I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 49 - The next step

She wasn't wearing a tight corset. She had on quilted jumps and a loose shirt over that. She felt terribly under dressed as Doctor Bergson walked her to Prince Vidar's quarters. If he took any offense over her attire, however, then he didn't show it.

Inside the Empty Room, Muriel sat down on the couch and enjoyed the glowing fireplace. Her snack consisted of crispy curled wafers filled with fruit. Her beverage was water lightly flavored by flower petals.

She bent down and slowly, revealing only an inch at a time, pulled her skirts up to her knees. Then she pushed her expensive little shoes away from her feet. She crossed her legs rather flamboyantly, and she untied one of her garters. At first, as she rolled the stocking away, her leg was cooled by the air, but the fire lulled the flesh. When that was was bȧrė, she crossed her legs in the opposite manner and repeated her steps with the other limb.

With her legs indecently displayed, Muriel picked up a magazine and started chatting to nobody, even though she knew she was a source of amusement. She put a wafer to her nose and relished its fresh aroma.

Did the prince enjoy this sight? What was he doing behind the walls?

Muriel had to be careful with her legs. She was starting to feel loose and happy, almost like she had been drinking too much wine. If she wasn't careful, she might accidentally show off something too ... too ...

Well ... women didn't normally wear drawers as men did.

Discipline would be very excellent here. If he saw that part of her ...

He might ...

She would have wiped at herself, but she was being watched.

And damn ... Muriel wanted to dig under her jumps and chemise to find one of her brėȧsts so she could do something about how her nɨppŀės were aching.

Well ... if she was being honest with herself, she would have thought that the prince would only be delighted if she began touching certain parts of her own body.

But all she did was talk and talk about absolutely nothing engaging while she ate, drank, and read.

When she was out of food, Muriel pushed her legs back into her stockings and tied them up. Then she put on her shoes and curtsied. "Thank you so much for your time, Your Highness."

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