I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 3 - Burdened father of three daughters

When breakfast was ready, Muriel helped to serve the food to her older sisters and her father. Then she took her serving and sat down with everyone while the servant left to do a few other chores. Muriel was very proud of the toast.

Her father was thinner than he had been last year. His jaw was tight and his eyes were normally deep and worried. However, when he turned to look at Muriel, most of the tension in his body faded and he smiled. "Are you feeling well, Little Ferret?"

Muriel nodded. "I'm fine Papa. Thank you."

"Have your sisters been giving you trouble?"

"I haven't been given anything I can't handle."

Her father's voice sharpened. "Oh? So they have been giving you trouble." Muriel cringed at his next words. They were bitter and directed right at her beautifully dressed sisters. "Your little sister has been slaving herself ragged so you two won't have to give up your dowries! Why would you trouble her?!" He slapped the table so hard that everyone's dishes bounced and jingled. Some food and beverages dotted that table as they partially lurched out of their places.

Both of Muriel's older sisters looked down and accepted the scolding.

Their father's name was Glen Devin, and he was a stressed, somewhat miserable man. He was a merchant who dealt with many overseas goods. Thanks to some very bad luck, he was struggling under great financial burdens. He had to fire all but one of his servants, but he was determined to have his eldest daughters marry well. That meant they had to go to all the flashy parties, wear their most appealing clothing, and meet all the right people.

And they had to keep their dowries safe. While many luxurious things had been sold off, those dowries wouldn't be touched, because a woman needed a dowry to find the best possible marriage. Muriel had only recently become an ȧduŀt, and she hadn't been given a dowry yet, not that her father could afford a grand one at this time. But dear, sweet Glen had sworn on his life that when he was able he would get a dowry for the youngest daughter, perhaps one even finer than her sisters'. Muriel believed him too.

This was a difficult time, but at least they weren't starving.

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