I Love You, My Cursed Prince

Chapter 8 - Meeting the princess

When the woman stood before Muriel on the first floor, she looked down at her. She was quite tall. Muriel curtsied and said in a very mannerly way, "Good morning, Madam."

The woman nodded. While her black hair was in a tight coiffure, two locks were allowed to fall down her neck and over her collar. Those locks shifted and gleamed when she nodded. "Are you Muriel Devin?"

"Yes, Madam."

The woman had a lower lip that was thicker than the upper, and both were painted red. Her dark brown eyes were stern with lines underneath. Her cheeks were high. Her nose was fairly thin except for the nostrils, which were soft and a little wider. She seemed quite judgmental yet dignified. "Your sisters are Evelyn and Sarana, correct?"


"Then why do you have the same tone as a worn dish rag?" There was a hint of anger in her words, but only a hint.

Muriel didn't take offense from her question. Compared to her sisters, Muriel knew she'd certainly be more grim to look at. She kept her form calm and replied, "I've never deceive you."

The woman sighed as if she was suddenly fatigued, but her back was straight. "Do you know who I am?"

"Some conjecture is in my mind, Madam."

"I'll tell you who I am, then. Princess Arya Shirma, mother of the two princes of this nation."

Muriel curtsied again. "It's a pŀėȧsurė to meet you, Your Highness."

"You'll know if it was a pŀėȧsurė or not as time passes." Curtly, she turned herself around. Her shoes thumped against the colorful rug. "Radine!"

A wrinkled yet lively woman hurried down the same path the princess had taken. When she was right beside the princess, she curtsied and said, "Yes, Mistress?"

"This is Muriel Devin. She's hoping to be my companion. Show her to her room."

"Right away." The wrinkled woman turned to smile at Muriel. She had graying red hair and a gentle little buŧŧon nose. "Good morning, Dear. I'm Radine Cardon. I'm the head housekeeper here." As she spoke to Muriel, the princess wordlessly walked off to some place. Muriel didn't know where. "I'm going to take you to your room," continued Radine, "is that alright?"

"Yes, Madam," Muriel said.

She was led upstairs and off to a place she might never be able to find on her own, several stories upwards.

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