I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 346 I don’t have the initiative, not you

"Oh, another easy victory."

Battle seat.

Taking off his headphones and listening to the chants of LGD, C Bo felt inexplicably proud.

To be honest, although this combination was very strong in the training match, C Bo never thought that SKT would play double shot.

In his impression, Faker does not play shooter mid laner.

So when the selection was over, he felt that the opponent would be uncomfortable.

"Big Dog, does this have anything to do with you?" Big Wolf asked.

"It has nothing to do with you anyway."

C Bo glanced at the output panel after the game and smiled happily: "If you play a wine barrel, you will do 3,000 more damage than me. Haha."

this match.

Clockwork ranked first in output, contributing 23,000 damage, accounting for 32.2% of the team. On the opposite side, the small cannon with the highest output in the team hit 12,000.

at the same time.

The output of Dashu, Cuishen and Nutan were all below 6,000, which made the Korean audience angry.

C Bo still wanted to laugh, but when he saw the camera moving towards him, he quickly restrained his expression to prevent his gums from showing. He cares about image.

"I can only say that Brother Hao and Eimy have such a tacit understanding."

Guan Zeyuan's excitement hadn't passed yet, "A way to start a group with over 3,000 yards! It's hard to guard against!"

"When I saw the counter pick on the fifth floor, I guessed that LGD was well prepared. Again, you can trust Penicillin at any time."

Hao Kai is more licking than Guan Zeyuan.

As soon as these words came out, Guan Zeyuan was stunned for a few seconds. When the BP question came up, he did have doubts.

"The main reason is that SKT's two-shot system is not that interesting. When the wave in the middle was opened, I remember that Xiaopao jumped back to Cuishen. If two were not opened in that wave, Cuishen could actually assist Big Mouth in counterattack."


Two commentators reviewed the game on stage.

A certain QQ group.

After watching the post-game panel, the group members felt a little nervous.

[The big tree has zero effect. 】

[As I said, Huni doesn’t know how to play a tank. 】

[This Blank is worse than a peanut. 】

[Indeed, no matter how disadvantageous the game is, Little Peanut will at least not fall behind in development. 】

[It is rare to see a game in which the wild king suppresses you by level 2. 】

[It’s normal for Cuishen to be behind in level. This hero only gains speed in the first 15 minutes. In addition, Cuishen wants to give economy to his teammates in the mid-term, so there is no room for development. 】

[It would be too bad if SKT fails to advance out of the group stage. 】

Finished this one.

SKT's record came to 2-3, with only one game left in Vietnam.


The audience didn't think SKT could lose to Vietnam.

What they locked in was the last match between LGD and C9.

If this... right...

The barrage said nothing.

SKT fans are already panicking.

If you think about it with a smart head, you will know that in the game that C9 won, I can only say that I was good enough and got the chance to play in the playoffs.

And LGD's victory over SKT will push SKT to the edge of the cliff.

Waiting gap.

There are countless prediction posts on Kangba.

Moreover, the title highlights a "thriller", why should C9 be smarter and quickly ask his manager to contact the Queen Mother, why should he study the SSW skin game, and never ban Kalista.

In short, it’s just one sentence: This point was decided by the organization.

In a cheerful atmosphere.

A netizen suddenly asked: "Why can I have a tacit understanding of the game with C9, but not with SKT? I found that everyone doesn't hate SKT, they just enjoy the feeling of the idol collapsing."

The higher you are lifted up, the harder it is to fall down.

When Confucius is needed, he is the most holy teacher and cannot be desecrated; when not needed, he is Confucius, the biggest cancer that has derailed China for two thousand years.

Same reason.

There is often overlap between those who praise SKT and those who destroy SKT.

After all, the group of people who destroy the gods are often composed of countless independent individuals. Those who are willing to invest their energy in participating in the cause of destroying gods often need to understand the birth of gods.

Therefore, they can always present countless "evidences" that the God of Destruction possesses but that those who don't understand him simply do not possess.

If you don’t know Faker, will you know that his undefeated Enchantress hit a wall in a key game, will you know that S3 was forced to be banned, will you know that S6 can’t play Dragon King, and S7 can’t play Lu? Do you think his reputation is friendlier than that of his teammates?

Without understanding, who would care about such a thing.

Only fans will know that after S5MSI, MaRin trained like crazy;

You will know that Bang was so overwhelmed by the huge amount of training that he wanted to jump from the seventh floor of SKT;

You will know that Wolf, as the captain, has been diagnosed with four mental illnesses.

Wolf talked about it in an exclusive interview.

He said that after losing the World Championship, he had nightmares all night long.

He even expressed regret: After playing the profession for so many years, when people mention the strongest support in history, he is still not the first ID that pops up in their minds.

At the end of the interview, when asked about his views on Faker, Wolf only said one sentence that deserves respect. After all, they are teammates, so he doesn't have the filter of being a fan.


He clearly knows that Faker is not a god, otherwise why would a god sit on the water cooler.


People who participate in the destruction of gods often have a savior mentality. They feel that since they have created this god and are one of the rule makers of gods, they naturally have the obligation to discipline the god they created, help it return from its lost ways, and make it wake up.

If God is really stubborn...then just die.

Facing the comments from netizens.

Some people were silent, and some people were angry.

But like he said.

C9 is a vulnerable group in people's eyes.

It’s not that everyone likes C9, they just want to see SKT fail to make it out of the group stage and slap Han Za and the Republic of Korea in the face.

Including external network.

Countless people are discussing this topic.

As the European commentator mentioned, LGD doesn't even need to perform, just a skin game.

No one stipulates that BP must conform to the version.

"Choose a weapon on the top lane, switch to Karsa in the jungle and choose a blind monk, a card in the middle lane, and choose Wheel Mom and Niutou on the bottom lane."

It’s hard to win with this lineup!

As long as the weapon is not fat, the default point is 30 minutes.

"Cvmax, it's your turn to take the blame."

"I didn't expect Group A to be in such chaos."

"The false light of North America, TSM, the real light of North America, C9."

"If C9 wants to advance, it depends on LGD's attitude. If SKT wants to play in the playoffs, it still depends on LGD's attitude."

"The domineering attitude is revealed."

For a while.

The topic that SKT may not be able to qualify has become a trending topic on Twitter. Some passers-by who didn't pay much attention to S7 were surprised when they saw this label.

In their impression, SKT, not to mention invincible, is at least qualified for the finals, so there is no need to worry about not qualifying.


"The transfer signings of Huni and Peanut are definitely a failure."

"After the intercontinental tournament, things started to go wrong. I lost three games in a row and fell into fourth place. I barely made it to the playoffs and still relied on Bang to penetrate three."

"The level of being brutally beaten by LZ in the finals."

"Still invincible? From MSI to now, the state is in a mess."

"Without the incense burner bonus, SKT wouldn't even be able to reach Xia Jue."

"Indeed, a team like LZ that plays in the top half can score three to one. I can't imagine what SKT would be like without Incense Burner."

Popular science through these people.

Passers-by probably know how much SKT struggled in the second half of the Summer Split.


An industry insider commented: "SKT's biggest problem is not that the players are not strong enough or that they are not getting along well, but that they cannot find a direction.

In S3, the middle line always has an advantage, and the jungler can just walk around the middle line;

S5 can exert power in all three directions, but if it fails, MaRin can borrow another 20 seconds from the sky;

By S6, they trusted Duke and implemented Four One;

But in S7, they couldn't find a particularly good way to cooperate. Until now, does anyone know which lineup can represent SKT in S7.

incense burner?

This is developed by LGD. And until now, the incense burner has only been an option for LGD. "


North American commentator Kobe posted a smiling emoticon, "LOL is a team game. If we only looked at salary, I doubt SKT would be struggling so much." The words were full of ridicule.

Then, a European commentator said: "Direction is always more important than hard work. When it comes to attitude, the Korean competition has always been known for its strictness and discipline, and SKT is one of the best.

But as the two above said, SKT has lost its direction now. They don't know who should be the core at what time. "

"For a while, SKT tried to focus on the jungle, but the effect was not good. The benefits of jungle suppression in this version cannot be said to be low, but even if they reach level 6, they still have to help the lane open up the situation."

"If the compensation mechanism does not change, the competition for the jungle position cannot be cruel."

Everyone had a heated discussion.

Everyone is speculating on LGD’s sixth move.

After all, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is rare for SKT to lose the initiative to qualify. From the perspective of those who really know the industry, LGD and SKT played a tacit game to send away C9, which is not actually a gain.

in turn.

If you help the brothers send away SKT, with C9's strength, it will be really difficult to reach the semi-finals. In other words, only by defeating SKT in a game can the dream of three LPL teams in the top four be realized.

This time.

From RNG fans to C9 fans to European and American passers-by, everyone is looking forward to this script. These are the top four and three LPL teams, and they are much more valuable than any intercontinental competition.

"If there are three LPL teams in the top four, even if LGD fails to defend the title in the end, I, an RNG fan, will give half of the credit."

"I am 60E and would like to give LGD three-quarters of the credit."


Similar remarks spread to Korean websites.

They didn't dare to think how long they would be laughed at by other divisions if they were eliminated in this way.

"LGD shouldn't be so disgusting."

"They seemed like the kind of people who could do something like this."

"Forgot MSI? I have already said that Cvmax lacks respect for SKT."

"It's good to be eliminated."

Suddenly, a very discordant voice appeared.

A netizen with Deft’s professional photo as his avatar commented:

"With their condition, wouldn't it be better to swim back as soon as possible?"

"Hu Burou, a young student, an old man... He has contributed so many jokes in just one group stage, tsk tsk."

"Nothing wrong. I thought it would be embarrassing for SSG to be double-killed by RNG, but it turned out that SKT was still worried about not being able to qualify. No matter how rubbish SSG is, it can still torture G2, and the last one even beat G2's star to tears."

"If you are really a fan of SKT, you should recognize the reality and prepare for next season as soon as possible."

"Think better and prepare for the S8 early so that you can achieve overtaking in corners."

"What's the use of scolding LGD? If you scold them day and night, you still can't beat them."

"Support, after so many years of madness, it's time to improve my memory."

"Hey, LGD, eh, mold."

"Isn't it right to be defeated by mold? Why should you be angry?"

"The only thing that can save the LCK is the emergence of a savior like Penicillin, rather than counting on an old man."

Watching SKT fall into absolute headwinds.

Many Korean netizens jumped out and criticized it.

After all, fans of SSG, KT, AFS and other clubs are still holding their breath after all these years.

Just like Xiaohu was called Qingyier, guess whether LCK has Feiyier or Feier. Are the fans of these people willing to bear such a label?

The temperature rises higher and higher.

at this time.

The interview about Cvmax is here.

Cvmax: "I thought everyone knew that Faker is not good at AD mid lane."

Cvmax: "It is precisely because I picked Lucian in the playoffs that I feel that my judgment is correct. He is just not good at AD and warrior mid laners."

Cvmax: "Riven? How long ago was that?"

Cvmax: "No, no, no, if there are really hexagon players in the league, then only Penicillin deserves it."

at this time.

The BP match between SKT and the Vietnamese team has just ended.

After seeing this short interview video, many SKT fans broke their guard.

[It sounds like you know it very well. When you were a professional player, you didn’t play any games. After you retired, you went to do handstands for some gift money. How can you, a piece of trash like you, be qualified to evaluate Faker? 】

[I admit that Penicillin is strong, but you can't deny Faker's greatness. 】

【clown. 】

[Anyone who can say this is an outsider. Why is Penicillin so powerful, so he says Faker can't be a warrior mid laner. Is there a causal relationship between the two? 】

[When Faker took Riven and Olaf C, Penicillin had not yet become a professional. 】

[This kind of person dares to spray any feces in order to attract attention. 】


Someone reprinted the LPL stream interview.

The hostess asked, "Are Clockwork and Nightmare considered the prepared ultimate moves?"

Penicillin: "That's right, but when we played RNG in the semi-finals, we thought about choosing such a lineup."

Female host: I didn’t choose it then, why would I choose it now?

Penicillin: Well... just choose if you want. There aren't that many reasons why.

Qin Hao didn't say anything.

Even though they play so smoothly, there are still troubles to overcome when you first start practicing.

For example, how to choose a target, how to position yourself, how to fight a group if the clockwork is temporarily unable to get through after starting a group from a super distance...

The problem is that the audience doesn't know.

After reading the interview, the comments section was full of Xiba.

What does "choose whatever you want" mean.

Shouldn't trump cards like this be saved for more meaningful matches? Why do you say it so coolly?

"I hate it when people show off."

"Is it possible to tell the truth?"

"No way, absolutely impossible."

Qin Hao watched the game while eating a banana.

This one.

Huni went crazy and hit 2 single kills with his weapon. Even though the Vietnamese brothers are extremely strong-willed, their operations were too rough and they were losing money from beginning to end.

"No one can stop Huni! He's about to harvest."


SKT committed a massacre. When pushing the crystal, the weapon even rushed into the GAM spring water.

During this period.

C Bo glanced at Kangba for a few times.

After sharing the relevant news with Qin Hao, C Bo laughed and said: "Haha, so many people want SKT to die."

"What does this have to do with us?"

In a noisy environment.

Qin Hao said calmly: "We just need to take care of ourselves."

"Are you really not going to act?" Big Wolf swallowed. It was the first time in my life that I encountered such an option, and I found it inexplicably exciting.

"Our goal is not to qualify."



"I just received news from the backstage director that LGD chose to replace their jungler in the sixth game."

Guan Zeyuan finished reading the lineup change notice and explained the current qualifying situation to the audience.

"Except for LGD who secured first place in the group in advance and GAM who was eliminated early. The remaining qualifying spot will be decided between SKT and C9.

Currently, C9’s record is 3 wins and 2 losses, while SKT is 3 wins and 3 losses…”

“In other words, if C9 wins this game, SKT will bid farewell to the World Championship stage;

On the other hand, if C9 fails to win the game, there will be an extra game tonight. "


Seeing a familiar figure walking towards the battle table, Bang squeezed the warm baby in his hand... It was the first time that he felt that the air in the lounge was so suffocating.

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