After replacing Eimy.

The style of painting has definitely changed.

In other words, in the jungle, there is rarely this kind of gameplay that ignores one's own development. From the start to now, Xin Zhao has defeated two jungle groups. Just counting the economic accounts, SKT will definitely not suffer a loss.

Because of the lack of jungle economy, it is difficult to make up for it from other places. However, Eimy lost half of the jungle area in the first round. It is hard to say whether he can hold it in the second round.


Eimy didn't feel any pressure to play like this. The outside world always said that he hugged his thighs. Apart from the fact that it was a little annoying at first when he saw too many of them, he later developed the idea that he was happy to have thighs to hug.

"There should be only three wolves left in the upper half."

After calling Nice, Eimy chatted.

"It can't do anything in the front, so we can just control the resources."


Here he is sorting out his thoughts, but over there, Faker has not yet recovered. When he heard the information reported from the bottom lane, he thought Xin Zhao was controlling the river crab.

I didn't expect that after 20 seconds, I would be seriously injured.

After sending out the first blood.

Faker felt a little better after hearing from Little Peanut that he felt very comfortable. Just thinking that the pressing rhythm in the middle was not successful enough, finally cast a shadow in my heart.

3 minutes and 27 seconds, head count 1:0.

【Wild King! 】

[There are flying chickens in front and green rice behind. 】

[Does LCK have such a midfielder? 】

[Fly, fly, fly, fly. 】

[How do you say that, oh, Bao Daddy’s tactics are invincible and can conquer eternity. 】

[Your stuff is fine, now it’s mine. 】

【Mold's Hand Hero. 】

[It’s really mold and fungus. 】

Seeing these barrages, the audience was extremely happy.


Seeing the champion midfielder united at home has awakened the memories of many people. Looking at the familiar face in the lower left corner, many people lamented that Eimy's playing style is still so unique.

So unique that no one can copy it.

And on the Mouse Terrace.

A certain SKT female fan started a live broadcast and cried with a choked voice: "I miss Bengi's 1st, and Faker no longer has a qualified bodyguard around him.

Seeing Faker alone, he could only face all this alone. Some sentimental people are "calling on the soul" for Bengi, completely forgetting that when Bengi was demoted with VG, there were also many voices of ridicule on the Korean network.

"Brother Hao went home and made up for his straw sandals and small magic resistance..."

"In this current matchup, it's not easy for Ryze to suppress it." Guan Zeyuan analyzed: "But the male gun is a little comfortable here. It has an extra set of blue buffs and an extra set of toads."

Chatted for a few words.

Guan Zeyuan watched Xin Zhao finish the leftovers, go home, take out the green jungle knife, and then rush down. Since the second level capture forces Bang to double summon, it will be difficult for Huixia and Karma to overcome the blood volume gap.

"Want to continue to capture him? But the gem hasn't flashed, so it's hard to keep anyone alive."

Guan Zeyuan didn't see what Xin Zhao wanted to do.

After all, the male gunner was now starting to clear the jungle for the second round. Xia returned home once every four minutes, and her blood volume was still very healthy.

But for Eimy.

He knows that he can't beat the male gunner in the jungle, and there is no point in fighting in the jungle. It is better to frequently get sick in the lane and rely on active pressure to force holes, commonly known as: self-destruction.

4 minutes and 37 seconds.

When Crocodile cleared the tower lane and returned to the city, Xin Zhao took advantage of the new offline gathering to sneak in the lane grass.

At this time, both sides set up a quadrilateral position, and IMP relied on someone to perform the script of flattening A in the forward position and being focused on the fire.

in the screen.

When Gem used the Shield of Relics to pad his sword, he was hit by Xayah's basic attack. Suddenly, the cannon flanked forward and moved forward near the melee soldiers to output Xayah, and then took advantage of Xayah's Q skill and Karma's Q.

After being pulled.

Xiaopao retreated, and Xia took advantage of the situation to regain her position and pursue the basic attack. With Karma's shield, Bang is not afraid of gems.

"The lower road is dangerous~~"

The moment the SKT duo crossed the middle, the cannon jumped back and stepped on the face to output Xia. The next moment, C Bo put W on Xin Zhao in the grass.

"Open Q and stab up."

Karma was slowed down first and then stunned by the glare. Fortunately, his skills were very stable. After the concentrated fire, his health dropped to a quarter, he decisively ER the group shield, and pulled back with AD.

Korean commentator: "Xin Zhao doesn't play games?!" He sounded a little angry.

North American commentator: "After this wave, Karma must be extremely careful about IMP jumping in the face."

Miller: "Wolf retreated to the tower and looked to the side, fearing that he would be overtaken."

When Wolf was communicating with Huni.

Eimy walked along the lower river and leaned into the middle. Near the middle, Ryze is pushing the lane. The same as the previous exchange of blood, Qin Hao uses Ryze to throw Q to trigger the diffusion surge, and at the same time, he punches and draws closer to store W.

"Ryze unleashed his imprisonment, and Q hit the minion to create a shield... Next to him, Xin Zhao was seen by the real eye, and Ryze did not dare to continue to consume."

As long as Ryze holds W, he can maintain a distance of about 800 yards. It's hard to keep Ryze if Galio doesn't dodge.


It does not matter.

After Ryze gives up his position, Qin Hao can push the line first.

Big Wolf: "The male gun is in our blue zone."

Qin Hao: "It's hard to wrap up."

It just so happens that the red side F6 refreshes.

Qin Hao sent a line in to cover Xin Zhao's counterattack.

"Did Shen fail to pay T?" Eimy asked.


"They probably don't have wards in the lower river. I'll force Shen's teleport out." Eimy had an idea and gave up the upper half directly. "Big Wolf, don't trade blood with him."


He was just caught a minute ago. One minute later, about 5 and a half minutes later, Zhao Xin entered the lower river again along the middle position.

Eimy knew that the opponent had no money to build a ward.

When studying SKT, the coach also talked about Wolf's habit of building wards.

In the picture.

When seeing the level 3 Zhao Xin sticking to the blue buff side wall to bypass the back wall aisle defense wards inserted by Wolf, Guan Zeyuan said excitedly: "Karma's health is very low, we can kill her if we control her."

Zhao Xin came to the toad and took position.

In the middle lane, Qin Hao pulled the line in advance against Ryze's overload, and after paying the price of a bottle of corruption, he solved the middle line first.

He knew what the opponent was afraid of.

The true wards at the pass were blocked, and there was no chance to replenish them. If it were him, he would also be afraid of being killed back. Taking advantage of this, Faker reminded Galio to move down. When Wolf was about to retreat with his AD, Xin Zhao came out to intercept him.

"Here we go, classic four-on-two!"

In the roar.

Huni was in a bad mood. He was four soldiers short of level 6, but he couldn't wait in the bottom lane - as long as the melee soldiers attracted the hatred of the defensive tower, it would be easy to cross Xia without flash.

There was a moment.

Bang smiled bitterly.

Since Penicillin came out, he really felt that the influence of AD was declining. No matter how delicate the skills were, they couldn't stand the interruption of the development rhythm.

"Shen surrendered the tank, it's not that easy to cross." As he said that, Xin Zhao retreated to the grass behind the wall. Galio walked to the intersection and turned back to help Xin Zhao wake up the earth dragon.

Although a wave of tower crossing was prevented.

But the Korean audience was not happy, because Shen's empty top lane could only be eaten by Ryze. Even so, when Ryze clicked the explosive fruit to cross the wall, the defensive tower had already swallowed four soldiers.

20 seconds later.

When SKT heard the sound effect of the Earth Dragon's death, the Korean commentator hurriedly said: "Don't farm the Fire Dragon, don't farm the Fire Dragon...ah, it's still a fire attribute mark."

The partner seemed to comfort himself and the audience: "Peanut took the opportunity to counter-kill LGD's blue zone and lead by one and a half levels of experience."

When Zhao Xin did something, Graves counter-jungle.

The most amazing thing is that Xiaohuasheng's planning route did not give Zhao Xin a stage to recover the loss.

"I have 2 groups of jungle six, and the opponent can only six at least 8 minutes." Xiaohuasheng pointed out his own advantages. He just controlled the second group of river crabs, and then found that Zhao Xin went to the middle lane again.

Xiaohuasheng: "It's okay, the economy should not be widened."

Faker: ...


Kouma knew that LGD's strategy had changed.

Zhao Xin frequently moved in the bottom half, which put a lot of pressure on the middle and bottom support. The problem was that they could only trust Graves.

When the SKT coaching staff prayed for Xiaohuasheng.

Ryze was hit by another gust of wind.


At 6 minutes and 46 seconds, Graves went home to buy straw shoes, long sword, and red crystal. However, the LGD duo separated the gem and joined Xin Zhao in the red zone on the way to the line.

"The middle lane is a wave tower soldier, Hao Ge is acting." Guan Zeyuan saw the thoughts of the mid-lane and the jungler: "Shen has a big one, but Ryze didn't flash, and there is a chance to control it."

"Crocodile is hoarding the line, even if Huni uses the big one to protect, he will lose."

The Korean commentator was very anxious.

It's just that Faker is very worried that Galio will use the cannon round to put pressure on his teammates. From last year's finals to now, SKT has suffered a lot in this matter.

In the picture, Ryze and Galio are very cautious. Qin Hao repeatedly moved around, pretending to use the passive to pull the line, and then seized the moment when Ryze used E and pressed the punch.

He understands Faker too well.

Only when Ryze used E could Galio get close and burst. Qin Hao played the EW combo, and Xin Zhao showed up with the gem's W. Huni heard the call and gritted his teeth and retreated behind the tower. For a man like him, losing a line is like cutting meat.

"Taunt, trigger the Colossus, Xin Zhao E to go up and stab."

Xin Zhao just flashed a glare, and a purple shield was put on Ryze. Relying on Shen's ultimate to offset most of the damage, Ryze was out of control at one-third of his health, and was hit by Galio's second passive.

"Ryze refreshed the shield and pulled it back, so Huni lost the line in vain again."

"Shen used his first ultimate to protect Ryze." Jide's tone was filled with unconcealed joy: "This wave of timing is too good."

Shen rushed up in a hurry.

Qin Hao noticed that Big Wolf was disconnected, and heard IMP report that he didn't see Karma. On second thought, Qin Hao constructed SKT's position in his mind and said decisively: "Big Wolf, you stay in the middle, I have my ultimate, this wave can cross."


Zoom's eyes widened. Standing in the perspective of God, he knew that this wave of Graves and Karma had to protect the low-health Ryze to defend the tower, but the question was where Qin Hao got the information.

Near the red side's middle tower. When Wolf approached, the opponent's mid, jungle and support disappeared, and no one was seen in the upper river ward.

But from the God's perspective, Crocodile went around from the red buff to the F6 bush, Zhao Xin and Bao Bao squatted at the side wall of the red side's blue zone, and Galio stayed in a position where he could jump at any time.

Ryze ate up most of the tower line.

Peanut heard Bang give up his position, he controlled Graves to F6, thinking about a new opportunity to enter the jungle, but just as he entered the grass, he ran into Crocodile head-on.

"Use the ultimate, hit AQ."

"Peanut, give up the smoke bomb and retreat to the second tower, but what about your teammates?"

Sudden encounter.

Little Peanut was so scared that he trembled.

The next shot.

Crocodile E's Graves moved, and was hit by Karma's W, then in front of the mid and support, he flashed to red fury W and bit Karma who had flash.

Big Wolf is very greedy.

Knowing Ryze's health, he will die anyway.


"Crocodile is too strong at this stage."

Under the watchful eyes of the whole world.

Karma's health bar was as thin as paper. After being bitten by Crocodile's red fury and then followed by Zhao Xin and Gem's EE combo, she had no chance to resist.

When Zhao Xin played a knock-up, the aperture locked Crocodile and knocked both of them away.


"Faker, where are you running?!"

Karma was taken away by Zhao Xin, and Crocodile's second stage E followed by Q cooperated with Galio's punch to get a kill.

3:0 kills.

The barrage exploded.

[Haha, dare to let Galio go. ]

[Awesome! ]

[Hold on, 3 to 0! ! ]

[If you win, I will brag about LGD for the rest of my life! ! 】

The left side is full of rhythm, and the right side is barely holding on.

Seeing both sides play such content, Korean audiences are very uncomfortable. Moreover, compared with last year, this year's finals look very much like S3 and S4——

Once entering the line operation, there is a gap in all aspects.

In the battle seat, Faker's hands are shaking so much that he can't control it. He doesn't dare to think that the opponent will come out after replenishing the equipment. He has to use several sets of skills to threaten Galio.

"Develop." In addition to emphasizing this, Wolf doesn't know what to say.

After clearing his own jungle, Graves E went down to the dragon pit and ran to invade, just bumping into Zhao Xin who was returning to defense. Because there was no line in the middle and top, Graves retreated into the dragon pit and faced the threat of being double-teamed. He could only flash to pull away from Galio and then use the ultimate to climb the wall.


"Flash and ultimate are gone."

"Top lane, Huni is 18 knives behind."

All the news was unfavorable to SKT.

These news came out of the Korean commentator's mouth, making fans very confused-they didn't dare to look away from the screen, for fear that something bad would happen after moving away.

Whether it is self-deception or not.

Fans expect miracles more than any other spectators.

It is just that miracles are miracles because they are not easy to perform.

9 minutes.

Zhao Xin went down for the fourth time, using the bottom lane to gather the line, and then the gem gave the glare to the jungler, forcing Karma's group shield.

It was 10 minutes.

With the help of the vision of the dragon pit, LGD first controlled the fire dragon, and then controlled the vanguard.

During the transfer, IMP found that the male gun had exposed his position in the lower river, and then Qin Hao rushed with a punch and Q to force Ryze to give up the position in front of the tower, and took the AD back to the stone beetle.


Sigh again and again.

When Qin Hao clicked the explosive fruit, he killed the male gun with the cannon. For a moment, Peanut's face turned pale.

"Hold on, who's the kill?"

Giving the kill to AD, IMP said happily: "200 electric knife short."

Qin Hao: "After you eat the middle line, move up."

IMP: "The electric knife will come out, Xia can't grab the line."

Qin Hao turned his brain.

The more such moments, the more he can suppress his emotions, "Wait for the vanguard to knock down the first tower, and advance without cover."

Speaking, Qin Hao gave an idea: "Ping team, you directly cooperate with Dan to find F6 Graves, I will provide protection in the middle lane. Don't worry, we will play normally, and they are anxious."

Facing the temptation of winning the championship at home.

Even Karsa, who was watching the game, was a little too excited, but he didn't expect Qin Hao to be so calm. However, this command is indeed calm.

Because SKT can only organize the defense around the second tower in the next wave, Graves can only go to F6 to force it back if he wants to farm the jungle, and Xia will also have to leave if she defends the middle.

The decision was made.

When LGD changed lanes, Huni ran to deal with the stone beetle, and then retreated to the second tower to wait for the mid and support to join from the high ground. In the red zone of the red team, Graves came out of the high ground and turned here, and then received the message that the opponent had disappeared.

"LGD's rhythm is too fast."

Graves woke up F6, and Tristana, Gem and Zhao Xin were exposed in the range of the true ward behind the wall. The problem was that Eimy seemed to know the position of Graves, leaving Gem to arrange the wards and pushing this side alone.

"Fighting for punishment, whose big bird is it?"

"Oh! I got it."

Another advantage.

Peanut went down along the middle and second towers, but at this time Qin Hao had already reached the pass. When Graves was brushing three wolves, Qin Hao went into the blue buff bush and crouched.


For the losing side, the atmosphere became more and more depressing. LGD relied on the vanguard to delay the middle, top and support for a while, and directly arrested Graves' position.

Taking advantage of this little time difference.

The Korean commentator could imagine that Graves was hit and was forced to give up the blue zone and the next tower, resulting in Shen being tower-crossed.

14 minutes and 22 seconds.

Graves passed by the blue buff and ate the fully charged Durand shield. WAQEA hits a set, and only one-third of the male gun is left. He uses smoke bombs under his feet and slides to the second tower.

At the same time.

Crocodile uses his ultimate in front of Shen. Huni is numb when he sees that the jungler is persuaded to retreat. Because he has been protecting his teammates in the front, he is fighting against the black cut crocodile with scattered pieces.

"Shen retreats, use E to increase the distance, the problem is that the new line of soldiers has come."

Crocodile's two E kills in the face, and Huni uses the sword formation to delay time. 3 seconds, Galio comes from the side, and Peanut can only keep a distance.

"Force Shen to flash, and then go back to take the first tower, it feels very comfortable."

As he was saying.

Faker noticed that Zhao Xin and Bao Shi had just appeared in the middle lane, and thought that if he didn't try this wave, the risk would only be higher if he waited for the opponent to update their equipment in the next wave.

"Ryze took the initiative to give up his tank, SKT wants to fight?!"

A red beam of light fell on the red side's lower tower. At this time, there was Ryze below, and there were low-health Graves and two-thirds of Shen above.

Facing double-teaming, Qin Hao commanded to pull away, and there was no need to guard Ryze's landing point, "Shen has a big move, retreat first."

Crocodile wanted to retreat.

Faker was unwilling.

"Ryze wants to stay, EW controls Crocodile, but Graves's health is so low that he doesn't dare to go forward to make up for the damage."

After taking the damage, the wolf retreated from the grass behind the wall. Here, Qin Hao was stuck in a poor vision and charged W on the spot. When Ryze and Shen came over, Qin Hao suddenly rushed back into the bushes from the side wall aisle and taunted the two, "Go and see Graves."

After taunting, Crocodile turned to Q to recover health and output Shen on his face. In the next shot, SKT pulled back from the middle and upper parts, and Graves went forward to use Q and hit the wall to knock down Galio's more than 200 health.

"Both sides are rushing over here. It seems that Karma is faster."

As soon as the voice fell.

Crocodile exposed his fangs, turned E, and used Shen as a stepping stone to forcefully cut in. At this moment, Ryze flashed and pulled back to the first tower; Peanut was prepared, stopped suddenly, used E to pull, and directly threw smoke bombs at Crocodile.

Ryze was assisting the output beside him.

Qin Hao pushed forward when he saw this, Crocodile walked out of the range of the smoke bomb, and saw the opportunity to hit the second stage of E.

"Shen enters the tower defense tower and opens the big cover."

"Crocodile is very good at fighting."

Qin Hao was waiting for Zhao Xin to come with the barrier mark of the gem, and kept reminding Big Wolf to pull to maintain the blood line.

"Hey hey..."

Big Wolf took 2 steps towards Galio and found that Shen opened a sword formation on the spot, and then used taunt, "Fuck, he gave it up!!"

Qin Hao's reaction was not slower than Big Wolf.

Shen made an own operation, Crocodile bit Shen, Qin Hao flashed and punched to knock him away and deal damage.

"Huni, what are you doing?!"

Thinking of the words "I hit you" said during the game, Huni was inexplicably a little panicked.

Shinichi died.

Graves didn't dare to output, only Ryze chased the kite.

"Karma is here, can we still kill her?"

Big Wolf: "Sell me, sell me, this wave has already made money." Knowing that it was difficult to run, Big Wolf gave up running and blocked the grass behind the wall to delay SKT's mid and jungle.

"Ryze took the head of the crocodile, but Wolf didn't seem to know that Xin Zhao was nearby."

At this point, Karma played RQ in the direction of Galio. After exposing his position, he was stabbed by Xin Zhao through the wall with E.

Then, he walked to the intersection of the blue zone and opened the big move and E. While the cosmic light was falling, Wolf was hit by Q2 and flashed over the wall to the open space. Xin Zhao triggered the stun with flash and then picked it up.

"Eimy used his big move to sweep Graves away, and Peanut had 200 health and could only retreat to the first tower." In the end, Xin Zhao waited for the second E to turn, and stabbed Karma across the tower. During this period, Ryze used W to cooperate with the defensive tower to hurt Xin Zhao.

Seeing Xin Zhao retreating to the blue zone against Ryze's output, Peanut came to the grass under the river and threw his ultimate at the intersection of the blue zone.

"This explosive bomb..."


The expected killing sound effect did not appear.

In the direction of the explosive bomb, Galio used E and stepped forward to confiscate Graves' ultimate.

"Penicillin!!" Ryze still wanted to kill Xin Zhao, and Gem followed up with healing in time. Faker saw Gem coming up and could only let Xin Zhao, who had more than 200 health, run.

"Wow, this wave of Huni's help was very critical." Guan Zeyuan teased. Next to him, remember to calm down, "In the two minutes when Shen didn't have his ultimate, SKT had no chance to take the initiative to attack."

One for two, 5:1 kills.

[666666. ]

[Sword formation on the spot, taunt forward! ]

[Life and death game, nervous. ]

[What's the use of Graves brushing so much, this wave is all Ryze's output. 】

【Nonsense, if Graves has that little HP, he will be the first to die if he dares to rush. 】

Shen has no ultimate, Ryze and Karma have no flash.

Knowing this information.

After LGD replenished their equipment, they suppressed the middle line while letting Zhao Xin go to the upper half.

Seeing Graves being forced back and having to go around the blue side red zone at the risk of being arrested, the Korean commentator felt bad.

After all, if you often walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet.

A Graves being forced to change the jungle area is equivalent to throwing the initiative to the opponent.

"Galio first takes the Abyss, and the second is to replenish the helmet."

As the top and mid tanks become stronger, it greatly increases the difficulty of SKT's line grabbing.

19 minutes and 03 seconds.

Graves exposed his position in the lower river, Qin Hao took the initiative to move to the middle line, commanding the jungler and the support to crouch and look for Karma.

And near the middle line.

Wolf, who lacked vision and felt insecure, saw Tristana showing up to connect, and wanted to add a defensive eye to the red zone.

"Wolf, don't go here (sigh)."

In order to gain vision, Zhao Xin rushed out under the glare. Karma was slowed down and ran away with a shield, but a circle of light shrank Zhao Xin.

"He was picked up and knocked back, and the kill was taken by Hao Ge."

"Karma never came down in the air." Guan Zeyuan laughed twice.

The kills were 6:1.

LGD took advantage of the situation and threatened the middle tower.

Seeing that the male gun was still farming, some fans finally couldn't hold it anymore, "Why don't you come back to defend?"


"Is farming useful? Can you still rely on the male gun to carry alone?"

The overwhelming accusations did not affect Xiaohuasheng.

Or so.

The scene that SKT fans are most familiar with appeared. Once there is no rhythm, Xiaohuasheng likes to avoid LGD's main attack direction in order to ensure his own development.

He can avoid it.

But the risk on the line will not be reduced.

"The middle tower is taken!"

"Next, just pull out the second tower on the side road, and you can threaten the high ground."

"Stay stable. Although the economy is ahead, you can't be reckless. You still have to be careful of the counterattack launched by the opponent."

The commentary represents the voice of the audience.

Fortunately, after the repair.

LGD plays the middle line game.

The jungler and the support protect the cannon to clear the line, press the red zone to find people, and force SKT to come to defend.

22 minutes.

Watching the upper second tower being worn down by half.

Before the new wave of transfer, C Bo repaired the vision and followed the jungler to light up the key positions on both sides of the middle road.

"Hao Ge is leading the line, IMP retreats to prepare for another wave, and the jungler and the support are lining up the opposite red zone to defend the vision."

When LGD forced the upper second tower, the male gun killed three wolves and walked towards the intersection along the blue buff. Little did they know that Crocodile was already waiting for the red buff to refresh.


The Korean commentator was speechless.

The male gun was hit by Crocodile, and then a blue beam of light fell on the fake eye at the red side's blue zone pass. Guan Zeyuan shouted directly: "I like to invade!"

The smoke bomb delayed time, and then slid down to the dragon pit, but Crocodile also had displacement. After passing through the wall, he waited for Galio to double-team.

Big Wolf: "There is a thief!"

Qin Hao: "Puff, push the wave again, Dan Ge, find an opportunity to open it." While catching the male gun, Qin Hao's attention was still on the opposite double lane.

Near the blue buff, the male gun used his ultimate and pulled away for a distance, but he still couldn't dodge.

The head count was 7:1.

The barrage was madly spraying Peanut for being inhuman.

At this time.

The director suddenly gave the view to Zhao Xin, only to find that Eimy was squatting back to the people in the middle second tower.

Received the information that the male gun was killed.

Karma passed by the bushes on the side of the middle second tower, and Zhao Xin with the mark of the fortress emerged from it.

"Galio has his ultimate, and so does Ruby!"

Karma uses flash, and Xin Zhao follows flash to rush into the middle high ground. Obviously, the second tower has not been taken down, but in LGD's eyes, this is not a big deal.

Such a scene.

It deeply touched the LPL audience.

People shouted to do whatever they want, watching Shen use his ultimate to protect Karma, but was knocked away by Galio's ultimate as soon as he landed.

"Xayah's attack doesn't hurt anyone, Ryze drives to protect teammates. Next to him, Tristana sends the line into the second tower, and there is a chance to force Xayah's ultimate."

IMP rides on the face to force out the flying feathers, and when Bang pulls to the right channel, Xin Zhao's second E is ready, and he uses Q3 to knock Ryze away.

This moment.

Ruby uses his ultimate and stands next to Tristana; Qin Hao pushes forward, and Tristana attacks Shen. Seeing Ryze's W imprisoning Xin Zhao with EQ on the spot, triggering the shield to open, Qin Hao chooses to temporarily turn back with the jungler to focus on Shen.

3 seconds.

After opening the sword array, Shen was reduced to half health, and he took Karma's shield and moved towards Xia's position. Faker found that LGD intended to retreat from the high ground, and knew that letting the opponent go would mean that the second tower would be destroyed.

"Use the ultimate skill of Gem immediately, and Galio will use W to cover teammates."

"The line of soldiers is still there, and the crocodile will teleport the soldiers. I think it will be better to eat the second tower in this wave, wait for the mid-support ultimate skill to turn over, and then go to the opponent's jungler and support to make trouble."

When Miller gave advice.

Faker stared at Galio, and he saw Galio had a very slight turn back and stopped immediately.

The last 1.5 seconds.

Qin Hao calculated the time, and his teammates were waiting for his news. Seeing that LGD was about to retreat, Ryze, who had turned W, couldn't resist the temptation.

Or so.

Up to now, SKT has been in chaos. When Ryze moved forward, Qin Hao noticed that only Xia was following him.

"Look at my position!"

The roar shattered the darkness.

The Korean commentator watched Galio flash W to taunt Ryze, except for Xayah who reacted and used Q to the position of Tristana, Shen and Karma were stunned for a second.

This second was fatal enough.

The punch was charged to control, and the crocodile landed to force the right side. Ryze didn't press the flash until he died.

"Faker, Faker is down!!"

"Crocodile eats the gem and pushes forward with W. Xayah doesn't have a big, and can only run after Purify removes the red fury."

"At the critical moment, it's Hao Ge who breaks the deadlock again!!"

Ryze was killed by the concentrated fire.

Karma sold the top laner to protect Xayah. When the two retreated to the front teeth, Eimy went crazy and E entered the front teeth tower, but Xayah adjusted the angle and hooked to the bottom jungle, and cooperated with the resurrected Graves to kill Zhao Xin.

"Calm down, calm down." Miller said hurriedly.

One for two, 9:2 kills.

LGD withdrew from the high ground and pulled out the middle two towers.

2 minutes later.

Zhao Xin was first caught near F6 and knocked off some of Graves' health. Then, LGD sent the middle lane to actively force the dragon.

"SKT is in a hurry, Haoge is in a good position!!"

27 minutes and 22 seconds.

Just as Qin Hao thought.

When SKT threw out the searchlight and was blocked, the opponent had to follow the middle lane to the F6 intersection into the river.

So Qin Hao squatted in the red buff bush, waited for SKT's formation to be exposed in the true eye range of the grass behind the wall, and immediately commanded: "Press here."

In the picture.

Galio was in position, Shenyi took the lead to squeeze the vision, Karma was in the middle to support, and Graves slid into the bush in the middle road to block the eye.

Under a huge disadvantage.

Wolf's tone became strange. He was about to ask where Galio was when Crocodile suddenly rushed out from the river grass and was imprisoned by Ryze.

Wolf was focused.

Xin Zhao rushed out from behind Crocodile with his gem ultimate. In order to prevent the formation from being too chaotic, when Faker saw Tristana jump to the wall with W, he immediately directed to look at the AD.

"Graves' position is very bad. He was driven away by Crocodile."

The Korean commentator was weak.

When Ryze was hit by the group shield and went to find Tristana, SKT could only set up the formation on the open ground of F6.

Just like this, when Xin Zhao took the gem ultimate to push Ryze, Shen immediately went to block Tristana. And Crocodile, who was not restricted by anyone, flashed E to Ryze to find Xia, and Bang used his ultimate to scatter feathers at the intersection.

"Got it!!"

Bang saw Galio in the air. He found that the landing point was covered by Durand's shield. Bang used flash and hook, but still failed to prevent Ryze and Karma from being taunted...


It seemed like the sound of faith being shattered.

Ryze, who was driven into the encirclement, was immediately targeted. When Faker fell, Shen couldn't stop Tristana, and Graves used his ultimate on the crowd, and it was unknown what else he could do.

"0 for 3, Baron!"

"No, there's no need for Baron, Ryze needs 33 seconds to revive, we can just go all in!!"


Graves wanted to disconnect, but was killed by Tristana with three shots after flashing E.

"One wave!"

"One wave!!"

"Tear down, tear down, tear down."

In front of the front tower.

Shen came out with full health, but was directly picked up by Zhao Xin who was stuck with three shots, and then bitten by Crocodile and taunted with a punch.

"It's over!"

"We~are~the, champions!!"

The moment the main crystal exploded.

Eimy's roar still echoed in his ears.

Qin Hao took off his headphones, took a deep breath, and looked at the unforgettable scene in his life-

The scene became a boiling ocean, with heads spreading all the way to the end of the sight.

Streamers gushed out from all around the stage.

Under the golden rain, 90,000 spectators shouted in unison, even drowning out the commentator's voice.


It was out of sight.

But he could hear the whole world shouting his ID, and in a trance, there were thousands of people shouting in unison.

Qin Hao stood beside his seat, almost unable to distinguish between reality and illusion.


Is the home court?

This is the Bird's Nest?


Qin Hao stopped thinking and smiled with relief on his face.

"I did it."

He said this in a light-hearted way, but felt relieved. A sense of relief from inside to outside filled his body.

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