I made the Dragon God in the game

Chapter 187 Chariot Chassis

"This is?"

Fang Bai was slightly startled, and suddenly he saw a tracked chariot chassis inside the Qi Yunxuan Guild.

Fang Bai rubbed his eyes and even went out again and came back in, but the scene in front of him still didn't change at all.

Qi Yun next to him became very happy when he saw this. He deliberately did not tell Fang Bai, and the evil taste in his heart was immediately satisfied.

Fang Bai walked quickly to the chassis and looked at the rusty chassis. It seemed that it had gone through an unknown amount of time and had already decayed over a long period of time.

"What is this? Did you make it yourself?"

Fang Bai was a little confused, Qi Yun said with a smile.

"Why are we doing this when we have nothing to eat? We can build a tracked chariot, why don't we use it?

I'm not sick, so why did I make the old battle-damaged version and put it here?

This was dug out from the ruins. "

Fang Bai's eyes widened slightly when he heard this, and he turned his head to look at the chariot chassis in disbelief.

This world is clearly a medieval extraordinary world, with a powerful mage civilization in prehistory.

This is Fang Bai's understanding of the world.

But when he looked at the chariot chassis, Fang Bai's cognition seemed to be completely shattered.

Tracked combat vehicle!



middle Ages!

What exactly is this world made of?

Fang Bai was stunned. After a long time, he came back to his senses and turned to look at the chassis.

At this moment, Fang Bai suddenly felt extremely curious about the ruins.

"Isn't it incredible?"


Fang Bai spoke slowly, and Qi Yun was filled with emotion when he looked at this chassis.

"We felt incredible at the time."

"You also changed jobs in this ruins?"

Fang Bai asked suddenly. When he met Qi Yun, he discovered that Qi Yun was already an extraordinary person.

A professional-level transcendent, that is, Qi Yun’s specific occupation is not known yet.

Qi Yun nodded slightly.

"That's right. Just wait a moment and I'll gather some help."

Qi Yun didn't let Fang Bai wait long, and summoned more than thirty players in a few minutes. Fang Bai was slightly surprised when he saw it, and turned to look at Qi Yun.

"Four extraordinary beings?"

The corners of Qi Yun's mouth raised slightly, and he was about to say something, but as soon as the words came to his lips, he recalled the fifty extraordinary people behind Fang Bai before, and it became boring in an instant.

"Well, there are only four extraordinary people, let me introduce them to you.

This is Rao Dong, a professional-level archer, this is Xuanwei, a professional-level warrior, this is Xie Ren, and this is Xie Yi. They are two brothers, both warriors and professional-level. "

After Qi Yun finished speaking, he said to the four of them.

"This is Fang Bai whom I mentioned to you before, the strongest player in the legend. This time Fang Bai will go with us. We must pass!"

The four of them looked at Fang Bai curiously. They had all paid attention to Fang Bai, and they had even heard of Fang Bai's title as the strongest player.

Now that they have really seen it, they only feel this.

"Fang Bai, your armor is so handsome, but it's so thick, isn't it heavy?"

Xuanwei, a tall and powerful man, asked curiously, and Fang Bai smiled when he heard the words.

"It's mechanically assisted. It looks heavy, but it actually has a power-assisted system inside."

"Wow, is it so amazing?"

"Yes, this is in our Tiangong Pavilion."

If Fang Bai noticed a very strong resentment and a blank stare, he immediately felt a little embarrassed and smiled at Qi Yun.

"Habit, habit, nothing else."

"But I didn't say you had other intentions."

Qi Yun said faintly, Fang Bai was stunned when he heard this, and immediately smiled sheepishly.

He didn't react for a while.

There is no way, more than 99% of the thinking and energy are studied and researched in the fantasy space. Although the external thread can handle debris freely, it will inevitably respond slowly.

Especially when another thread is racking its brains and concentrating on research, it is easy to squeeze out the computing power and energy of this thread.

But in any case, compared with the huge benefits brought by two threads, these are acceptable.

Qi Yun had obviously made plans a long time ago and was very well prepared. He should have calculated the time for his arrival in Bagh Town.

Seeing that Fang Bai was a little confused, Qi Yun immediately said with a smile.

"I planned to invite you from the beginning. You can leave as soon as you arrive, so you don't waste time.

And if you don't plan to come, then I will go again today, so it won't be a waste. "

Qi Yun said as he led Fang Bai out.

Not long after walking, we arrived at the edge of the wilderness mountains and plunged into them.

Qi Yun didn't look at the map and walked directly into the forest with Fang Bai and others.

Huge tree crowns gathered and intertwined above the head, and vines as thick as wrists intertwined among them. The leaves and vines firmly blocked the sun's rays, making the environment below appear very dim.

Walking in the forest, the archer Rao Dong looked at Fang Bai, and an impulse to compete suddenly emerged in his heart.

I can't help but feel a sense of competitiveness.

There is no need to doubt that Fang Bai is stronger than ever, and he will not question it.

But at first glance, Fang Bai was a powerful person, so he didn't believe that Fang Bai could surpass him in dexterity.

After all, although Fang Bai's performance was terrible, the word "convinced" did not exist in the player's dictionary.

And if he can surpass Fang Bai in speed and dexterity, then he will also be the one to beat Fang Bai!

Even if he loses, he is still someone who has fought against Fang Bai!

Thinking of this, Rao Dong felt slightly excited. He glanced at Fang Bai who was following him, and quietly accelerated his speed, walking through the forest with his dexterous body.

Every time he turned around and moved, he could just follow the direction of the growth of the leaves, find the gaps in them, and pass through quietly with the minimum effort, leaving almost no trace where he passed.

Looking back at this scene, Rao Dong raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This is the dexterity of an archer.

Rao Dong walked through the forest like a fish in water, getting faster and faster.

At this moment, Fang Bai was conducting a relatively important experiment, and most of his energy was sinking into the fantasy space for the experiment.

Friends who often drive know that when you are distracted while following a car, the faster the car in front, the faster you go, and the slower the car in front, the slower you go. When Rao Dong quietly accelerated, Fang Bai subconsciously followed. superior.

Rao Dong went around, Fang Bai went around.

Rao Dong turned sideways, Fang Bai turned sideways.

Rao Dong accelerated, Fang Bai also accelerated, Rao Dong accelerated for a long time, and the distance between the two did not change at all.

When Rao Dong saw this, he couldn't help but continue to accelerate, but Fang Bai followed up instantly, without any gap.

At this moment, Rao Dong became more competitive.

accelerate! accelerate!

But Rao Dong discovered a terrifying fact next. Even if he went at full speed, Fang Bai could easily keep up.

He ran until his face turned red, his neck became thick and white, and he was even out of breath.

After a long while, Rao Dong finally accepted his fate, returned to normal speed, clasped his fists in admiration and said.

"It's amazing, it's because I overestimated my abilities."

Fang Bai, who had just come back to his senses, looked confused.


Rao Dong was full of admiration when he saw this.


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