At this moment.

Qin Hao is drinking... old hen soup in the warm light.

All eyes are on him.

Every time Qin Hao takes a sip, his relatives smile. His mother keeps emphasizing that he should eat more vegetables. It's okay not to eat.

It's only until this moment.

The noise of the outside world will be temporarily blocked in the depths of his mind, and he will enjoy the family dinner calmly. It's like waiting for the world to be broken and reorganized, or waiting for a dream to wake up.


He is not stupid, and he can also detect the signal of leaving. Although no one talked about the future after winning the championship, Qin Hao knows: There is no feast that will never end.

Recalling that he was blocked in the office by the Queen Mother last year;

He found that Dan Ge renewed his contract in advance, and his expression was stunned.

Of course, Qin Hao has no resentment, these are all his own choices.

But it would be a lie to say that he has no emotions.

At the age of 18, he has a sense of innocence. So Qin Hao doesn't understand why a person's lies can be so true. She lied to Eimy that she had already renewed her contract, and used the slogan of retaining the whole team to persuade others to reduce their salaries.

If it weren't so easy to expose.

Perhaps each of them thought that it was because of their own small sacrifices that they reaped the rewards of brotherhood LOL. They thought that sincerity would really be exchanged for sincerity.

Qin Hao actually understood why Eimy was particularly irritable for a while.

Just like when he knew he was deceived.

He would also feel that the queen was disgusting.

He couldn't overlap the image of caring and asking about her well-being with the image after being deceived. Sometimes, he really couldn't tell which face was the real RuRu.

Eat the chicken leg and some vegetables.

After feeling a little bloated, Qin Hao stopped the dishes that his mother brought over and shook his head gently at her.

"That... Xiaohao, how long will you take (vacation)?"

Dad knocked off the long ash on the ashtray, and next to him, his uncle put down the bowl and cast an interested look.

Ever since he went to the Magic City.

Qin Hao's status at home suddenly changed.

I remember seeing an article somewhere that said that adulthood is not based on age, but on whether one can take on family responsibilities.

Just like before he started playing professionally, he was still a student with no future at all, with average grades. At that time, he was just a child in the eyes of his parents and relatives. He had everything he wanted.

But now.

He can control the economic power just by relying on bonuses. Although it sounds bad, if a person does not have a job and cannot be financially independent, he can only rely on others.


He can sense that his parents and relatives look at him differently.

Like last year, when he handed the bank card to his mother, Qin Hao imitated the way he looked in the movie and said coolly: There are 10 million in it. After saying that, he felt that he was greatly satisfied in his heart--

Watching his mother getting older day by day, he knew how much she had paid for the family.

The only regret was that he did not expect his mother to react so strongly.

"I postponed the All-Star Game, and I should be able to take a month off."

Hearing the All-Star Game, his uncle was stunned for a moment.

Although he did not understand the game, he knew what the All-Star Game represented in the NBA. Qin Hao said the question so calmly that those who didn't know would think it was some fake event.

"Xiao Hao, the All-Star you mentioned is similar to the NBA?"

"Well, this session seems to be held in Los Angeles, and it's very troublesome to go back and forth." Qin Hao has never been interested in such activities.

It's not that he doesn't want to have fun.

It's just that he's really tired after playing the World Championship. The ups and downs in emotions bring spiritual fatigue.


The uncle suddenly couldn't continue. In his heart, he was secretly glad that his nephew was so promising. He kept talking about Los Angeles or terms he had never heard of.

Although until now, he didn't understand why playing games could make so much money.

But it didn't stop him from being happy for his sister.

The mother sat there blankly. In addition to being proud, her eyes reddened again when she thought of the difficulties in the past. So until the end, Qin Hao didn't drink the second bowl of chicken soup.

Facing his aunt's friendly smile.

Qin Hao fled back to his room.

For a teenager, he still likes the eyes of fans more than the eyes of parents and relatives. That kind of pure affection without any other meaning.

Or so.

Most teenagers take it for granted that their parents are the pillars of their family when they grow up. Once you find that they are also fragile, the load-bearing wall that symbolizes the sense of majesty will suddenly collapse.

Qin Hao is like this now.

He is still not used to that kind of look, and is not used to participating in discussions about family affairs. Although he will feel secretly happy in his heart, he is still more unfamiliar.

Qin Hao took a deep breath and slowly lay down on the bed. He opened his mobile phone to check QQ messages and WeChat messages, and found that many people were discussing him.

"Everyone is talking about transfers under the official blogs of various teams."

"Brother Hao, are you really leaving LGD?"

"Going back to your hometown?"


After watching for a while.

Qin Hao simply logged into Weibo to check the situation.

He found that since last night, Weibo big Vs have successively revealed that LGD failed to renew the contract with a main player in advance, and even failed to reach a verbal agreement.

The transfer market, which has not yet opened, suddenly became hot.

Although big Vs like to cover up for fear of violating regulations.

But viewers with brains all know that they are talking about Penicillin. After all, after the contract was renewed last year, the Queen Mother was so excited that she posted three Weibo posts to tell the news, calling Qin Hao an "indispensable link."

Only such goods that are not for sale enter the market.

Only with heat can one get out of the circle.


Qin Hao clicked into the club’s Weibo.

Following the latest news, people from all walks of life are asking if they can sign Qingshen and asking the home team to give some help. It seems that in the hearts of fans, it is a crime to leave Qingshen alone and not fight for it, and the management should get out——

EDG official blog.

"Although Scout is very popular, he still needs to grow."

"I was scolded as the god of war in the league and a coward in foreign wars, but I didn't say anything because the home team could at least dominate the league, and those who were defeated only felt bitter;

I was scolded a lot, a dream chaser, but I didn't say a word, because at least the home team could make it to the World Championship, and those who couldn't make it just felt sour;

Finally, they scolded EDG for being a loser. I knew it was time for me to speak out, because I really couldn't accept EDG falling out of the first tier in the country.


I can tolerate so many scoldings at you. As long as you bring Qingshen back, you will be the number one hero of Guodian! ! Please use your means of pretending to be a sister! ! "

Qin Hao finished reading:...

Click on the JDG official blog.

"Buy him, buy him, buy Qingshen on Double 11. You can't suffer a loss or be fooled. It's really worth the money."

"Allow me to introduce him. He is the 2016 Global Finals Champion and FMVP. He is the 2017 Global Finals Champion and FMVP. He is the first domestic mid laner in the history of the league to achieve consecutive championships: Penicillin."

"You know, as long as you buy Qingshen, I will be a ten-year-old fan of JDG."

"Isn't this going to increase investment? Isn't this going to increase investment? Is it really not going to increase investment?"

Qin Hao finished reading:...

Browse all the way down.

Except for IG and WE who are a little calmer, other teams are being pushed.

Including RNG.

GSL seems to believe that Penicillin is the most suitable player to support Uzi, and is trying hard to persuade Bai Xing to increase investment.

In GSL terms, with Qingshen here, there is no need to worry about the opponent's mid laner affecting the bottom lane duel. At the same time, team battles will not be so tiring, and there is no need to output and harvest.


The drama between Huang Za and GSL was staged for the Nth time. The left scolded Uzi for being impersonal, while the right ridiculed Xiaohu. If Xiaohu really has a conscience, he shouldn't delay the future of his brothers.

Just GSL cannot win everyone's approval.

Because of S7, Xiaohu played well.

Compared with the bottom data of S6, in the BO5 loss to SKT, Xiaohu's laning was fine, but the team battle was a bit flawed, and some opportunities to deal damage were not grasped, so it seemed a bit "useless".

But this kind of futility is full of room for imagination if you study it carefully.

after all.

Xiaohu was still at the bottom last year, but has improved a lot this year. As a fan, do you think Xiaohu is bad?

And because of the BP voice.

Uzi won't draw a large portion of the firepower.

In fact.

At the end of the World Championship, Xiaohu's reputation was pretty good. Fans think he has improved and have high expectations for him. They believe that if he dares to do more damage, he will definitely be the S-level mid laner and the cornerstone of winning the championship.

As for Xiaohu himself.

After losing, he shut down the internet to relax and sent a WeChat message to Qin Hao to thank Qin Hao for sparring with him. Because in Xiaohu's opinion, the BO5 with SKT was considered a replica game.

Compared to the league.

Xiaohu got Ryze, suppressed Faker, and even completed a line kill.

Compared with Letme's BP-binding and Ming's deadly forward pressure in team battles, Xiaohu is only three pots, and in the eyes of some passers-by, Xiaohu is a little more innocent than Uzi. After all, Xiaohu didn't leave behind the story that S6 can't Jhin and S7 can't Xia. .

Look around.

Qin Hao hesitated and clicked on Hangzhou LGD's official blog.

I saw countless familiar IDs trying to save them.

"Don't leave."

"Are the news from those big Vs true? @HangzhouLGD, I need an answer."

"Even GSL is talking about trading Xiaohu and forming the strongest all-China class. Why is there no movement on our side?"

"@RuRu, you have something to say when you step on the horse. Some time ago, you were blowing something every day. Where are the people in Paris?"

"You should dispel the rumors, WCNM."

"Is it possible that the S7 finals will be the last time we see LGD unite?"

"don't want……"

Anger, doubt, retention...

The optimistic family never expected that when they came back after playing a round of NB, the home team would actually have signs of collapse.

"I guess I don't have any money."

“The team that won the second championship can’t afford it even if we sell other divisions.”

"Selling other branches? Haha, the Queen Mother doesn't play League of Legends, but she really plays Dota."

Turn off the lights.

The mobile phone screen illuminated Qin Hao's cheek.

Check out these comments.

Qin Hao recalled that the outside world didn't think it was worth it for him, saying why he was working so hard with the newbie contract. But he didn't think so. He enjoyed those days of fighting side by side.

Just like this, he didn't understand why Brother MaRin left. Obviously we have overcome so many difficulties together.

I experienced some things later.

Only then did he realize that everyone pursues different things.

Click on the private message.

There were more inquiries than the comments section of the official blog. Many people comforted him, saying that no matter where he went, as long as he kept his desire for victory, they would support him.

"I'm not a fan of the team, I'm a fan of you."

"The Bird's Nest has made my dream come true, PP, keep going."

"Is there really no way (crying expression)."

"The night of the Bird's Nest will always stay in the afternoon of November 4th."

"Bird's Nest people, assemble."

At 10 o'clock that night.

# Penicillin suspected of falling out with LGD # , the entry rushed to the top three hot searches, overshadowing the soft advertisement notice bought by a certain movie.

For a while.

Many people outside the circle asked - who is Penicillin?

"How can a gamer have such popularity?"

"So rich? Such a trivial matter can be on the hot search."

"Weibo is getting lower and lower, I really don't believe that this was not bought."

Get used to the exaggerated forwarding and comment ratio of traffic stars.

Some people thought that this was someone's promotion for Penicillin, but they just bought it wrong and forgot to get the likes and reposts.

"Stupid, you forgot that you dominated the list the day before yesterday?" He was talking about the night of the championship, when "Bird's Nest Night", "Champion at Home", "Second Consecutive FMVP" and other entries took the first, third and seventh places.

"LGD, this crappy club, is still willing to spend money on marketing? Buy two more barrels of purified water for the training room, and the queen mother will be angry."

"I hope you can get to know Penicillin better, he is really nice."

"Greatness needs no words."

"Can you just be yourself, don't keep saying things I don't understand."

Outsiders clicked on this entry and thought it was crazy.

Most of the comments either begged Penicillin not to leave or asked where he would go next season, occasionally mixed with particularly passionate inner monologues.

The next day.

9 o'clock in the morning.

Qin Hao said hello and went out for breakfast.

Walking on the bumpy market street, the small stalls of Jiangxiang cakes on the side of the road exuded fragrance, and the newly fried dough sticks were golden and crispy.

Walking into the rice noodle shop where he had eaten since childhood.

Ordered a bowl of large slices of beef.

When he sat down to eat, Qin Hao always felt that someone was looking at him. Following his line of sight, the man showed a surprised expression on his face, but just moved his lips but did not speak.

"Class monitor?"

After being recognized.

The class monitor forced a smile and clearly called out: "Hao... Brother Hao... I watched your game. By the way, my roommate also likes you very much. Knowing that I am your classmate, he also asked me for an autographed photo. I don’t know... "

Qin Hao shuddered.

"You... you are on vacation?" Qin Hao didn't know what to say.

"Isn't it the weekend?" The class monitor explained: "It only takes more than an hour for me to get back by bus."

Ever since he became a professional player.

Qin Hao's understanding of the weekend is roughly equivalent to the game day.

So even the view of the weekend, the two are separated by a sad thick barrier, otherwise Qin Hao would not ask such a stupid question.

And if there is no simulation space.

He might think about studying hard, reviewing and preparing seriously when he has time, and strive to get into a university and find a job so that his parents don't continue to worry about his life.

Thanks to Penicillin once again.

Qin Hao's heart returned to calm.

Until the evening, he learned a frightening news from Li Zhengtai -

"Sincere offers, the lowest has reached 20 million."

There was ecstasy on the other end of the phone.

After all, the higher the value of Penicillin, the more he will get.

"Who are they?"


Li Zhengtai said in a heroic tone: "I think you should give your own conditions, such as who do you want to partner with? Or, which team do you think will be a good experience to join."

Li Zhengtai felt that his employer underestimated his charm.

The current market situation is not that they send resumes everywhere in the hope of getting a trial opportunity, but that there are too many options. They should take the initiative to narrow the scope, and then negotiate around the conditions to try to eliminate differences.

Li Zhengtai gave advice: "Annual salary is not the condition we should consider most."

After quitting his job at the firm and seeing Qin Hao holding up his second trophy, Li Zhengtai now wants to take root in the e-sports circle.

For this reason.

He hopes that Qin Hao's career will be more stable and not in a hurry to make quick money. Besides, he knew that Qin Hao had a sponsorship contract with Mercedes-Benz, which was arranged by Fujii.

Therefore, the salary pressure of the team was not that great.

In order to maintain competitiveness, he must not be a slouch in the first year after leaving LGD.

"Me? I don't want to go back to RNG."

Qin Hao didn't know where to go at this moment: "Brother Li, please ask for me first." As he said that, Qin Hao remembered that he was pulled to appear on the live broadcast two days before the finals: "My biggest wish is to play professionally well. Well, from beginning to end."

"Okay, I will help you select first."

When Li Zhengtai took over the job, Qin Hao, as a member of the LGD union, had signed a live broadcast contract with Huya. Although he lifted the contract of selling himself based on his professionalism, he could only let Qin Hao cooperate with the club to complete the terms.


He always knew Qin Hao's bottom line...

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