
When Rookie was typing on the public screen, signaling the end of the game, JKL followed up and said: "Dude, a big tree can shake."

in the room.

Bai Yueya watched the entire training match from the OB perspective, and then entered the YY room to listen to the IG players' discussion.

Ning: "Just now I can cooperate with the top laner to enter the field."

Baolan: "Mine. I didn't pay attention to my position."

"Hey, the opponent's BP is so powerful. I thought it was Big Tree's top laner and Jayce's mid laner. Unexpectedly, it turned into Big Tree's support and Jayce stepped up."

"That's right." Rookie chatted in Mandarin with a slight accent. When he said this, he thought of the spring game. At that time, he had a headache playing LGD. Because Cvmax doesn't like to play cards according to routines.

"Not to mention, the big tree support looks okay. It at least has a chance to flash W to cooperate with the jungle gank. Its own E can also explore the grass and is not easy to be squatted."

Ah Shui is in a good mood. After all, in more than a month, he will be of playing age. The most important thing is that Su Xiaoluo had a heart-to-heart talk with him some time ago. When talking about West, he said that West would go to the second team.

"Langx is just like Jace."

"I suppressed him with more than 30 knives, and he got mixed up in the group fight." Ning chatted: "Why don't you open it? You can poke poke all the time on the opposite side. If you open it, there is a tsar and a big tree on the opposite side."


Fortunately, it's just a training match.

Although everyone on IG felt a little uncomfortable playing, they were not that aggrieved. They didn't dare to imagine how depressing it would be if they encountered this lineup in the main game and then failed to have an advantage during the laning phase.

"It's time to choose a Titan. Bronn is no threat to them." Baolan sighed.

"We are just sparring partners anyway."

The other end.

Sask wrote down the results against IG in a small notebook.

From the beginning of preparations to now, they have played 30 games with IG, and the winning rate is close to 60%; they have played 22 games with RNG, and the winning rate is close to 70%; they have practiced less with WE, only played 12 games, and won 75% winning percentage.

Sask personally feels that dating with IG is the most powerful.

Because they have a good mentality and are particularly daring to play, they will put pressure on the line, and they dare to try all kinds of strange lineups, which greatly enhances the uncertainty of the game.

Unlike RNG and WE, there are too many things that are straightforward, and it is easy to guess what the opponent wants to do.


Sask can actually understand it. After all, IG is a sparring partner and is for fun.

"Take a rest, I'm a little tired."

Sask just finished speaking.

C Bo slumped in his chair: "The other side is talking about your face."

C Bo was depressed, and Big Wolf was even more depressed, "He played like a swordswoman and blocked my position at level one, causing me to miss four soldiers in the first wave."

"It's not your cup of tea."


Of course the big wolf doesn't admit that he's not good at it.

He thought it was because the opponent was very proficient, and because he, Jace, was not very proficient, he was not ready to use A to pull Sword Girl's Q.

"Chef, you still have to be smart after winning." Eimy pointed her finger at C Bo.

"What does it mean to have a bad attitude? What I said is all true."

"Just tell me if you won." Seeing Ye Wang's support, Big Wolf continued, "Our winning rate...is really not bad."

"Then do you know who had the highest winning rate (in training matches) last year?" C Bo saw Big Wolf peeking his head out and turned to look at Qin Hao, "PP, tell Big Wolf, lest he say I made it up."


When he told this answer, even Qin Hao couldn't hold back his lips.

no way.

When the senior brother was eliminated last year, he had a painful expression and tears in his eyes. Then he turned around and ran to the commentary box to share the news. The face changes so quickly.

It was also at that time that Qin Hao learned that TSM not only had a high winning rate against LGD, but also had a winning rate of about 70% against Rox.

In other words, if we really go by the training match results, TSM would be in the top eight at worst.


The big wolf is a bit difficult to stretch.

"Doesn't this mean that training match results are useless?"

"That's right. There was a lot of fighting on the other side, but I guess they didn't fight seriously."

Seeing Big Wolf sighing while talking, C Bo almost died laughing. When he entered the World Championship for the first time, he also valued some things and wanted to rely on them to maintain his confidence.

So when I heard Big Wolf say that the winning rate was not bad, I subconsciously wanted to use words to stimulate him.

"There's no need to sigh."

At this moment, C Bo jumped out to comfort him again: "If it doesn't work in the training match, how are you going to win the game?"

at the same time.

Firefox shouted the same words to the team members.

"The training matches are like this, how are you going to win the match? Everyone, we are the third seed, and we are destined to encounter strong teams from the four major regions."

This is the consensus of everyone.

So RNG is not easy, they have a heavy burden.

"Yesterday I practiced small cannons, and today I have to practice big trees. We are not familiar with these heroes."

Another day of losing to numbness.

Uzi raised his head and took a sip of water.

"How about playing something familiar?" Xiao Ming suggested, seeing that Uzi was unhappy.

"Okay..." Letme was about to say, but was interrupted by Firefox: "If you don't get exposed to new content in the training matches, how can you prepare for group matches?"

Seeing the team members lowering their heads, Firefox asked: "Tell yourselves, are the mid laners strong enough?"


From the semi-finals of the Summer Split until now, they have not found a lineup suitable for dealing with mid laners and small guns. In other words, it basically doesn't eat Conte.

"Why don't you practice Qiang?"

The truth is this.

The problem is that after spending so much time practicing new positioning and coordination, what if the results are not good in the main game?

Uzi was very worried now.

Because to get this lineup, Xiaohu must eat a lot of safety lines and wild monsters.

After all, the core idea of ​​​​the small cannon is to rely on the stable ability to farm money to create a gap in level and equipment, and then use the advantages of level and equipment to output firepower.

And where they didn't play well was where Uzi felt uncomfortable. He is not used to taking danger lines and is not used to avoiding. He cannot be alone like IMP at any time. He has the consciousness of going to jail and waiting for his teammates to c.

It has a small cannon system, and I really hate teammates losing points.

Once something happens to a teammate, Xiaopao is forced to return to defense, which means the stage becomes smaller.

"What's the point of having a good training match? What we want is to win."

After persuading you with sincerity.

The two returned to the living room.

Gou Ba lowered his voice: "Actually, I feel unhappy because I lost too much."

"I know," Firefox sighed: "The problem is that LGD's small cannons and big trees play well."

"Mainly..." Gou Ba analyzed: "The smoothest way for us to win is to let the middle and lower lanes ensure that the jungler has room for duel. Now that we have changed our style, the jungler and bottom lane are not very into their roles."

“It’s impossible to stay in your comfort zone.”

"Patch 7.18 strengthens the Tsar."

The World Championship is set for 7.18.

In Firefox's eyes, Xiao Pao is a hero who won't suffer any losses when defeating the Czar.

If the team cannot draw small guns due to coordination problems, it is basically equivalent to Xiaohu's hero pool becoming narrower.

"We always have to delay our development." When he said this, Penicillin came to Firefox's mind. He had seen Penicillin use Ryze to defeat Tsar in the regular season.

He was thinking that if Xiaohu's Ryze had such tricks, he wouldn't need to worry so much. The problem is that Xiaohu's Ryze plays the Czar, and his lane placement is stable, and he is at a disadvantage in the matchup.

Xiao Pao is different. This hero is a true king in the laning, and Counter's mid laner who does not exchange blood frequently enough is indeed very suitable for the World Championship version.

So I watched Xia Jue.

He immediately let the players absorb and learn from it.





that's all.

The participating teams are busy scoring points at the top of the canyon while also busy scheduling training matches.

In order to provide good services to professional players, Fujii also deliberately killed a group of actors and cheaters, and blocked hundreds of thousands of problematic accounts in a short period of time.

A week later.

Qin Hao pushed his suitcase and boarded the plane with his teammates and coaches one by one, arriving at Wuhan Tianhe International Airport.

"It's so hot, so hot, so hot."

Just got out of the airport.

Everyone in LGD was defeated.

They knew more or less that Wuhan was very hot, but they didn't expect that it was autumn and there could be such strong sunshine outdoors. This is somewhat uncomfortable for e-sports players who stay in air-conditioned rooms all year round.

“I can’t imagine how hot the summer in Wuhan must be.”

I only stood there for less than 10 minutes.

Bo C's forehead was sweating.

But soon.

The group got on the bus and arrived at the hotel provided by Fujii.

over there.

Fujii has already completed the e-sports room.


Another tactics lesson.

Cvmax talked about the current ecology.

He feels that compared with the playoffs, the changes in 7.18 are not big.

in addition.

Since this version of the soft assistant has a relatively high appearance rate, the efficiency of cooperating with the jungle gank is low.

Starting from the playoffs, the LCK's understanding gradually became that it would be better for the jungler to link up with the laner in the early stage, and focus on eye protection for the bottom lane.

simply put.

It turns out that the common mode is for the jungler to cooperate with the hard assistant to control the bottom lane to kill. First, release the assistant and then use the advantage of vision to control the bottom river to earn profits in the jungle.

But now more than half of this road is blocked, and the risks and benefits of this approach are obviously not proportional.


If it is a soft-assisted incense burner, AD mostly uses purification and barrier as options, and its life-saving ability is quite good.

Also, with the rise of herbivorous characters such as Pig Girl and Wine Barrel, it is difficult for the bottom lane combination with soft assists and increased cores to achieve kills.

in this case.

LZ's performance in the summer finals and SSG's performance in the bubble game both proved that the jungler will have a more comfortable rhythm if he brushes up.

Expand along this line of thinking.

The reason why Cvmax no longer forces C Bo to practice soft assistant is because it saw this trend.

This is different from the S6.

S6 has a one-blood tower, which can snowball.

The early-stage gains of S7 are not very important. Many teams will choose a lineup that is weaker in the front but not less powerful in the mid-term.

in other words.

In the game, you can put less emphasis on the bottom lane and the lane, but focus on small-scale groups.

Just like that.

LGD hasn't practiced much regular lineup recently, focusing on the team front and wing distribution.

After the meeting.

Qin Hao was practicing solo with Dalang, and Cvmax took the initiative to come behind the two of them.

When Big Wolf said that he got started quickly, Qin Hao praised: "Awesome."

In the game.

Big Wolf controls Nightmare, relying on the wave of blood exchanges during the upgrade to 2, to successfully control the lane.

"This hero is very good against Kennen. At level one, just use Q to seize the gap between the opponent's last hits. It doesn't matter if you don't hit him. Anyway, if you push the lane quickly and grab second, you can suppress the wave. The opponent can't beat you. "

When Qin Hao said.

The big wolf kept nodding.

how to say.

This version of Kennen is a bit like the position of Cannon when he is in the middle. That is, there is a lack of natural enemies on the line side, and they can only be targeted through other methods.

However, Kennan is flexible enough and is not so easy to give. After thinking about it, Qin Hao found the way to deal with it last year - line power.

He had similar anxiety last year.

That is, if the lane is suppressed, it will be useless. And facing the popular Snake Girl and Clockwork in the version, he didn't have any suitable heroes to fight in the lane.

to this end.

He came up with the idea of ​​​​using push lanes to ease the laning, and using the hero mechanism to link teammates, and worked hard to practice Yanque and Ice Girl.

Just like that.

When Qin Hao discovered that Big Wolf faced Kennen, he would at best place the lane at a disadvantage, default to placing the tower, and use the simulation space to develop a nightmare top laner.

He feels that this hero is suitable for fighting heroes who have little burst but strong pulling ability.

Because all the pulling is based on the military line. Most of them use the opponent's last-ditch attack, or press forward after gaining lane rights, to force the opponent into a vicious cycle of missed shots, loss of development, and falling behind in level and equipment.

Nightmares are different.

Its passive is AOE. Secondly, its movement speed skyrockets after Q is released, making it difficult for the opponent to draw and consume it through distance. Best of all, it's not as tool-y as the Kalma. The degree of threat to the crispy c-position is there.

Hearing Qin Hao's praise.

Cvmax felt very emotional.

He once again believes that LGD's championship team can be missing anyone, but Qin Hao cannot be missing.

This year.

Accustomed to being indifferent and snobbish, there are few leaders like Qin Hao who are willing to help his teammates and actually take action.

"very nice."

A voice sounded behind the two of them.

The big wolf took off the headset and turned around to see Cvmax's slightly serious face.

Big Wolf is not surprised by this. He is used to Cvmax standing behind him to watch his ranking or solo. It's just that there is very little praise and only shortcomings.

"You continue." Cvmax said again.

"Coach, I thought last night that Clockwork is connected to nightmares."

Cvmax:? ?

What is bondage.

If bond refers to cooperation, wouldn't Clockwork, a hero, always be able to cooperate with Nightmare?

Cvmax is a bit unclear.

But looking at Qin Hao's serious look, it seemed like he wasn't joking. In my impression, Qin Hao didn't like telling cold jokes.

"What kind of bondage method?"

"Hmm..." Qin Hao thought for a few seconds and said, "Isn't the other side very defensive?"


Qin Hao chatted about his ideas.

At first, Cvmax was a little unconcerned. As he listened, Cvmax’s eyes lit up and he seemed to have thought of something.


C Bo is playing double queue with IMP.

When he heard the coach calling them over, C Bo thought that he would start a training match two hours early today. When he sat down and sat down, he realized that his roommate was talking to the coaching staff.

"... Almost as soon as you have a view, you will be charged."

When Bo C walked over, he only heard this sentence.


Cvmax arranged for them to open a training room.

Although I don’t know what medicine the coach is selling.

But a few people still followed the instructions honestly.

Then, C Bo found that Qin Hao took Eimy to have a voice chat alone, "What is this?"

"Don't worry." Eimy pretended after hearing the request.

C Bo glanced at Eimy, feeling really confused now. Nima opened a room and ran to the other side of the house. Is this going to start a civil war?

Compared with C blog.

IMP is even more dizzy. How can I, Xiba, hear it in the rain and fog? What do you mean by randomly choosing an AD? Is the nest so casual?

In order to show that I am not casual.

IMP specifically took Kalista.


"Be serious, puff. Why don't you hand it over if you can dodge!"

Hearing C Bo speak, IMP didn't want to pay attention.

When he was killed by Clockwork and Nightmare again, C Bo said in a confused tone: "No, why don't you hide?"

"You come!"

IMP felt a little uncomfortable when he was blocked in the first wave. When he saw this, he simply said, "You can do it, you can do it."

Behind everyone.

Seeing the performance of Qin Hao and Eimy, Cvmax was a little excited. He has been playing League of Legends for so many years, but he never thought there would be such cooperation.

Seeing that IMP was a little doubtful about life, Cvmax interjected: "Let him try."


The two changed seats.

At this moment, C Bo felt a little dissatisfied. He felt that IMP was not paying attention, otherwise how could he not even be able to dodge the Clockwork ultimate move.

To know.

After Clockwork's ultimate move is released, it does not take effect immediately. It has a forward swing. Unless the situation is particularly complicated, professional players can basically dodge Clockwork's ultimate move just by dodging it.


C Bo failed.

Just like Qin Hao said, this trick is a bit of a scam. Almost as soon as Nightmare appeared in his field of vision, the clockwork ultimate move took effect.

When you encounter this kind of situation, you can't press the flash button at all.

What if we predict in advance?

Nope either.

If you cross-dodge before the end of Nightmare's ultimate move, you can't break the martial soul fusion skill. At this time, C Bo felt a bit like a Muggle. He found that he was spraying IMP without any reason.

Unless you are strong enough to withstand the bursts of Nightmare RQA and Clockwork RW, you will not be able to dodge no matter how fast you react.


Hearing IMP snorting next to him, C Bo had to avoid the topic just now. He sighed: "This is a bit lame!"

But don’t say it yet.

When he thought that they were the only ones who knew this trick, C Bo's mood suddenly changed.

There is a saying, oh, it’s called looking at problems from another angle.

C Bo had a smile on his face, he couldn't wait to see those people shocked by this martial soul fusion skill.

at the same time.

Because his clockwork proficiency exceeded level seven, the idea he came up with in a flash was recognized by everyone, and Qin Hao felt equally beautiful.

But soon.

Qin Hao couldn't help laughing.

After going to Wuhan.

His training schedule was a bit disrupted.

First, he went to shoot an advertisement for a gaming chair, and then the team leader told him that he was going to participate in a campus tour.

Within a few days.

There was another advertising task to shoot, which made Qin Hao a little irritable.

He hated the feeling of having his plans disrupted.

I called the agent and the agent said that this was a normal contract performance and LGD was not messing around. It's just that this season, LGD is a little hungry and has too many sponsors.

The problem cannot be that the club refuses to accept sponsors. At most, it involves the players. Li Zhengtai can check it and prevent LGD from appropriating Qin Hao's share of the profits.

Another day.

Everyone in LGD sat on the sofa and watched the lottery ceremony. In the room, the staff has already placed the camera seats.

"Brother, don't laugh nonsense." C Bo warned in advance.

"I know." Big Wolf also saw the classic second-part laugh in last year's World Championship.

The rules are the same as last year.

Because this year's MSI, LGD won the 3-0 SKT championship, and because G2 performed well, RNG, as the third seed, does not need to participate in the playoffs. At the same time, the North American region will not be among the four major regions.

that's all.

First, there are the card pools of the four No. 1 seeds.

Then draw the second card pool.

Each group will eventually consist of a No. 1 team, two No. 2 teams, and a No. 3 team.

Among them, the third seeds except RNG need to compete with wild cards in the playoffs to determine four places and assign them to four groups A, B, C, and D.

And in the drawing of lots.

This finals still adopts the avoidance principle of groups in the same division.

at this time.

Each card pool can be seen very clearly.

Pool 1: LZ, LGD, G2, FW


LPL viewers don't really care about the draw for the play-in rounds.


The qualifying groups are as follows:

Group A: SSG, GMB, LYN

Group B: C9, ONE, DW

Group C: FNC, YG, KLG

Group D: HKA, FB, RPG

"It feels like SSG, FNC and C9 advance, and the other wild card teams compete for a qualifying spot."

“Don’t forget last year’s dark horse ANX.”

"Forgot 'Idol'? The wild card BO1 is a bit lively."

"There's no way the car could roll over."

It’s time for the group stage draw.

When the two hosts on the scene signaled the draw to begin.

AJ touched the ball in pool No. 1.

"...LGD, Group A!!"

"Wow, I got LGD as the first one."


Yutong's tone was filled with happiness: "I feel like there's something to be said for it. The competition in Group A wasn't that big last year."

Four teams correspond to four groups.

AJ finished drawing the No. 1 card pool, and Rookie, as the new lottery guest, began to explore the small balls in the No. 2 card pool.

"Look at the color... RNG has been assigned to Group C!"

"Good sign."

The audience endured the excitement. After all, the number one seed in Group C was G2. In everyone's eyes, G2 was just a team that knew how to do things but had average strength.


Rookie turned the sphere away, took out a banner with the team names written inside, and took out TSM and SKT one after another.

See the red banner.

This moment.

Countless foreign audiences shouted ‘yes’!

"SKT collided with LGD again!"

In front of the camera.

Blank, who had just been chatting with the assistant coach, suddenly shut up and immediately showed a serious look in his eyes. Last year, he was criticized on the forum after the finals because he laughed.


The more important reason is - they don't want to meet LGD. Before the game, I thought about going against the FW group. If I wasn't so lucky, I would at least be in the same group as G2.

Who knew LPL was so lucky.

First, RNG was assigned to Group C, cutting off their path, and then with a probability of 5050, they were drawn into Group A.

"It looks good now."

"Give SKT a chance for revenge."


"Rookie's hands are so sweaty!"

The audience flooded the screen with barrage, showing their optimism for LGD. After all, SKT has never defeated LGD this year.

Not just domestically.

Foreign audiences who knew about the feud between the two teams were equally excited.


WE was drawn to A and postponed to B, and MSF was assigned to D.

The final result appeared on the big screen at the scene.

Group A: LGD, SKT, GAM

Group B: LZ, IMT, WE

Group C: G2, RNG, AHQ

Group D: FW, TSM, MSF

After the lottery ceremony is over.

Discussions have begun at home and abroad.

"I'm an SKT fan, and I'm panicking now."

"There is no death group this year."

"If we divide C9 or FNC into Group B, it will be like the group of death."

"Indeed, there are no Korean teams in C or D. Even if SSG is assigned to Group C, it will not affect RNG's promotion situation."

"RNG is very comfortable, AHQ and G2 are pure fish belly."

"Don't speak too early. It was revealed some time ago that RNG was not in good condition during training matches."

"Even if it's not good, it's still good enough."

"Who do you want to compete with? Is it embarrassing to lose to LGD in the training match?"

"Can't you beat IG?"

"If it hadn't been reported, the third spot should have gone to IG."

These words immediately caused dissatisfaction among WE fans.

These days.

IG fans are like losing their minds, complaining about JKL being reported every day. Just because someone broke the news that RNG was abused by IG, the bad guys generally felt that IG was delayed by West.

"Can the training match be the same as the main match?"

"Maybe JKL is just a soft-footed shrimp. When it comes to competition, his hands will shake."

"Can you please stop bragging about someone who has never been on the court?"

"Both Uzi's runner-ups were called CJB. Isn't it a bit too much for JKL to steal tickets from WE before they even play?"

"IG hired a navy army, right? They are hyping JKL every day. Do you want to compete with Iboy for the title of the No. 1 AD in the new generation?"


When the outside world is hotly discussing the grouping.

C Bo was lying on the bed a little satisfied, "Hey, PP, do you think SKT is destined to us? Why do we always meet them?"

"It's the second seed. It has a one-third chance of hitting us."

C Bo:……

"You're such a piece of wood."

With this evaluation.

Qin Hao's consciousness entered the simulation space.

at the same time.

After Riot released the theme song and MV, Fujii, as the host, cut a documentary about LGD...the focus of which was to enhance the legend of Penicillin.

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