I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 78 - Desperately in love

Muriel's feet were light, and she walked ahead of Doctor Bergson for a change. She was smiling. She was ready. Whatever Prince Vidar wanted her to do, she'd do it. Anything he dėsɨrėd, anything she could possibly do, she'd do it. That's how badly she wanted him to come out of this miserable state.

Inside the Empty Room, Muriel skipped her way to the chair. She happened to notice that the doctor was smiling down at her. He reminded her of her father when he was feeling indulgent. He tied her ankles and wrists in their places. He tied the blindfold on her head. He asked her if she was comfortable.

"I'm fantastic, Sir."

"Very good, then." She heard him go to the door, open it, walk out of the room, and then close that door.

Muriel started humming as Prince Vidar made his typical noisy entrance. She was whistling when he knocked on the door to signal the doctor, who then said, "That's fine. I'm off."

The door's sliding lock sounded heavy, but Muriel was used to that.

The cushion was on Muriel's left this time. She had seen it before, and that was where Prince Vidar's comfy warmth and soft breath settled down.


She stopped whistling. "Good afternoon, Vidar! Are you well?"

"I ... I can't answer accurately that."

Her head leaned a bit towards his voice. "Oh, are you ill? That breaks my heart, truly. Have you asked the kind doctor for a remedy?"

His long fingers lightly folded over her gloved left hand. "Muriel, listen. I need to be sincere and open. I need to tell you the truth."

Muriel's lips scrunched only for a moment as she held back a pinch of laughter. "Yes, that's fine. Go on."

Lips on her ear.

She quivered and murmured, "Ohhhh, that's so lovely." Her thɨġhs squeezed together as her womanhood clenched at the memory of his touch.

Hushed, fond, Vidar's voice rolled into her.

"Muriel, please forgive me. I've fallen desperately in love with you."

Her lips parted. Her toes and fingers tingled. "You ... you have?"

"I'd never lie about that." He didn't sound offended. He sounded like he wanted to melt into her, let her body absorb him like cream into flesh.

"Vidar ... I ... I wish I could put my arms around you!" Her arms uselessly tugged and shook. The hand on hers tightened.

"Aren't you meant to give me your feelings?" the prince asked.

"Well, of course. I'm in love with you too, but isn't it obvious?!"

He gasped as he drew back. His hand slid away. "I ȧssumed you'd be loyal at the very least, but you also love me?"

"You watch me so often, but you couldn't understand that simple fact? Have you been eating lead?" She turned her head so her hidden eyes and hopeful lips could face him. "You poor, dear man. I've loved you for ... oh I don't know how long."

"Oh ... my Dearest!!"

A kiss then, a passionate kiss that felt like climbing, then falling, then splashing into a hot pool of comfort.

Vidar moved back, his lips popping off of hers. Then he rushed out so many endearments with light kisses between them. Rose Bud, kiss. Little Star, kiss. Sweet Cream, kiss. On and on. Muriel lost count.

But he soon put an end to that, and he whispered to her, "Muriel, would you please marry me?"

"Huh?" That was all she could think of to say at that moment.

"Marry me, Muriel." A kiss on her cheek. "Please be my wife."

"Is that what you need me to do in order for you to go out to the public?"

"Oh?" She felt him affectionately scratch the back of her head. Muriel nearly purred at the feeling. As Vidar gave her his lovely little scrapes, he said, "How can I find the strength to face the world without you by my side?" But his fingers paused in her hair, and he sighed against her throat. There was a whimper. "Muriel?"

"Yes? What is it?"

"I'm frightened."

Muriel tried to nuzzle him, but his face was too far away. She made a little huff of a sound and asked, "Oh, why are you frightened?"

"When you see me ... you might run away and never let me have you again. And ... and ..." He sniffed up something that was probably cold and hot at the same time. "If that happens, I might let the sea take me."

Shaking her head very quickly, Muriel told him, "No! Absolutely not! After everything that's happened, how could I run away?" Her shoulders jerked a bit. "The only problem I see is the idea of you marrying a commoner." Aristocrats and commoners have been marrying for centuries, but it was rare for a member of the royal family to marry anyone without a noble title. Most people thought it was an unwise thing to do. "But, I'll still marry you." she said. "I'd never refuse you."

"Muriel ... my perfect little Rose Bud!"

More kisses.

Prince Vidar told her that when night came he would be waiting in the Empty Room for her to come.

And there, she'd be allowed to see him.

Muriel was so thrilled.

One seemingly insignificant moment stayed in her brain, though. She felt one of his fingers lightly run back and forth over her blindfold, ċȧrėssing her eyelids, as he spoke.

"I've never seen your eyes, or rather, not close enough to see their color. What color are they?"

"Blue-gray," she answered.

"Ah ... the sea during winter. That's a wonderful color."

Muriel imagined he was looking forward to seeing her eyes in the daylight, but she did wonder why their first meeting without a blindfold would have to be at night.

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