I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 179 Absolute Monopoly

One piece after another of extraordinary equipment was completed, and the surrounding gold elements were even briefly evacuated.

Such a big fluctuation caused the several presidents who were huddled together to calm down and watch on with bruises and bruises.

When Fang Bai paused for a moment, he couldn't help but start fighting again.

After several pauses, Fang Bai finished forging all the elemental alloys they brought over and called it a day.

Leave a sales charter to Hao Wei and other guild presidents, and then let them argue.

After their quarrel is over, Fang Bai will naturally get a satisfactory result.

And with so many guilds supervising and restricting each other, Fang Bai can safely hand over the sales task to them.

After all, although Fang Bai didn't want to be involved in sales matters, he couldn't let the sales department cause him a lot of trouble.

As for production

Fang Bai grinned. Normally speaking, this could only be produced by him.

No, to be precise, it should only be produced by him himself.

You must know that in order to be used as consumables for job transfer/training ceremony, one requirement must be met.

That is, the three exercises can be completed by the three exercises fixed in the ritual venue.

The three exercises in the ceremony hall are all fixed and exactly the same, and will not be automatically adjusted according to the different metal elements.

To be used as consumables, these iron ingots must be completely consistent at the forging level, exactly the same!

At least it must be within this extremely narrow range. This is no longer a simple accuracy requirement.

This is simply not possible for mass production.

Because a series of factors such as different iron ores, different smelting temperatures, and different degrees of cooling will directly lead to seemingly identical iron ingots that are actually very different.

To produce it, the only possibility is for Fang Bai to pre-process each iron ingot by forging, and adjust the forging level of each iron ingot to be consistent, perfectly meeting the requirements of the ceremony site.

If you say this kind of thing, others will think it is a fantasy, let alone do it.

Unless other third-level blacksmiths have gone through a lot of specialized practice, it will suddenly be impossible for them to complete this step.

Therefore, it is theoretically impossible to mass-produce this. Before the ceremony ground is improved again, the price of such consumable iron ingots will be sky-high, severely limiting the number of mecha masters who can change jobs.

After all, Fang Bai's time is precious, and one person can't forge a few pieces, so it's simply not enough.

And what Fang Bai could still laugh at this moment was completely...


Another load of forging scrap iron was piled at the roots of the iron tree, and was quickly absorbed by the iron tree, becoming nutrients for its growth.

The iron tree had grown a lot since Fang Bai discovered it.

At this time, its spirituality no longer rejects the approach of players, and it was even very, very excited when it saw players approaching with a cart.

The food is here!

How has it ever been treated like this?

There is no need to refine the iron ore yourself, and there is no need to painstakingly spread the roots in the iron ore, just piles of pure iron ingots delivered to your door.

What tree can withstand this temptation?

Unable to resist the temptation, it even lost all the weapons that were originally on the branches of the iron branches. Now only black iron ingots slightly longer than a palm are left hanging on the branches.

And this kind of ordinary iron ingots grow extremely fast on the iron tree. When enough scrap iron is fed, the iron ingots grow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then fall down in batches, and are picked up by players waiting next to them. Collect them and pile them neatly next to them.

And these iron ingots are exactly the same. After Fang Bai's test, these iron ingots are not only exactly the same in appearance, but even the forging level is exactly the same!

Although Fang Bai had expected this effect, it still made Fang Bai burst into laughter when it actually came true.

And this is what really drove Fang Bai to completely announce the method of changing the profession of a mecha master.

Otherwise, even if they change jobs, without enough consumables for job transfers, players will not be able to transfer to mecha masters in large numbers, and the ceremony venue is even more of a joke.

And these iron ingots were the biggest reason why Fang Bai dared to say that he was not short of money!

How much money can you make by helping others change their jobs?

After changing jobs, cultivation consumables are the real gold mountain, right?

Even if Fang Bai is prepared to sell the consumables at a fair price, the profit will be an astronomical figure.

And this is Fang Baigan's greatest capital for establishing a pure research institution.

This is the largest exclusive sale, an almost absolute monopoly.

Even if other third-level blacksmiths have figured out the trick, it will be useless.

The cost of hand-made consumables is not competitive with this kind of mass production.

And why it is said to be an almost absolute monopoly is because Fang Bai is worried that there will be a second Iron Tree in this game world, or other cheap ways of copying.

Otherwise, this is an absolute monopoly, and as long as the mecha masters are fully deployed, they can make money continuously.

Until the ritual site can complete the automatic three-refinement process, or the three-refinement blacksmiths are fully popularized.

But the difficulty of both of them made Fang Bai dare not even think about it.

How high should the ritual level of the automatic three refinements be?

How high should the layout difficulty and ritual consumables be?

And the three comprehensive exercises. Don’t be ridiculous.

Fang Bai thought for a moment, then retracted his thoughts, said goodbye to Hao Wei and others, and led Zhang Zhong and 50 other people directly towards Red Maple City. When Zhang Zhong asked what he was going for, Fang Bai narrowed his eyes.

"What are you going for?"

"The nobles of Red Maple City were defeated, and they should pay the price!"

Zhang Zhong was shocked when he heard this and immediately became excited.

Watching Fang Bai leave, many of the presidents who were originally in a group suddenly became quiet. They looked at the direction Fang Bai left, slightly silent and slightly moved.

Suddenly, Hao Wei spoke up.

“Fang Bai said before that he would not push the nobles in Red Maple City to death.

In this way, as long as the nobles are not dead, the Yabang Kingdom officials will not directly send strong men to take over Red Maple City.

Until the nobles are not in danger of death, they will not allow other forces to get involved in Red Maple City.

After all, there is also a competitive relationship between nobles and nobles. Sometimes they are even hated by the nobles more than us and attract more firepower.

But this time, only some of the noble families are our enemies.

In this way, the next thing we need to deal with is the nobles of Red Maple City, but after this battle, the pressure is basically gone.

You can win a valuable period of free development time to improve your strength.

As for the rest, they will be settled later. Fang Bai's trip should be a shock and a warning.

He is responsible for this. Let's discuss the negotiations with the nobles later. "

Everyone nodded after hearing this, and then sighed helplessly.

As players, they have really lost their shame at grandma's house.

This is the first time that my status as a player is so low.

We still have to negotiate. In other games, there would be no negotiation.

I'm not interested in knowing the plot, I just need to know that there's going to be a killing spree.

In the end, it came down to strength.

Job transfers must be done in large numbers!

To change jobs, you need iron ingot consumables;

Unconsciously, the smell of gunpowder among the presidents became stronger again, and after a while, they were fighting again.

At this moment, Fang Bai arrived at the foot of Hongfeng City.

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