I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 68 - A life made beautiful

Muriel was eager as she waited for Prince Vidar to walk into the spot between her and the fireplace in the Empty Room. She was grinning. If she hadn't been tied to the chair, she would have bounced in her seat like an excited child.

A large palm slowly and lightly went over her cheek. "Muriel, I don't know what to say to you." There was absolutely nothing that could be called negative in his voice, but he did sound a little breathy.

"Do you need to say anything?" Muriel said as her ċhėst puffed out a bit.

"No ... but I feel as though I should." His fingers drummed on her face. It almost tickled. "Sometimes I wonder if you've gone mad, but I don't want to believe that."

"If I've gone mad, then it's all your doing. You've turned my life into something more beautiful than anything I had imagined, and I don't even know what you look like. This heavy impairment should have destroyed your abilities, but that's simply not true." Muriel turned her head towards the man's palm and she kissed it. "Are we lovers now?"

"I ... I suppose so."

"I've never had a lover before. It's quite thrilling. What comes next?"

The hand moved away from her face. "Hmmm ... I don't know. I haven't had a lover in ... well ... a long time."

"Ohhhh ... I imagine you were very popular!!"

Husky laughter fluttered against her face. "I don't know. I just did what I wanted to do, but I tried to be reasonable about it."

"You're not being reasonable now," Muriel said. She could hear her own childishness. It made her want to laugh too.

"Hm? Explain."

"You haven't kissed me once since you arrived. That's not reasonable at all. I should have a kiss."

"You funny little girl."

She got her kiss. She enjoyed it, bathed under it, and she hoped there would be more.

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