I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 45 - The first touch

"Your Highness, you might as well have told me that you like or dislike winter. This information hasn't harmed me, but it doesn't have much weight in it." That last bit was a lie. Muriel did like that he thought she was beautiful.

"I ... I'm sorry?"

"Lately, compliments towards my appearance have been as common as soil, and much easier to produce."

"Oh, I suppose you're right ... but what I mean is ... Miss ...?"

Muriel shook her head a little and said, "Oh Your Highness, I do love these conversations, but I wish you'd be swift and direct.

"I wish I could touch you!"

"Oh." Muriel's belly felt like it was curdling, but she thought she needed to pretend she wasn't affected. "I didn't know you were unable to touch me." She even faked a small chuckle. "You could slap me quite easily."

Sudden ... smooth warmth, it made Muriel gasp.

Above the ropes keeping her wrist in place, she felt a single fingertip. It seemed normal.

Muriel inhaled and swallowed her moment of astonishment. Then she smiled. "There, you've touched me."

His voice ... it was closer than normal. She thought goosebumps were forming on her throat. "Is this fine?"

"Oh no," Muriel flatly replied, "I'm being violated. How will I ever recover? When you're finished I'll have no recourse but to leap off the cliff."

She heard and almost felt the prince cough his laughter away. "You're a very tolerating sort of woman."

"And you're a very tolerating sort of man. I know I can be a burden."

The fingertip slid perhaps an inch up her arm. It was fairly pleasant. Muriel had to ignore a fluttering in her heart. "I don't know if you're humble or polite," said the prince. The fingertip rose and went off to the dark world Muriel couldn't perceive.

As Prince Vidar stayed near her, discussing some innocent little topic that wasn't very important, a single hand went right over Muriel's gloved one, the right one. Then, Muriel felt something she didn't think would ever come.

Smooth and hot, like a gentle stamp, it went to her forehead.

And the prince moved back and said, "You're important to me, terribly so."

Muriel wanted to ask if he'd just kissed her, but she was afraid that he'd feel insulted. She only said, "My lord is far too kind."

"Maybe that's true. I can't say, but I know I'm happy that you're here." Muriel heard him step away. "But I should leave you now."

She nodded. "Yes, Sir. Thank you."

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