I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 72 - The perfect treat for the season

"Why is there a tray of food here?" Muriel asked the doctor.

It was on a small table a foot or so away from the chair and the cushion on the floor. A handwritten note had been folded and left on the table. It read, "Please don't lift the lid. This is meant to be a surprise." There was a bottle of wine and a glass too.

Doctor Bergson shrugged at the tray. His green eyes were completely blasé. "His Highness must have something for you. I wouldn't look inside."

Muriel was concerned, but only a little, and she happily let the doctor set her up for Prince Vidar. Then she waited for all the familiar noises and voices to go on. Finally, when she felt Prince Vidar sitting on the cushion near her, Muriel asked, "What's under the lid?"

"Food," the prince replied quite simply.

"Well, I suppose that's to be expected, isn't it? Why is it here?"

"Hmmmm." For a moment, he ċȧrėssed her right under her chin with the side of a finger. "I love to watch you eat, particularly when you're enjoying the tastes and textures."

Muriel's lower belly flared up in a pleasant way as she smiled. "Oh, you want to feed me by hand?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

The clinking of metal against metal tickled her ears. Prince Vidar was already removing the lid.

"Oh, this is so riveting," Muriel said as her fingers happily wiggled. She accidentally grazed the long cord that was attached to the emergency bell. She had never tugged on that cord, and she didn't think she might ever do so. The rich, sweet aromas of all the food filled up her nose. "Hmmmmmm!!"

"Can you figure out what this is?" he asked as he held something warm to her lips.

Muriel opened her mouth and accepted the treat. Crispy batter with dried currants, covered in powdered sugar. And inside, there was something crisp yet juicy!! After she swallowed, she asked, "Is this an apple fritter?"

"Yes. How's the flavor?"

"Divine! The perfect treat for the season! I'd love to eat this near a bonfire."

"A bonfire at night, of course," he said as he put another fritter to her mouth. "With music and dancing."

"So divine!"

A moment later, when she was done with her second fritter, a new thing went to her lips. There seemed to be a spoon containing it.

Soft grains, sweet syrup, raisins, fruits.

Muriel swallowed. "Is this a boiled pudding?"

"Correct, Muriel. It a little pudding just for you."

Like a dog or a cat, Muriel licked her lips. "Oh, that's wonderful. It's a dessert for a party."

"With wine and laughter and glittering smiles," Vidar said. "Are you thirsty?"

"I'd like a sip, yes."

Tink! The spoon was laid down. Pop! The bottle was opened. Then liquid being poured into another vessel, the glass. He held the rim to her lips so she could take her portion.

"There, would you like the next one?"

Muriel nodded. "Yes, thank you."

This time, it was something small. First, there was a paste with an almond flavor. Then there was something underneath that, a rich but still tender bit of cake. "Hmm!!" She tried to clean her teeth with her tongue. "What is that?"

"You don't know?"

She shook her head. "I've not a whit of an idea."

"It's a small white cake with a marzipan coating."

"Ohhhh ... that's a lovely thing! It should be served at a wedding!"

"It was a popular wedding dessert some years ago," the prince said thoughtfully, "but I don't know what's popular today."

"My sisters are betrothed," Muriel said. "I'll have to attend their weddings. I wonder if my father will able to afford such a dessert."

"Don't worry over that, Muriel. Try this."

Next was something soft with whipped cream on top. Muriel adored it. She even trembled as if she had been sitting in ice water. "I know what that is! Sponge cake with whipped cream!"

"Cake and whipped cream is one of your favorite desserts, isn't it?"

"Of course!"

"Ah, I'm glad. I have a few more."

There were a few more moments where Prince Vidar hand fed his little guest with the rest of the desserts, taking time to give her wine when it was needed. At some point, a bit of cream stubbornly remained just outside of her lips.

Then hot, wet heat with a masculine hum.

A tongue!

Prince Vidar had licked and suċkėd the cream right off of her. Muriel giggled and asked if there were any other "parts" that had cream on them.

"No," he said, "but I can't imagine the lack of cream would deter you. You're such a sweet girl."

And a moment or so later, Muriel had an erection pressing past her lips. She was fine with that, more than fine.

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