
Get up the next day.

Seeing the comments section filled with wives and husbands, Qin Haoren almost fainted. Especially today, C Bo woke up very early. When saying hello, Qin Hao's wedding photo of netizen P appeared in front of his eyes, which made him feel a little bit physically uncomfortable.


"What's wrong with you? Do you have a cold?"

C Bo was fixing his hair when he heard the sound of retching and took the initiative to express concern.


Hearing this, Qin Hao became more and more uncomfortable. He couldn't look directly at C Bo for the time being.

After a while.

Seeing Qin Hao repeatedly saying that he was fine, C Bo insisted that Qin Hao had a fever.

"It's okay." Qin Hao took a sip of water.

Bo C looked suspicious and guessed: "Are you afraid of injections?"

"It's okay to give me an injection."


Qin Hao:? ? ?

You understand what you understand.

But for C Bo, he just remembered those comments on the Internet about being afraid of needles, and felt that Qin Hao fit the bill.

So he ran to tell the tour leader, "I guess the air conditioner is blowing too much and my throat is uncomfortable."


"I have no idea."

have no idea? When the team leader was wondering, Dr. C talked about all the abnormalities when he woke up at noon, and then said: "... Just get some medicine, he is afraid of needles."

After listening to this story, the team leader's first reaction was that Xiao Hao was so dedicated. Because of the symptoms of retching and a strange complexion, it does sound like a discomfort in the throat.

What he admires is that despite this, he still maintains his feel in single row.

With this mood, the team leader stood behind Qin Hao, waited for him to finish qualifying, and said with emotion: "There is no need to work so hard."

"Let's go, I'll accompany you to the pharmacy to get medicine." After saying that, he pushed Qin Hao's gaming chair back to make it easier for Qin Hao to get up.

Qin Hao:? ? ?

"I'm not sick, so I need some medicine."

10 minutes later.

The team leader touched his head, asked questions, and took out the thermometer and raised it to the top of his head to check the body temperature. He found that the situation was different from what C Bo reported. He was very surprised: "Then C Bo said that you got up and retched... Could it be false? ?”

Faced with this problem, Qin Hao hesitated and was speechless.

He can't say that he is disgusted by netizens. Although he had vaguely heard about Weibo Chaohua and someone wrote a BL article about him and IMP, Qin Hao never visited that Chaohua channel.

But this time is different.

It was the first time he saw someone posting such a photo on the news feed, and it broke his psychological defense in just one click. In other words, he never thought that netizens could be so outrageous and couldn't figure out what the fun of photos like P was?

And in the face of the concern of the team leader and teammates, he could only repeatedly say that he was not sick.

"Okay, if you feel uncomfortable, remember to tell me." The team leader waved his hand and returned to sit on the sofa. His job is very simple, he only needs a mobile phone and a pot of tea, and he can sit there all day long.

The daily life of most team leaders is like this.

Some will become buddies with the players in order to treat the players to guests, go to KTV to sing, and go to the disco. Who knows that the players who are worth their money are very rich, and most of them are very generous.

Some earn a dead salary, and are the first to shout cheers every time, and help carry things before and after the game.

The training room fell silent.

Only occasionally the roar of a big wolf could be heard.

After hearing what the team leader said to Qin Hao, C Bo felt strange, mainly because he had never seen Qin Hao look so ugly.

In the fifth round of last year's final, Qin Hao only sweated on his forehead, unlike his excessive nervousness, which made his face a little pale.

Just as he was thinking about it, while waiting in line, C Bo clicked on the web page and opened Weibo, only to find that Qin Hao had made an update.

I felt inexplicably cool when I saw the passage "If competition refers to the desire to win, I think we don't lack it."

The cool thing is that he thought about what we talked about at dinner yesterday.

C Bo was boasting and went to look at the comment section. C Bo enjoys every time he sees fans praising Qin Hao.

He hopes that PP can stand higher and go further. This is a blessing from a brother.



The table's HP is reduced by 20.

"What a shameful photo, labor and management chopped off his wife."

When the team leader came over, C Bo was holding his neck and huffing angrily, exuding an unpleasant aura.

"What are you doing? The table didn't mess with you." The leader was a little speechless. He thought that C Bo had met a fellow patient in the rankings, so he was so irritable.

In the training room.

Everyone looked over.

Bo C didn't know whether he was angry or something, but at this moment, he faced the table again.

"You're still filming and don't take my words seriously..." The team leader came over cursing and was about to grab C Bo. As a result, I came closer and happened to see a wedding photo.

In the photo.

C Bo was wearing a white wedding dress and holding a bouquet of white roses in his hand...

What is this?

He has lived for 26 years and has never seen such a shocking photo. At this moment, he suddenly understood the reason for C Bo's irritability.

Being stared at by the team leader with strange eyes, C Bo really wanted to crawl into a crack in the ground and never come out.

"Um...well, don't take it to heart."

Qin Hao, C Bo:......

Not long after.

The whole team knew about the wedding photos.

Qin Hao felt uncomfortable precisely because he knew he couldn't hide it.

Seeing Big Wolf's expression of wanting to laugh but not laughing, Qin Hao felt for the first time that he could focus a little more when going solo.

"Is the online name called 'The CP I ate is real CP'? Damn it, I will report it and let Sina block its account. It's really disgusting."

C Bo was so angry that Big Wolf didn't mention anything. He said, "Okay, okay, report it, right? Wait."


Qin Hao and Dalang Solo.

Qin Hao played Gnar and asked Big Wolf to use Qinggang Shadow to break it. It is said that it is broken, but in fact it is to accumulate experience in matchups and practice pulling ability.

Just this time.

Facing Qin Hao with full firepower, the Big Wolf got more and more wrong. Before Solo, the hit rate of his first E was not high, but as long as Gnar dared to take the initiative to hand over E and pull his position forward, he could still counterattack and clear the shield, and exchange blood to open up.

But in today's game, he couldn't do this.

"I'm not coming." Big Wolf took the initiative to beg for mercy, planning to regain his confidence in the rankings.

As soon as he opened his mouth, C Bo seized the opportunity and said yin and yang: "If you encounter an uncomfortable match in the game, you can also ask the opponent to be more gentle."

"I only know how to play with my mouth." The big wolf said disdainfully: "Come on, let me see how good you are."

"Hey, I'm actually afraid of laning, so I can switch to support, just look at me." C Bo said with a friendly face for Big Wolf, "Qin Hao, get out of the way, I'll teach Big Wolf some key eye positions..."

"cs." The big wolf was disgusted.

What does it mean to be afraid of laning? Labor and management are not afraid.

"Ignore him, let's continue."

With this idea in mind, Big Wolf voluntarily gave up the idea of ​​​​regaining the position in the rankings. Next to him, C Bo, who had already come closer, was secretly happy.

He knew that if he said such words, the big wolf would definitely not be able to bear it. Who told Big Wolf to be thin-skinned? A thick-skinned person like him would not be fooled by such remarks.

Just like that.

The bigger the wolf got, the more depressed he became.

He didn't understand why Qin Hao was so serious today. He didn't say anything except asking if he was coming.

Torture to the back.

The big wolf put on a mask of pain, his face almost distorted. He didn't know that his words of help reporting were "kept in mind" by Qin Hao and C Bo.

Another solo round ends.

The big wolf was really in a bad mood: "Next time I come, I... I will consolidate it first." The big wolf found a reason to block the big dog.

Qin Hao and C Bo looked at each other, and C Bo thought to himself: If I let you go, I would not be happy.

Just as he was about to speak, Qin Hao unexpectedly said: "Continue to practice after consolidating. This will make progress faster." Qin Hao did not lie.

This is what he does in simulated space.

Every time after a fight, I will think back on the nodes that I didn't handle well, and then try another way to see how the opponent will move.

"Hey, I don't know how to play anymore." Big Wolf also wants to make progress, but this will make him a little dizzy.

"Stop fighting for a while, Big Wolf, you have to think about the rounds you lost, how you lost, and how to deal with it next time..."

"Hey, I can't pull you. I didn't hit W just now."

The comparison is about blood volume, status and skill release.

If the pull is done well, the weak will counterpress the strong. For example, Qin Hao often uses military lines to make up for the gap in consumption.

The reason why Big Wolf can't be defeated is that in the first three levels, there is no good way to exchange blood volume other than giving up positions.

In other words, when using the tail knife, you will always be attacked by Gnar.


If you play Gnar well, you can easily defeat Qinggang Shadow. After all, Qinggang Shadow has been nerfed in so many versions.

However, what the team needs is that if they encounter this matchup, the opponent will only accept the disadvantage of last hit.

In other words, you can be sent home twice at most in 10 minutes.

In this way, the processing of the first three levels is even more important. It cannot be hoarded, it cannot consume too much blood, and it cannot miss the tail knife.

Because the first three levels were not handled well and Nal's line was blocked, the Qinggang Shadow's status could not be maintained and it was easy to enter the dangerous blood line.

in turn.

If you deal with it in the first four minutes, Qinggangying can hold on until Gnar level 6 and then TP back to the line. Life will be easier, at least when points are stolen, you can play a little stronger.

"You can take Qinggangying, WE will not be able to deal with it." Qin Hao encouraged him.

"Yes, you also know that this hero's stable laning equals an advantage."

Big Dog echoed: "Think about it, in the 957 Summer Split, I like to play Prince and Shen. Facing such numerical heroes, the laning pressure in the first few levels is not small, right?

As the saying goes, sweat more in training and cry less in competition..."

I don’t know how many bowls of chicken soup I drank.

The big wolf took the initiative to take off the mask of pain.

He was thinking that Brother Hao was willing to take time out to help him improve his laning level, but he kept refusing. Wouldn't it be too shameful for him?


Being abused in solo is better than being abused on the court.

this moment.

Da Lang remembered a Weibo he had read one day, saying that courage is not to look back.

At that time, he felt that it spoke to his heart.

Not looking back definitely means not thinking about your past. No matter how embarrassed you were, or you chose the wrong path at a fork in your life, don't think about what it would have been like if you had done it before.


He couldn't do this, but it didn't stop him from thinking of such words.

"Come on, do it!"

Half an hour later, the big wolf's expression was visibly weakened.

Just by practicing like this, Big Wolf gradually developed some feelings.

Just like before I started playing professionally, I played ranked games as a hobby and reached the top spot in the suburbs. When repeated dozens or hundreds of times, he will instinctively find a more natural and comfortable position.


Qin Hao found that Qinggangying's stance was more delicate, different from the previous ones, and had an unfamiliar rhythm.

If not simulation space.

It is not easy for Qin Hao to change his habits.

In Qin Hao's eyes, Big Wolf's Qinggang Shadow is very similar to his weapon. He likes to fight back immediately. For example, if he misses the third ring with a basic attack, when the second A is used, Big Wolf will attack one after another. Pull and then suddenly turn around and hit W to slow down and restore some health.

This time.

This action was changed by him.

This is why Qin Hao feels that the rhythm is unfamiliar.

But obviously.

If you change your previous habits, your laning will definitely be better.

In e-sports, what you are afraid of is being discovered and studied. If you fully grasp a person's blood exchange rhythm, you can definitely take advantage of it.

Slowly, C Bo felt something was wrong.

Usually when the fight lasts for about 3 minutes, Qinggang Shadow will lose his health bottle, and his health volume will be about half. In this one, Qinggang Shadow has half health, but the blood bottle is still there. It will not be special until the troops enter the tower. Uncomfortable.

in addition.

Although on the surface Qinggang Shadow misses 2 more knives than before, as long as the tower knives are not missed, the number of last hits is actually more than the previous ones.

PP, you won’t let it go, right? C Bo was thinking when he suddenly found someone else around him. Just as he was about to remind him, Cvmax gave him a hissing look.

Arrived at the tower.

Watching the big wolf deceive Gnar's Q with a fake move, and then turn back to eat the tail knife, Cvmax showed a satisfied look.

He felt that Qinggangying had already won this matchup.

A few more minutes passed.

Big Gnar was almost out of anger, so he flashed into the tower to trick out the Hexstone Ultimatum, and then used his Divine Palm to complete the kill with blood.


The big wolf barked, feeling it was a pity.


This is already his best game recently.

Just when he was happy, he turned around and found the coach standing behind him. He couldn't help but ask Qin Hao: "Is this good for me?!" He mainly wanted to show off to Mai ÷.

"Awesome..." Qin Hao was about to praise a few words, but Cvmax had already put away his smile and calmly interrupted: "You Qinggangying still needs to practice."

Qin Hao:......

So harsh?

Qinggangying is in a weak matchup.

But Cvmax felt that if he gave Dalang three points of color, he would dare to open a dyeing workshop, so even if he knew that Dalang had made progress, he did not dare to confirm it easily.


Is there really room for improvement? If this wave doesn't die, it can continue to be delayed.

The big wolf was used to hearing such words.

During the spring game, I could occasionally hear a few words of affirmation. In the summer game, he was not only being trained but also being trained. Fortunately, he was an optimist. After receiving the praise from Brother Hao, he felt a little proud——

Labor and management are indeed doing a good job!

The next day.

LGD set off to the Magic City to shoot a promotional video for Summer Judgment.

at the same time.

The dynamic content updated by Qin Hao is fermenting rapidly.


The big V who had a great time scolding him that day suddenly found that many people were liking him——

[The pursuit of victory is not considered competition. 】

[Don’t pretend to be dead, talk. 】

[Isn’t football the only sport that counts? 】

[The people like it, but if you don’t like it, who do you think they are? 】

[As for football, the national football team is not yet well integrated into the league of e-sports. The more we mention this, the more embarrassing it becomes. 】

[Jealous about the cauliflower upstairs. 】

[LOL allows you to play professionally without paying any money. It is considered the most convenient competitive activity for ordinary people to participate in. 】

[Don’t you like to criticize opium? Who is the most evil? 】

what's the situation?

What about the people who spoke for me?

The big V was puzzled when he realized that many people quoted Penicillin's words. Clicking on Penicillin's Weibo, I saw the official certification entry: 2016 Global Finals Champion, FMVP.


It turns out they are the ones with vested interests!

Big V immediately went to investigate Penicillin's dirty information and wanted to severely defeat this professional player who dared to speak out from a moral perspective.

I searched here and there, but couldn't find any news about hookups, or any information about negative competitions. I only scolded him a lot, just saying that his fans are crazy.

How can it be……

I’ve seen many nightclub guys, and this is the first time I’ve seen someone who is young and rich enough to take care of their second child. At this moment, all he could think about was that the club was too well protected, so nothing could be discovered.

I even think the information online is too fake.

During the World Championship training, crazy ranking shocked the US server. Haha, this is too good at marketing. Foreigners can't be shocked so easily.

Disdain is born.

He swiped the wedding photo.

The next second, the big V quickly exited Weibo and ran to the bathroom to wash his eyes.

While washing, he was a little scared.

He just wanted to have a good fight with this guy named Penicillin, but now he just wants to go back and delete the Weibo post questioning the cooperation between Paris and LGD.

ten minutes later.

Big V deletes their blog posts, ceases activities, and no longer mocks electronic opium. After all, electronic opium won't affect his ability to watch football games, but if he offends crazy fans, it may be too much for him mentally.

All I can say is that escape is shameful but useful.

Seeing that the big V silently deleted the sarcastic post, the fans did not catch up with him.

Three days later.

Hongqiao Tiandi Center.

Xiye carried her shoulder bag and walked into the familiar lounge...

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