I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 43 - A Summer Flower

Prince Vidar had sent a message with a funny little request. He asked Muriel to wear one of her nicest and frothiest outfits, jewelry and all, even if the gown wasn't properly colored for the autumn season. She could always put a fur stole around herself if she was cold, anyway.

Muriel put on a gown of an intense raspberry red color. There were swirling, looped curls stitched in a white geometric pattern over the edges of the robe part of the gown, along with lace borders. In the back, hanging from the shoulders and trailing down, there was an extra "sack-like" panel of fabric with subtle pleats, giving the dress a mildly distinguished look. There was a small pattern of ruffles on the underskirt, along with little white fabric roses in rows.

Below the lace that came from her sleeves, there were matching bracelets of more lace and simple white ribbons. Her low neckline made room for two necklaces, a lace choker and a low hanging strand of false pearls. Her hairstyle was a bit higher than normal, with stiff curls on each side and a few long locks reaching her collarbone. A black fur stole was hanging over her forearms in case she needed it.

Muriel was walking down a hall, clasping her gloved hands together and looking at the fine seams in the fabric, when she heard a known voice call out, "Oh, Muriel! You're a summer flower this afternoon!"

She looked up, and she saw Princess Arya smiling down at her very nicely. That smile touched her eyes in the right way. Her hands were folded but not tense. Her shoulders were slightly lower than normal, as if there was something lax in her arms.

Muriel knew right then that her ȧssumption was correct. She was meant to play a part for the lonely prince.

She curtsied to the princess, but she was confident as she did it. "My mistress is kind."

"Oh, don't waste any more minutes here. Go on." The princess stepped aside.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Muriel said as she walked on.

When she was up in the hallway of rooms reserved for Prince Vidar, she found the room with the empty bookcase. Inside, there was a wide couch with white upholstery and curved legs. It was set at a slight angle, somewhat facing the bookcase. A basket covered with a blanket was on a table near the couch. There was also a low table with bottled wine, a cork opener, and a glass. Plus, there were a few stacked books and fashion magazines waiting for her eyes.

Muriel hummed a simple tune as she closed the door, locked it, and sat down on the couch. She slipped her gloves off and put them in her ŀȧp. At first, she held the bottle of wine with apprehension in her blue-gray eyes. What if some wine splashed onto the couch's pure white fabric?!

But she bit her pink lip and opened it. Then she shrugged because it turned out fine. She poured some wine into her glass and set the bottle aside. Then she went to the basket. There were cheesy crackers inside. They smelled like happy days.

Muriel talked to herself then. It was almost as if there wasn't anyone watching her.

Lazily looking at one of the magazines, nibbling on the crackers, Muriel put her most innocent thoughts into the air. A sip of wine happened on occasion. Muriel didn't think it was wise to chug wine down like it was nothing.

"Some of these hairstyles are so tall. How can these woman sleep at night?"

"Oh, this is a cheeky little girl."

"The fire's so lovely. If I melted into a puddle, I'd be the happiest puddle in the world."

"If my sisters were here, they'd be quite envious. I have so many luxuries and a surprising amount of leisure time."

Silly thoughts, unimportant thoughts, happy thoughts.

When there were no more crackers, Muriel put her gloves back on, rose, and curtsied, although she didn't know where the peephole was located. "Thank you very much, Your Highness."

She left everything in the room.

When Muriel was in her bedchamber, she admired her reflection for a long time. Even with the rouge taken into consideration, her face was very rosy. Her lips seemed fuller and softer than she last remembered. Her eyes were a bit sleepy looking.

Muriel blinked, looked down, and tugged on her gloves' fingers.

Those thoughts were too daring. It would be best to avoid them.

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