The reason for the excitement is that someone made a picture.

On the dazzling stage, while the four OMG team members were still comforting each other, the old thief carried peripherals alone and walked to the employee aisle early.

Netizens at the scene captured this scene.

In the photo, the old thief is neither sad nor happy, and is calmer than anyone else on the field.

The person who posted the picture talked about his feelings and said that seeing the old thief like this made him feel very sad. The scene of leaving the stage alone reminded him of a line in the movie "We Will Never See You Again".

He said: I really witnessed OMG being eliminated, and I felt a little sad in my heart.


This picture is posted in the enhanced post and has been recognized by more people.

The audience felt that this line in the movie was more like a portrayal of the old thief's career - "Since everyone has no ability, it is the reality that everyone goes his own way."

Or rather.

After so many years, S7 should have been the year OMG shined. smlz has truly become the backbone of a team, rather than a "relegation emperor".

The results of it.

First, there was the chat record incident, which caused friction in the jungle; then there was the BP incident, and smlz was labeled as the team leader. In the eighth week of the summer split, he had another dispute with the management and missed two BO3s.

Even so, OMG advanced to the playoffs in fourth place, although the process seemed a bit tortuous.

But just when 59E was holding on to her last hope.

Xihuang's performance in laning and team battles is not inferior to smlz.

Not to mention fans, even passers-by didn’t expect that smlz could barely tie with Xihuang.

If a little harsher.

The amount of damage caused by the Western Emperor is more than that of the Old Thief.

Of course, fans can make excuses and say that the dominant side is better at dealing damage. This is a fact. But the problem is that OMG lost too easily.

No one thought it would be that simple.

The mid-field rhythm that 59E wanted to see was not achieved, and IG was both a small player in the laning phase, and then used the mid-field to further open up the gap, and finally ended the game by actively forcing the team.

To say eye-catching.

TheShy Prince's level 7 matchup single-kills the big bug in the sunset. Rookie's big dragon group has three clockwork coils, and no matter how hard he blows, he can't hit the Western Emperor.

The premise is that everyone has high expectations for Xihuang.

But obviously, the audience generally feels that Xihuang just doesn't hold back. Unexpectedly, Xihuang, who was not expected, gave fans a surprise. Whether in laning or team battles, his performance was no worse than that of the old thief.

Therefore, after the game, there were many voices praising Xihuang.

Because this kind of IG gives fans confidence. If the bottom lane can maintain such performance, IG's tactical options will become richer.

Let's imagine.

The bottom lane can be played by itself, Rookie is useful for the economy, and the top lane TheShy has a gifting operation, but he is very powerful in the lane.

He is the only top laner so far in this playoffs who has performed at the Carry level as a top laner.

From that wave of solo kills to the end of the game, his record was 6-2-6, and he forced the old thieves back many times in team battles.


The other princes all turned from black cuts to gargoyles to flesh, but he turned from black cuts to giant nine and then to blood hands.

There is nothing else about this set of equipment. The advantage is that it can instantly crisp up the skin. The disadvantage is that it has no EQ, and it is easy to collapse when the team battle is concentrated.

In other words, this kind of outfit is not as easy to control as the Gargoyle. After all, the hero Prince needs the active damage reduction of the Gargoyle.

While eating.

C Bo exited the WeChat interface and took the initiative to curse: "OMG management is really stupid."

"What's wrong?" Eimy picked up a piece of ribs and asked.

Beside, Karsa and others pricked up their ears. They knew that PYL had a good relationship with the old thief, and they would treat him to a bungalow if they had nothing to do. They all wanted to get first-hand information from him.

"It was just a minor conflict at first, but the management turned it into a severance..."

What's going on.

Very simple.

Because Xiyang helped Big Chong on the fourth floor and didn't take his opinion into account, he snarled after losing that he didn't know how to win against this pair.

Because of this contradiction, Sunset is a little unhappy with the old thief. It just so happens that the old thief also thinks that Sunset is a bit weird. There are many things that cannot be communicated. The review is always about choosing someone in the front row.

It's like choosing the front row. If you don't close the lane, you won't win the team battle. You can just talk about other people's problems, but you can't talk about the lane.

"...I was killed in a solo playoff game, but when I got back to the base, their manager scolded the old thieves for deliberately leading fans to bully teammates online."

"I'm confused. It was you who begged people to come back and play the game."

As a friend, C Bo naturally stands on the side of the old thief.

The question is really weird.

When there was some friction at the beginning, the management ignored it and did not dissuade them. This caused the old thief to clarify the origin of the incident on Weibo and let netizens judge who was guilty.

Later, the conflict became more serious, and the management chose to protect Ueno and let the old thief sit at the water cooler.

When something went wrong, he quickly promoted the old thief to the starting lineup to calm the anger of the fans and claimed that OMG was very united and had no conflicts within the team. The so-called gossip is all false information.


Now that they are out of the first round of the playoffs, the management simply stopped pretending, as if it was smlz's fault that things turned out like this.

"OMG that manager is really bad."

"It's not a contract issue." Eimy nodded: "It expires at the end of the season and refuses to renew in advance. Of course I will disgust you."

"You also said that Xiyang is a mama's boy. He usually has to be picked up by his mother when he goes home. As long as the management is tough, he has to hold back any weird words."


Let’s talk about contracts.

Everyone here feels sad.

Although it has been so long, the word seems to have a kind of magic when it is mentioned.

Just like Eimy said.

If the management wanted to take control, would Ueno dare to make weird remarks to disgust the old thief? It's because the management doesn't dare to impose fines or wages, or it's because they don't want to talk to them.

Conversely, what if this is what management wants to see happen?

C Bo was silent for a while and responded: "It can't be continued. Even if the management kneels down and begs him, his pride will never allow it."

The season isn't over yet.

As a player, this is what a veteran should do. Even if he knew he was going to be disgusted, he still insisted on finishing the playoffs.

But now that the season is over and the dream has awakened, why are you still staying at OMG?

Do not know why.

this moment.

Qin Hao had a picture of smlz escaping from the stage alone. It was difficult for him to figure out this accompanying picture.


Everyone went their separate ways to surf Kangba and Weibo, and many fans expressed their opinions under his posts.

"Where will he go next season?"

Zoom cannot feel the low pressure in the air.

He doesn't have much idea about contracts.

After all, in LSPL, the most expensive ones are foreign players.

Most teams can afford to pay someone like him 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month. If he plays a little better, all he can get is a smile.

But in LPL.

A well-known player like smlz can easily earn two to three million, so the investment pressure is not small.

Let’s talk about contract renewal.

Management always wants to get the longest tenure at the cheapest salary at the same price.

But for players, only a few years are precious.

Those who have chosen do not want to be condemned to death.


Both teams and players need results to prove themselves.

The current contradiction is that smlz's performance this year has been recognized, and as expected, his salary will be increased. From the perspective of the management, not choosing to renew the contract in advance would be tantamount to ungratefulness.

By the afternoon.

The OMG official blog posted a long article, reviewing the past of the 2017 spring and summer season, and at the end of the article, thanked the sponsor Dad.

In this essay of nearly 800 words, I can barely see the help smlz brought to the team. Throughout the article, I’m talking about Icon, the sunset, Jiekou’s growth, and his integration with the team.

We even chatted about OMG’s team building philosophy – to only be an all-Chinese class.

Immediately after the release, the front row of comments poured out violent comments.

[Someone is invisible, just like during the game. 】

[The ID is good, I don’t know if c or c, sm is really sm. 】

[When I was in M3, Looper couldn’t even carry it. 】

[Feeling sorry for Icon, he is second on the solo kill list, but he can’t bring him down. 】

[Walking so fast after the game, wasn’t he just trying to lead fans to bully his teammates online? 】

[If the factory director hadn’t happened to be on the live broadcast, who knows what he would have done to scold his teammates behind their backs. 】

Seeing these comments, the fans who came over after hearing the news all became hypertensive.


Complaining about the jungler playing with wine barrels and not starting a group, he can't be promoted no matter what.


Even if the height rises, if OMG becomes like this, who has the heaviest responsibility?

[Shabi management never takes action, only knows how to pass the blame. 】

[Laughing to death, I didn’t think I could make it to the playoffs. The jungler is great. Without double C, he is just a jerk. 】

[If it’s a crime to complain about operations behind your back, then what’s the point of forming a small group in Ueno? 】

[I want to see what results OMG can do without smlz. I hope to see Ueno fight fiercely next season. 】

[This piece of garbage is still in the wild, but it can still be fucked. Don’t make me laugh. 】

[What a vicious curse, it actually makes people who can’t do it c. 】

Watching the official blog dynamics fall apart.

Sunset was angry.

It happens every time.

No matter what happens, relying on the large number of people will always be unreasonable.

He was killed alone, but it was still useful in team battles. Where is AD? What is AD doing?

"This group of fans is really cool."

"Set a rhythm every day, and be silent when trouble comes."

"Who likes to see his stinky face?"

The old thief pushed his suitcase and left the base yesterday.

Seeing Ueno yelling about the old thief, Icon was caught in the middle, not knowing what to do. He still can't accept the fact that he was eliminated.

Even when they are in good form, they can compete with LGD.

In the end, all that was left was a quarrel.

Tired of hearing this.

Icon click on NetEase Cloud and turn the volume to 55.

"Dong dong dong."

Qingshen's ditty came from the earphones, and Icon thought about himself basking in the sun, standing at the fork in the road and watching the cars go by.


LGD, conference room.

Cvmax is talking about the BP trend in the past few days.

"...You can tell by looking at the banners that SKT only targets heroes that are easy to set the pace in the early stage, such as Rambo, Ice, and Spider, while AFS focuses on removing heroes that are relatively strong online, such as Kalista and Tsar."

Cvmax doesn’t talk about jungle.

Because in the first three bans in the LCK, either one of each other will be banned from a fantasy god, or neither will be banned.

Take SKT against AFS as an example. The former seals the barrel, and the latter seals Zach.

When SKT won the first game, AFS chose to ban the opponent's good-handling hero, such as the top single Gnar, and released the Phantom God, and SKT followed suit, and then the matchup became a pig girl beating a wine barrel.

"...I found out that it wasn't. In the third game, AFS tried to enhance the stability of the bottom lane and took Tamga Kalista, but they lost in the end."

"I feel like it has nothing to do with BP." C Bo has seen this BO5, "In these games, Untara has exploded, Gnar did not lose to Kennen in the lane, and he also showed off his Qinggang Shadow in the third game."

"AFS is too hesitant. They want to force the team but are afraid of burning the line."

"AFS only had an advantage in the early game in the second game, but as a result, it couldn't handle Kalista in team battles, and fell behind as the game progressed."

"Blank seized the third opportunity very well. The hero Tahm is a little afraid of being taken back by Zack."

The team members commented on the game and chatted with each other. Cvmax waited patiently for everyone to finish speaking, and then said: "What I mean is that the LCK rhythm is slow and they prefer to focus on points.

With these three moves, AFS can only force SKT by forcing Baron.

There are not many opportunities like this.

If they don't form a group, AFS won't be able to seize the Baron area in advance. Once they form a group, the purpose is too obvious. "

"It is in SKT's interest to delay. Of course I am willing to delay."

"AFS only lets the jungler find opportunities every time, and the pressure is too little."

Whether it’s the incense burner version or not.

LPL is more willing to fight.

Like the LCK, unless there is no other way to drag it down, they are not willing to go to the area where the field of view is occupied. LPL is different, they like to take the initiative and are more willing to gamble.

Just like that.

Whether it's a training match or a game, tanks on the top lane are the only way to be stable. Because a tank is very powerful if it has one or two pieces of equipment, and it will be even more effective in the mid-term.

Listen to the coach talk about this.

Others were fine, but Zoom was vaguely looking forward to it.

After joining the team for so many days, he knew that it would be very difficult to catch up with Langx in terms of coordination in a short period of time.

But as long as the hero's focus changes from tanking damage to providing output, he feels he has a chance.

Some discussions on the Internet.

It's not like he hasn't touched it before.

He hasn't played in nearly 2 weeks. Many people think that he was abandoned by LGD. Sometimes, he himself will come up with this idea.

The problem is that he doesn't understand what his teammates need.

Also following the command, Big Wolf can make adjustments faster.


Those like Qinggangying and Captain need to develop and have the ability to take over the game. Even in a group fight, you don't need to be the first to push forward.

This will give you more time to see your position clearly and look for opportunities.

Zoom looked at Cvmax blankly, but for a while, he didn't see him chatting down the top lane. Instead, he talked about the soft support position.

He pointed at the areas that TusiN didn't handle well, and at the same time glanced at PYL.


PYL has the same problems that TusiN has.

The same dense field of vision, a waste of eye positions, the same skills for attacking in front of the group, not enough caution, the same shield is not provided in place, resulting in too much blood loss in the front row, and the formation becomes more passive.

As long as you are willing to use a magnifying glass to look for a game, everyone has a better way to deal with it.


Cvmax just feels that PYL’s soft support is not delicate enough. Even if they start practicing more in the spring split, they will still have problems of one kind or another.

In other words, PYL's style is the same as Thresh, Braum, and Taurus for which he became famous.

He doesn't pay much attention to small details and pays more attention to the big direction, so he likes to look for opportunities and observe the opponent's formation, without focusing so much on himself.

That is to say, there is someone in the team who can share the pressure of command, otherwise he will be more confused as a soft assistant. Because he is busy sorting out information, he often goes to places he shouldn't go. Once he is opened, he will die easily.

On the contrary, if the hard support gets the fire, the teammates still have time to react, and can make the decision of counterattack or selling according to the situation.

C Bo is being trained obediently.

Qin Hao suddenly said: "Now that the incense burner has been extended (the price has been increased by 300 yuan), you can play Tamu and Niutou in the bottom lane. The one BLG won, the bottom lane is Ice and Niutou."


Seeing the discussion with him in the middle, Cvmax calmly picked up the thermos cup and took a sip of water, "But it was cut, and the intensity is still there. There is no way to ignore it."

"I think if the visual field is under great pressure, I can use hard assistance."

Qin Hao thought about this problem seriously.

After all, in the training matches, the number of mistakes was indeed increasing when C Bo was given heroes such as Xing Ma and Feng Nu.

"We can play Leopard Girl, we can play Emerald God Cannon, we can play Gems, Luo, Karma..."

Qin Hao counted all the way and said: "As long as there is rhythm in front, the incense burner is not invincible. Also, if you get Galio for me, I can squeeze out the field of view."

Cvmax was choked.

Because Qin Hao was right.


Esports has always had this problem.

That is the critical moment, whether you should trust the players or the winning rate. Which is more important, confidence or version.

someone will ask.

It’s better if you don’t practice.

But sometimes it takes time, but the effect is still average.

the most important is.

There isn't that much time left.

Qin Hao thought about it carefully and said, "If it doesn't work out, leave a ban seat for Feng Nu. I feel more confident this way."

The solution given by Qin Hao was so simple that it left Cvmax speechless.


Sask was dumbfounded.

In his eyes, Cvmax has unique ideas and never gives in, let alone when it comes to practice plans.

After Qin Hao finished asking the question, Cvmax did not refute.

He's not really thinking, is he?

"You can try it in the playoffs." Cvmax suddenly remembered something: "Is the opponent RNG?"

"Not yet."

"There's no suspense, right? You don't believe Uzi?"

The atmosphere became inexplicably lively, and Eimy said insultingly: "If you can't beat SNG, that would be too embarrassing."

That night.

RNG completed the crushing game cleanly and advanced to the semi-finals of the second half. As Eimy said, this RNG is ahead of SNG in all aspects.

And in the playoffs, RNG played very seriously.

In the first round, Uzi's mouse was full of firepower, and SNG was quickly sent to the ban position, but it still couldn't restrict the bottom lane.

This time.

The oozes were cumming.

【Call IMP! 】

[The charm of the incense burner, AD plus c! ! 】

[Guigui, the three of them combined have done 160,000 damage. Is this the god of AD? 】

[Heizi speaks. 】

The other side.

No one is optimistic about IG, and they are inseparable from EDG.

The battle continued until the fifth game.

West, who was at a disadvantage in the early stage but then gradually stabilized his rhythm, wanted to be IG's savior.

In a wave of tug-of-war, EDG's three remaining health and hard auxiliary Niutou retreated into the defense tower. West chose to flash forward and charge into the tower to play Annihilation.

However, when he asked God, he failed to invite the old thief.

The same Sheep Knife Hurricane, a similar endgame, West was immediately knocked away by Meiko Bullhead, and died suddenly on the spot, along with his teammates.

The moment you really make the cut.

The factory director felt the cold sweat on his back and couldn't calm down for a long time. Before the game, he never thought that IG was so powerful, and all his thoughts were spent on studying WE.

So it’s time to celebrate.

He stared at TheShy and West for a long time. The former is the biggest difficulty in this BO5, and the latter is the one who delivers the key rhythm, loses his breath, and really helps EDG.

The comments after the game exploded.

West's flash dashed IG's hopes of a comeback.

[How dare I have expectations for the Western Emperor. 】

[It’s a good game, I can beat EDG to the fullest. 】

[Is EDG a strong team? 】

[Is it so difficult to be stable? 】

[Everyone is spraying AD, no one talks about going on the road? I don't understand. 】

[TheShy also sent a few waves, why no one talks about it. 】

[On the road, I only send small ones, and AD only sends big ones. How can this be compared? 】

[The coaching staff is even more unscrupulous, and the first one has to be Duke. He deserves it too. 】

[Ning’s wine barrel is also abstract. 】

[Why not ban Lucian? 】

Five days later.

Qin Hao got on the bus and prepared to face RNG...

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