
Fang Bai's last rigorous words made Su Youpeng pause for a moment, and he almost forgot what he was going to say. He hesitated for a while before he remembered.

"Stop talking about this, boss, are there really extraordinary people in the Gnoll tribe?"

Fang Bai nodded when he heard this.

"There should be. Even if not, then this jackal warrior should have been exposed to extraordinary beings for a long time. Otherwise, he would never have performed so well when he faced my momentum just now."

Fang Bai's tone was very sure, and he continued.

"Isn't this normal? If the jackal dared to do this without Chaofan, he would have been wiped out by the nobles long ago.

Although nobles are not good people, the caravan is probably theirs.

They would not let the gnolls who dared to plunder their caravan exist.

So the only explanation is that clearing this gnoll tribe requires paying a certain price, plus my previous feelings.

So it must have extraordinary power.

Right. "

Fang Bai said with a smile to the aboriginal caravan next to him. The caravan captain named Redding smiled politely and did not dare to make any comments.

Fang Bai smiled and continued to move forward. After that, he sat on the bullock cart and closed his eyes to relax.

His eyes were slightly closed, but his mind sank directly into the fantasy space.

Looking at more than a hundred jackals, Fang Bai smiled slightly.

A moment later, an ordinary jackal appeared on Fang Bai's dissecting table.

One Gnoll followed one after another, and soon the Gnoll Warrior was also lying on the planing table.

After all the dissections were completed and he had a detailed understanding of its internal structure, Fang Bai pondered slightly.

"Human-like structure, but the bones are thicker, the lungs are stronger, and the heart is not on the left side of the chest, but on the belly."

Fang Bai looked at the complete structure of the Jackal and analyzed the transmission and stacking sequence of the Jackal's power in the muscles bit by bit.

Analyze the direction of muscle movement and some small details of the Jackal's attack, dodge, escape and other actions.

Finally, analyze the vital points and weak points that the Jackal can kill with one hit.

Finally, summarize the advantages and disadvantages of the gnoll's body structure and make comments.

Finally, an anatomy notebook was stored in a newly created section of the bookshelf.

During the game, Fang Bai slowly opened his eyes

Next to him, Su Youpeng was still earnestly telling the players next to him that these jackals were indeed retributive, but he added an additional adjective.

Bully the weak and fear the strong!

"I tell you, the jackal has always been the jackal, but you have not always been escorted by extraordinary beings.

If you do it by yourself, it will be fine if you lose your life. If you also lose the goods, it will be lost due to serious fault.

The company can fine you to death. "

After listening to his words, Fang Bai looked forward.

It hadn't been long, but the body structure of the jackal no longer had any secrets in Fang Bai's eyes.

Fang Bai could even understand the Wolfman better than the Wolfman himself.

It is possible to use one hundred and thirty-eight cuts to merely inflict skin trauma on a jackal, or to kill a jackal instantly with just one cut.

After analyzing the Jackal's muscles, Fang Bai no longer had any secrets about the Jackal's movements.

Based on the muscle condition of the Jackal, Fang Bai could tell at a glance what actions the Jackal made and how powerful their movements were. Even if the Jackal made fake movements, it would be useless. The appearance of the muscles must be the most realistic.

As long as Fang Bai pays attention, he can always know the Jackal's movements one step ahead. At this stage, Fang Bai can dodge at will, or attack key power transmission nodes to directly defeat the power and make the Jackal lose all resistance.

Fang Bai tapped his fingers lightly on the armrest of the bullock cart, thinking quietly.

He has never been good at fighting.

But sometimes he had to fight, so Fang Bai had to develop a fighting method that suited him.

Regarding fighting, Fang Bai feels that his greatest advantage is his calmness, the ultimate calmness, as if he is a spectator.

Although this kind of calmness will not be like ordinary people who are too excited and can't think of anything when they are nervous, causing them to constantly regret not performing well afterwards.

But there is no way to enter a real fighting state and maintain a calm fighting spirit amidst the fanatical and passionate fighting spirit. The combination of fanaticism and calmness can produce a combat effectiveness of 200% or 300%.

Therefore, Fang Bai could only use his advantages as much as possible.

Since you are calm, take advantage of your calmness to the extreme.

This dissection method was Fang Bai's idea.

Since you are calm, use extreme calmness to analyze the enemy's every move from the most scientific perspective, using data, structure, physics, and biology.

To dodge, stop, or attack.

"Those who are really good at fighting don't need to think so much. They can show the strongest fighting state and the strongest fighting skills by being reckless.

Terrifying combat intuition can kill everything in an instant, that is combat talent. "

Fang Bai shook his head slightly.

"I'm still not good at it."


Su Youpeng looked at Fang Bai strangely.



Su Youpeng nodded, a little strange, what did he just hear?

Fang Bai seems to be saying that he is not good at fighting?

I must have heard it wrong.

Su Youpeng shook his head to get rid of the thoughts he just had, while Fang Bai closed his eyes and followed the faint connection in his mind to the lord's stone tablet.

Remote projection!

"Projection is awesome."

Fang Bai, who was condensing in front of the stone tablet, was quite emotional. He called Zhang Zhong and told him not to advance to the elite level before he started to deal with some things that happened in the territory.

Ultra-remote online processing of work.

After finishing the work, Bai opened his eyes again and looked at the road ahead.

Ever since he met the Jackal Warrior, Fang Bai felt that the prying eyes along the way were basically gone. Occasionally, they would pass by quickly. No one dared to stare at Fang Bai, and no one dared to show obvious malice.

"They are probably related to each other. The previous gnolls should have informed the gnolls or other alien races and beasts on the entire road."

Fang Bai looked forward.

There were no alien races or monsters to disturb him, and Fang Bai felt warm and pure.

There was no words all the way, and soon Fang Bai and his party finally approached the Red Maple City area five days after setting off.

Seeing the road gradually widening and the number of pedestrians and caravans gradually increasing, Su Youpeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally we're here."

After speaking, Su Youpeng said to Fang Bai.

"This must be the first time the boss has left Bagh Town, right?"

"Well, yes, this is the first time. By the way, is Bage Town so far from Red Maple City?

Why go all the way to build a town? Communication is so difficult and dangerous. "

Fang Bai was a little puzzled, but he heard Su Youpeng say.

"Bage Town is relatively close. It only takes five days. Do you know how long it takes to reach the farthest place, Mr. Dead Leaf Town?"

Fifteen days, at least fifteen days' journey to Red Maple City. As for why it is so far away, I don't know. "

In the sound of Su Youpeng's words, the team got closer and closer, and gradually, a city gate tower came into view.

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