I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 354 Can shake in all three directions

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Qin Hao carried a shoulder bag and joined his teammates on the bus.

When they arrived at the place, they saw the bus coming and some of the audience gathered around, shouting "Come on!".

This was the second time that China and South Korea collided in the quarterfinals. Because RNG lost to SKT 2-3, many spectators held their breath before the game and hoped that LGD would play better.

Faced with such a scene.

C Bo, who has always been optimistic, felt the pressure.

Although they have been treating SSG as an imaginary enemy in the past few days, who can be sure that the opponent will choose a lineup according to their ideas.

"PP, it's up to you."

Sit in the lounge.

C Bo said this sentence for the Nth time.

Perhaps in his heart, C Bo's way of releasing tension is to get a promise from his roommate.

Originally, he wanted to say something.

The next pat.

His shoulder was grabbed, and his upper and lower teeth rubbed against each other for a few times.

Qin Hao pinched it a few times, using this method to help relax: "We will win."

C Bo: !!!

Good, good.

Seeing Qin Hao's confidence, C Bo immediately felt at ease. In his eyes, the crown is SSG's breakthrough point. As long as the middle lane is comfortable, the game will be fun. After all, from last year to this year, they rely heavily on the performance of the middle lane.

As for the top lane...

Big Wolf is drinking water.

For this BO5, they have prepared a lot of content for the top lane.

"There is still half an hour, you can close your eyes and rest for a while." Cvmax came back from the bathroom and saw that Qin Hao's expression was not solemn, and nodded with satisfaction: "Are you hungry?"

Qin Hao shook his head: "No."

Cvmax said, looked up and saw the bananas bought by Heart, helped peel the skin and handed it to Qin Hao: "Have one, bananas don't take up space."

Looking at this peeled banana, Qin Hao fell into deep thought, and he was thinking: So Brother Mai would be nervous? I remember that he was interviewed a few days ago, and he was very imposing.

Little did he know.

Cvmax believes that success and making a career need to be decorated by the S game. Even if there are three MSI championships, can it be combined into an S crown? No.

Cvmax handed the banana forward, "If we don't take the initiative, SSG can keep operating the line, and it's hard to say how long it will take to fight."


Qin Hao took the banana and ate it seriously, just like training.

"Then who, Sask, go get a glass of water." The water dispenser is next to the tactical board, just two steps away.

Of course.

Thinking so in your heart doesn't mean you have to say it out loud. Sask took a paper cup to get a glass of water, and Cvmax nodded, "We got the blue in the first game, and they don't have enough ban positions, so they have to put Xayah, Rakan, Clockwork and Nightmare out.

In this way, we have Xayah on the first floor to grab Xayah, wait for them to destroy the mid and jungle, and then find an opportunity to take Nightmare, using the swinging characteristics to make the top lane comfortable..."

Cvmax reiterated the BP.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak."

Qin Hao hasn't spoken yet, and the recliner next to him is shaking and making a strange sound.

Everyone looked over and saw that Big Wolf was lying on it and doing sit-ups, and he couldn't stop even if he wanted to.

Dalang was embarrassed by being looked at, and he stood up with his hands, laughing: "Ha, I thought I could stand up without using my hands."


As a heavyweight in the BO5, he had to help Dalang through the laning phase. Dalang was a little excited to meet him, and Karsa had a strange expression.

Is it really like what the fans said, the bigger the battle, the more it can test the mentality? And Dalang is the legendary weaker when facing the weak, and stronger when facing the strong?

Cvmax said unhappily: "Can you be more serious when discussing BP?"


Being scolded again.

Dalang said happily and fearfully: "I just think that sitting up and listening makes me look serious."

Cvmax:? ? ?

Cvmax turned his head and said to Qin Hao: "They don't have many heroes that can be used in the middle lane. If they don't use them in the first round, we will ban Karma and force him to play against you."

Seeing that the coach ignored him, Dalang was a little nervous now, and his eyes could only look for Qin Hao. Wrapped in the gaze, Qin Hao's body was about to float with holy light.

Corner. A camera recorded it all faithfully.


"10, 9, 8..."

The big screen on the scene counted down, and the audience shouted in unison.

When the countdown reached 1, the spotlight above the stage focused on the center, and the Summoner's Cup that was returned before the game appeared in front of tens of thousands of spectators.

"Good afternoon, summoners, welcome to Guangzhou."

Ren Dong walked onto the stage with a smile on his face, "The intense elimination round has begun, and today we will have the competition in the lower half..."

When the host was talking.

The big screen was playing the theme song.

Listening to the familiar "Legends Never Die", Song Ming was thinking about the special edition released by Fujii.

He liked the last series of announcements very much.

With the exciting drum beats, it was so handsome.

In the e-sports circle, nothing can highlight the handsomeness of professional players more than honor.

When letting his thoughts drift.

The people around him suddenly shouted "Qingshen"!

Song Ming, who was awakened, quickly looked up at the stage and saw Qin Hao waving his arms and walking into the queue.

As one of the first people to follow Penicillin's Weibo.

In the third month after Qin Hao won the championship, he became an office worker, so this season, he did not have so much time to chase Qin Hao. But occasionally I can still pay attention to Qin Hao's news.

Know the KDA record of over 100 in the Spring Split.

Know all the updates he has posted.

When I get back to the shared apartment after work, I also refresh myself by refreshing myself. He couldn't describe the relationship.

But he knew that he helped Penicillin cross the line.

So we entered the quarterfinals.

Knowing that Qin Hao came to his place of work. Song Ming mobilized his roommates and colleagues to successfully grab seat tickets on Damai.com. This is not easy. People on the Internet criticize Damai.com every day.


People are always willing to pay money and time for something they have placed their feelings on. Others may not think it’s worth it, but the person involved thinks it’s worth it.

Hearing the people around him discussing the game and saying the words of Crown's adoptive father, Song Ming shouted: "Come on!"

Everyone on site was cheering.

His voice was unremarkable.

And in the commentary box.

Guan Zeyuan reported the news he got from the director: "We have the priority to choose the side. In the first game, the blue side will be chosen first. No problem. So far in the group stage, the blue side has taken advantage."

"Teacher Zeyuan, what kind of BP do you think the two sides will maintain in the first game?" In the dressing room just now, I remember wanting to tease Guan Zeyuan.

As a colleague and friend, he knew that both Crown and Qingshen were Guan Zeyuan's favorites.

"I predicted the score on Weibo before the game. Now standing here, I still think SSG has a chance to score a point."

The post posted at 2 o'clock has been deleted.

Guan Zeyuan knew that the audience hated it, but he still explained: "It's not that I don't think LGD is strong and can't go 3-0, but it's that there are no underdogs in the World Championship.

In addition, the player Crown has a really tough character..."

Guan Zeyuan Balabala talked a lot, and also talked about some things about Crown in the Brazilian division.

Having said so much, I only remember one sentence: "There is still Crown player in my head who took out his signature Syndra, and then..."

I remember making a haha, and then said: "I wonder if there is a chance to see Crown's Syndra today. Until now in the intercontinental competition, he seems to have stopped playing Syndra."

Which pot is not opened and lifted?

However, Guan Zeyuan knows that the audience likes to hear this, "There is indeed a gap between the two mid laners in terms of laning. So in this BO5, SSG should find ways to avoid the pressure of blood exchange in the middle."

The equipment of the ten players on both sides is correct.

With a crisp sound, the BP panel appeared.

"——Ban Piggy Girl when they come up, and SSG ban Kalista. This hero has only played once in the playoffs, and has a 100% winning rate."

Second move on the left, ban Karma.

See this option.

Edgar guessed what LGD wanted to do.

The problem is just like Cvmax said, forcing the lane is a conspiracy. In addition, there are very few heroes that have appeared in the Crown playoffs until now. Apart from dual shields, LGD has no lineup that they are particularly afraid of.

"Maggie knows very well, just ban Karma and leave Lulu. After all, although Lulu is also a line tyrant, she is not that good at helping teammates position themselves in team battles."

"Ban the prince on the right, and do whatever you want with him."

"I feel like I can ban Kennen again to take away CuVee's unique skills." Guan Zeyuan gave suggestions.

"Yeah." I remember thinking these three bans were good: "Ban Kennen, and either demolish Xia Luo on the right, or target the middle. There should be no position restrictions in the jungle.

In this case, we can grab the wine barrel. This hero can shake it, and the top laner on the wine barrel is not easy to be jumped. We can let Langx play alone. "

Remember to elaborate on Guan Zeyuan's ideas.

A certain QQ group.

The group members all recognized it.

In their eyes, the offensive and defensive rhythm of the SSG team is not fast. As long as the top lane can play in the lane and the jungler maintains the bottom lane, the rest is to wait for the crown to raise the father.

And in this framework.

Keg and Gnar are heroes that are relatively easy to mess around with, and they don't feel uncomfortable even if they are targeted.

Problem Cvmax doesn't think so.

They were studying how to defeat Kennen during the playoffs, and with Qin Hao helping out as a sparring partner, the Big Wolf accumulated a lot of experience in dealing with Kennen.

A scratching sound.

The third floor on the left is blocked off for rats.

"Ban rat???"

"Isn't this for blight?"

"An AD who was beaten by Uzi needs to be so respected?"

"IMP is a rat, isn't it?"

Many barrages felt that LGD wasted a ban position.

They don't know that LGD needs to find the AD position, but the hero Mouse can use stealth in front of the team to find the output position.

Battle seat.

Emperor Chi frowned slightly. He kind of wants to play with the mouse this time, because they have to demolish Xia Luo on the third floor and don't want to let Luo go to PYL.

After all, the wave that this hero brings into play is a bit difficult to prevent.

"SSG banned Luo in the third move. In this case, Xiaopao is still out there!"

The words just fell.

Lock on Kasumi on the left.

"Why don't you get a small cannon? I don't even have a choice of wine barrels."

"I took the wine barrel and Verus from the first and second floors on the right."

"I remember Langx can play Kennen. Can he take it? There are not many heroes in this version that can play Kennen. The most important thing is that CuVee's Rambo is not very powerful."

I remember my impression of CuVee, which is that the long-handed warrior is particularly delicate and has the same fleshiness as a mage.


"Lock the nightmare directly!"

"Brother Ka's nightmare is not common, but since you dare to choose it, you must have practiced it."

"Our thinking is very clear, we just want to open."

"Eh? Isn't there a clockwork on the third floor? Choose to help the auxiliary to get the hero??"

It is different from the imaginary nightmare clockwork locking at the same time.

LGD has a female tank on the third floor.

That being the case.

SSG is nothing to think about.

They also sorted out their BP before the game. Seeing that LGD was about to attack, they directly locked Kennen on the third floor, and then banned Clockwork and Ryze in the second round.

They think very simply.

Xayah, played by IMP, does not have high combat power on the left and right sides of the two-piece set, so there is no need to ban Galio, otherwise LGD will lack output.

At the same time, they didn't believe Langx could make up for the damage.

"We banned Lulu and Feng Nu for the support players."

"But there are Xingma and Gems out there, let's see how SSG chooses."

Fourth floor.

SSG selects gems to form an iron barrel formation.

"There are still many choices on the left, but the jungle lock is a nightmare. If you use a small cannon, no one will repair the incense burner."

"I think there is a possibility of using assassins. The lineup on the right has no means of proactively retaining people. The team needs Ye Fu to squeeze in physically."

“But The Crown has the Conte bit.”

At this time, the enchantress was instantly locked on the fourth floor on the left. This hero's winning rate is average, but he's better at ordering. The passerby bureau still insists on playing Enchantress, basically holding the idea of ​​​​controlling the opponent.

"She is really a witch!"

"I see IMP picking Kasumi. It's not like playing Kasumi and Galio in the middle."

"But what do you mean by trolls?"

"Probably playing with the lights on."


The next second, the audience in the audience also screamed in surprise.

"It's locked." Guan Zeyuan was in disbelief, "Troll fights Kennen? How can this hero get lanes in the first two levels?"

The unconventional choice surprised everyone!

"I've seen Penicillin Nightmare play, but I've never seen Langx play this hero."

"Wow, it's not really a three-way swing, is it?"

Battle seat.

CuVee people are a little dizzy. Except for the fifth move, LGD's choices were all expected. But coupled with this nightmare, my heart is inexplicably confused.

After all, he has no experience playing Nightmare and is not sure how LGD will design the game. If the opponent normally chooses Gnar or Crocodile.

He immediately knew what the director was like.

I saw the crown and asked what to choose, whether to bring out the grasshopper as usual, or to change the hero. Edgar, who was also a little confused, didn't know what to reply.

Their original script was to push the lane in the middle. If Penicillin forced a swim, the grasshopper would go to grind the middle tower, and the pig girl would find an opportunity to save it.

Don’t ask for a guarantee of stability.

But at least you have to get something in exchange, such as the health of the first tower, or pressure before the tower on the road.

But now the opponent doesn't follow the routine BP.

Moreover, Grasshopper is not easy to defeat the Enchantress. It’s not that it cannot be defeated, but it will be infinitely broken. If the lane is pushed too deep, it will be easily arranged by the jungler.

There are 20 seconds left.

Edgar asked: "How about Syndra? Syndra can defeat the Enchantress."

I don’t really want to play Crown.

As the outside world said, after the intercontinental competition, he never touched Syndra. Even in the life-and-death game of the playoffs, he still paid for the rock bird.

"I can do it."

"Then grasshopper." Edgar was not very trusting.

In order not to let the middle lane think too much, Edgar encouraged:

"Follow the content of the training match and don't be fooled by their nightmares. Pay more attention to the AD position in team battles and don't rush to start. Our game is all about development and other defensive equipment. As long as the Enchantress enters the field and cannot reduce the number of people, it is equivalent to the opponent. There are fewer people in team fights.”

The Kang special position on the fifth floor locks in Grasshopper.

The Korean net audience was not surprised, only a few people cursed:

【Really waxy. 】

[If you change Faker, definitely choose Rockbird or Fox. 】

[Crown really has no dreams. 】

[Other teams have double C, while SSG has top laner and AD. 】

[Xiba, what’s going on with this nightmare? 】

[Why does LGD always play weird things? 】

[Wow, this female tank learned MSF and has a lot of talent and enthusiasm. 】

LGD (Blue): Top laner Nightmare, jungler Troll, middle lane Enchantress, bottom lane Xia (healing) plus female tank (ignition)

SSG (Red): Top laner Kennen, jungler Barrel, middle lane grasshopper, bottom lane Verus (purification) with gems (healing)

Center stage.

Cvmax went over to shake hands with Edgar.

At this moment, Cvmax was quite emotional. When he was at the club, he rarely had the opportunity to see Edgar.

Unexpectedly, three years have passed.

He actually had the opportunity to stand opposite Edgar.

Human destiny is so magical. If it weren't for Heart's phone call, he might still be broadcasting live for a while until the rent is due before he would consider returning to China to find a job.

Just like that.

After shaking hands, Cvmax returned backstage humming a slang tune, feeling particularly happy.

He felt that his BP destroyed the opponent.


SSG doesn't think it can win the game just relying on Ruler, right?

After a short loading period, the game officially begins.

Since everyone has never seen the Nightmare top laner, they are more curious about the matchup on the top lane. While the barrage was being discussed, LGD was still joking in the voice.

First, C Bo said that the opponent's bottom lane couldn't be played.

Dalang, who is always good and doesn't express his attitude, actually said: "Indeed."

As the inventor of the routine.

They know too well how strong this lineup is.


From the moment Karsa said that he would start alone, it was destined that the ruler would die.

There are not so many reasons.

Who made SSG not improve.

Before the game, they thought SSG would change, but who knew that they were still playing the iron bucket formation in the main game. With a lineup that can be beaten by RNG, I don't understand how SSG can hold on.

"If you want to cross, I won't control the line." Dalang bought Doran's Shield and asked.

"Well, look for an opportunity to trade blood in the bottom lane. Their barrels either start at F6 or let the double lane help start. I will go in to find them when I reach level 2."

After deciding on the idea, Qin Hao followed and said: "I can collect the top lane."

Both sides were defensive positions at level 1, and there was no invasion.

Near the river in the bottom lane, C Bo saw the ruler's Varus show up, and then both sides withdrew without any intention of clicking eyes.

"This time, LGD has a plan."

South Korea side.

The commentator was a little worried.

The main reason was that Nightmare moved to the top lane, which was really unexpected. The other reason was that the fifth floor grasshopper was not right. In yesterday's BO5, Xiaohu also played a grasshopper, but lost.

So when he saw this hero.

The Korean commentator always thought of the scene of Xiaohu's grasshopper in the team battle. It can't be said that this hero is useless, but it can't attract key personnel, and the team battle looks boring.

Mid lane.

When Crown used the grasshopper to hang E on the low-health soldiers and cooperated with the basic attack to push the line. Nightmare fell back and went to the line, waiting for Kennen to show up.

In front of Langx.

Kennen occupied the grass and attacked the low-health soldiers. That is, here, Nightmare triggered his passive forward to scrape off 2 low-health soldiers, and then sent Q to the direction of the grass. While rubbing against Kennen, he took the opportunity to attack and took away the third melee soldier.

Followed closely.

Nightmare pretended to step on the track to push the grass. Since CuVee was not sure about the jungle position of the troll, he was a little afraid of being caught.

Although he didn't understand Nightmare's killing line very well.

But he knew that Nightmare had a good ability to keep people. If he was chased and used E, he would be forced to dodge at level 2.

Just like that.

Kennen chose to retreat 2 steps, thinking that there was no need to exchange too aggressively in the front.

The opponent lost the bush, and Big Wolf was comfortable. Now he just had to wait for the passive and actively pad the knife, even if Kennen took some damage.

After all, this time he started with Doran's Shield and a bottle of red. The task was to send the line in and then find an opportunity to cross the bottom.

In the jungle.

Karsa looked at the situation in each lane and knew it in his mind: "Grandas start with blue, and the bottom lane will wait for a while before exchanging blood." Kennen's retreat made Karsa boldly guess that Gragas was not in the upper half.

"Got it."

IMP was seriously laning, looking for an opportunity to use Q to get some blood.

The bottom lanes on both sides were almost leveled up at 2 at the same time. Seeing that Gem A the third wave of soldiers in advance, C Bo didn't tolerate it at all. After all, the passionate female tank was very fierce in the early singles, and was not afraid of exchanging blood at all.


The director suddenly cut to the bottom lane.

Leona came out of the grass and used E to hit the gem, followed by AQ. During this process, the ADs on both sides followed the output and assisted. After the gem dropped to half health, he could only turn around and use E to retreat.

Guan Zeyuan: "This wave of exchange is good. Leona's Q can get the attack power bonus of Zeal."

"It's normal that the previous exchange failed." The Korean commentator chatted.

Seeing that the situation was relatively peaceful.

The most worried lane relied on choosing the grasshopper to maintain a healthy blood line.

As a result, the camera was given to the top lane.

Big Wolf found an opportunity to Q Kennen and directly crossed the line of soldiers.

"E triggers fear, hit a set and retreat directly into the grass. Kennen is not easy to fight back!"

As he spoke.

As Kennen dropped to half health, Nightmare successfully controlled the line of soldiers.


Kouma looked at the troll leaning down, and felt something was wrong in his heart, "Is this going to cross?"

"Yeah." Faker had guessed it.

"We need to pay attention to the hero Nightmare." As the captain, Wolf was anxious: "It has a passive that pushes the line very quickly, and Kennen can't do anything about it."

Nightmare just reached level 3 and went in immediately after going online. At this time, in front of the red tower in the bottom lane, C Bo found an opportunity to point to another wave and forced the gem to take out the second bottle of medicine.

"The troll is coming!"

The level 2 troll directly found the level 3 barrel near the toad.

Chidi just felt something was wrong.

The troll directly gave a ward to the open space, and Nightmare retreated to the river to hand over the tank.

In front of the whole world, when the bottom lane soldiers arrived, Leona flashed Q to Varus, and Nightmare landed to Q, cooperated with the troll's E, and completed the reunion.

"This wave of soldiers is very well operated!"

"Four to two, here it comes!"

Remember to shout excitedly.

"Oh no!"


Chidi had no way to do anything.

He was surrounded in three and a half minutes, and he was only level 2, how could he withstand the burst. The opening score was 2:0, and the Korean audience was a little embarrassed.

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