
One person shouted in a low voice, and as soon as he finished speaking, they all evacuated.

And tens of seconds later, the installed catapult was launched instantly.


Bang! Bang!


The package that was projected was penetrated before it hit the ground. In an instant, yellow and white things were scattered all over the sky. When an extraordinary person came out to check in anger,

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Three rocket launchers missed the wall of the manor, and the explosion of two rocket launchers swept the extraordinary person inside instantly.

Without checking the results, the player who fired the cannon directly wiped his neck and committed suicide without any hesitation.

The next moment, the elite transcendent fell next to them, but he could only look at a few corpses and raged helplessly.

Manor after manor, shop after shop, team after team of zero-level players who committed suicide, some succeeded, some failed, the data was reported level by level and summarized level by level.

"Commander-in-Chief, this is today's report. A total of ninety-eight operations were carried out, and the purpose of harassment was achieved.

Twenty-one of them were successful, killing two extraordinary beings and seventeen ordinary soldiers.

However, with the martial law in Red Maple City, it has become increasingly difficult to deliver supplies into the city.

In addition, the supplies for dispensing gunpowder in the city have also been controlled and are difficult to obtain. "

"Don't worry, as long as the brothers' resurrection point is not leaked, there will be no problem in the city.


It’s not that I look down on them. A port city, a medieval port city, talk to me about control.

In the next life, the public relations team will strengthen the public relations of the gangs and the city defense army, and take a multi-pronged approach.

The structure of the aristocracy inherently determines that they cannot be united.

Don't talk about them, we can't do it.

In addition, these nobles cannot hold on for long, but they decide when to start the war, and we have the final say when to stop.

At least one of the masters must be left behind. "

The young player said coldly.

“On the bait side, whether they bite the bait or not, you have to be ready at all times.”


In reality, in front of a huge sand table, this pale young player kept giving instructions one after another.

Under his control, the player coalition composed of more than a dozen guilds is like a huge and sophisticated machine, interlocking with each other and operating efficiently.

The perspective returns to the game, and gunpowder is quickly prepared in simple workshops located in wilderness areas.

Raw materials come in and gunpowder comes out.

However, what they did not notice was that after a batch of charcoal was transported into the simple workshop, an invisible eagle eye watched the simple workshop from above.

The eagle eye watched as the charcoal was prepared into gunpowder, put into gunpowder bags and transported away, and then directly distributed to the hands of team after team of players.

The huge eagle eyes watched this scene, but did not take action against these workshops or players. It just traced the locations of each workshop bit by bit based on the magic marks on the materials.

Watch the flow of these gunpowder, and some are quietly transported into a base.

"City Lord, two professional-level extraordinary people were killed on the spot today, and one extraordinary person who was seriously injured before died."

A guard wearing heavy armor said, his tall body kneeling on the ground respectfully, not daring to raise his head.

At the conference table in front of him, the five nobles looked a little ugly.

During this period, both economic and human losses were very heavy.

The cessation of external trade made many nobles in the city complain, and some even blamed them.

If that's all, that's all. As long as the masters survive, their status is unshakable. Even if everyone else dies, their family can still maintain its status.

It's just that they themselves feel that they are riding a tiger in a difficult situation.

Players who have died many times are weak and can be easily killed by anyone.

But there are no restrictions on their resurrection, and it seems that they can be resurrected anywhere, killing them endlessly, and still causing constant harassment.

And no matter how they kill these players, they maintain a high fighting spirit, and even become more and more energetic as they kill.

And all the plans to hire players and target players with players came to nothing.

Players who were originally in contact and who received benefits have all severed contact.

And although they can now easily recruit a large number of players who are willing to help them, the money is often given out without any news, and they run away after taking the money.

It seemed that overnight, these players, whether they had hatred for each other or were strangers to each other, began to refuse contact with them.

And there is no morality whatsoever.

They take money when they are given, but they don't do any work. They mainly engage in prostitution for free.

They were still too hasty.

However, although they understood this, they had no intention of bowing their heads directly.

The face of the nobles does not allow them to bow their heads. This is not only the dignity of the family, but also their capital to command other noble families.

This is one of the points, but the key point is that they no longer have any decision-making power.

Their real background is the master level, and similarly, they must obey the master level.

The guards retreated, and everyone in front of the conference table was silent for a long time. In the end, they all ignored the problem and pointed to the base hidden in the projection on the table.

"They have established another base. Let's destroy it first. Don't think too much. We still have to think about how to capture more players."

Although they felt that it was difficult to get off, no one still looked down upon these player bases and said casually.

Not only them, they also had the same attitude when the news was passed to several master-level extraordinary beings.

"I want to guard the church. Andrew or Jason, which one of you will go?"

"It's my turn, let me go."

Jason took the initiative and said. After hearing this, the old noble threw a spell scroll to Jason, and then pointed to several professional-level extraordinary people in the projection who were responsible for production.

"Help me bring some of them back."

"Oh, group human body fixation technique."

Jason looked at the spell scroll and nodded. The old noble looked at Jason's leaving back without paying attention, and instead took out a bottle of amber exquisite potion.

Opening the lid and drinking it all, the moment the potion entered his mouth, he felt that his strength that could not be improved at all was once again slightly improved, and a trace of fanaticism flashed in the eyes of the old noble.

If there are enough potions, the legend no longer seems out of reach!

Looking at the death report presented, the old noble put it aside and started practicing.

But his strength and skills had reached their bottleneck decades ago, and no matter how hard he practiced, he had not improved at all.

The old nobleman picked up the potion again.

legend! !

In Base No. 1, several professional-level transcendents of the logistics series are being continuously produced with the cooperation of other players.

Heartless cannons, simple rocket launchers, grenades, simple lathes, one after another items were manufactured to provide logistical supplies for the player alliance.

This place is far away from Red Maple City, located in the core of the wilderness, and all players have never entered Red Maple City, that is, their aura has not been captured.

In addition, all incoming materials have been subject to the most rigorous inspection. The headquarters has taken the confidentiality work here to the extreme. The importance of this place can be imagined.

If this place is destroyed again, all plans will be affected.

This is the most important base, and at the same time, it also shoulders a secret mission.

On this day, the players were producing normally, but without any warning, there was no warning at all the sentry posts, and a figure directly rolled down from the sky with a powerful momentum.

In an instant everyone was crushed to the ground.

Just when they felt something was wrong and were about to commit suicide, a spell scroll unfolded, and all professional-level extraordinary people fell into a coma and were directly picked up by Jason.

At this time, Jason suddenly felt a growing sense of crisis below him. Not only was he not in a hurry, he even wanted to laugh a little.

But before he could leave the crisis area, another sense of crisis came from the opposite direction.

An ominous premonition suddenly emerged in his heart, but before he could thank him, a fatal sense of crisis came from all directions in an instant.

But fortunately, he can fly, and the sky is still blank. After all, bombs cannot be hidden in the sky. These players still missed it.

As soon as the thought came up, there was a roar in my ears.

Boom boom boom boom!

Cannons were fired one after another, but no shells were aimed at Jason, but this was more frightening than if they were aimed.

Immediately, a fatal sense of crisis came from the sky.

It was only a few breaths before Jason sensed the crisis. At this moment, seven or eight artillery shells far and near in the air, and all the explosive packages buried in the base below and around the base burst out with light and heat at the same time.

In an instant, he was caught in the middle by explosions from more than a dozen directions. In an instant, crisis warnings from all directions enveloped his mind.

Jason stopped laughing.


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