Out of the highlands.

Qin Hao took out the corruption and went straight to the blue zone pass to occupy his field of vision.

C Bo: "Don't worry about the bottom lane."

"Big Wolf is under pressure to beat TheShy...just arrange it."

Just saying.

Xing Ma’s face was thrust into the grass, ready to insert her eyes. As soon as the eye position was clicked, Xin Zhao poked up, Lulu followed and slowed down, and Tsar helped level A.

The first blood was taken by Big Mouth. C Bo raised his voice and shouted: "Wori, the four people on the other side are squatting on me in the grass."

"Big dog, dishonest." IMP commented sharply.

C Bo:……

"It's okay, I believe in the God of Pu." Qin Hao cheered.

"Believe in a basket."

Qin Hao, C Bo, Dalang:...

If he hadn't been a teammate, it would have been hard to believe that a Korean was so obsessed with baskets. Although he usually eats barbecue, IMP doesn't like playing in the third lane.

First blood is given at the beginning.

Wawa was happy for 2 seconds: "Haha, LGD sometimes gets set up by others."

Miller didn't hold back: "It's a bit natural to die." Other players jumped in and died, but their movements were more cautious. PYL was different. He walked straight in without any extra floor movements.

that's all.

West went home and made up a Dolan sword.

The other end.

Qin Hao took up a flank position, Qing first and then lining up his troops.

He knew that in this matchup, he couldn't suppress anything in the early stage and could only find opportunities to swim.

As soon as we arrived, we started working on the road.

Relying on his own barrier, IMP deliberately stayed close to force Big Mouth's W. The next second, Xingma helped. IMP took advantage of Baolan's distraction to look at the support, rushed into the range, and faced Big Mouth.

"IMP played very violently as soon as they came up."

The two clicked on each other twice.

Lulu had just helped, but Varus still refused to retreat, pressing the barrier to exchange blood with Big Mouth. Although the opponent's AD was given a head start at the beginning, Xing Ma has battery life and can still grab the position she deserves.

one more.

Varus has excellent laning consumption ability. As long as he waits for Big Mouth W to enter the cooldown, the opponent will definitely give up his position.

See the barrier.

West was thinking, if the opponent fights like this, the pig girl should be relying on the downward brush?

"Back off."

Before West could say anything, Baolan first reminded: "We just need to grow up."

in this way.

Not long after the second wave of lines was extended, Dazui and Lulu retreated, taking a little more position.

And on the road.

Facing the big bug, Qinggangying can only use W to clear the line and consume it.

Then, the big wolf wanted to eat the second wave of melee soldiers with residual health. The big bug found the right angle and the E minion slowed down to the Qinggang Ying behind him, and then pressed the Q skill without hesitation to knock it away.

"Knock it away, catch up with an immortal."

"TheShy played very aggressively and didn't want Langx to touch the line."

Only the third wave.

The big bug is already parallel to the blue backline.

"Can you come?" Langx said directly. He found that the big bug on the opposite side was a bit arrogant and would rather miss his sword than consume his blood.

The big problem is that the big bug pays so much attention to blood consumption, and its blade speed is average. It is impossible to send the line into the defense tower in about 2 and a half minutes.

Since it is the side line of the wall, whether you go to the river to insert an eye on the opposite side or stand in the pile of soldiers, the starting position will be given.

"Did you get some eye candy?"

"I didn't see him leave the military line."

Karsa understands instantly.

His impression of TheShy is that he has exquisite technique and radical playing style.

"Karsa reached level three, and Ning Zai controlled the river crab. The two sides crossed each other in the river, and they had no vision of each other." The river crab happened to be heading towards the middle.

"What can I say, Pig Girl chose to lean up, but this kind of line is not easy to catch." Miller commented sharply.

At this time, there were a lot of people on the red side. They fought immediately. The big bug delayed it for six or seven seconds, and Xin Zhao arrived.


Miller had just come up with this idea after this wave hit the sky. Then I saw the big insect taking the initiative to walk out of the pile of soldiers and choose the position where Qinggang Ying was pressed.


Isn't this a sign of lowering one's combat power by sending out troops?

But TheShy didn't want to let Qinggang Ying hit the line, because Xin Zhao controlled the river crab and could come. As long as he suppressed a little more blood, the opposite Qinggang Ying didn't dare to stay in the tower.

When Xin Zhao goes to counterattack, he can take advantage of the situation and disconnect, further widening the last-hit gap.

Seeing Qinggang Ying retreating.

TheShy predicted that Q would come out of half position.

The next second.

Qinggangying suddenly turned around and W, twisting away the ground spike, swept out the outer circle to slow down, and then actively stepped forward to QA to trigger the passive.


Eimy was amused by the big bug's operation.

He knows what IG Ueno wants to do. The problem is that Xin Zhao has not yet been put in place, and the big bug has already given out the flaw.

"TheShy reacted very quickly and dodged Pig Girl's second W."

"Can you leave? The big bug is only level two, and the pig girl has a red buff."

"Xin Zhao is rushing, but it seems a little too late!"

Everything is calculated by Karsa.

Without waiting for his prompting.

Qinggangying flashes the second stage of QA, and Pig Girl follows up with Q to knock back and make up for the basic attack to trigger permanent freeze.

After a series of explosions, TheShy knocked out the blood bottle and tried to pull it into the grass. Next to him, Zhao Xin had just arrived on the battlefield, and the big insect was shooting Q in front of him with blood.

As soon as the ground stab animation appeared, Karsa flashed to avoid and made up for 2 basic attacks, eating the head.

"I'll Q in 4 seconds."

Hearing this cry, Karsa leaned towards the big wolf.

Near the grass on the top road, Xin Zhao opened W with his E face to increase the attack speed and stabbed. A made two hits, and when he was about to hit the target, the big wolf chose to enter the grass and get out of sight, interrupting Xin Zhao's action.

Following Pig Girl's physical blockage, Qinggangying continued to run towards the red square tower.

Miller: "Killing should be able to kill..."

The words just fell.

Xin Zhao flashed Q3 and hit the target. At this moment, Zhumei turned around and threw out the W skill. The Qinggang Shadow Silk Blood QA triggered immortality and restored some blood.

Just like that.

When Xin Zhao accepted Qinggang Ying's head, Pig Girl's Q turned better and followed up with Permanent Freeze, reducing Xin Zhao's health to only 200.


Ning cursed secretly and chose to go into Tara. Zhumei's level three burst was very high, and her basic attack with Permanent Freeze hit him by one and a half health points.

Even though Xin Zhao is a warrior, he can't defeat Pig Girl with two-thirds of his health with this amount of health.


"Fuck, there's a soldier on the opposite side." The big wolf was very excited.


Karsa had almost reached the grass behind the wall. When he saw the big bug attacking the little soldiers, he waved his head and clicked on the explosive fruit and went down the wall to ambush.

"TheShy wants to send the line in."

"But, Xin Zhao is fighting stone beetles..."

Has this been communicated or not?

Miller put his doubts aside for now.

Before going up to the next tower, Qinggangying was resurrected and turned to T. When Karsa came out to cooperate, the big bug only had 2 soldiers left to deal with.

"Karsa knows very well, wait for the Qinggang Shadow to make the first move, and then add the Permanent Freeze."

Qinggangying uses W to slow down, and then E wall kicks to stun. When E went out, the big bug chose to Q under his feet to offset the control. Even so, the big bug can't stand the damage.

"He died again on the road."

"The head was taken by the Qinggang Shadow."

"It's only 3 minutes and 10 seconds."

In the camera, TheShy showed a smile. He thought the pig girl opposite him was quite interesting. She didn't miss the chance to hit the wave. Otherwise, Xin Zhao would have been able to beat two and help him get the line in.

[Hippy smiley face. 】

[It’s really a trap. 】

[You dare to spread this, buy it? 】

I don’t know whether IG fans are angry or not, but passers-by were dumbfounded. Although I have long heard that TheShy dared to arrest and kill him, he was too quick.

If there is a matchup like this in the top lane in LCK, it is impossible to see kills in the first 20 minutes. After all, Qinggangying really has nothing to do with the big bugs in the early stage.

E is countered by the ground stab, and the cost of one set is not as much as that of the big bug eating the wave line.

However, TheShy's gameplay circumvents the biggest advantage of the big bug - standing in a pile of soldiers, and if caught, he will dodge at most.

"Big Wolf, you feel so comfortable." C Bo's eyes grew hot when he heard this from the bottom lane.

"Yeah, you have to call someone for this position on the road." Big Wolf said with a shy face: "Besides, I'm not afraid of choosing the meat on the other side."

"I can come at level six." Qin Hao reminded.


Hit the road.

Even if the big bug dies twice, it can still push the line.


"TheShy is a real eye. I bought it after the level 3 death wave. Why not insert it?" a commenter questioned.

After level six.

Rookie really can't control the rock bird.

Because if Qin Hao wants to move, he always calls Pig Girl to release the line in advance. You must know that this version of Pig Girl is passively strengthened. With a layer of pig skin, she is not afraid of being opened at all. It would be difficult for him and Xin Zhao to kill Pig Girl immediately.

As for catching it, it's even easier.

Qin Hao's big moves were useless, he walked all the way to the top and cooperated with Qinggang Shadow to keep people.

"It's 0-3."

40 seconds later.

The big bug pushed the upper line through the middle, and in the next second, a stone wall spread from the red zone to the front of the tower.

"Qinggangying opens up and sits down, Pig Girl follows Q, and Yanque makes up for the rock protrusion!"

"Caught again."

"It's less than 7 and a half minutes, and I've died four times!"

This wave is simpler.

Qinggangying pushed the lane, pretending to be B but actually entering the lane grass. When the middle and jungle were in position, he directly opened the big to save people.

"The incense burner is 300 yuan short."

Baolan said something, but no one answered. When his teammates became silent, Rookie's worst fear before the game happened.

Face to face, there is a broken road.


TheShy developed the i10 series, and in a 33-minute game, the record was 1-10-3.

The only kill was still at 14 minutes. Ning came to help catch him. Taking advantage of the fact that Langx had a thousand and seven dollars in his pocket that he had not spent, he chose to circle back and jump over the tower, and cooperated with the big bug to take down the green steel shadow who was greedy for the line.

On to the second hand.

Cvmax chose to switch to zoom, and when the opponent saw him, he chose Thain, and continued to play Qinggang Ying on the top lane.

It's different from the first one.

TheShy's Sion proficiency is average, and several Qs were knocked out by Qinggangying.

Even worse.

C Bo reminded Zoom for 5 minutes to buy the real eye. At 7 and a half minutes, TheShy was caught. He opened the equipment column and found that the real eye was still there.

"His real eyes are not bought to show to his teammates."

"Damn it, Godv did this before in a training match. The labor boss also reminded him to do some wards in the middle, but he spent 20 minutes on a real ward. In the end, he saw that there was no space, so he sold the real ward."

C Bo Rui commented on Godv: "Really."

The game lasted 17 minutes.

TheShy has a record of 1-3-1.

right here.

C Bo saw Thain resurrected and went to grab the line under the tower, and found that the real eye in the equipment column was gone.

"Brother, he sold his real eyes!"

Commentary seat.

Miller nodded: "I remember Thain bought a real eye, where did it go?"

"It's not inserted." Wawa was puzzled: "There is only one real eye in the upper half, and it should be filled in the middle."

Barrage audience:...

【cancer. 】

[Except for Warrior playing better than Duke, it doesn't work anywhere. 】

[Why not go to Duke? 】

[Buy a runner-up top order and just leave it like this? 】

[IG is still rich. 】

[LGD is so ruthless, trying to break through on the road. 】


LGD won the game 2-0, and Thain's record was 2-7-6.

The weird thing is.

Of these two, TheShy died the most, but his damage output was the same. It’s just that the audience doesn’t care how much damage is done on the top lane.

A certain QQ group.

A WE fan rejoiced, "Fortunately, I replaced Ben with him!"

"One week left, playoff time."

"I hope RNG will give me some help and the All-China class will rush for me."

"Hey, my IG fan is lying flat."

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