I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 121 Refining the body into steel

"Is the Bright Library here?"

Fang Bai was a little confused, but Kaiming shook his head, opened the door and led Fang Bai in.

It was not the alien space library that Fang Bai had imagined, nor was it a teleportation channel. It was just an ordinary prayer church, with a divine emblem at the front, and rows of prayer seats below the divine emblem.

"Sit down and I'll help you start the ceremony."

Kai Ming asked Fang Bai to sit down in the first row. Seeing that Fang Bai still had some doubts, he said aloud.

"The Library of Light exists in the kingdom of my god. If you want to enter the Library of Light, in addition to meeting the conditions, another requirement is for a priest to complete a designated ceremony.

This ceremony can also be completed by ordinary church members, but it is more troublesome. It will be much easier if it is completed by a clergy. "

After speaking, Kaiming faced the divine emblem and began to pray. During the prayer process, white pure power continued to rise from his body.

This power is like fire and light, like a combination of the two, giving people a sacred and warm feeling.

But beneath the warmth, there is also a fiery intensity.

This was a kind of power that Fang Bai had never felt before. It seemed to be the same as the fighting spirit in his body, but it seemed completely different.

Just when Fang Bai sensed it, the ceremony was coming to an end, and a beam of light on the divine emblem enveloped Fang Bai.

The next moment, a picture appeared out of thin air in front of Fang Bai.

The armored cultist turned into a bloody blade and rushed towards Fang Bai.


The upper body of the cultist was completely smashed, and it was clearly a silent pantomime, but the deafening gunfire seemed to ring in the ears of Kai Ming and Fang Bai.

Until now, Kai Ming's mouth twitched when he saw this shot.

This power is probably no more than the magical power of elite priests.

As Fang Bai looked at this picture, an idea came to his mind.

"Extract my memories directly? No, that's not right, my memories are all in the first person and cannot be in the third person.

This is more like deducing or re-enacting what happened at that time based on some traces on my body. "

While Fang Bai was thinking, wisps of white light appeared on the screen, completely blocking the screen.

"This is the protection given to you by the gods. In the future, any directional props and rituals used by cultists to "kill this cultist" will not be able to target you.

Other astrologers and prophetic spells cannot predict this event unless they break through the blockade under the crown. "

As soon as Kai Ming finished speaking, he felt a door slowly opening in the void in front of him. As he subconsciously stepped forward, Fang Bai felt that his mind had entered another world.

This is a world made entirely of bookshelves. Fang Bai feels that he can return his mind to his body with just a thought. In this state, he can also feel his body. There is no danger at this moment.

Fang Bai immediately appeared on the bookshelf.

In the small hall, Kai Ming was waiting quietly. Suddenly, a middle-aged man wearing a white gold-rimmed robe came over. Kai Ming hurriedly greeted him.

"Is this the Blacksmith Extraordinary you mentioned before?"

"Yes, he has entered the Library of Light now."

"Bright Library"

Baipao looked at Fang Bai and said these words. He hesitated for a moment and then shook his head.

"Forget it, there is still time, we will talk about it later. Besides, since he is here, you can rest today.

You don’t have many friends, so have fun with him. We’ll talk about that later.

Don't tell him first, so as not to make him happy in vain. "

"Okay, thank you Master, I was just thinking about asking for leave."

Kaiming was immediately happy, but then he smiled apologetically.

"But Master, you can't let Fang Bai treat you with this expense again and again. What if Fang Bai looks down on me and thinks I'm a freeloader?"

Bai Pao looked at Kai Ming and was slightly silent. After a moment, he reluctantly threw Kai Ming a few gold coins.

"Thank you, Master!"

Kai Ming's words were extremely sincere, but Fang Bai felt a little disappointed at this moment.

He thought it was a physical library, so Fang Bai planned to come over and use Fantasy Space to scan it while he went home and read it slowly.

But it turned out that it was an online library and couldn’t be scanned at all!

Putting aside his thoughts of being clever, Fang Bai gradually calmed down and took his time to look.

Although you can only see books that match the credit and are included downwards, there is still a sea of ​​bookshelves here that seems endless.

Fang Bai flipped through the index and walked between bookshelves one after another. When his hand touched a specific book, he would get a piece of introductory information and the credits that needed to be consumed.

"Three-ring fireball spell model and detailed explanation of spell casting."

"Fire attribute spell."

Fang Bai put his hand on the book, and a message and a number immediately appeared in his mind.


Fang Bai felt his contribution, that is, his contribution value.


“The third ring is probably the pinnacle of the professional level.

Can you get two spell models of the same level by killing a cultist at the peak of his professional level? I wonder if the 100 points of contribution do not include the credit for preventing the cult ritual. "

"I have opened up the reputation of the Church of Light. Can I enter the reputation store?"

Fang Bai couldn't help but have this idea in his mind. He looked at each bookshelf one by one. Fang Bai was very greedy for every book on it. Unfortunately, he could only see the title of the book. Even if there was an introduction, the information available in it could not be seen. Not much.

After a while, Fang Bai was dazzled by shopping.

I want this, I want that, I look at my wallet.

No, you don't want either.

After a long while, Fang Bai slowly broke away from this state, glanced at the bookshelf with nostalgia, and then turned the index to the page about the body tempering technique.

With a flash of his body, Fang Bai appeared in another bookshelf area. Looking at the still huge number of books, Fang Bai immediately filtered them according to the index.

Gold element. Professional level.

After several rounds of screening and the number of books was significantly reduced, Fang Bai started looking for them.

After a moment, Fang Bai was attracted by a book of exercises.

Looking at the introduction of this exercise, Fang Bai hesitated slightly, wrote it down, and continued browsing.

There are many techniques here, all kinds of them, some of which make Fang Bai feel his imagination is wide open.

However, while watching it, Fang Bai always recalled that skill unconsciously in his mind and could not get rid of it for a long time.

After hastily going through all the selected exercises, Fang Bai returned to the exercise book again.

"Refining the body into steel."

"Introduction: Refining the body into steel."


These four short words firmly attracted Fang Bai.

As if destined, Fang Bai slowly pulled out the book.


A piece of information emerged in my mind, and then the remaining contribution value changed from 100 to 21.

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