They decided to stay at the living room area since it was facing the beach. Henley brought some blankets and pillow. They were squatting on the wooden floor with the center table to put all the beverages they wished to experiment.



hard wines



These are the things placed on the center table. Henley does not know what Sophie wanted to drink for tonight.

"Bro, you have to choose which one of these we will drink." He asked while looking at her. Sophie was not a drinker but occasionally yes.

"Tequila bro I think that will be good." She replied but not sure, as he was staring at her.

"Okay then I will take this away from here because if not maybe we will not able to get up tomorrow and it is not a good thing." He smiled and stood up to take out some liquor that is not for them to drink that night.

He went towards the wine cabinet and placed back the hard wines then beers back to the refrigerator. He grabs some ice and put it into the bowl for them to use. He quickly went back to Sophie who was still spacing out. He understands her most it was not that easy being hurt but he is there for her to ease the pain she felt right now.

"Hey, do not think too much okay." Henley sat down near her as he opened the bottle cap to start their drinking session. "Here take this one for you first." He smiled as he handed it the teaser.

Sophie grabbed it put some salt straight to her mouth then a lemon next. Henley did the same until they reached their third shots before he opened a conversation to Sophie.

"So tell me bro, why were you hurt?" he asked staring at her and she stares back.

Sophie was already a little tipsy and she sighed before she answers the question. "I never thought that being together with Ronald was the worst thing in life. But maybe some of it was my fault I was not good enough for him." she confessed while grabbed another shot. "I saw him that night in his office f*cking in the table with his colleague. I was devastated actually seeing them doing that right in front of my eyes."

She drinks another shot but Henley closed the bottle cap for them to stop drinking. He knows that Sophie was a low tolerance when it comes to liquor.

She leans down her face on the center table facing Henley. "Bro am I not good enough?" she asked while her right hand landed to his face. "Am I not pretty that he can find other woman for his needs?"

Henley stares at her eyes they both were staring at each other in a longer time. Sophie could feel something while she was looking at Henley. Her heart was being indifferent seeing her boy best friend. She feels something weird all of the sudden. Her body was so hot that all the veins were electrifying and it was unusual for her to feel that with Henley. 'Why does she feel it something now even with Ronald she was not like that?' She was thinking maybe this is the first time were staring longer. On the other hand, even talking like this close.

Henley's fingers were brushing her hair that covers on her face as they were staring. He also feels something to her that he could not neglect.

Sophie slowly raised her head up from the table without cutting her eyes off to Henley. They were not blinking, as their faces were slowly closer and closer to each other. She closed her eyes then she felt Henley's lips touching hers. It was a smack first then he captured her lips next. She just closed her mouth but Henley spoke. "Open your mouth my sweet bro." He said.

Sophie did as she told. She opened her mouth and his tongue was exploring her mouth that she kissed back. It was the first time she feels like that to Henley as she goes with the flow of kissing that her arms automatically wrapped to his neck.

They broke the kiss just to catch up their own breathe but still looking at each other's eyes. They knew that the attractions were strong in front of them. It was not just a simple attraction or the tequila in their system but it was something more than that.

Sophie will not deny the feeling she felt with Henley right now or maybe the alcohol inside her system makes her more aggressive feelings. They were friends for many years maybe she did not acknowledge because of the friendship they built long time ago that she do not want to destroy their friendship.

Now, it was different it was more than denying it was disbelieve that ready to explode. 'F*ck that friendship thing.'

She made the first move that makes Henley continue. He kissed her gently to the lips longer exchanged they did. The kiss travelled slowly to her bared neck that makes her more arouse.

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