I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 164 Taking shape


"Feel good."

Fang Bai raised his hand, and a large spell model enveloped Zhang Zhong, and the shock guidance was turned on.

A moment later, Zhang Zhong once again felt the wonderful feeling of his body becoming metal.

Light silver light points representing elemental alloys continued to pour into his body and accumulated in the bones of his right arm.

Little by little, the arm bones became gleaming silver, becoming like a piece of silver secret steel!

Compared with Fang Bai's element metalization, Zhang Zhong's element alloying is much more convenient and saves a lot of money.

The bones of the arm quickly turned silver at a speed visible to the naked eye. The bones, muscles, blood vessels, fascia, and skin soon turned into a piece of silver, as if cast from silver steel.

It didn't take long for his arms to turn into silver, but Fang Bai didn't stop there.

Having had an experience, he understood that if he simply metalized a right hand, the muscles of the chest, shoulder blades, spine, and fascia would easily break and tear due to the exertion of the right hand.

After all, the strength of a metal arm is no joke.

Fang Bai immediately guided the elemental alloy to blend into the shoulder blades and the bones and muscles that support the strength of the arm, merging with a gradually weakening trend.

Use a little faded silver to blur the boundaries and avoid a clear sense of tearing.

This cushions the extra powerful Kirin Arm.

After finishing, Zhang Zhong looked at his arm full of surprise. With a slight squeeze, huge power surged out of his arm.

Feeling the power of his arm, feeling the metallic power pouring out of his right arm to strengthen his whole body, Zhang Zhong felt like he could kill a cow with one punch!

Throw out a fierce punch.


The boulder exploded into pieces, spraying dust and mist all over the sky, but Zhang Zhong's arm was not damaged at all.

Zhang Zhong looked at his arm in surprise. This was just his pure physical strength!

Then Zhang Zhong started experimenting with cutting, slashing, and stabbing with swords and spears, and used his own body to verify what it means to be invulnerable!

Such power and effect immediately made the other soldiers watching widen their eyes.

"Go ahead."


Fang Bai looked at the remaining spears. At this moment, everyone was looking at him, and their eyes were full of blazing heat.

He looked around at the soldiers and said aloud.

"Those who performed relatively well just now are Zhong Ming, Jie Wu, Jiang Biao, and Zhong Li!"


Four people in the crowd immediately ran to Fang Bai excitedly and looked at Fang Bai expectantly.

Fang Bai didn't hesitate and divided the remaining spear into four equal parts. Then he prepared the ceremony and helped the four people to alloy the elements on their right arms.

There are not many spears left. Their right arms are about three-quarters complete, and the rest are replaced with gradient colors.

At this point, all the spears were exhausted, and the four people were excitedly punching and knocking each other, experiencing this powerful power bit by bit.

Fang Bai looked at everyone and said.

"First, the foundation of this cultivation method is the three exercises. After you learn the three exercises, you don't need me and you can practice independently.

If your understanding and mastery of the Three Refinements is high enough, you can even charge a certain amount of elemental alloy to help others practice.

This will speed up the progress of your own elemental alloying, and this will speed up the enhancement of your strength. "

When Fang Bai finished speaking, all the soldiers suddenly became excited.

Three practices? !

"Second, based on your performance, I will take out part of the elemental alloy as appropriate and help with training.

This discretion does not depend on your relationship with me, but on merit! courage! Depends on your performance. "

"Third, this process of alloying elements is the professional training process of your profession, the mecha master.

When your entire body has been alloyed with elements, it means you have become elite. "


Elite level, these three words were like a heavy hammer hitting their minds, and their eyes were looking at Fang Bai closely, listening to every word he said.

“In addition, you must remember that your professional name is Mecha Master.

Instead of being a warrior, a fighter, or an iron man, it is just the foundation now.

Looking at the armor on your body, you will always need to replace it with better extraordinary armor in the future, or even a mecha! "

"But it is certainly not possible for everyone to drive a mecha. Only the best soldiers will have the opportunity to become a mecha pilot.

And my requirements for you are not high, very simple, two points.

First, obey orders 100%. Those who disobey orders will be deprived of their extraordinary profession and beheaded! "

Fang Bai's words were loud and clear, and the moment the word "Zhan" came down, everyone's spirits were high.

"Second, fight to the death and never retreat!"

"Is there a problem?"

"no problem!"

Jiang Biao shouted, and for a moment everyone's eyes, including Fang Bai's, were focused on Jiang Biao, looking at the strong man with thick eyebrows and big eyes after taking off his helmet.

Even Zhong Li next to him couldn't help but look at Jiang Biao. Looking at your thick eyebrows and big eyes, he didn't expect

You didn't even take me with you!

Fang Bai nodded towards Jiang Biao, and then looked at the others.

"what about you?"

"no problem!"

In an instant, the response echoed through the sky!

"Okay, just follow me and you will have mechas, elites, masters, and tickets.

All hands on deck, mount up and let’s go! "


As soon as the words fell, the troops with peak morale moved towards another battlefield at top speed.

Full speed ahead! Full speed ahead!


The rhinos carried heavy soldiers on their backs and slid quickly on their four short legs. If you don't compare their speed with other cavalry, they are still very fast.

In the team, Fang Bai shrouded the surrounding area with his spiritual power, while also watching each soldier.

From about this moment on, these fifty players can slowly transform into soldiers and armies.

Many novels do not trust modern people, saying that modern people have no loyalty and would rather spend a lot of effort cultivating NPCs than recruit ready-made modern people.

But Fang Bai didn't think so.

Modern people are so good. They have modernized thinking, modernized concepts, modernized knowledge, and all kinds of tricks emerge in endlessly. They are simply not comparable to the ancient version of NPC.

As for loyalty or disloyalty.

Give enough money, give enough room for future growth, and make clear rewards and punishments. Do everything in a down-to-earth manner, and then bind the other person's future to you and give them enough recognition.

Can I not fight to the death for you?

Can you be disloyal?

The so-called disloyalty is that you can only give out 2,500 yuan, but then you keep an eye on whether they are working wholeheartedly, whether they are working overtime, and whether they have free time every day.

But these people still want to change jobs, still don't care about what they do, and then talk nonsense.

Modern people don't know how to be grateful for the company's training, and they don't know how to be loyal to the company!


Modern education also includes ideological and moral education. Will the overall moral quality be worse than in ancient times? Don’t know how to be loyal and repay kindness?

How can it be.

The only difference is that the ancients didn't understand anything, and it was easy to train them to become dead soldiers. They just bullied them for their poor information.

While Fang Bai was thinking, another battlefield suddenly reached its most intense moment.


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