Before the crystal explodes.

There are still some people in the QQ group who believe that the three-piece puppy suit and the tiger explosive pack can save the world. After the highland defense battle lasted for 10 minutes, they still failed to withstand the pressure and were captured by LGD. These people accepted the reality and broke the defense on the spot.

As a member of the group.

A person with the online name Conch witnessed the group chat becoming more and more intense, and then some group members chose to attack the RNG official blog and issue questions.

There was no time to calm down.

In the live broadcast room here, Guan Zeyuan could not hold back his laughter. He loudly congratulated LGD for advancing to the finals, and then the barrage was full of "Qing Yi'er", "3:0", "ez", "Why is God?" god"……


This was a night where everyone was happy except for the RNG fans who were frustrated and uncomfortable.

Only about 10 minutes.

Conch switched to Weibo again and found the entry "Why not ban Galio"? The speed of light moved from eighth place to the top three.

"Congratulations to RNG for winning first place in the competition that imitated EDG." Some netizens took this opportunity to mock the RNG coaching staff. I think releasing Galio three times is even more outrageous than releasing Rock Bird three times.

"The data cannot reflect the damage Galio caused to RNG."

"I remember thanking Fujii for introducing key control, roaming income and other data when evaluating the summer regular season MVP. If you only look at output, it really doesn't matter if you let Galio go."

"Holy shit, this is crazy. The entry is going to reach the top."

"What are you crazy about? Isn't this game worth discussing? Let's talk about it. At the end of the third BP, I almost died laughing when I saw an RNG fan in the group breaking the defense."

"The coaching staff is pure mole."

"I have always had an advantage in the bottom lane, but every time I was interrupted by Gary. I still had to give up three times."

"It's really a shame. Who do you rely on for the summer split?"

"In this BO5, the most criminal thing is Xiaohu. The first one is useless if you follow it; the second one is useless after it is developed, and the output is not as high as the opponent's weapon; the third one is okay, but all of them have ineffective output."

Saw this comment.

Xiaohu fans are furious.

So several parties staged a sharing meeting under the RNG official blog.


Xiaohu fans are the most eager to prove it, because Galio takes the middle road.

"In the first game, we went up to the lane and drove, but lost in the middle lane? In the second game, the economy was all eaten up by AD, and everyone knows the result. In the third game, we won't talk about it. Anyone who tries his best to defend the home will know it."

"Although the middle lane is not good, it is certainly not the most difficult."

"The second jungler is so far behind in matchup that no one is talking about it."

"Forgot that the rat died suddenly? Anyway, if we lose the game, all five of us will have problems. I didn't expect GSL to rush to attack the middle."

"Ah, yes, yes, I can't stand Galio when I play Ryze in lane, I can get bypassed when I play Tsar Tower, I can clear my opponent by using a plane, except for clearing lanes with my skills."

"Understood, Tiger Filial Son thinks Ryze is not good at beating Galio? Here is the portal: LGD beat JDG in the Spring Split. I suggest Tiger ÷ take a good look at it and learn from it."

"Brother, you are too cruel."

"What's wrong with my son learning from his father?"

Some of Uzi's biggest fans have long been unhappy with Xiaohu.

Ever since Uzi's casual mid-lane swap during live broadcast sparked public opinion, some die-hard fans are increasingly agreeing with this view.


Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Xiaohu's state fluctuates greatly.

Except for a few MVPs in the second half of the summer split, they basically won by going down the jungle and dragging the middle lane.

in other words.

Xiaohu's performance has long aroused dissatisfaction among Uzi fans, especially when he lost to LZ in the intercontinental competition. Xiaohu was stepped on by a new Korean mid laner (this was the first year of BDD's career). At that time, someone broke the defense and scolded Xiaohu for being inappropriate.

Therefore, we saw a lot of comments whitewashing the middle lane in Chaohua, and they were eager to drag the whole team into trouble. At that time, someone wrote a long article of 2,000 words, detailing Xiaohu’s performance in key games——

The title is, "On how Xiaohu became the second domestic mid laner."

"The original poster stated his position at the beginning. He is half a Qingshen fan and mainly plays AD. Fans who can't stand Xiaohu made a post here. Then he talked about Xiaohu's battle to become famous and single-handedly killed Faker——

There are videos of the game, so I won’t go into details. In the group stage, the man with the Xiangguo gun was caught at level three, and then the Blank Leopard woman flashed up and chased her out of touch, but was counter-killed.

At the end of this wave, the Tsar had no blue or blood and had to hold the cup, but Xiaohu found an opportunity to kill him in the line.

To be honest, I don't admit that this is a solo kill. There is no incense pot. The Czar can at least reach level 4, which is what Qingshen Live often calls the return point.

As for playing behind Faker, it's easy to understand. At that time, Enchantress was still a standard Magic Thorn, and she was very strong in the lane. A set of consumption and thunder was already easy to beat the Tsar. After being ahead of the level and equipment, the Tsar could not be replaced no matter how much blood he exchanged.

By the way, RNG, which had such a big lead at the beginning, only ended the game after 60 minutes. Whoever has the advantage is squandering and likes to be greedy for kills. The videos are all there.

It was only after defeating SKT by one point in the group stage that Xiaohu was promoted by Fujii. I remember that MSI was not over yet, and many media helped Xiaohu build momentum, but I don’t know if you have any impression. RNG had a chance to qualify first in the group, but after defeating SKT Finally, the little tiger stepped on the horse and expanded, and when it came time to fight CLG, he actually chose a calamity.

But I don’t know why, but no one complained about the abstract robbery. Maybe it’s because Qingshen Jace played abstract, and everyone remembered it when he won the championship, but no one talked about it.

Then RNG lost 1:3 to SKT in the semi-finals. After the game, Mata brought public opinion, causing everyone to criticize Wu Xin, and Xiaohu, the bastard, escaped.


Xiaohu's performance in the spring games has always been okay. I don't want to criticize him. I just think that he often disappears in key games, and he can avoid Green Garlic every time.

It was like this in S6 MSI, and it was still like this in the S6 World Championship. Zyra, the Windspeaker, hid from him again.

In S7, well, Tiger showed strength again in the Spring Split. At that time, Uzi hadn’t played for a while, and he really relied on Xiaohu’s explosive talent to carry the team. As a result, he played WE and his data was blown up by Xiye. After the game, public opinion said that Uzi Pack.

Then came the intercontinental competition. Letme was beaten randomly by Khan Octopus Mom for playing a game, so no one remembered that he wanted to press the line in the middle, but was counterattacked by BDD...

Although I don’t understand why Xiaohu can evade Green Garlic every time and become invisible during matches and off the field, but put it this way, it is true that without him he would not be able to get in, and without him he would never be able to get far. "

[Wori, the poster is too cruel. 】

[You can’t get in without him, you can’t go far without him. Divine commentary. 】

[Really, it’s Sata. If you didn’t tell me, I would have forgotten how abstract Xiaohu was that year. Playing a snake girl won’t keep your AD. 】

[Invisible on the field and invisible off the field, indeed 6. 】

[Too many people grabbed Uzi and sprayed him, as if he had original sin. At least when Uzi really wants to win and operate, Xiaohu will always maintain his B data and non-stick pan in key games. 】

[Indeed, Xiaohu fans are also quite crazy. With one single kill of Faker, before Penicillin failed to win the championship, he stepped on all the domestic mid laners. 】

[Xiaohu fans like Penxiye the most, do you know why? Among the domestic mid laners, apart from Qingshen who has achieved the throne, only Xiye can threaten Xiaohu.

In addition, I don’t know who said that Xiaohu was against Xiye’s Noble Phantasm. Xiye smashed it to pieces in the spring game and returned the Noble Phantasm. Really impressive impression flow. 】

[Whether it is Xiye<Xiaohu, or Xiye’s teammate<Xiaohu’s teammate, I can’t say. Anyway, WE is stepping on RNG this year. In the past, WE2.0 was not formed, so we really couldn’t see anything. 】

[Xiaohu has never been a dean, so he doesn’t know how he dares to touch Rookie. RNG almost dropped relegation when they first established their team. Also, a person who only dares to let Galio go when facing an old rival in the playoffs deserves to be criticized. 】

Paste the green garlic.

Attracted a large number of WE fans to build a team.

They had long been dissatisfied with the little tiger stepping on Xiye's head. That is to say, Fujii didn't like to praise Xiye, otherwise it would be the little tiger's turn to be rampant.

If we really want to talk about the results, Faker is still underwhelming in the Xiye Intercontinental Tournament. Why doesn't Fujii mobilize the media to help build his golden body.

How would Xiye fans know?

Fujii feels that having Penicillin and Xiaohu as domestic mid laners is enough. The next step should be to recommend a successor to Uzi. Of course, he has no time to build momentum for Xiye.


At the time of S6MSI, the LPL was extremely lacking in results, and any foreign honors were enough to make it onto the page. Now that they can win the LCK division in the intercontinental competition, why waste so much effort?

After all, you only need to brag if you don’t have any achievements, and if you have achievements, it’s better than honor.

It is usually said that Qingfan fans are outrageous, but the problem is that Qingfan fans never take this "small honor" as an issue. Only Xiaohu fans particularly care about single-killing Faker and having more regular season MVPs than Xiye.

On the bus.

Xiang Guo saw this post and took a deep breath. Looking at Xiaohu's dark face, I felt that the green garlic was too strong.

Although he didn't expect that any audience would notice the disaster in S6MSI's group stage match against CLG.

To be honest, he was really a little angry that day. He felt that Xiaohu was so swollen after winning against Faker. He shouted before the game, but found that the opponent was a little fierce, and he immediately collapsed without saying a word.

Of course, the anger was only temporary, and he felt that it was too much for netizens to deny his efforts.

Why is it that Xiaohu's highlight can be summed up by saying he was strong in the spring game, but his poor game is repeatedly chanted.

"Isn't that what green garlic is?"

WE Club.

Seeing that RNG had built tens of thousands of buildings, all of them were complaining about why the coaching staff didn't ban Galio, so he turned around and brushed the anti-bar bonus.

Condi did not sympathize with Xiaohu, "Look, there are still people here saying that your winning rate against Li Yuanhao is not high. Those who don't watch the game will believe whoever speaks louder."

Following the reminder, Xiye also saw this comment and was quite speechless. Of course, under this post, there was a comment that touched Xiye's heart, that is, his teammates were different and it was difficult to prove.

After all, in S6, RNG was on the road with Looper. After they left the laning period, they were a little confused when cooperating, so they were captured. Try it this year?

"This one is even more cruel, saying that Xiaohu is only suitable for deputy c, not a leg."

"I remember Xiaohu didn't win the MVP in the World Championship."

Condi ate the melon fiercely and gave harsh comments from time to time. As a teammate, he also feels that Xiaohu fans are too much.

Just chatting.

The coach and others came to the training room.

Before Xiye could cut the screen to hide the fact that she was playing against the bar, she saw Hongmi walking in with a smile on her face and her head held high.

Behind him, the analysts were holding small notebooks in their hands, as if they were having a small meeting.

It can be seen that Hongmi is in a good mood.

Because after some analysis, Hongmi feels that EDG is not strong.

IG was able to reach the fifth game that day by keeping an eye on Scout in the middle lane, stabilizing development in the bottom lane, and then playing in the top half.

in other words.

He just had a meeting, and the strategy he decided on was to help the midfielder design the early game, let use, and wait for the opponent Iboy to make a mistake.


As a newcomer, Iboy has little experience in the game. In the BO5 against IG, when AD stands in the middle line, there will always be rounds where he should not go forward and rush to the front.

Mistakes like this.

Most of them are teammates who don't give orders, don't know what to do, and don't have such a strong sense of risks.


Hongmi gathered the team members and talked about the approximate BP.

"...You can try that plan in the first game. Small-scale groups can have the upper hand in the early stage."

While talking, Hongmi looked at Condi.

"Okay." In the past two weeks, they had secretly trained a move to deal with the factory director. Everyone knows that the factory director is good at planning jungle areas and ensuring the team's rhythm, so some unexpected designs are needed.

"Regardless of the red and blue teams, we must pay attention to tearing down Xia Luo. Did you notice that when LGD couldn't get Luo, they actually used hard support in the third game, and the effect was very good."


The analyst said: "Because the price of the incense burner has increased, the bonus to the shield attribute has been reduced. In this version, as long as you believe that you can have advantages in the early and mid-term and can play a pushing rhythm, you can use hard support.

Because you can use the control chain to block off the wild areas and fight small groups. "

There is no doubt that the incense burner is suitable for large groups.

But both LCK and LGD have used tactics to avoid the center line and focus on the jungle and side lanes. And it seems to work just fine.

After all, the incense burner monster is not suitable for running around the map, and it is easy to be squatted.

"So playing EDG, there is a chance to get Braum?"

After Ben said it, he realized that it was a bit stupid. Hongmi was the first to look over with a "what are you talking about" expression.

"You can practice Tahm Kench in the evening, and forget about Braum." Considering that he couldn't be too absolute, Hongmi added, "If the opponent has a hard support, you can consider Braum."

He feels that there are not many ways to win in the playoffs so far, but there are really not many changes in the lineup.

So after picking the third BP, Redmi turned off the computer, feeling that RNG was too bad at picking.

"In short, if we win against EDG, we can go to the World Championships."

When talking about the S game, Hongmi was a little excited.

As a person behind the scenes, he has actually been away from the World Championship stage for almost three years, and he somewhat misses the feeling of colliding with ideas from other regions.

"come on."

"Go all out!"

After shouting the slogan, Condi checked the Huigui Bar again and found that more and more people were chatting about Xiaohu, and the generalized words were becoming more and more extreme.

Later, Condi opened WeChat and saw a certain older sister who had introduced him to her, a younger sister who was showing off new news in her circle of friends, and suddenly he felt lustful.

"Also in the Magic City?"


Not long after, his girlfriend sent a message asking him what he was doing.

Condi replied: Training.

The other end.

LGD returned to the base after the dinner party, and IMP was still having a little fun.

He didn't expect that Mai ÷ allowed him to drink a little for the first time and even took the initiative to toast with him.

to be honest.

At first, he was afraid of clinking glasses, thinking that he was going to be punished again, but later he realized that it was just a celebration, and then he relaxed wholeheartedly and enjoyed the pleasure brought by alcohol.

Just reminiscing.

C Bo's voice came from the side, "Wori! It's so violent on horseback!"

Doctor C took the time to pay attention to public opinion.

Then he discovered that RNG’s official blog was full of people questioning BP. In addition, from Weibo to Kangba, there were many more comment posts “ridiculing” Xiaohu, which made C’s eyes go straight——

[This is also the first time to enter the World Championship. Penicillin is the FMVP, and Xiaohu can only be matched up for the MVP. 】

Hot comment below: "Don't be embarrassed, that's because Xiaohu always competes with MVP."

"It's a bit overwhelming."

"It's very simple, because Xiaohu's teammates are too strong, so he can't win the MVP, and he can win without trying his best.

The teams he faced were all strong in the middle and weak in their teammates, so if they lost, they could only be named MVP in the middle, and the others were not worthy. "

"I didn't bring the dog head, I take it seriously."

[Xiaohu World Championship data and a collection of famous scenes. 】

Hot comments below: "Stealth is just a joke, data is the real injury. Who would have thought that in the S6 World Championship, Xiaohu's data at the same position was almost at the bottom.

The most outrageous thing is that some people criticize Mata. No matter how he ÷, his data is not at the bottom, and he keeps squeezing the economy. So how can Xiaohu, who doesn't need to squeeze the economy, achieve such low data.

By the way, KT is currently more hopeful than RNG to go to the World Championship. You like wind whisperers, right? Without Mata, who is swimming naked? "

"A team needs double C. What is RNG doing in the second C World Championship? You can go watch the game. First-year fans are welcome to test."

[S6MSI, World Championship and Intercontinental Championship, the BP of each team when facing RNG. 】

I hate this even more.

Even BP can be evidence.

Hot comment below: "It turns out that the coaching staff is so understanding that they don't target the middle. The strong version is directly given to Xiaohu."

"I did this just after research. Because there is really no need to take it personally."

"In the first two games, Xiaohu fans have been clamoring why they didn't choose the plane, and they have been banned by LGD. Have they ever thought that LGD only bans the mid laner in the second round, and the only one they are really afraid of is Xiang Guo."

"Teacher Sata, you still proved your strength. That's enough."

I found that the whole network was growing up, and my desire to read C blog was greatly increased.


He found that Xiaohu fans were really chasing Xiye, Uzi and Letme.

"Before Uzi came, RNG could still go to MSI. After he came, he was only qualified for the top eight. I don't understand what qualifications Uzi has to say that others are better?

You like oral pleasure, right?

I also said that if we change the Bang, RNG can also win the championship. No more fragrant than taking a bath.

Let’s talk about S6. It’s true that the mid lane didn’t play well, but don’t play with the history books. When Uzi played against SPY, was he beaten badly by what you think of as the European and American ADC?

Also, you guys really dare to talk about it, who is the one who was really created as a god?

During the Royal Family era, the entire team's credit was sucked away by Uzi, and one vn can be used for a lifetime after being circumvented.

When I arrived at OMG, my teammates were bullied online when I cried, and who was the one who disliked the support team in training matches?

In the end, I just remember someone leaving Royal Family and being disliked by his teammates all the time. How do you say that, oh, there are so many invincibles, CJB is still the best in the world. "

"Shame, if Xiaohu doesn't have Uzi, he can't even make it to the World Championships. If Uzi doesn't have Xiaohu, there are still two runner-ups. Damn it."

"So, MSI semi-finals \u003e S and Asia two?"

C Bo's reaction quickly aroused the curiosity of Dalang and others.

It’s just the same as C Bo’s emotion.

Netizens are too violent.

"RNG's official blog has been sprayed tens of thousands of times." Big Wolf was extremely surprised.

"What's this? Just ask the hot man how many private messages he received." Eimy joked.

"It's hard to talk about iron smelting, right?"

I thought C Bo would be angry, but unexpectedly the conversation changed and he actually commented: "It's really not violent. And most of them are complaining about BP. The coach takes the blame."

C Bo recalled some of the contents of the private message and shuddered silently.

Hearing everyone's chat, Qin Hao took out his mobile phone and found that the WeChat message sent to Xiaohu before the game has not been answered yet. Maybe you really need to avoid the Internet for a while.

Although he did not observe public opinion specifically, according to C Bo, he estimated that the pressure was quite high.

"It's all because PP was too harsh."

Seeing that Qin Hao remained silent, C Bo deliberately brought the topic to him.

"I just respect him and do my best."

C Bo:……

So Xiaohu still has to thank you?


RNG club.

There was a phone placed outside Firefox, listening to the boss angrily asking why Galio was not banned. At this moment, everyone looked at Xiaohu.

"Gario is good in lane and can be dealt with..." Xiaohu insisted on his judgment.

"Who said that?" Bai Xing asked on the other end of the phone.

"It's Li Yuanhao." Fire Fox said softly

"Huang Dingxiang, you are the coach, you are responsible for BP!" Bai Xing was unhappy.

He came out after drinking with his friends and scrolled through Weibo, only to realize that his team had lost the semi-final. Click on the hot search and take a look at it for the first time. Good guy, it turns out that things are not simple.

Although I don’t know much about the game, I know how to limit the opponent’s hot-handed heroes, right?

Listening to the boss's lecture, Xiangguo sat on the sofa and looked around, and found that Xiaohu's face was gloomy and scary, and Letme was pretending to drink water.

Riding a horse, Xiangguo thought: I don’t know what BP is talking about in the game. Apart from criticizing some of the words of netizens, I have no understanding at all.

Time passes minute by minute.

at last.

The boss has vented enough.

But until the end, Xiangguo didn't communicate with other teammates. No one was in the mood to talk.

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