I love posting on Weibo and have become a professional genius

Chapter 77 One-blood tower mechanism and team concept (1)

After playing the last BO3 game of the regular season, it stands to reason that it won't be so tight all the time.

But after all, there is a lot of room for trial and error in the regular season, but not in the playoffs.

This is also the reason why many people think that the playoffs and the regular season are two games.

Both the mentality and the degree of targeting will be doubled in the playoffs.

The sound of keyboards sounded in the training room.

MaRin glanced at IMP, who ran back quietly, and silently looked away.

He actually has the same feelings as IMP.

The night he won the championship was certainly the best day in his life, but after that day, he didn't become any more special.

The game that should be at a disadvantage is still a disadvantage, and the military training that should be received will still be received.

Winning the championship only represents the success of that season, but it does not mean that you will definitely gain something next season. Even because you won this championship and this FMVP, everyone's expectations for you will be higher.

But the thing is, that's what the game looks like.

If you don't have teammates on the road, you won't be able to play, and you will fall if you are a god.


Feeling the fatigue conveyed by his body, he is one year older than last year, his reflexes have dropped a bit, and he does not have as much passion to support him in training hard.

I never had a championship before, so I practiced like crazy just to win.

After winning the championship, you still have to practice like crazy, so isn’t this championship in vain?

So when IMP asked "What is the champion AD like?", he couldn't answer.

He didn't know Bang very well when they were teammates, and they didn't have much contact after leaving the team. I just heard from some friends that Bang was still working hard.

If we really want to talk about the gap.

His gap is larger.

Sometimes he actually envies IMP for being able to have a drink and relax after the game, but he doesn't dare because he's afraid of being slow to react. He's afraid that after getting used to this kind of life, he won't be able to adapt to high-intensity competition.

In order to save more money when I am old enough to play. I cannot and do not deserve to be too relaxed.

A series of thoughts came to MaRin's mind, and the last one that came up was whether IMP would regret this in 2 years.

A very talented AD.

But there is laziness in his bones.

I was so paralyzed that even after entering the playoffs, I was unwilling to spend more time for it.

Perhaps a large part of his anger stems from shameful waste?

Or is it a pity?

But it seems that I am not qualified to pity others.

The air conditioner blew through.

Just as MaRin was about to click on the next ranking match, she heard a voice shouting.

"In a flat team, I feel that Dragon King is not a good match, so these two heroes are better."

"Something doesn't quite match."

"Brother IMP has Verus, right? I'm trying to practice the Rock Bird these days so that I can help look at the river from the front. By six, I can fly to the bottom lane to help. This feeling is stronger than the card. I can lift it up. Got it."

Chen Bo:......

Listen, this is human language.

I know you can practice hero speed, but don’t be angry with me!

The playoffs will use version 6.15.

It has gone through three fine-tunings from the 6.12 they are familiar with.

The biggest change here is probably the first-blood mechanism of the defense tower——

When the first defense tower is knocked down, the destroyer will receive 275 gold coins, and the entire team will receive 25 gold coins.

At the same time, the duration of the Steel Defense Line [Defense Tower Passive] is reduced from 7 minutes to 5 minutes, the damage blocked is increased from 35% to 50%, the outer tower single gold coin reward is reduced from 300 gold coins to 250 gold coins, and the outer tower health value is reduced from 300 gold coins to 250 gold coins. 3300 increased to 3500.


But the most important thing is here.

The next tower no longer has the [Defense Tower Passive] effect.

Of course, the statement given by Riot Games is: there are a lot of evasive matchups on the field, which is not good.

Of course, Riot has not banned lane swapping.

Just like this change, the next tower is easier to explode than the previous tower. It’s okay, I definitely still support you two running around.

However, the team that takes the initiative to change lanes moves slower than the team that goes to the bottom lane, and is steadily behind the total economy of 650 yuan.


It can be concluded from these two days of training matches that the easiest thing to explode is to go up to the first tower.

It is easy for the two-player lane to face each other normally and choose a normal-strength combination. However, the top lane lane is different. Some people are playing Jace, some are playing Kennen, and some are playing Poppy and Big Tree.

If it becomes a sacrifice position, after 7 or 8 minutes, the outer tower will be in danger as you can imagine.

Although it is not to the level of the S5 World Championship, it still requires excellent consumption methods on the road. Or shake people.

Affected by version trends.

Titan was greatly strengthened (the ultimate move not only knocked him up along the way, but also caused an extra second of stun). Chen Bo was happy for a day, but in the training match, the opponent's opponent consumed Karma's RQ and cleared the line.

The hard assistant suddenly didn't smell so good.

Because it is inconvenient to force your position when guarding the tower.

In the past two days, he has been picking up heroes such as Lulu, Karma, Feng Nu, Zyra, and Morgana.

The day before yesterday, Chen Bo was still depressed about not being able to play hard support, so he heard Qin Hao say: "I'm six, and you guys are only level four in the bottom lane. I'll hit you with a big move, and you can use a Titan to hook in. It should be easy to surpass - how about it?" , my idea."

Makes sense, but not much, it seems.

In the training match, everyone is playing soft support...

Seeing that Team Ping was still thinking, Qin Hao dragged a tactical board placed in the corner, patted Eimy and shouted: "Brother Dan, come here."


MaRin looked at the three of them together with curiosity, not knowing what they were muttering.

"Look, Brother Dan, he will brush down at the beginning, or the three groups in the lower half will help make the river ward. This ward can last for more than four minutes. At this time, if the team is tied, you have to go back to Bo's house to update the ward. , then you exchange blood before, if the Titan is beaten, he will come back after taking a blood bottle. If you can't change, go home and use the blood to consume the opponent's mana. Even if the defense tower is hit, it doesn't matter."

"When I get to six, I'll look for opportunities."

Qin Hao said seriously: "As long as Brother IMP develops well, it doesn't matter if I lose a little. I don't want to be aggressive with my opponent."

PYL was silent.

Why do you always think about them?

Why don't you think about yourself.

No matter what those people outside scolded me, the last hit will always be suppressed, just a piece of cake.

Sometimes after seeing this kind of comments too much, PYL feels aggrieved for PP.

It's not like he was suppressed because he couldn't do basic last-hitting skills.

If Rookie is pressed against him, he really can't beat him, so he's right.

But the reason why other mid laners lag behind in finishing shots is not precisely because of support and defense.

A mid laner who does not absorb monsters to restore blood, in order to support the losing line, or even return to the city early, has to think about leaving two remaining soldiers stuck in the line.

If you fight like this, why do the last-hit statistics look so good?

PYL persuaded tactfully: "I feel like I can play Kalma without having to do this."

"But soft support is not good at resisting towers. If I resist first and then fail to teleport, I may lose two waves of troops."

See he is still calculating these.

PYL added: "Even if you can practice Rock Bird, you can still develop it first."

I don’t understand why Team Ping is so insistent. Qin Hao thinks that soft assistants want to play, but hard assistants are sometimes not bad.

Just as he was about to discuss it, he was frightened by Ping Dui's serious expression.

Qin Hao didn't know what was going on. Did he say the wrong thing?

"I'm sorry. I'm not saying that your soft assistant is not strong enough to beat the opponent in a flat team..."

PYL’s face turned dark.

Okay, okay, I finally spoke my mind!

Of course, he was just joking.

It's not because of the support in the middle lane that they have a bad time in the bottom lane.

Of course it's nice to have someone help, but PYL doesn't want Qin Hao to wrong him too much.

Just clear the lane, isn't it good to hit and do damage?

No mid laner wins all the time.

But if you eat and develop, and if you mess around and do damage, the data will definitely not be too ugly.

Scout played in the Spring Split and rotated with Athena. At that time, EDG lost a lot of games. Did some people call him a loser?


When playing the C position, the audience has to use a magnifying glass to check the last hit and the output ratio.

Who cares how many times you let your eyes slip in this game, how many times you positioned yourself in the jungle, or whether you went on the road and stood on the grass for comfort in the lower half.

If the data doesn’t look good, it just doesn’t look good.

Playing Clockwork to clear the line, the disadvantage is too great, the front row is melted and the output environment is lost. Isn't it good to just wait and lose? Anyway, when I go out and look at the data, I’m either first or second in the team.

The next tower has no defense mechanism, what does it have to do with your mid laner? It would be nice if your mid tower had damage reduction.

"I feel that I can practice Rock Bird quite quickly. This hero is more suitable for me, so..."

PYL looked at Eimy who was stunned next to him.

I just think this guy is lucky.

Whether you can beat the bottom lane or not, the jungler should be more central than the middle lane.

In the spring split, he paired up with IMP and developed a good habit: not calling the jungler to help easily.


Even if you know that the opponent's jungler is there and realize that the opponent wants to fight, you still need to cooperate in counter-crouching.

The price to pay for taking a shot a little slower and trying to pick it up is not small.

"Danzi, you have been listening to me for so long and you don't have any ideas."


Eimy fainted.

I have a lot of ideas, for example, I want to have a midnight snack. But it’s not the right time to mention it now. PP is still optimizing the coordination details.

"Now that the next tower is so important, you haven't thought about how to help?"

"I'm following Brother Hao's command. Don't worry, he asked me to come. I will never be greedy for wild monsters."

Eimy swears by it.

"Yes, we are a team. If you feel comfortable in the bottom lane, so will we." Qin Hao said it more matter of fact.

PYL suddenly didn’t know what to say.

His intentions seemed so dark in front of such natural words.

Is winning or losing more important, or data?

If it's for annual salary or a big contract, it's normal to brush up on data.

The group of people in the First Division are all lone wolves, not just to express themselves and get a chance to try out.


Does the A-League also have teams?

You are in a team, your teammates are in a team, he likes to play singles, likes to play in multiple groups, and likes to be in the limelight, how can you stop him.

Is he trying to win it all?

Stop being funny.

If he is in the limelight, you can go to trial training. If you are not in the limelight, you can go to the screws. Everyone has a bright future.

Qin Hao was still calculating the economy: "One-blood tower, one head, and at least half a wave of soldiers. Damn it, if we handle it well, Brother IMP will have more than 900 yuan."

Qin Hao's eyes widened, "Even if we delay, these 900 yuan are still crucial. If we make a three-piece suit in advance, we can force Dalong."

"Oh!" Eimy exclaimed.

I don’t know what I’m admiring.

"Ping team, eat!" Qin Hao was using his catchphrase.

But PYL is not that happy.

He pressed Qin Hao's shoulder: "From now on, I have to pay for your takeout."

Qin Hao looked at him blankly. The late-night snack is packed, what's going on?

"My time is limited, Dragon King, Rock Bird, Ryze, I should give up Dragon King."

“The new version of Ryze, they all say it’s not powerful, but I feel it’s quite suitable. Although the control has been reduced, the burst has improved a bit. The ultimate is also very powerful. The first-level ultimate has been raised to 1750 yards, and it’s easy to stand against the wall. It can go directly to the stone beetle camp, which is very suitable for grabbing the edge.”

PYL doesn't care about Dragon King or not.

As long as Qin Hao thinks it's appropriate, that's fine.

How to train as a hero?

How can you still cheat when you meet certain heroes that you feel resentful of from the bottom of your heart?

The reason for the instability is that I went to bed too late the day before yesterday, and I didn't sleep during the day yesterday in order to catch up on data. It's okay, now that the schedule has been adjusted, after waiting for 2 days, it will become one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and then one in the evening.

By the way, the first order is 4077. Thank you for your support.

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