I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 22 - A fantasy world

Muriel was granted a room in the townhouse, just as she was in the castle. It was smaller, but clean and pretty. Once her things were put away, she went with the princess to a very stylish little cafe to have some pancakes sprinkled with chopped spring fruits. Muriel had wanted to rest, but she was required to do as the princess wished, and the princess wished to be out and about.

After that little meal, Princess Arya wanted to go to a bookstore. Muriel sighed and went with her to that place. Then, once a few books were purchased, it was time to go to the townhouse, but not for a rest. They had to change clothes, put on charming sun hats that were fastened under their chins with ribbons, and go to a horse race. That was very fun, but Muriel was already getting tired.

Lunch was taken in a restaurant. Then they finally went to the townhouse for a rest, but there would be a ball soon, so they needed to rest quickly. Muriel took the greediest nap. Her dreams were repeating memories of the day's events.

Muriel remembered how sometimes people who knew the princess would approach and chat, and how the princess would introduce her to them. She remembered how she thought to herself that these people likely thought they were better than her. She also remembered how bright everything was. It was like a fantasy world.

It was also pretty stressful, but there was nothing to do for it except to adapt. Her sisters lived a similar life, events and flashiness and other nice things. Now it was Muriel's turn.

And hey, it was much better than doing chores.

When Muriel woke up it was time for her first real ball. She wanted to be excited, but she was concerned. What if her mistress would accuse her of outshining her? "How dare you dance with more men than me?!" That sort of thing.

Thankfully, once they were in a dance hall, dressed nicely enough to stop anyone in their tracks, the princess actually encouraged her to make eye contact with certain men and see if she could "trick" them to ask for a dance.

And she danced!

So many men were interested in her, it seemed. The princess even told her, "You're becoming quite popular. It's because of your beautiful face and tasteful figure." Muriel thought that might have been one of the princess' more amiable statements with perhaps some honesty, and that frightened her.

The men were only dancing with her because she was pretty. What other sorts of attention could her appearance gain? What if she ended up rȧpėd and dead in some wealthy man's cellar?

Well, not all **** victims were considered to be pretty, but still!!

Prettiness attracts more people, doesn't it?

Which meant, according to Muriel's logic, she would be that much more likely to encounter a dangerous man.

That's how her mother died, after all, being to close to a dangerous man.

The man she had been having an affair with.

And Muriel's father still forgave her in the end.

"She didn't deserve what happened to her," he had said.

But Muriel still believed that she shouldn't be too eager with men.

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