I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 185 Suppressed Consciousness

Sentence after sentence, sentence after sentence.

Since all the members were college students and graduate students, the atmosphere became lively in an instant.

Everyone became excited and gathered together to discuss what kind of projects they would start, and excitedly imagined the future together.

They are still at the age of dreaming.

Looking at this scene, Fang Bai showed a slight smile on his lips.

In fact, he didn't want to say this at all, but now that Tiangong Pavilion has just started, there is no pure research atmosphere and no qualified corporate culture. Without saying these words, it will be difficult to unite people.

And Fang Bai has always believed that if you want a person to be free from distractions, you must first solve his worries.

The simplest example is the income issue.

Maybe they are still at an age where they can pursue their dreams unconditionally, but reality will eventually defeat them. The expectations of their girlfriends, the expectations of their parents, buying a house, buying a car, betrothal gifts, wedding expenses, etc. will all dampen their enthusiasm.

But if all these can be solved in the process of pursuing dreams, which can make their families feel proud, then reality will not be a resistance, but will be a greater help.

This is what Fang Bai needs to do, Fang Bai needs to guide the birth of an absolutely pure research atmosphere.

From this perspective, Fang Bai is actually still an idealist.

Still have dreams!

Fang Bai now has many dreams, many, many.

Of course, this is only now. When everything is on track, Fang Bai still feels that it is most practical to treat people with sincerity.

For good people, treating others with sincerity is the most convincing thing.

For bad people, it's useless not to treat them with sincerity. Don't think too much, just make sure you have enough strength to make the other party treat you with sincerity.

This is like two things and two people. As a manager, you choose the difficult and less profitable one, and assign the better one to the other party. The more times you do it, the other person will naturally obey you.

At this time, even if there are three people, if you give one good person and one bad person, as long as you are the worst, the two people will still obey you.

The basis for this is that what Fang Bai needs is knowledge, not the specific benefits brought by a certain project.

The needs are different. Everyone's success lays the foundation for Fang Bai's success. This is the basis for the operation of this model.

Otherwise, it is impossible to be altruistic for a long time.

Of course, in the end everything has to come down to strength.

Dragons do not live in groups with snakes. If the gap in knowledge reserves, scientific research capabilities, etc. is too far, then everything you say will be false.


Fang Bai glanced at the players who had gone offline with a sneer on his lips.

In his mind, in the fantasy space, Fang Bai was conducting experiments again and again at the highest speed.

After his mental power gradually became stronger, under urgent need, and after repeated attempts, Fang Bai has now mastered the method of using double threads.

Although one of the threads can still only deal with daily affairs, this still allows Fang Bai to eliminate all clutter and ensure 24 hours of pure research time a day. He can continue research even when he is meditating to regain his energy.

Coupled with the current thinking speed of more than 200, which is nearly 300 times, one day is used as a year, Fang Bai is confident that he can kill anyone.

Of course, pure time may be able to accumulate a knowledge reserve that surpasses everyone in the world, but this does not mean that Fang Tian is the best in the world.

A tortoise who lives for thousands of years will be a tortoise every year. A supercomputer that can store all the information in the world is just a computer.

If there is not enough scientific research thinking to control this knowledge, Fang Bai's achievements will be limited no matter how high he is.

Fang Bai was not able to fully realize this before, but after such a long period of self-study, Fang Bai actually realized this in a daze.

And found a solution for this too.

If you can't do it behind closed doors, then learn from others and ask for advice.

Who to ask for advice?

Of course those are the academicians who are about to come to Tiangong Pavilion!

As the master of the Tiangong Pavilion, and as someone who supported the invitation to the game, the transfer of mechanical forging masters, and the transfer of mecha masters, he shamelessly asked for advice and studied tirelessly. He would not be driven away, right?

This doesn’t mean that there is no teaching at all, right?

Fang Bai shook his head slightly, looked at the people who were offline from time to time, and suddenly said.

"From now on, please call me Pavilion Master, Pavilion Master of Tiangong Pavilion."

After hearing this, everyone turned to look at Fang Bai and said subconsciously.

"Okay boss."

After saying that, he went back to continue the discussion, and Fang Bai laughed and cursed when he saw this, and immediately became immersed in research.

Of course, the more important thing is studying and reading.

In the noble family, Fang Bai found too many books, too many exercises, and too much common sense and basic knowledge.

Fang Bai started self-study again, first reading through

There are too many books, and they are still in the reading stage. However, opening the fantasy space at high speed for a long time has also caused some problems.

Fang Bai, who escaped from the fantasy space, was slightly in a trance.

The difference between the nearly three hundred times flow rate and the normal flow rate made him feel a little uncomfortable.

In addition, Fang Bai felt that the fantasy space had undergone some changes after being opened for a long time.

In other words, Fang Bai felt that his consciousness had undergone some changes.

The fantasy space appears in consciousness, and it seems to be bordering on consciousness at this moment, as if the fantasy space has signs of stability due to being open for a long time.

The fantasy space seems to be integrated into consciousness.

In addition to this, Fang Bai occasionally felt that his consciousness was heavy, as if he was being suppressed by something.

And obviously, it is a fantasy space.

"The double speed of fantasy space should not be what it is now."

Fang Bai felt it silently.

“In the past, the maximum speed in the fantasy space depended on mental power.

In this wooden barrel, mental power is the shortest board, so as soon as mental power increases, the double speed will increase at any time.

Now the length of the mental board has exceeded a certain limit and is no longer the shortest board, so the fantasy space has not exerted the full strength of the mental force.

The key point now should be awareness! "

Fang Bai felt this heavy feeling, not spiritual power or soul, but the deepest and most illusory consciousness!

My consciousness seems to be suppressed by a heavy object!

"The consciousness is not strong enough. If we continue to enhance the consciousness, the speed should be further increased.

And it’s not just me.”

Fang Bai's body outside Red Maple City turned to look at the fifty soldiers. Every soldier was extraordinary, no matter how you looked at them, they were very powerful.

But Fang Bai actually understood in his heart.

Except for Zhang Zhong and a few others, although these soldiers are all extraordinary people, in terms of strength alone, they are definitely unable to defeat the extraordinary people from other guilds who can change their jobs normally.

According to Fang Bai's observation, these soldiers may have encountered similar problems to him.

The physical strength has kept up, but there are still deficiencies at the level of consciousness.

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