I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 325 A graceful curve slid through the air

Seeing WE getting stabbed in the middle, Pig Girl lost her rhythm, and the audience let out excited shouts.

At this point, many fans are reflecting that they should not call Cvmax stupid during BP.

Because they discovered that this lineup seemed to have something to say.

Wine Barrel's route planning perfectly took care of Shangzhong's return to the city. At this point, LGD has established an initial advantage.

Middle road.

Qin Hao thought that if the mine knife exploded, he could make an electric knife, cloth-armored shoes and a pickaxe.

According to the training game rhythm.

My own development must be stronger than that of the opponent's mid-range player.

Therefore, the transition period is the stage for small artillery. In the lane, Galio only needs to be unable to move and lose troops.

at this time.

The grass on the upper river has a real eye from the jungle. When the two sides met just now, I knew that Pig Girl had brushed six groups, so there is a high probability that the opponent has just come out of the high ground.

Estimated trends.

Qin Hao sent his troops out. Seeing that Xiye had not retreated to the tower, he wanted to advance the line and calculated it to be promoted to five. He jumped W on the flank to a position that Galio could barely touch only by E, and landed on E. Open Q consumption.

"Gario turned back and hit E and was twisted by Penicillin?" Smile said: "It's really difficult to change blood in the middle. Xiye needs to calm down and wait for the jungler's rhythm."

The E was twisted, but the taunt was able to hit.

The problem is just like what Smile said, you can't change it again and again, and the shield that triggers the Colossus can't offset the explosion of sparks.

Wawa: "This wave of Penicillin grabbed level 5."

Miller: "Xiye still has a bottle of corruption left, and I feel like I can't reach level six."

Compared with Wami, Xiaoxiao is much more worried.

As a retired player who has been the king of the Korean server all year round, what worries Smile is not that Galio cannot beat him, but that Galio is being watched to death.

This hero has a disadvantage and wants to cooperate with the team. He must either sell his blood to clear the line, or wait for his teammates to clear the line.

The problem is that Galio can't solve the problem by selling blood. Xiaopao is not a regular mage and is not restricted by the skill vacuum period. Person A is still in pain.


Smile actually understood Xiye's desire to fight back.

If the middle lane is just consumed, how do you ask the jungler to catch it? If you want to catch Xiao Pao, at least Xiao Pao should be around half health.

After all, unless the cannon jumps up on his own initiative, it will be difficult for Galio to take the lead and save others.

Then here comes the problem.

If the little cannon dared to jump up and kill them, they would catch pig girls who were not near the center line, which formed an endless cycle.

If you don't help, the cannon can push first every time. To help, first of all, Galio's blood volume must be healthy, and he cannot be counter-crouched by the wine barrel. Otherwise, 2v2 is still unbeatable.


The troop line enters the tower.

Galio has short hands, so when dealing with the back row of troops, Qin Hao can stand in front of the tower and consume them.

"It's really disgusting to choose B."

Xiye was tortured by long hands and short hands.

It was only 5 minutes and 17 seconds, and he was about to be beaten home again.

"Your health may be overtaken." Condi didn't know the location of the wine barrel, but based on the mirror image, he estimated that the opponent should have finished using F6 and was running to the blue zone to kill the three wolves.

"Can you protect me from the wave line? I almost have money to go home and wear cloth-armored shoes." Xiye asked.

Condi was not very happy.

He wanted to quickly control the river crab. If it shows up, the other side can easily guess his route.

"I haven't eaten a single river crab here." Condi said politely that he was hungry.



Xiye was in a little pain, but he also knew that he couldn't drag down the jungler too much.

that's all.

He went home with 420 yuan. When he had straw sandals, he first bought cloth armor, then after thinking about it, he returned the cloth armor and bought red crystal.

If playing a traditional mage, Galio's first choice is Abyss, but this one doesn't have much AP on the opposite side, and Xiye has a premonition that he will be very poor, so he plans to learn Penicillin's summer game equipment and combine it with Glory of Justice to focus on functionality.

And from God's perspective.

When Pig Girl went to control the river crabs, Wine Barrel did not go to the blue zone to farm wild, and came over on the way.

The days of video study before the game finally came in handy.

Cvmax reminded the team members that Condi loves to go into the river, no matter what the situation is, he always likes to explore.

strictly speaking.

It’s not a bad thing that junglers like to explore rivers. In this version, the wild areas are mostly meat fighting, and the number of river encounters is quite frequent.

Not many junglers would go in and fight like Xiang Guo and Eimy.

"Gario has just returned home, and Kenan is out of line on the road..."

The words just fell.

The two junglers met, and Big Wolf, who knew the information, drove E and accelerated towards the river. Qin Haota rushed into the blue zone of the blue team to cut off the retreat.

If it were in a live broadcast room, Xiao Xiao would feel like scolding her. Damn, everyone is being pushed. How dare this river crab look at it?

Condi also didn't understand why he stayed in the top half when there was a group of F6 in the red zone opposite him. You must know that he was forced to leave after being caught in the last wave. He knew the stone beetle (the wild monster in the first round) that the wine barrel touched at the end.

"Karsa uses Q to slow down, and the pig girl turns around and runs towards her blue zone."

"The speed of LGD's mid-up approach was a bit fast. Condi was able to dodge. Can he move away?"

Qin Hao walked to the side of the blue buff wall, jumped decisively to slow down, and hung E to output. The next second, Pig Girl dodged toward the intersection, preparing to retreat to the second tower.

"I have 6 seconds left."

Knowing that Karma was about to accelerate, Karsa continued to pursue. When Pig Girl retreats into the defense tower, the small cannon misses two basic attacks on A to explode sparks and refresh W.

Miller was thinking that the half-blood pig girl could run away.


A golden light flashed.

The beer man gained speed and chased to the intersection. He flashed towards the defense tower E and knocked out the pig girl. Qin Hao caught up with the output in time to explode the sparks. He jumped in the face twice to make up for the basic attack and took the head.

And on the road.

Seeing the pig girl being chased to death, 957 knew that he would be beaten, so he hurried forward to hand in E. Before Karma and Wine Barrel came back, he ran into the LGD red zone in the opposite direction, hiding under the red buff and returning to the wall.

"WE is at a bit of a disadvantage this time." Miller said: "Although Kenan ran away, there was no time for him to get online."


Wawa took over the words, "Xiaopao got first blood and was a little fat - he suppressed Galio 16 times. And the jungler is still cooperating with him to disconnect."

What kind of treatment is this?

Not only did he take blood, but he also sucked the blood from the road!

In his voice, the big wolf didn't feel that he was being sucked blood. If he knew, he would say that the sucking was good.

After all, his task is very simple. He just needs to survive the laning phase, use a censer to protect the female policeman in the middle, and then cooperate with Nosuke to provide vision.

As long as Qin Hao wanted to, he would have given all his money to the middle lane.

See the pig girl give out a blood.

Xiye had a strange feeling. He was thinking that the labor and management worked hard and resisted the pressure without giving away, but the jungler gave away first.

And after hearing Condi's report that the wine barrel hadn't flashed, Xiye had a vague, ominous premonition. That is, it is not him who suffers the most.

"Grow, grow first." 957 muttered.


Development is really poor.

Cutting out the data panel, Xiye went a little crazy when he saw that Xiaopao had 37 knives and he only had 21 knives.

And more importantly, after Pig Girl dies, the opponent will definitely calculate the new wild monster spawn time to infer Pig Girl's location.

This is definitely not good news for WE.

Because there is no line in the middle, Xiye wants to wait for the sixth level in the Baoye area.


Qin Hao returned to the center to take the wave tower line, then pushed forward again and clicked the ultimate move. At this time, Karsa brushed off the three wolves, returned to the city to replenish the slag, and then walked to the middle.

IMP heard that the jungler pinned a toad, and after pushing the line, he turned back to eat a group of Demon Swamp Frogs from the jungler.

This is a rational and efficient use of resources.

Because Karsa wants to invade the red buff, follow the cannon into the wild, interrupt and take advantage of the slag update, and force Xayah and Gem to take advantage of the situation. Therefore, there is no time to eat the toad in the time plan, so it is better to feed it to AD.

The other end.

When Xiye saw Xiao Pao moving his troops to the back and setting up E to push the line, he immediately realized what Qin Hao wanted to do. Just knowing doesn't mean you can stop it.

Besides, this kind of rapid push of troops is quite beneficial to him.

So Xiye just said that the cannon was about to move, and then huddled in the tower and waited to reel in the line. In the jungle, Condi realized that the red buff was not guaranteed, and quickly called Ben to seek help from the bottom lane.


Condi underestimated the imbalance in combat power between the two sides.

When the gem came closer, the wine barrel hit the E aggressively and stunned the pig girl who was pulling the wild, followed by the small cannon and jumped into the camp through the wall, turning on the Q output.

Even if the E skill is not good, the initial damage will suppress the pig girl until she only has half health left.

"This red, I feel like letting it go."

"Jiugong has just updated his equipment, and Zhumei only has a second-level jungle knife."

"Even if Xia comes over this wave, she can't beat her. At this stage, LGD's midfielder and jungler can play two against three, and no one dares to take advantage of the first set's explosion."

Xiye cut the screen and looked over. The wine barrel had already wiped out the red, and then the two of them went to Duan Xia's position. When the jungle was invaded long ago, Mystic was retreating. But even so, Xia is still close to four hundred yards away from the second tower.

Right now.

Qin Hao noticed that the three-quarter health gem came out of the tower to respond, and said decisively: "It's okay to force an auxiliary dodge."

The next second.

Qin Hao turned around and used E to output the gem, and then the wine barrel gave a Q to slow down. Just like that, Qin Hao pressed forward, and Ben turned around and handed over the glare, trying to cut off the output of the small cannon.

To this end, Qin Hao used the instantaneous acceleration triggered by bloodlust to move down first and then pull back, dodging the E of the gem, and successfully launched the third basic attack with A.

Commentary desk.

Smile's pupils shrank suddenly, realizing the fact that his Shimonosuke was about to be driven into the defense tower by LGD two-on-three.

It’s only over 7 minutes! After being beaten, he retreated into the second tower.

Seeing that the small cannon can refresh the rocket jump, Karsa can physically help resist the output, and then enter the tower to attract hatred.

The initial damage of the S7 defense tower is low, the incremental efficiency is low, and most of the tanks can resist for a long time, so very delicate resistance switching coordination is almost impossible to see.


Because there is no obvious need, professional players will not go out of their way to practice.

Seeing his blood volume plummeting, Ben panicked and flashed.

Almost as soon as there was a flash, the sparks exploded and the gem only had 98 HP left. If the opponent's reaction was any slower, Qin Hao would enter the tower and eat his head.

But he knew that Pig Girl had Q and would be intercepted when entering the tower, so after refreshing her W, he sat directly on Xia's face, with Pig Girl's W and Xia's barb, standing still and suppressing Xia's health. Only half is left.

"Wow," Wawa couldn't help shouting, "A large wave of lanes entered the tower from the bottom lane, and WE had no choice but to let it go."

"I almost gave away the gem." Miller followed.

Seeing the policewoman slamming Tower A, she judged with a smile: "If there is another 2-wave line, the tower will fall. After it falls, the policewoman can still take another tower by turning up."

Braum is weak, and Kennen doesn't dare to take the initiative even if he is ahead of the level.

in other words.

LGD has established its own rhythm of tower pushing.

at the same time.

Qin Hao retreated to the Cordyceps and returned to the city, and Karma accelerated to attack the tower line. In this way, Qin Hao updated Huang Cha and ran on the road, closing the line pushed by Kainan.

Seeing this scene, Danmu boasted:

【Wori. 】

[The head count is 0:1, 1,400 behind. exaggerate. 】

[Brothers, see you in the rankings. 】

[Gario hasn’t opened it up yet. 】

[LGD is so good at splitting lines. 】


Hongmi crossed her arms and looked serious.

He didn't expect LGD to be able to pull out a secret weapon like a small cannon. At this point in the fight, he felt that all three lines of troops were particularly uncomfortable.

LGD only needs to restrict Pig Girl to threaten the online players in the same half of the zone.

The time came to 8 minutes and 55 seconds.

Liquor came to act as a bodyguard, and when Karsa cleared out the true eye of the Triangle Grass, Policewoman A made the final move and ate the first blood tower.

follow closely.

The wine barrel moved towards the upper half of the area, covering the policewoman and Blount on the line.

in this process.

When he went deep into the blue zone given by Big Wolf, he saw Pig Girl playing with toads. Qin Hao found an opportunity to push the line and hide in the grass. While Galio was pulling the line QA forward, he jumped into the range to deal damage.

"Ouch." The doll couldn't bear to look at it.

As soon as the director's camera turned around, the cannon chased to the tower and refreshed his W. He followed up the distance a second time and suppressed Galio until he only had more than 300 health left.

"The vanguard will open immediately after being refreshed."

"They may come to pick them up. Big Wolf sets the line in advance and comes to the front. Don't wait for TP." LGD's next tower has a healthy HP. If they sacrifice a wave of troops, they will not be taken away by Kennen.

that's all.

Kennen huddled behind the tower and resisted the pressure for a while, falling behind Kalma by 15 knives. Come to ystic to relieve the pressure and free Kenan to go down.

In the voice, Xiye wanted to unleash the first big move of the game.

"Look for an opportunity to force the cannon to dodge, and I will cooperate with Kenan to enter the field." This is Xiye's Pioneer Group script.

He felt that he didn't need to worry about the policewoman, just keep an eye on the cannon and force it out of the battlefield.

"The Vanguard still has 20 seconds to refresh, and Karma has arrived at the middle tower."

"Don't go offline, eat the vanguard."

"I feel like I can let it go." Smile softened her tone and said, "In this wave of fighting, Pig Girl and Gem's flashes are both bad, and the center line cannot get out, making it difficult to position."


WE obviously want to try it.

Kenan sent the line in and found that Kalma was not there. Later, when Xia Qing went to the road tower line, Gemstone chose to run to the blue zone to join Pig Girl to keep the view of the river intersection.

In the middle, in front of Galio, Xiaopao handed E to clear out the minions, and joined his teammates to take the vanguard.

During this process, Kennen A reached the tower and retreated to the grass. Galio gave up taking the pass and went to the blue zone.

"Is there no one standing at the pass?" Smile said worriedly: "The policewoman put three clamps at the intersection. It's not very crowded."

With the help of the view from the pass, I knew that Galio had not gone this way. So in terms of formation, the policewoman and the cannon are positioned close to the river grass, Bron guards the intersection, Kalma is in the center to provide support, and the wine barrel cooperates with the double C output vanguard.

"Vanguard still has 4,000 HP. If not, let's let Kenan grind the bottom lane defense tower."

"Unless we can limit the small artillery, it won't be a good team."

Xiaoxiao feels that the location of the cannon is well chosen.

After eliminating the danger in the middle direction, even if Xayah approaches immediately, he can only output Braum and wine barrels.


WE seems to have found something wrong.

The pig girl took the initiative to step on the trap, and when Karma and the policewoman were consumed, Galio was exposed to the real eyes of the pass, and there was a gem behind him.


Influenced by Galio, the policewoman chose to retreat. As a result, the small cannon attached to the wall of the dragon pit lost its protective umbrella on its flanks.

"The Pioneer has more than 2,000 lives. If we don't advance, it will be too late."

The problem is that WE has no vision of the dragon pit and does not care about the gains and losses of the vanguard.

After overcoming the first round of consumption.

Xia entered the river from above, threatening Bronn and Karma. The next second, Kenan T was on the middle line. The policewoman reacted and retreated to the F6 open space. The small artillery was also adjusting its position, planning to enter the inside of the dragon pit.

"Remember to give me your ultimate move." Xiye reminded Ben.

The original script no longer worked.

This time, Xiye planned to start a group physically and help Kenan enter the field.

"Gario got the gem's W and followed the pig girl to push forward. Karma gave a group shield, and LGD planned to retreat into the dragon pit to pick up the team."

"Kenan is here, use E to speed up, Galio charges W, and Braum takes the initiative to push forward."

Do you want W to flash?

Smile came up with this idea and noticed that Wine Barrel gave up on taking the lead. At this moment, he felt that Galio was starting a team like this, and Braum raised his shield to resist the front, holding on until the taunt disappeared, and Galio was about to be shut down to focus the fire.

Never thought about it.

When Galio waited for the gem's ultimate move to come down, he was only able to mock Braum at half health. However, Pig Girl caught Braum's momentary loss of position and launched Q downwards. The ultimate move brushed against Braum and threw him into the dragon's pit. The target was right in front of him. It was Xiao Pao who hurriedly retreated into the dragon pit.

Have the opportunity!

As long as he controls it, even if Kennen enters the field despite being weak, he can still exert enough control to help Xayah pull out the barbs and focus the fire to kill the small cannon.

Smile was about to praise the group for its good performance, but the upward corners of his mouth suddenly stopped.

in the screen.

Xiaopao, who had been panicking just now, jumped out of the dragon pit and came to Xia's side when he got some solid ice, and easily weakened Xia.


Kuuma's eyes lit up.

"Perfect control offset." The assistant shook his head slightly.

With this jump, Xiaopao jumped out of the encirclement and at the same time created an opportunity for himself to have a PK in the Imperial City.

After all, WE's main force is on the lower side. They spent a lot of effort to "drive" LGD in, but they didn't expect such an accident.

"Kenan enters the field with three electric shocks, but it is just an AD Kennen, and it also takes advantage of Braum's weakness, so it can't do any damage at all."

"Mystic has no environmental output. If you turn it up, you can only retreat to the top lane."

It's over, Condi thought.

It’s not that he doesn’t know that the small cannon W has a high priority. It’s impossible not to fire the small cannon because of the high priority of the problem.

This wave made the cannon hide at the innermost side, and team battles were still unplayable.

It can be said.

They're creating an opportunity to hit a small cannon.

With the help of Kenan's T, he forced the female policeman to give up his position, and relied on the squeeze from two directions to force the cannon into the dragon's pit. Finally, he relied on Galio to squeeze out the angle when the opponent couldn't fully position himself.

"As soon as Xia retreats, the cannon will output without any pressure."

"Gario was hit by Braum's ultimate move, while Kennen was being attacked by Barrel and Karma."

In the end, Xiaopao scored a double kill, the policewoman opened up and got an assist, and Zhumei and Gemstone sold the middle and ran away.

"Two heads plus a vanguard," Wawa commented, "LGD is a bit smooth."

Miller glanced at Smile, "And my brother-in-law is not fat at all. The wave of red buffs were invaded, resulting in a huge loss of lanes in the bottom lane."

After that wave of fighting, the policewoman's life was not going to be easy.

Just thinking so.

The wine barrel knocked down the vanguard and found that the cannon was standing at the position where the vanguard's eye was generated.

Miller couldn't help but look at Smile again, "Give the Pioneer Eye to the middle?"

The smile on his face was ugly: "With the accelerated return to the city, it will be easier for the cannon to make money."

"The policewoman is taking the center line, and the cannon is bringing up the first tower." Before the vanguard refreshed, the policewoman had already disabled the A of the previous tower.

Wait until the team fight is over.

Karma returned to the city, and Braum and Barrel covered the small cannon and attacked the tower, forcing Xayah to retreat with her remaining health.

"Push it again." Qin Hao looked at the mining knife and said.

"It hasn't exploded yet?"

C-Bo saw that Qin Hao made up 102 dollars.

"There are still four soldiers left."


That's right, Qin Hao has eaten a set of F6.

Just like this, when I saw Xiaopao go home and put together an electric knife, cloth-armored shoes and a pickaxe, I felt a little dizzy with a smile. He remembered that before the vanguard, the small artillery was only a royal fork, a dagger and straw sandals.

I looked at the time, it was 11 minutes and 55 seconds, and then I looked at the last hit, and I saw 108 last hits. Damn, you are really good at sucking.

When a smile gives rise to resentment.

The baby also noticed something unusual. The main reason was that Galio only had a small ice armor and cloth armor shoes, and the small cannon equipment was a bit too much.

"Is this an extraction explosion?" Wawa wondered.

The smile was sad: "This wave of pioneers shouldn't have taken it. After taking it, the cannon ate 2 heads, a tower, and the extraction exploded 450 - in just 2 minutes, I earned a thousand and fourteen."

With electric knife.

Qin Hao pushed the line faster. In the past, when I used E to clear the line, I had to hit several melee soldiers with A. Now I pull the E line to line up the troops in front, and I can clear the non-artillery line in seven or eight seconds.

The picture Cvmax wanted to see appeared.

During the transfer period, Xiaopao was in town, putting a lot of pressure on WE. The line is sent in and goes directly to the anti-blue zone. In this way, Condi is equivalent to missing half of the jungle zone.

Seeing this, Kuma already had a premonition that WE would be beaten to death by the army line, "The small cannon leads alone, and the female policeman guards the center. Even if WE finds a chance to capture the order, it will not be able to break this rhythm. Unless..."

Unless the disadvantage is to steal the dragon, there are two lines in the upper and middle lines, and even the river cannot be crossed.

"We don't have the experience to deal with the mid laner and the cannon. Choosing a pig girl will not put much pressure on us." The assistant felt that we should choose a strong jungler so that we would not watch the cannon push the lane.

"There's still one and a half minutes left for Pioneer. Don't LGD plan to release it and hit the second tower?" Miller chatted.


Miller is also aware of WE's dilemma. That is the policewoman who has used the electric knife, and is not afraid that the pig girl will get together with her subordinates.

With Braum around, WE can't pose much of a threat.

And in the bottom lane.

As the level increased, Kennen became more comfortable, but Karma's backline troops were gone with just one QR. Kennan could not expand his advantage.


WE can't afford it either.

So at 14 minutes, Galio seized the cannon cart round, returned to the city early and rushed down, cooperated with Pig Girl to jump over the tower, killed Kalma, and took advantage of the situation to help Kennen get the next tower. Afterwards, Xiye hurriedly climbed up to the second tower, fearing that the cannon would release the vanguard and hit the high ground along the way.

The weird thing is.

The small artillery was sent into the army line and there was no choice to release the vanguard.

Did he want to hit him?

With this thought in mind, Xiye reminded his teammates to pay attention to defending the middle tower.

"Be careful!" He smiled sharply and saw Xiaopao quickly returning to the city, leaving the high ground and heading towards the blue zone.

The troops were sent in at 957, but it was too late.

Although he has big and E, he is still one and a half minutes short of flash.

Qin Hao took advantage of this. He controlled the small cannon to walk through the blue zone to the toad, flanked EAA, and then caught the moment when Kennen was about to faint with his ultimate move, threw out the ultimate move, and pushed Kennen towards the wall. .

"Too thin."

"The equipment is too different. Kennen's set only hits two-thirds of the HP of the small cannon, but the set of small cannons can take away Kennen."

A small artillery strike killed Kennan.

Looking at the darkened screen, 957, who had always been calm, couldn't help but say, "What kind of harm is this?" He pressed the Tba key continuously to ease his mood.

But for Qin Hao.

For a Kennen who has just cleared the tower, the way to expand his advantage must be to send lanes.

at the same time.

WE must not dare to go on the road short. As for damage calculation, it is the simplest thing in this wave.

"Kenan is down..." Miller shook his head, "WE is in a bad situation."

"The main thing is that the cost of doing things is too high. Xiye can only have a chance to move while the cannon is just being connected." Wawa also felt that WE's game was a bit difficult.

The lineup has been selected until now.

The ideal sideband rhythm was not achieved. Pig Girl and Galio could not protect Kennen. However, no one could control the development rhythm of the cannon. After eating the top line, he would eat the wild monsters, and after eating the wild monsters, he would eat the offline ones.

And this wave is over.

Xiaopao chose to place the vanguard on the bottom lane, and pushed down the second tower with the help of Bronn and wine barrels approaching.

that's all.

In front of Pig Girl, Qin Hao cooperated with the vanguard and quickly demolished the defense tower.

This is also the most uncomfortable part for WE. They don't dare to fire small cannons, which leads to Galio being locked in the army line.

It's hard to find some opportunities, but the most they can do is earn a little bit of money, but it can't alleviate the economic gap.

I saw the small cannon demolishing the tower so quickly.

60E people are equally anxious.

After all, the policewoman and Bronn have very strong late-stage combat abilities. But until now, the policewoman was not under any pressure.

[There are so few heads, and the economic gap is bigger than playing RNG. 】

[Qingshen’s growth rate. 】

[I always say that the Penicillin team is also top-notch in blood-sucking. 】

[It sounds so ugly, but it doesn’t count as sucking if you can c. 】

[If my teammates can c, I can’t wait to hurt them with my fists. 】

[Kill teammates, right? 】

Push down the second tower, and the little cannon goes home to find the endless. At 18 and a half minutes, Qin Hao's two-piece suit was in hand, and he could easily become crispy in seconds.

Wawa lamented, "The lead is infinite, and the damage is really high." Wawa took the lead in playing his own tricks.


Hearing this, Smile sighed. Why, LGD played too hard. Except for Xiao Pao's occasional use of force, the others were pure turtles and didn't want to affect Xiao Pao's rhythm at all.

Even if WE stick together.

It can only force Karma to the front.

Moreover, even though Karma was out of the incense burner, it was still painful to save the policewoman from shooting people.

Middle road.

While the cannon was leading the line, Galio came to the blue zone, hoping that the three teammates in the middle could start a team fight. As a result, when Gem pressed forward, the policewoman caught Karma's shield and knocked out one-fifth of Gem's health with a headshot.

"Pig Girl's ultimate move is empty, and IMP moves very well."

"The military line really can't get in."

"With Braum holding up his shield in front, WE dare not cross the tower."

WE is already dizzy.

I don’t know what to do except hanging out together.

But this kind of behavior cannot put pressure on LGD.

The audience discovered that Kalma was not a stickler.

As long as WE has a tendency to form a team, Kalma will accelerate its success.

At 26 and a half minutes, Xiaopao suddenly came down with him, and forced Kennen to flash out with a face jump.

"Wow, even if you dodge at the first moment, you will still lose a third of your health."

"I just got E and A twice."

"I can't take you out from the side road..."

Seeing that it was down to 6,000.

The pig girl, who had no place to grow, took the gems to the red area of ​​​​the red square to make eyes, but she met Karma and the wine barrel. The moment the fight started, Qin Hao quickly rushed to the middle tower.

Before WE could join together, Xiaopao found an opportunity, forced Xia's ultimate move, and then turned back to output the front row.

"The gem's ultimate move was taken away before it even landed."

"If you don't deal with the small cannon, the damage will be too different."

"Eat the dragon, eat the dragon!" C Bo said excitedly.


Piggy misses, the remaining blood is withdrawn, Xia is not strong, and Gemstone is killed.

At 28 and a half minutes, LGD took down the baron and pushed down the first tower. Then, with a lead of more than 8,000, they continued to use small guns to lead the line.

As seen with a smile.

LGD didn't want to force the team at all, they just wanted to rely on the ability of the dual shooters to handle the army line and slowly grind the tower.

One minute passed, two minutes passed.

LGD's operation dropped the bottom road high ground, the second tower on the top road and the second tower on the middle road.

By this time, WE was already lagging behind. We are still chatting about Tuanbo in WE voice.


When LGD used the super soldiers in the bottom lane to hold back Xia, and then pushed the upper and middle soldiers, they wanted to use the process to push the three lanes flatly.

31 minutes and 22 seconds.

WE deliberately made a mistake in separation and defense, and only one Galio stood on the high ground.

"Small cannon Tower A is too fast."

"Kenan won't you help guard it?"

"No, Kenan teleports to the blue zone! WE want to group together." Kennan's spring water teleports around the back of the eye and wants to fire a small cannon.

On the other side, Qin Hao destroyed the defense tower and wanted the A crystal.

The moment Kennan's vision was exposed.

Qin Hao instantly understood WE's intention, and when the pig girl made another big throw, he used a rocket jump to fly into the air and adjust his position.

"Penicillin reacted too quickly!"

Galio's movements were slow for a moment, and before his punch could connect with W, Qin Hao had already pulled him near the middle tower. The next second, the wine barrel pushed against Galio, and the gem near the middle tower wanted to regain control.

It just takes time to trigger the glare.

But Qin Hao will not give such time.

The audience screamed, and the combined sounds formed a huge wave of sound that lingered in the sky above the stadium.

"The gem's ultimate move didn't come down, and the auxiliary was knocked out instantly by concentrated fire again."

Miller yelled, "That's the little four-piece."

"Penicillin jumps up!"

Combined with the policewoman's headshot, the instant gem will appear.

Qin Hao rose into the air and turned around to deal Kenan. 957 Guang had time to press his ultimate move, but in the next second he felt weak.

the most important is.

Without the gem, Kenan had no chance to delay. Condi could only watch as the cannon escaped control, killed Kenan three times, and then jumped again.

"Kill, kill, kill!" the big wolf roared, "I will give you a shield."

After dealing with Kenan, Xia was stopped by the policewoman. Qin Hao refreshed his rocket jump, came to Galio's side, and dealt with the two lumps of meat.

"Hey, Xiba..."

Galio's health dropped quickly, and Ben's sigh came from his voice.

957's eyelids trembled, thinking that before the game, the coaching staff thought that LGD was going to play with them, but who knew that LGD gave up collision and started playing with the army line.

Xiye's mouth trembled a little.

Damn it.

At this point in the fight, he only had two and a half pieces, and the cannon had four pieces... But when it came to his adoptive father, he swore that it was not his problem, but that the cannon was too good at sucking. He pressed Tab every once in a while to check the last hit, and the opponent saw a qualitative increase.

"Only Zhongxia escaped back to the spring." Miller's voice was high-pitched, slightly broken, "W used the Penicillin so well that Pig Girl couldn't control it at all."

"The policewoman pushed down the center high ground."

"There are still more than 40 seconds to resurrect. There should be a wave."

Cvmax wants to end the game in 35 minutes.

Unexpectedly, WE was willing to take over the team.


At 33 minutes and 35 seconds, LGD flattened WE's main base and won the first round.

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