I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 183 Armored Warrior?


"How did you form it?"

Su Shiping stared blankly at this strange-shaped piece of iron, confused.

"Ah, I just tried it and it worked. Isn't this a good thing? It means that your theoretical derivation process is correct and there are no problems."

"That's true, but"

Su Shiping felt confused when he recalled his countless failures in the fantasy space.

All at once?

"Why is it so easy?"

"Is it okay if I don't have hands?"

Seeing that Su Shiping and others still looked puzzled, Fang Bai smiled.

"The Third Refining Blacksmith is a being who can shape the microstructure of metal with a hammer.

You have a ready-made structure, and I often use the hands of a mage to forge it.

Fine control is like instinct. Lathes in reality may not be as accurate as mine. It is natural to create a structure that is easy and freehand. "

Su Shiping was slightly silent after hearing this.


Fang Bai shrugged and reached out to grab the black iron block formed out of thin air. After Su Shiping and the others had recorded all the data, Fang Bai gently clenched his fist.

The iron block was like soft plasticine, changing its shape wantonly in Fang Bai's hands.

"Pure iron?"

"Yes, gold elements and metals have extremely high compatibility and similarity.

Coupled with some considerations to eliminate interference, we used pure iron as the research object and successfully derived this structure. "

Fang Bai kneaded the soft piece of pure iron.

"Do you know what level my Jin Suqi is? Elemental metal level, pure.

So is this the reason why you shaped my pure elemental metal gold into pure iron? "

Fang Bai said cheerfully, pure iron cannot be said to have no defensive power or offensive power.

Even if it has a slight offensive and defensive effect, Fang Bai will not say that it has no trace.

"Hey, experiment, step by step, now it can be pure iron, then it can be steel, it can be elemental alloy, it can be elemental metal.

Finally, according to the characteristics we need, we can combine the advantages of different metals, gather the advantages of various metals, abandon the shortcomings, and truly create a high-level metal out of thin air. "

Fang Bai was also full of surprise.

It was just a joke, but he was able to realize the huge potential of this technology very deeply.

Not to mention pure iron, even if it is condensed into a ball of cotton, the meaning contained in it is very profound.

what does that mean?

Gold element can be integrated into the body and stored, and gold element can also be integrated into the body and stored. The combination of the two can turn into a hard metal.

This means that as long as you think about it, as long as you have enough knowledge and technology, a mecha master can summon armor out of thin air!

Summoning armor is like summoning an armored warrior!

"Isn't this the armored warrior?"

And more than that, as long as you have enough knowledge, gold is not limited to armor?

Spear, longbow, crossbow, tower shield!

Guns, artillery, electromagnetic railguns!

What can't be summoned?

To that extent, as long as you have enough knowledge, this method can directly transform knowledge into the most direct combat effectiveness.

knowledge is power!

The transformation of metal into metal cannot bring direct combat effectiveness, but it is definitely the greatest supplement and improvement to the Mecha Master profession.

This will bring countless possibilities to the Mecha Master profession!

Isn't this a different kind of mage?

Fang Bai clenched his fists.


The iron block exploded into pieces, and then turned into gold and elements and returned to Fang Bai's body after Fang Bai released his control.

"Shiping, this is the right direction, and it's absolutely right to go in this direction.

Just like you said, the next step is to complete the derivation of the gold structure of steel, elemental alloys, and elemental metals step by step.

However, at the same time, the research on mechanical structure cannot be left behind.

The structure of the mechanically assisted armor can no longer keep up with the progress.

Therefore, we must study better combat armor that is more suitable for actual situations, or engineering armor, experimental special model armor, etc.

Mechanically assisted armor can be used at the professional level.

As long as the whole body is metalized, it will enter the elite level. At this stage, it can start to store gold, thus having the ability to summon armor.

Therefore, we must take advantage of the elite level and further expand it to greatly enhance the combat capabilities and adaptability of professionals.

The new armor must fill the gap for elite mecha masters, and it must be able to increase strength, increase attack, increase speed, etc.

Of course, the most critical thing is the energy and power system.”

"Fang Bai, I have two ideas about energy and power for the time being."

At this time, Qi Peng, who was next to Su Shiping, glanced at Su Shiping and said in a demonstration.

Qi Yun's younger brother Qi Peng finally realized what he had said to Su Shiping.

Found a blacksmith boss.

It's really Fang Bai.

But it wasn't him who supported Su Shiping, but he was influenced by Su Shiping.

Of course, after subsequent contacts, Qi Peng's ability was indeed recognized by Fang Bai.

And besides targeting Su Shiping every day in terms of research and grades, he didn't have any bad habits.

A tough talker.

Hearing Qi Peng's words, Fang Bai raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, tell me?"

"The first one is electricity. Needless to say, the reason is that if we copy the existing technology routes in reality, we can directly get a mature technology system.

There is only one key point, which is to use what Su Shiping just said to bring together the advantages of different metals and remove the unnecessary shortcomings to form unique metals, metals that do not exist.

If this step can be achieved, then all material problems encountered in reality such as superconductivity, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. can be solved with new superior metals.

Or use elemental metal to solve it. As long as the material problem is solved, the power and miniaturization of the motor will never let you down.

Not to say too outrageous, it is always easy for you to beat out a dump truck Iai with your fists.

Of course, if Su Shiping's metal can't reach this stage, it's none of my business. "

"Fart, what do you mean my metal can't reach this level? If your skills are not up to par, don't rely on me.

Just wait and see! "

"Just wait and see!"

Qi Peng and Su Shiping stared at each other in a lively manner.

Fang Bai smiled when he heard this, while Qi Peng glared at Su Shiping viciously and continued.

"The second is extraordinary, which is the magic circle."

Qi Peng pondered for a moment and then said.

"I heard my brother mention it before, there is a kind of puppet called an iron puppet, and there is a kind of armor called alchemy armor.

The former is a lump of iron, and the latter is a piece of armor. Both are artificial creations, both are created by mages, and are battle puppets created through various spells and magic circles.

It's no surprise that there are professional-level and elite-level ones. The driving force that drives them to act and even attack is definitely strong enough.

If it is reused in our armor, it will definitely not be inferior to the motor! "

Fang Bai couldn't help but feel excited when he heard this.

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