From a lineup perspective.

Definitely LZ's lineup is more flexible.

Whether it's blood pools, counterattack storms, or flying feathers, there are certain ways to avoid the combo between Prince and Luo.

Look at the line again.

When a vampire fights Thane, the further back he gets, the more comfortable he becomes. There is no pressure on his development. Although Syndra is not good at killing crocodiles, she has no problem with leveling.


When ignited, the zealous female tank can force her to dodge with her second level finger, and her ability to grab grass is not inferior to that of Lulu, let alone bully a Luo.

In other words, as long as LZ has a normal transition during the laning period, it can take advantage of vampires to develop other groups, and it can also use the opportunity-seizing abilities of female tanks and Syndra to concentrate fire and reduce personnel, and there are many ways to win the game.

LGD has a multi-frontline lineup.

Mainly relying on the upper and middle field assistants to rush into the formation, and Verus is responsible for the end game.

So if you can snowball quickly, it will be easier to fight. Once you get into a stalemate, you will be pulled by the other side.

"This depends on whether Eimy can set the pace."

Deyunse live broadcast room.

Xiaoxiao analyzed the choices on both sides.

"The weapon chosen must be Six Paths Sage (all six groups)." Sika said: "It depends on whether the prince can do something at the second or third level."


Sika stared at PraY's ID, "My suggestion is to capture him. Until now, PraY will never be able to keep up - the old man is afraid of this kind of continuous targeting."

"I can only say that PraY's Kasumi understands everything."

I saw some people saying in the barrage that all team fights are caused by blood packs from vampires.

Sika deliberately raised her voice: "What does this barrage mean? It's a promise of trust."

"The Crocodile is very strong in the mid-term. Look, LGD needs to improve its rhythm."

When Xiaoxiao and Sika teased friends, they also felt that LGD's lineup had offensive pressure.

Enter the spring.

LZ is still making final tactical arrangements.

PraY: "Don't worry, we will control the line near the center."

GorillA: "Be sure to keep an eye on the opponent. If we exchange blood, there will be at most a prince on the opponent." GorillA is communicating with Zhongshang.

Khan: "I was offline for the first few minutes. If he pushes hard, I can't stop him. If he teleports, you let Yibo wait for the weapon to go down."

Tarzan: "I can go down to the river to refill my eyes in four minutes."

"Come on, come on, everyone, fight well."

"come on……"

The sound wasn't as dynamic as the first game.


The LZ coaching staff can basically feel the emotions of the players.

Even if this is the best lineup they can get, if LGD targets the mid lane and then bans the mid laner in the second round, BDD will have no heroes to play.

Just like that.

If they win this game and LGD increases their blockade of the middle lane, they will have to try to play the mid laner in the first round in the fourth game, and they must consider taking the Czar to let the lower jungle bear the pressure of four packs of two.

In terms of talent.

Qin Hao chose enthusiasm.

His Crocodile has experience fighting against Syndra.

Knowing this matchup, to a large extent, depends on how to maintain the state without being pulled away for last hits.

Because before level 6, the crocodile is obviously a little more difficult. After level 6, with the ultimate move, it can offset the threat of Syndra's explosion and find opportunities to fight to the end.

And after gaining toughness, the Crocodile can use its military line to frequently pull its body, forcing Sindra to hand over the push ball.

In general.

When playing normally, Syndra can do some last-minute damage in the first six levels. If she plays well, she can knock the crocodile home once. After level six, she can only level the line, and cannot use E at will.

The reason why it is not so absolute.

It also depends on who can grasp the timing of the operation better.


LGD didn't want to start normally.

Speaking of which, their style of play is still to restrict CuVee. It's just a BO5 with SSG. The opponent can't force LGD out of the ban position.

Follow the idea of ​​a training match.

If the opponent bans Nightmare and they don't have the right to ban the top laner who can handle the hot hand, then they can choose to switch lanes, sacrificing Langx and forcing CuVee to go to jail.

This is the same as the popular line-changing tactic in S4 and S5.

It's just that LGD's purpose is not to replace a tower and avoid disadvantages, but to suppress the performance stage of the top laner.

Because once the line is changed.

It can directly end the laning period of the top order.

However, this move is not that powerful, so it cannot be used as a regular tactic.

the reason is simple.

In this version, tanks are inherently better than warriors in mid-term teamfights, but once lane switching is enabled, it is a fact that there is no economy on the road. The problem is whether they are sacrificed or not, soldiers will not team up with tanks as often as they do.

If you are held back.

On the contrary, it will be self-defeating and lack the opportunity to force the team in the mid-term.

After all, the rhythm of S7 is slow. As long as the snowball is blocked, it means that the time period when the tank has the strongest presence will disappear directly.

Unless a team feels too hot and can hold the lane in the middle and lower lane, and has a small advantage in the top lane, it will consider taking the risk of losing the initiative on the wing.

As for Qin Hao.

He only thought he could fight like this when he saw Khan choose a vampire. As long as the tactics are successful, the vampire's strong period will be extended to Verus's four-piece set.

By then, IMP will definitely be able to replenish the defensive equipment, and you won't be so afraid of the vampire's ultimate move.

Another benefit is.

Tarzan can only hit this one.

Qin Hao chose the crocodile because he was prepared to be targeted.

Buy Doran's Shield as your starting equipment.

The commentator was still worried about Leona grabbing the second lane, but when they were almost at the second tower, Sion was still squatting in the F6 bush and hadn't returned home.

"What do you mean?"

"The duo lane has already met, and IMP used E to get some health."

When Leona occupied the bush, she saw Rakan and Varus coming.

After being hit by the rain of arrows, GorillA was sure that the opponent had ideas for the bottom lane.

After all, he didn't help the jungle, just to grab the line and control the last knife, so that the Prince would quickly come to gank at 3, and the position of the soldiers would not be too deep.

"Go and place a ward."

GorillA marked the signal to the blue side's F6. Knowing that the duo lane didn't help, as long as F6 was blocked, the Prince's jungle route would be clear.

The middle line was about to converge.

BDD walked out of the pass and clicked a trinket ward in front of Eimy. And all of this was practiced in the training game.

Since we have to change lanes.

It's impossible to let the opponent know the movement.

"BDD's action of placing wards was seen."

"Eimy's scanning, share the experience with the mid laner." The Prince was hiding in the grass behind the red buff wall. When BDD left, he came out to clear the wards.

The trinket ward was cleared.

BDD reported it, without thinking too much.

"Wait for me in the bottom lane!"

Hearing this, IMP felt very comfortable, and compared with the previous two games, there was a little smile on his face.

In the jungle, the wolf was working hard.

He used Q to knock F6 into the air, then gave up the position to the prince, and went to open the red alone.

Wait until the prince dealt with F6.

Sion continued to fight the red with one-third of his health, and the prince took the opportunity to EQ and knocked away the hatred. Relying on Sion, the prince's jungle clearing speed was very fast.


He disappeared for so long on the line.

Of course, LGD knew that LZ would find out.

But it doesn't matter. Unless Xia and Leona don't take the line, and lose soldiers and levels by default, the strategy of encircling will not change.

"In the bottom lane, Luo W lifted Leona, and the two sides exchanged some blood and pulled away from each other."

"At this speed, Prince will be able to move down soon, while Weapon is still hitting F6."

"Vampire is already level 2, Khan knows Langx is not on top, but Vampire is very slow in pushing the line in the early stage."

Miller and others became excited.

They suddenly realized that if Prince took Sion to the bottom lane, the opponent would definitely lose. Because Prince can not only grab levels, but also create a time difference.


Kim Jeong-soo, who had figured it out, chose to pace to relieve anxiety.

He didn't do this when he lost the first two games.

Because the first two games, he lost in the line operation and linkage, which is not the fault of him as a coach.

After all, the keyboard is in the hands of the players.

But this time.

It is very likely that the tactical level will be crushed.

The most important thing is that after the lineup was selected, he did not mention the point of changing lanes except emphasizing reducing collisions, and the players were not mentally prepared at all.

Just like this.

When PraY heard Khan say Sion was in the bottom lane, PraY was a little stunned at first. Because at this moment, he had exchanged blood with the opponent twice, and even used a medicine bottle to grab the second female tank.

As a result, now you say that Sion is in the bottom lane, be careful of being ganked, so should I retreat or not? Retreating means that the previous blood exchange was in vain, and the strong node of the female tank was resolved.

Thinking of this.

PraY was inexplicably confused.

All his scripts were to control the line and prevent ganks, and he was even prepared to be flashed in the first wave and give up the first blood in the second wave.

As long as the top and jungle are comfortable, he accepts being targeted.

As a veteran, he is willing to bear the pressure when he is 0-2 behind. Even if someone in S7 said that the censer is king, he is willing to be a good supporting role. He will not say that he must play around the bottom lane.

Because Khan's performance in the training game is good, it is not shameful to win the game around the thigh.

He also knows that if he can't win the third game, as a pressure-resistant position, the data will definitely not look good, and he may absorb firepower and be called a beast.

He made a lot of psychological preparations.

The only thing he didn't think there would be such a difficult problem.

For a while.

He was not sure whether it was better to retreat or not. He only knew his choice, which represented the degree of the balance.

Under high pressure.

PraY couldn't help asking: "What should I do? If I retreat, I may not be able to go back."

Listening to the signal sound of the top lane, GorillA gritted his teeth: "Two soldiers at level 2, I'll find a chance to target one."

The Prince was nearby.

Defending the tower is not a good option.

"Don't you want to enter the tower? The Prince is circling, LZ seems to want to grab level 2."

As soon as the voice fell.

Sion TPed the low-health soldiers at the fountain to prevent Leona from attacking.

"Sion's T's bottom."

"Can you target?"

Listening to the obviously confusing communication, Khan was anxious. The problem was that he didn't enter the line, and the level 2 vampire had little combat power. If the T went down and couldn't save him, he would lose more.

"Sell one." Khan gave advice.

The view cut over.

The moment LZ's duo lane was desperately leveling up to level 2, Leona flashed to Rakan who was closer. The next moment, Rakan predicted the danger and flashed half a beat in advance to distance himself.

"Haha." C Bo was a little proud. He understood the opponent's idea because he didn't retreat. Because LZ only has 2 choices, one, retreat into the defense tower and be blocked by Prince; two, find an opportunity to change.

"Can Xia leave? Prince is right next to him." Eimy is waiting for the tank. If there is a tank on the opposite side, he will cooperate to kill the enemy head-on. If there is no tank, he will continue to block the defense tower.

"Varus is leveled up 2, Leona can't be removed from this position..." Looking at the jungle again, Weapon hurriedly moved down, just passing three wolves, "Pizza~~"

"This is the worst start in the three games."

Here, Eimy chose the most stable way. He waited for Varus and Sion to kill Leona, pushed the line in, and then went to resist the tower.


PraY didn't use his skills and died tragically under the tower, and Varus got a double kill. Then, IMP returned to the city to make up the mining knife and long sword, and followed Luo to the top line.

When leaving the high ground.

Vampire was limited by the speed of pushing the line, so he sent the cannon car line in. With the cannon car to help, the top line lost at most two or three soldiers. In other words, Varus turned to the top and could eat 2 and a half waves of the top line.

Look at the jungle again.

When Weapon came over, Sion went to the open space to disconnect the line and cover the prince to steal the blue. In order to keep the jungle, Syndra, who had gained a little advantage, had to move down, so that Qin Hao could safely make up the tower knife.

"Pfft, you're so happy."

When Varus was connecting, C-Bo couldn't help but nod. To put it bluntly, this wave of lane switching operations would be perfect in a training match.

C-Bo didn't expect that the weapon actually started with red in the upper half, otherwise they planned to sell Sion and use Sion's corpse to complete the tower crossing.

In other words.

This wave of profit is more than C-Bo expected.


IMP ignored it.

He always felt that C-Bo wanted to disgust him. However, for IMP, who is used to hanging alone, this start is indeed a pleasure.

And Xia only has one straw sandal.

If Xia comes to the top, she will face a wave of pushing the main line. In other words, if the opponent Xia wants to develop, she can only go to the bottom, and coming to the top is to continue to sacrifice.

For IMP, who is treated like an emperor.

No matter what the opponent chooses, he can take advantage, because during the time when the tower line is solved and the line is hoarded, the prince is returning to the city and coming to the top. If the opponent does not come with four people to defend, it will not work at all.

"It's a bit uncomfortable."

"It's time to test your mentality." The Korean commentator wailed.

Faced with such an option.

LZ can only let Vampire resist the pressure. If Xia doesn't eat the line, it means that there will be 2 minutes without any experience.

4 minutes and 9 seconds.

Facing the main line push, Khan placed the accessories across the wall and saw the prince coming. Soon, the vampires retreated to the open space one after another, waiting for the weapon to come.

"Luo is leaning over here, and Varus is grinding the tower."

"Vampire is not as good as Sion in defending the tower."

Miller was so excited.

After all, they were played by LCK in the dark age.

"The weapon opened the counter storm and then used the jump slash to pull away."

"Sindra is rushing up, we will just slip away."

"Vampire wants to eat the line, so he can only let his teammates protect it. In this way, Brother Hao is very comfortable. So far, he is only three soldiers behind."

Reached level 5.

Qin Hao stood in the middle of the line and stopped retreating.

He knew that Syndra wanted to save mana.

So he deliberately pushed over to press the position.

From the screen, it seems that the crocodile, with only 60% of its health, is forcing Syndra to stand, with red eyes and a desperate posture, and the momentum is quite strong.

"E over to get a red Q... Oh, so twisted, move in place to avoid Syndra's Q, and then use the second stage of E to force a knockback."

"Syndra has no blue."

"Crocodile wants to fight two lives with one life!"


The commentator is very excited.

At this point.

Relying on the design at the beginning, LGD has taken the advantage.

BDD: "Next wave six, look for opportunities to rely on me."

Tarzan: "Okay."

It's the same as LGD's design.

Tarzan has no place to catch, because killing Sion doesn't quench his thirst, he has to help one lane. In addition, the prince only revolves around the double lane, in order to avoid its edge, he can only bully the crocodile who looks relatively weak.

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