Faker's discomfort was seen by everyone.

Looking at the slightly pale face in the lower right corner of the screen, fans can sense that Faker's aura is a bit anxious.

That's right.

Less than 4 minutes into the game, the mid laner died once, and the bottom lane only killed Shen with Galio's W flash. Even because they were afraid of being returned by LGD's mid and jungle, SKT could only use IMP to eat the remaining line.

Anyone who has played League of Legends knows.

With this lineup, SKT should have an advantage in the bottom half. Because even if the prince came to counter-camp, the duo who were hoarded in the line could not help the jungler to persuade the troll to push forward.

Once the troll squeezed the prince away, the duo lane was still crossed.

After all, the defensive towers in S7 were not painful.

Like after Uzi went to RNG, this team liked to press around the bottom lane and cross the tower depending on the situation.

SKT and RNG fought for five games.

This kind of cooperation happened in every game.

But now.

After the troll caught a wave, SKT did not get the initiative. If we continue to help, Corki will have trouble matching the line.

Rat platform.

Some people are indecisive and start to scold the coaching staff. They think that after so long, Kouma has not prepared a trump card for the players, which is a serious dereliction of duty.

"But the lineup selected by LGD is also very conventional."

"Conventional? Banning Nightmare is called conventional?"

"From the group stage to now, every team that meets LGD will suffer in the first round of BP."

Seeing this barrage.

Some people feel bad.

But the fact is that in the quarterfinals, SSG was afraid that they could not beat the mid lane, and they wanted to squeeze out four ban positions to restrict Penicillin; BDD was not so weak in the semifinals, but he also could not break the core system of Tristana, Nightmare, etc.

Let's look at the final BP.

Cvmax only needs to exchange the version heroes normally to make SKT uncomfortable.

"In this version, Penicillin is really unique." Someone sighed.

"The c version is mixed, and the c version is mixed." Someone complained.

In S6, the King of Mages played against each other, with Cassiopeia, Ryze, and Clockwork showing off, but Penicillin played cards; in S7, the utility man was rampant, with mid laners like BDD and Crown becoming the face of LCK, but Penicillin developed.

But for Qin Hao.

He had no choice before.

It's not that he didn't know that playing utility man in S7 was more comfortable and could reduce the pressure on the team. But as he said, he wanted to be selfish and hold his fate in his own hands.

Because if Galio played against Taliyah and Lich played against Ryze, the only thing that could be compared was the cooperation in the half zone. And many times, it was the lineup that determined who attacked first, and it was not so easy to tell the difference.

I saw a lot of comments questioning Faker.

What was said about dragging down the troll.

Someone cursed: "Isn't Huni the most disgusting? After so long, he can't even play Kennen. In the playoffs, the blue side can still choose Kennen in the second round. Only SKT can do it."

"Huni is the one who kidnapped the BP."

"Helping the carry can't help, and not helping will definitely be at a disadvantage. This is our top laner in the finals."

"Faker is not much better."

"If he doesn't trade blood, he won't be shunted in that wave. He has to pretend in front of Penicillin."

A fan opened a web forum.

When he found that the game was not over yet, someone jumped out and almost got sick with anger, "A bunch of little bastards!"

The principle of unity against the outside world.

It is always easily broken.

The so-called passers-by and fans encourage a few words from the fans of the region, which is not as fun as watching the fun and kicking against the wind.

The camera just turned to the middle lane.

The airplane was hit by a QW when it came out of the tower and immediately lost 270 health. The commentator watched the clockwork cross the line of soldiers and prevented the airplane from coming out.

Because the previous wave was over.

Qin Hao went home and found two amplification codes and straw shoes, in order to enhance the pulling and damage attributes.

"It's a bit difficult to eat the line."

"It hurts to lose one blood. Corki can't replace Clockwork. Now there is a gap in equipment. Clockwork's position will definitely be more aggressive."

Everyone knows that Penicillin doesn't want Faker to have an easy time.

How to solve the problem?

Clockwork's Q distance is longer than Corki's line distance. If you dare to push the troops, you can only rely on positioning or cheating Q. But reality tells them that Faker's body skills are not as good as imagined.

Or maybe Clockwork puts too much pressure on him. Every time he uses Q, he is stuck in Corki's positioning, as if he knows what Corki will react to.

More than 20 seconds passed.

Clockwork still sent the line over, but the next second, Qin Hao firmly caught Corki's E action and used Q to force him to move. This time, Corki lost half of his blue.

"Clockwork didn't use W..." The Korean commentator lowered his voice, "The troll came out of the house after replenishing his equipment, and it seems that he can only go to the middle."

Look at the prince again.

After clearing the wild monsters, I squatted in the grass in the middle lane to stand guard.


This is very comfortable.

Seeing the state of the airplane, Karsa knew that the next wave of turret soldiers and trolls must come, otherwise the airplane can't clear the line even if it defends the tower.

Because the turret can resist for a long time.

Clockwork can use 2 sets of consumption.

[This airplane is useless. ]

[Compared to the game, my airplane can carry, and your airplane needs the help of the jungler to eat the line. ]

[Don't be embarrassing, the airplane beat Galio in the last game. ]

[Just say whether Faker is comfortable or not. ]

Peanut came over and was directly hit by an EQA after meeting the prince.

"The two sides are pulling away from each other, but Corki is already taking his second potion."

"Karsa's lurking was very good this time. The troll couldn't come from the flank and had to go back to the front."

The whole audience was shouting for the radar.

Standing in the commentary booth, I remembered that my blood was boiling. "Brother Hao's QW slowed down the troll, and Peanut could only use his body to hold the position."

The troll came with full health and left with two-thirds of his health.

Because his energy was tied up by the middle line.

After getting the advantage, Galio and Varus couldn't snowball further. After all, Shen could resist Varus after leveling up.

"Give me the second blue." C Bo heard PP talking.

"Well, I'll go to the red zone to find him later, and you can rely on Big Wolf when you find an opportunity." Kennen has the line right now, and he has forced the weapon to teleport at four and a half minutes.

[Choose a weapon to counter yourself in the counter position. ]

[If you don't choose the weapon, what should you choose? At least after getting the magic resistance shoes, it's not so easy to die when facing Kennen's ultimate. ]

[Hey. 】

Fans are speechless about Huni.

BP is a sieve, performance is unstable, and the audience dare not invest trust in it when they get the advantage.

And in the middle lane.

In order to cooperate with the jungler's actions.

Qin Haosheng pushed the line with six and turned around to go to the upper river.

Faker hesitated for a moment between entering the tower line and following the support.

Razorbeak camp.

The troll was pulling the jungle, and the prince suddenly emerged from the grass behind the red buff wall.

"Peanut, can you run?"

The troll was the worst to be entered by the prince. Peanut was angry and could only run to the upper side.

It was because the troll was afraid of being hit by the burst of the clockwork.

After walking a few steps, Huni saw Kennen opening E and walking towards the stone beetle, and quickly reminded: "Kennen passed."

"Can you hit the EQ with the puppet?"

The moment the flag fell.

The troll flashed over the wall and entered the highland passage. Karsa did not follow, knowing that the puppet was not far enough.

Even so, Karsa was still very comfortable.

Because the threat to the middle lane will be reduced after the troll does not flash, he believes that with Penicillin's skills, it is enough to pull the troll and the airplane.

Thinking of this.

Karsa looked at the top lane. Weapon was two-thirds of the way to clear the line. The troll would most likely stay in the top lane for a while.

With this judgment.

Karsa communicated with the big wolf for a few words, clicked the explosive fruit to go to the dragon pit, and went back to his own toad and three wolves.

"The airplane is out of blood again, so we can only go back to the city."

The Korean commentator talked about the situation, "The blood exchange in the bottom lane was good, and Bang's positioning twisted Xia's hook.

In the top lane, Xiaohuasheng went around half a circle to help Huni, but the soldiers could not get out. There was a false eye of Kennen in the triangle grass, so it should be impossible to catch him."

After saying his own judgment.

The audience around the world watched the troll squat for more than ten seconds, and then returned to the city in the stone beetle grass. Not long after returning to the fountain, the well-fed prince hid in the top grass.

"Xiaohuasheng just left, and Karsa came."

Xiaohuasheng was very alert.

In the last wave, he was forced to dodge, so he talked to Huni and asked him to give up the remaining line and run away. It was only a few seconds later that Clockwork appeared in the middle lane, and Huni dared to return to the tower.

Even so, Xiaohuasheng still squatted for a while to see if the prince was nearby.

"Langx is luring, as long as the weapon dares to leave the tower, there will be a chance this wave."

"Huni..." The Korean commentator was wailing again.

Near the red side's upper tower.

Melee soldiers entered the tower, and the wolf found a position and pulled to the lower side to use Q to consume, but was twisted away by the weapon.

Then Huni moved to the upper side and stuck to the wall to deal with the remaining blood soldiers. Seeing Kennen adjusting his position, the weapon could only keep a distance after eating a soldier.


Kennen wanted to consume too much, so he secretly launched a basic attack and continued to move forward. When he reached the attack distance close to the defense tower, Huni really couldn't help it. After all, he was not a particularly patient person.

"Don't use the jump slash."

Kennen launched a basic attack to attract the hatred of the defense tower, and the weapon switched to E and rushed up. Huni's idea was very simple. Kennen couldn't avoid his stun by using E at the first time.

He didn't dare to fight before because Kennen could pull and would be kited. Now in the fight in front of the tower, it's a good deal to exchange Master's Power for Ten Thousand Thunder Prison. Even if the opponent has good details, he can pull it down by retreating 2 steps.

Otherwise, Karsa knows how to help.

His understanding of the top lane soldiers is no worse than Huni.

Almost the next second after the weapon handed over the jump slash, Kennen used his ultimate skill on the spot.

"Is there a chance? Prince EQ... was flashed by Huni." Master's Power plus naked magic resistance shoes, the weapon was stunned for less than a second.

The weapon entered the tower with low health, Karsa went in to resist, Kennen used E and flashed again to trigger the stun. Then Prince resisted the third time, letting Kennen resist the tower and get a kill.

"This wave of seduction is perfect." Guan Zeyuan said excitedly.

Kill 2:1.

This wave not only helped Kennen open the situation, but also disgusted Peanut. After all, he had just left when something happened.

The team atmosphere became more and more subtle.

For the SKT team, Faker's words became less or more, which meant that he was out of the script.


C Bo returned to the city at 7 and a half minutes, came out to help the middle lane to repair the ward, and met Wolf in the lower river. At 8 minutes, a bomb appeared in the SKT base. Peanut judged the situation and couldn't help but ask: "Can we find some opportunities?"

At this time.

Faker was also thinking.

Of course, having the explosive pack does not mean that it can be compared with the clockwork equipment, but if you just use the explosive pack to protect two or three waves of lines, at most you can stop the last minute gap.

"They definitely want to control the vanguard."

Wolf concluded, "I have a line in the bottom lane. I can find opportunities to hit the river or force the clockwork."

at the same time.

Cvmax heard the team members communicating about the Vanguard Group.

"If the other side leaves an explosive pack to attack the vanguard, we will grab the center line and delay its time."

"If you don't stay... Brother Ka, you have to be careful."

Put it into SKT’s perspective.

Killing the jungler is definitely the most profitable, as it can buy you more time, and you can also invade half of the zone to replenish the economy.

Karsa: "The opponent has Galio flashing, so I can rely on the red zone to play."

Listen to this.

Qin Hao saw the weapon jumping up and being pulled away by Kenan's E. He thought that if the weapon was hit like this, it still couldn't grab the line. It couldn't be targeted on the top lane, right?

After thinking about it, Qin Hao said, "You can go to the river and I'll find an opportunity to sell it."

The words just fell.

Cvmax stood from God's perspective and nodded subconsciously. Looking at SKT's adjustments, we know that Galio will return to the city and lean towards the middle. The trolls are farming toads, and their target must be the lower half.

Just like Qin Hao thought.

There is no point in mobilizing troops to catch Kennen to death. Even if the weapon restores a health, there is still a fear of being kited by Kennen before the 2-piece set is available.

But the lower half is different.

Even if the prince doesn't give him any loopholes, he can use the explosive packs to join Nosuke and force Kasumi and Shen after the plane is leveled.


The plane returned to the center line with the explosive package and crossed the QR to clear the tower line. Afterwards, the trolls lined up the river grass, and Galio came to the first tower. At this time, as long as Clockwork dared to show off, the plane dared to step on his face and cooperate with Galio to kill.

The mainspring is a bit stable and just gives way to the center position.

The plane headed towards the river and met Nosuke who entered the red zone. It only showed that the red buff grass had eyes, and no one was seen in the next tower.


Clockwork stood on the upper side to clear the line. When Faker was about to turn around, the troll saw Shen wandering near the stone beetle camp.

"A little urgent."

"I can take down a tower, but it's hard to attack people."

The decisions made by SKT were seen by the audience.


Wolf communicated frantically with the midfielder on voice.

Seeing that there were still 30 seconds left for the explosive pack, Faker felt that he had to try to start a team fight no matter what. Follow the F6 intersection back to the center and see the devil stuck at the intersection.

Faker deliberately approached Clockwork, and when Clockwork pressed W, the plane took off and passed through the tower to reach Clockwork.

"Does Faker have to play this? His teammates can't keep up, and the troll is still red buffed."

in the screen.

Taking damage, Clockwork pulled E out of position and twisted the missile.

Immediately afterwards, the plane fired E-strafe, forcefully forcing the position. He knew the Clockwork Q skill CD, and probably calculated that the prince was on the river.

What he wants this time is to exchange skills to pave the way for the follow-up.

The output of the aircraft is not low.

When Clockwork Q turned around, a flag was inserted next to Clockwork.

Faced with the surprise attack from the blind field of vision, Faker reacted very quickly. When the world was shattered, he waited for Galio to use his ultimate move, and then used W to get out of position to prevent him from being knocked out instantly.

"Wolf is so big that the clockwork moves backward, trying to get out of the aperture range."

At this time.

Weapons rush along the walls of the dragon pit to the battlefield.

Just when Galio was about to charge up W to taunt LGD's midfielder, a thick and powerful pillar directly pushed the prince away.

"Little Peanut's icicle stuck at the extreme distance and broke the prince... Anyway, Shen still has a big move."

The prince's blood volume dropped quickly after he had gathered fire.

This is the situation of the war.

No one noticed that Qin Hao hid a Q in the wall.

2 seconds.

The prince's residual health flashed, Galio flashed with W and taunted the two of them. When the plane fired missiles, a purple shield appeared above the prince's head.

"It's still difficult to fight. The output environment of the aircraft is a bit better."

Through the live sound at the Bird's Nest, the audience could hear the worry in Miller's words. At this moment, the half-health plane stood at the back of the formation and poked without pressure. The troll absorbed the prince's attributes and pushed forward with Galio, and there was a weapon next to it.

"I'm weak, don't worry about Kenan"

Wolf just finished shouting.

Kennan is ready to cooperate with Shen on the ground. A flash of lightning made Kenan ER feel weak. When Shen landed, he was pushed to his feet by Galio's punch.

"The prince fell, but Kenan was not harmed."

This moment.

Qin Hao saw the plane move forward two steps, wanting to turn Q to output the front row, and also saw the weapon turning E to jump on Kenan.

Golem, tick.

Like the bells of death.

Q hidden in the thick wall suddenly appeared at the troll's feet, and with it as the center, four people were involved.


"Brother Hao's R reached four. Weapons, weapons were interrupted, and the counterattack storm only knocked out Kenan." The moment he took the ultimate move, Wolf felt uneasy in his heart.

He watched helplessly as the plane was seconds away and he was a third of the way down.


It's right next to the pass and against the wall.

Shen E reaches three people, Kennen goes back A and outputs Galio.

"Can you kill Clockwork?"

Faker's hands shook even more.

"Shen pushed forward, Shangzhong was still pulling." The troll pushed forward, moving its weapons and other skills.

Seeing Galio's health decreasing, the Troll finally bit out Q at Clockwork, and when the Weapon made a second leap, Clockwork used flash to avoid it.


"OMG~! SKT overestimated their burst and underestimated Clockwork's damage."


The Weapon was killed, and the half-blood Troll and the low-blood Galio sold their teammates and ran to the middle.

A 1-for-2 exchange, a total of 4:2 heads.

Facing SKT's sudden attack, the barrage floated on the screen:

[Ascension! ]

[This wave of Hao Ge is invincible. ]

[How did the plane get sucked in. ]

[I laughed to death, the Weapon only dealt more than 400 damage in the whole wave of the team. ]

In the replay, SKT pressed forward step by step, and LGD retreated step by step, until SKT pretended to rush into the formation and was sucked in, and the fans of LGD were so happy.

"This Weapon is a bit tricky. First, he was hit by the ultimate and was pulled apart in the air, and then he was OBing nearby."

"Haha, Wolf gave the weakness to Kennen."

Fans are still discussing the team fight just now.

The optimistic ones are already calling for the third game.

This wave is over.

Weapon and Corki are out of development, and Clockwork, who got a double kill, made up for the lost chapter and magic penetration shoes.

At 9 and a half minutes, LGD changed lanes normally, and took advantage of Kennen's advantage to occupy the upper river and the front position of the red side's red zone in advance.

At 10 minutes, the vanguard refreshed, Qin Hao used the line of soldiers to contain Corki, and helped the top and jungle control the vanguard.

After that.

LGD knocked down the upper tower and fed the economy to the AD, and once again used the advantage of the middle line to force the red side's upper half zone, covering the vanguard to knock out the second head.

Until Corki picked up the next explosive pack.

During this period, SKT could only wait for LGD to push first.

"SKT wants to catch the bottom, but the problem is that it doesn't quench its thirst."

At 17 and a half minutes, SKT relied on the top, jungle and support to kill Kennen who had demolished a tower and carried through the ruins. Before the fans could feel relieved for a few seconds, the camera was on Clockwork's last hit, and their mood suddenly became low.

"Just like the last game, we can't limit Penicillin's development in the mid-term."

"Clockwork's Luden, QW pull E and then Q, and the line is gone in one wave."

Entering the boring time of farming money.

LGD's rigid operation of the line.

Every time, they wait for Kennen to push, then protect the middle line, use the middle and lower lines to contain people and prevent SKT from grouping.

And because the Weapon's development is average, SKT has to spend time to protect the vision of the lower half, and there is no chance to attack the middle line.

"If we play like this, Clockwork will need 2 pieces."

"Except for Varus and Troll, the development of other positions is a bit behind."

21 minutes.

Qin Hao saw Troll and Prince clashing, Galio used W to force them back. Then he saw Corki connecting to the top line and Weapon pushing, Qin Hao immediately said: "Find an opportunity to exchange blood in the middle lane, and Big Wolf, you hide well."

As he said.

Karsa followed the support to clear the vision of the river. After a while, SKT's jungler and support slowly explored the pass, and the troll was hit by the Prince's EQ.

This action attracted SKT's attention.

Bang was about to approach, but Xayah used W to kill him and exchange blood. Seeing Galio charging W and taking damage to cover the jungler's retreat. In the bottom lane, Huni didn't know that Kennen was in the grass in the line. When the fight at the pass started, he wanted to finish the line so that his teammates would not be killed so easily.

"Huni, it's you again..."

Miller stared at the screen and shouted, "Clockwork gives up T, it's difficult for Weapon to move in this position."

Qin Hao T to the line eye behind Weapon, and Kennen came out of the grass and hit a set.

Huni still wanted to struggle, but he only had a magic resistance boot, not as tough as the audience thought. Qin Hao chased him and gave him QW, then controlled the distance until the second set, and dealt with Weapon.

"It's very critical!"

"It feels like the middle tower is here."

Corki didn't have a dynamite pack, and Clockwork still had R.

Ten seconds later.

The Korean commentator watched Clockwork's flank QR pull the troll, and SKT could only give up the area in front of the tower.

[4,000 economy is bad. ]

[Corkscrew only got one and a half. ]

[I know Qingshen is very strong, but I didn't expect him to be in such good shape. ]

[He's going to be killed by the operation, and he can't even defend the side tower. ]

It's the same as what the audience thought.

Without the middle tower, LGD's vision can reach deep into the jungle. And every time after grabbing the middle line, the LGD trio can go directly into the jungle and stay on the side.

Time passed by.

LGD always maintained the principle of first pushing the middle line and then grinding the side tower.

So even though the difference in kills was not big.

But SKT did not have the ability to compete for map resources, and could only hide near the high ground like a turtle, allowing LGD to snowball.

"Hao Ge is very stable. When his teammates were making trouble in the lower half, he retreated to the blue zone alone to develop, and then helped his teammates grab the middle line."

"If you continue to play like this, it will be a slow death."

The Korean commentator muttered: "You can only look for opportunities with explosive packs."

23 minutes and a half.

When LGD was about to grind down the two remaining towers on the red side.

Qin Hao came to the middle line and walked towards the blue zone.

Just like before, he sent out to the top line, then retreated into the jungle and came to the middle to prevent being left behind by the opponent's jungler and support.

At the second tower of the red side, both sides set up their formations. LGD let IMP grind slowly. If the opponent dared to open it, Xia would be able to evade it in the first time.

"Open it, if you don't open it, there will be no chance."


Galio walked towards the highland passage and didn't notice the eyes on the side.

"Troll's E knocks Kennen away, Corki enters the field, and Varus's R hits Shen." SKT started well in the first wave, using the jungle to attract attention and cover Corki's attack on the back row.

This moment.

Xayah uses her ult to retreat, and Prince uses EQ to find Corki, but is pulled away by Corki's W. During the PK in the Imperial City, as long as Corki can kill Xayah or force her out of the battlefield, SKT will have the spare energy to slowly deal with the front row.

Critical moment.

Corki was hit by the earth-shattering, and the imagined aperture did not fall--

"Galio was hit by the clockwork's ult... Corki, Corki is dead!!" IMP pulled out a hook, flashed to predict that Corki would go up to the earth-shattering, and completed the kill.

As Corki fell, Galio's ult saved Varus, and Qin Hao went around the tower at this time and commanded his teammates to keep him.

"Varus's output is all on the front row."

"Galio wants to sell himself, but the wolf doesn't agree!"

Kennen endured the weakness and flashed ER to stay until there were three.

"Clockwork's QW, Varus lost half of his health!!"


This is the core mid laner.

The only remaining output point died suddenly, and SKT was defeated. Then, LGD destroyed the second tower and the bottom lane high ground.

It took 2 minutes.

While Weapon was dealing with the super soldier, LGD chose to open the dragon.


Clockwork's QW consumed the health of the troll, and then retreated into the dragon pit to wait for SKT to come.

5 seconds later.

Kennen rushed out of the red zone of the red side to attract attention, and Xia Mantian Feiyu dodged Galio's entry and cooperated with Clockwork's QR to deal with the front row.

"Kennen held two people, Galio fell, this time it's a win!!"

Miller's face flushed with excitement, "Chase, chase, chase!"

A wave of 1 for 3.

LGD ate the dragon and pushed forward in two directions.

30 minutes and 13 seconds, LGD won the game.

"The only thing standing in front of LGD is the last victory!!"

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