Welcome to Spread World Online.

Here's a summary of some basic information about the game.

If you have any questions or concerns about the progress of the game, check them out.

-How to play this work

Increase your stats by increasing your race level, job level. Your world will grow wider and wider with your status rising. Please enjoy this world freely.

· Race

Man, beast man, dwarf, elf. In addition to these four races, there are various other minority races.

The race level will drop, but if you can find 'Rebirth Quest' and take it, you can reincarnate it into another race.

· Pedigree level

The race level is less likely to rise than the job level. When the level rises by 1, 5 points are automatically assigned to the status based on the race characteristics and 10 points of status (hereinafter SP) are added. You will also get more points that can be automatically sorted each time you go up 10 levels.


Increase Level Status

1 to 10 | 5

11-20 | 10

21-30 | 15

31-40 | 20


Changes can be made in temples, churches, etc.

Basic positions freely changeable no matter what status you are in. A junior position that is released based on status. A combination of basic and lower positions or intermediate positions that are liberated by meeting the conditions. And there are senior positions that are liberated by combining them. There are other jobs that can only be liberated under special conditions, jobs that can be liberated by being recognized for certain merits, etc. Even if you do not meet your status or criteria, you can change jobs by apprenticing Spurs (NPCs) who are making the job you want to be the main job. Maximizing and mastering the job level will allow you to change the job yourself without having to go to the temple or church. (Not allowed during battle)


You can use the job skills for the job you are setting for a subjob. Unlike the main job, I don't get any experience. So you should set up a mastered job. Exceptionally, however, only Adventurer jobs earn Experience even if you have them set to Sub-Jobs.

-Job level

In addition to combat, the level is increased by doing what is right for the job. When the level increases, you get an increase in status and an SP. Bonuses are added to the SP when the level is a multiple of 5. The status increase and bonus SP are set as follows:

Job Rating | Increased Status | Bonus SP

Basic Positions | 1 | 5

Junior Positions | 2 | 10

Intermediate Position | 5 | 10

Senior Position | 10 | 10

Note, however, that there are jobs that do not apply to this.

When the job level rises to a certain level, you learn job skills. Job skills are skills that can only be used while you are setting up a job. Skill level does not exist.

· Skills

Skills may be remembered by in-game behavior or by using items. You may evolve into another skill when your skill level increases. Try different behaviors.

· Skill Frame

The initial number is five, but it increases by going ahead with the game. The more skills that are set at the same time, the less experience you get with each skill, so think about it and set it.


Titles are given when special conditions are met.

There exists what works for the title itself and what skills are available. Look for them because they often both have powerful powers.


You can change gear from the gear on the menu. It is also possible to change gear due to other actions. When changing gear from the menu, the size of the gear is automatically adjusted to match the player's body. If you want to use a lot of gear, we recommend changing it from a menu that will be resized first.


You can organize a party from the party organization in the menu. The maximum number of people in one party is six. Be aware that the experience gained and items multiplied by negative corrections when fighting monsters without partying with multiple people.


You can send a friend application from a friend on the menu. You can search by name and select from the players around you. Players who become friends will be able to check online and offline from their friends list, as well as make friend emails and friend calls.

The friends list displays the player's current race and job.

* * * Important * * *

· About sensory settings

Sensory settings are 30% output by default.

You can experience a brighter world by increasing output. Note, however, that the pain in the game will also rise as output rises. It's suppressed to 40% of the pain humans can endure, so putting the output at 100% won't make it exactly the same pain as it is in real life, as in traditional games. It is also equipped with a limiter function that lowers the pain level to the upper limit and develops state abnormalities such as stunning and confusion if battle damage results in pain exceeding the upper limit. Condition anomalies can be cancelled with probability by MND, LUK numbers.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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