I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 348 There is no difference between the top eight and the top sixteen

The fourth floor of the hotel.

Uzi was sitting in front of the computer at this time, staring at Qin Hao's face and muttering something like turtle.

How to describe his feelings at this time?

The shock is palpable.

At the same time, my mind was very confused.

Because he wasn't watching the live broadcast from the beginning.

Instead, I opened the live broadcast room after finishing a ranked game and saw Xiangguo yelling. Then I happened to see C9 start a highland defense battle. They defended Xia and Shiguang for about ten minutes before they were finally breached.

As AD.

Of course he likes to take on AD's perspective. Therefore, he felt that Sneaky was in a good state today. Whether he was playing against SKT or LGD, he almost never made any mistakes and repeatedly resolved the offensive attack.

Compared to bottom lane performance.

Nakano is a good cook.


As the world's No. 1 ADC, Uzi sympathizes with Sneaky, but he's not too excited.

The problem was that after SKT lost to LGD, he thought that C9 would advance, so he started ranking.

"This...can we still play in a playoff?" Xiangguo was a little dissatisfied, "What's going on in Brother Mai's mind?" Seeing that something was wrong, Xiangguo was the first to think of Cvmax.

Use yourself to save others.

If he were the LGD jungler, this game doesn't mean he was acting well, at least he wouldn't be so 'disciplined' in the game.

Just like that.

He thought it was Cvmax saying something to Qin Hao and the others on the court, such as not to relax and play well in the training matches.

Others are darker.

I guess Cvmax didn't dare to play SKT, so I emphasized that.

Thinking of this, Xiangguo sighed: "It's really not the same mind."

The words sounded strange, but it was because RNG had encountered similar things.

Last year, the group stage didn't go well. They were upset on stage after losing. Backstage, the coaching staff was still laughing. I don't feel that there is anything worth feeling uncomfortable about RNG losing the game.


People come to RNG just for the high salary, and they don't necessarily want to see the Korean team suffer.

Seeing the strange aura in the incense pot, Xiaohu seemed to have thought of something, and a flash of anger flashed in his eyes. It's actually kind of disgusting after all.

Don't look at what the outside world likes to scold Zyra the Windspeaker.

But compared to the coaching staff, Mata is definitely responsible. It's just that Mata is a little too high-spirited and doesn't like stupid people, so she and Wu Xin got into such a quarrel.

The problem is that Mata is very motivated. She really wants to win. On the other hand, some Koreans are not that interested at all.

This is also the case.

It prompted Bai Xing to want to set up an all-Chinese class...

Next to him, Letme had never experienced such a disgusting thing. When he saw Jensen’s eyes wandering, he quickly left the stage and said subconsciously: “I feel like my spirit has been drained.”


"C9 definitely doesn't want to play in the playoffs."


Jensen returned to the backstage, feeling hot all over. There was only one thought left in his mind: Why didn't the other side release water?

So the game ended and Jensen left the stage as if he was running away. Why, he thought he was sure before the game.

"Take a break, there will be a game later."

The coach saw that everyone was a little tired and felt that the qualifying situation was worrying. Like Jensen, he also thought that LGD would not be serious.

"Fxxk, what are LGD thinking?" The jungler was in a bad mood and hammered the armrest of the recliner. Because of this incident, everyone in C9 felt very uncomfortable.

They thought the qualifying situation was very clear, but they ended up having to play an extra game with SKT.

"Is LGD sick?"

"Really Fxxk them horses."

For a while.

Jensen and others were anxious.

As long as I think of the joy when LGD defeated SKT, and the ease of "training" heroes when the opponent was in the jungle during BP, the atmosphere becomes more and more depressing.

Including Sneaky.

He also prayed desperately, but it turned out that LGD was not going to help them.

See this.

The coach brought his assistant to help pour water.

After suppressing his anger, he said: "If you lose, you lose. What's the use of scolding."

"I..." The jungler still wanted to explain.

"Do you think you were tricked by LGD?" The coach didn't know what the players were thinking. He can't say that he has similar expectations.

"We are all professional players, why do we always expect others to do something." There was a bit more sternness in his words.


"LGD won three games in the first round, and won GAM in the second round to qualify."

In this mood, the jungler refused to drink chicken soup. "With such strength, doesn't it mean that whoever you want to enter will be let in? If you want SKT to enter, why give us hope in the fourth game."

"Then have you ever thought about it, LGD simply doesn't want to lose."

"Winning 6 games is the first place, winning 5 games is also the first place."

They are all first.

What's the difference?

"Also, during the fourth draft, I remember coach you said you didn't choose the clockwork well."

The coach's thoughts were exposed and the coach was a little embarrassed. At that time, he thought he was going to be played, so he felt that Clockwork had not chosen well. Who knew that LGD still had a big move hidden?

He turned his head and looked at Sneaky, who was concentrating with his eyes closed: "If we win the extra round, we can still qualify... We don't need to rely on charity from others."


Say so.

Why is it a bit boring?

They were 1-2 in the first round, and their qualifying situation was not optimistic. As the coach said, they got here on their own.

But luck is also part of strength.

Who wouldn't be happy if LGD could make it to the quarterfinals? Just like this, the players feel that the coach is not telling the truth and that the chicken soup is tasteless.

in addition.

From LGD's Kang special position to SKT losing to Clockwork Nightmare's super long-range team fight, they were quite excited. Between the ups and downs, fatigue radiates from the inside out.

As a competitor, LGD really does not need to consider the feelings of C9. People have already advanced, whether they want to be serious or not is their choice.

Sneaky understands the truth.

But he just wants to get something for nothing, and he will naturally feel resentful towards LGD for not allowing him to advance steadily.


He was sitting in a recliner, his side facing the tactical board. Listening to the noisy sounds outside, I guess the home audience was praising LGD for playing well, or laughing at them for playing poorly.

"You don't need to rely on charity from others?"

If you really don't need it.

Why does SKT have a playoff?

The so-called charity includes regaining the initiative, right?


He was a little tired and wanted to take a nap, so he adjusted his position and lay down, recalling the excitement and happiness an hour ago, but no matter how he recalled it, he could never regain the passion at that time.


C9 fell to hell at the same time.

SKT ascended to heaven.

Dunk the horse and clap your hands to attract the attention of the team members. He doesn't care what LGD thinks, he only knows that SKT is not out yet.

"This allows us to adjust our thinking." As he said this, Kuma raised his eyes to look at Blank. "The jungler brushed up in the first round. If we want to hold them down, we must control the vanguard."

Seeing this look, Blank became excited. He thought that if he lost to LGD, he would have no chance to play in the playoffs.

Who knew the coach still trusted him!


I am not a scapegoat.

Compared with Blank, Little Peanut is a little dumbfounded. Why is it that I am always replaced in key games? Looking at other people, they all had no objections.

Just when Kuma was actively arranging tactics.

at the same time.

Qin Hao accepted an interview with Han Wenliu.

"... Say hello to everyone."

"Ani Asayo." Qin Hao waved to the camera.

I saw Qin Hao appearing in the live broadcast room.

Korean audiences have complex senses. They never thought about SKT's chance of qualifying. In the end, they would have to rely on LGD to fight for it. I never thought that LGD would win against C9.

[I apologize, I shouldn’t have asserted that LGD will perform. 】

[He is really professional. 】

[I feel like Penicillin is not as annoying as the forum says. 】

【Ani Asayo. 】

[Wow, he has a good temperament. 】

[A group of nymphomaniacs. 】

Many Korean men instinctively feel uncomfortable when they see some Korean women praising Penicillin.

in the screen.

The hostess asked: Why did you think of using Urgot as a weapon?

Qin Hao: Urgot is a more restrained weapon.

Of course Qin Hao would not talk about the core of tactics.

After dealing with several questions in this way, the female host finally asked a more idealistic question: "Penicillin players should know the qualifying situation."

"Yeah." Qin Hao nodded.

"SKT lost to C and got a 3-3 record. You never thought..."

"I thought about it."

When the barrage was in an uproar, Qin Hao added: "However, I think professional players should still have the pride of professional players."


Qin Hao paused for a while and said: "Our coach said there is no difference between the top eight and the top 16. Anyway, only one team will win the Summoner's Cup."

heard this answer.

Xiangguo muttered about the dress comparison, but Xiaohu felt that this was what Qin Hao really thought.

If Qin Hao didn't have such a 'clean fetish', how could Qin Hao endure the boring training for a long time. He really regarded his career as a career.

"well said."

"You can do that, but it's not necessary."

"If you can beat SKT once, you can beat SKT the second time!"

"Once? Three captures in a year!"

"Guigui, this is so handsome."


"If you can speak, speak more."

The interview is subtitled as it is streamed in Korean.

on Weibo.

Fight in the bar.

The S game, which originally attracted a lot of attention, once again set off a hurricane. "There is no difference between the top eight and the top sixteen" instantly became a new meme, filling every QQ group and forum.

can only say.

This passage is indeed a bit forceful, but the key point is that it is also slightly inspiring.


"The words are rough but the reasoning is not rough."

"Uzi won two runner-ups, but it's still CJB."

"Even if you are a champion, you will be criticized."

"At least you won't be asked what your champion is." Someone said quietly.


This is not the attack sentence of Qingfen.

"It really is."

"Why are you trying to fight against me if you don't have a crown?"

"Did you see the expression on the hostess's face? Haha, I was laughing so hard. Qingshen's words made me choke."

"The key point is that there is no way to refute it."

"Please allow me to express my feelings in one sentence - Qinggami, yyds."

"Am I the only one who wants to say that the Clockwork Nightmare routine is a bit difficult? I just tried it with a friend, and only one wave was too big."

"If you can get started with just some practice, buddy, you can start playing professionally."

"It's a pity that SKT was not eliminated."

"Acting is too demoralizing."

“It’s great to be eliminated in the top 16, but what if Han Za says that BO1 has no gold content.

Isn't this the case in the intercontinental competition? Before the game, the LCK was said to be the best in overall strength, with a guaranteed three points, but after the game, it was said that it had no gold content.

In the post-match interview, he also said that he was tired from traveling and didn’t get a good rest. In short, he just didn’t win. "


"If SKT can't pass C9, then don't bark."

"Indeed, if you let the water go, Cliff will find a reason."

When Kangba fell into hot debate.

Guan Zeyuan lamented in the commentary box: "This is the first time that SKT has been forced into a desperate situation in the group stage!"

Say so.

When the two teams stepped off the stage, C9 obviously looked worried.

"I just finished being tortured by LGD, I guess I have a mental problem."

"SKT took an extra 40 minutes of rest."

"The main reason is that Jensen is in average condition and he was a little hindered today."


Both sides enter BP.

In such a game, SKT helped Huni grab Jayce, and Damu hesitated to make up for Shen when he had weapons. At the same time, SKT helped Faker get the Tsar, and C9 asked Jensen to trigger.


"Is it really crazy to buckle a horse, and let the most unstable one go out and steal Jace?"

"C9 doesn't have four guarantees and one, Shen has chosen it, let's continue the time in the middle."

The lineups of the two teams are as follows.

SKT (Blue) top laner Jayce, jungler Zach, mid laner Tsar, bottom lane Mouse (purification) Polo (healing)

C9 (red) top laner Shen, fight Wild Boar Girl, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Xia (healing) plus Niutou (weakness)

Just look at the lineup.

C9 obviously still needs to delay. As long as Zach can't hold back anymore, it will be a strong period on the right side.

But in this game, Blank was as aggressive as being possessed by an incense pot.

When playing Zac, you have to catch him at level 2 to force Shen to flash. Then, when you reach level 3, you can immediately crouch down and help Bang get the first blood of Pig Girl.

Once the online rhythm opens.

Huni made a fierce attack on the face. Although the pig girl arranged a wave in the process of pressing, he still relied on the hero's strength to help Zac control the vanguard.

After that, Blank used the Eye of the Vanguard to force C9 to team up, and relied on the fake opening to force Shen's ultimate move, completely revitalizing the rhythm.

"The mouse becomes invisible, Zach takes off, and cooperates with Luo behind him to control the clockwork."

"Jensen was a little careless. After pushing to the top line, he tried to return from the red zone, but SKT found the opportunity."

"The main thing is to be careful not to have a big move, C9 is hard to guard against."

Unable to open up the situation, C9 began to shrink its defense line and drag out double C equipment.

Face this.

Blank, who was a little impatient, actually gave Bo a chance. During the process of crossing the second tower, after relying on the E skill to force Xayah's ultimate move, Blank had to dodge R.

As a result, during the process of bringing Xayah back, because Zach was in a deep position, his teammates had to stand forward. As a result, Luo accidentally caught Clockwork's Hidden Ball ultimate move and was immediately killed.

Later, SKT couldn't keep up with the control chain. Even if the Czar pushed to three, C9 still played 2 for 4.

"Jensen, he's awake!"

the North American commentator cheered.

After this wave.

SKT calmed down for a while.

Run slowly until 35 minutes.

Subsequently, SKT used Jess's lower lane to lure the opponent to catch him, preparing to steal the baron head-on. Seeing Jace pretending to be a show-off, the C9 people who had been standing still before finally took action.

Piggy girl went around to the wing and drew a wonderful arc in the air. In R, Jess wanted to run back.

"SKT is beating Baron, and I feel like I have a chance."

There was a hint of disbelief in Hao Kai's voice.

He didn't expect that such a simple seduction could deceive C9.

But for the person involved, because Huni Jess played violently, C9 didn't doubt it at all when Jess sent it.

next moment.

C9 noticed that no one was picking up the middle line, and realized something was wrong. When Clockwork climbed up to the tower, he hurried towards the dragon pit, only to be ambushed by Luo and the Tsar.

"Three thousand blood, two thousand blood, C9 is too late."


Accompanied by the roar of the dragon.

SKT completely takes the initiative to advance.

It’s time for the final highland offensive and defensive battle.

C9 sent out messages to guard Jace, letting Shen and Zhumei support the frontal formation.

It was here that Jace, who had a record of 0-3, rushed out of a strange corner. He first knocked out half of Clockwork's health with a QE light speed cannon, then activated Youmu's accelerated flash to avoid Clockwork QR, and hit Clockwork with a hammer. .

The lower wing was lost.

Pig Girl rushed to help, but there was no jungler in front of her, and Luo and Zac suddenly broke out. Even though Xia immediately relied on her ultimate move to dodge Zach's control, she couldn't resist Luo, who was speeding up.

"Jensen, it's you again!" Guan Zeyuan's tone was mixed with a hint of hatred that iron cannot become steel. "The clockwork golden body is waiting for death, and Xia is forced to dodge... In this way, there should be a wave."

Damu could only watch as the rat's poisonous crossbow arrows quickly pierced his body.

"The army is defeated like a mountain."

After SKT played one for three, they crushed the third seed in the North American division.

The crystal shattered.

Blank jumped up from his seat excitedly.

This is the first time he didn't pull his crotch in a key game! this point is very important.

"Congratulations to SKT, they finally got a ticket to the quarterfinals in Guangzhou."

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