
Using his old father's private money as a condition for sacrifice, Fang Bai successfully escaped from the questioning.

Who knows, he completely forgot about it and didn’t even add the girl on WeChat.

And he really has no intention to develop in this direction recently.


What could be more interesting than a mecha? !

Huh, women will only affect the speed at which he builds mechas!

Fang Bai murmured, and he laughed as he spoke.

Of course, this is just a joke, he just takes it easy when it comes to finding a girlfriend.

Human energy is limited. Now he has a goal that he is willing to fight for his whole life and continues to devote himself to it.

Relatively speaking, naturally there is no energy to focus on finding a girlfriend.

So, let it be.

As for when fate will come?

It depends on what God wants.

Anyway, he is extraordinary now and has strong vitality. His lifespan should be more than one hundred and eighty years, and there is still a lot of time.

As for Fang Baogen and Qiu Shuqing’s plans.

"How about practicing another trumpet?"

"What? What did you say?"

Suddenly, both of them looked at Fang Bai.

"Oh, I said, why can't we practice another trumpet in this game?"

Fang Bai said without blushing and without a beating heart.


Fang Bogen and the other two looked at Fang Bai suspiciously.

"Of course it's true."

Fang Bai said seriously.

"Oh, by the way, Dad, have you ever tried doing three exercises in the game?

You can try it. There is elemental power in the game, and the feeling of the three refinements is completely different from that in reality.

I feel that this kind of three refinements in the game is the true face of the three refinements.

Now I call the three refinements without the participation of elemental power the quasi-three refinements. "

"Oh, is it so?"

When it came to forging, Fang Bogen immediately became interested. He was definitely very passionate and interested in training.

"Of course, I have a forging platform here, you can try it."

After Fang Bai finished speaking, he took Fang Bogen directly to his own dedicated forging bench, talking as he walked.

"The third refinement can activate the gold element and strengthen your body. After you strengthen your body, I will teach you how to change your profession to a combat professional mecha master.

There is also a professional mechanical blacksmith, and I will arrange it for you later.

Also, dad, did you see anyone forging over there on the way here just now?

They are all learning blacksmithing. If you have time, you can go over and give me some advice. As for me, I’m still on the way and I won’t be back until some time later.”

Fang Bogen tried forging while listening to Fang Bai.

Fang Bai pondered slightly as he watched streams of golden elements pouring into Fang Baogen's body during the third refinement process.

He suddenly discovered that these relatives of the same family in his village were also a considerable asset.

Although none of them have reached the level of the third level, they are all good at the second level, and a few have vaguely touched the threshold of the third level.

If they put more effort into the game, they may not be able to break through the third level.

Ordinarily, the second level does not mean anything to Fang Bai, but if he can break through the third level, then it is definitely worth investing an invitation for Fang Bai.

Fang Bai pondered slightly, looking at the two Fang Bogen who were forging, their figures slowly disappeared.

Fang Bai, who was riding on the back of the little rhinoceros, slowly opened his eyes, and then his mind sank into the fantasy space again.

In the fantasy space, the groups of soldiers in front of him and the clouds above their heads quickly dissipated. Fang Bai watched the collected data and recorded it, and finally recorded the results of the deduction in his notebook.

There are a few small words written on the cover of the notebook.

""Elementary Soldier Drill Code" - written by Fang Bai."

"Train according to this training manual, step by step, you should be able to train soldiers who have reached the threshold of Qi and blood condensation into soldiers.

Soldiers who are well-trained and can raise clouds for joint operations should be called soldiers. "

Fang Bai thought for a moment, the so-called Qi and Blood Condensation Threshold, for ordinary people, only need to reach the tenth level to meet the conditions.

However, people's physiques cannot be generalized. If you meet someone with a slightly stronger physique, level 6, 7, or even level 4 or 5 will be enough.

The concept of level ten is roughly equivalent to a normal person persisting in systematic military training for one to two years in a completely healthy state and ensuring adequate nutrition.

After all, Level 10 still belongs to the category of mortals, but the physical quality has reached its relative peak level.

Of course, this is just an average level ten.

Before reaching the extraordinary, if you have enough potential, you can still continue to exercise and continuously improve your physical fitness, but that is another matter.

Therefore, the threshold for this article is actually not too high. It does not count the ordinary aboriginals in the game who are seriously deficient in health. It is calculated based on the sub-health of the players who eat and drink well.

Even if you don't have the experience to upgrade and add attributes, you can still form an army in one to two years as long as you ensure systematic and scientific training methods and adequate nutrition.

"It's just a matter of talent."

Fang Bai pondered slightly.

“Is there a way to directly train a talent?

Or do you have to go through the battlefield and go through the killing? "

While thinking, fifty rhinoceros cavalry appeared in the fantasy space, repeating the process of gathering talents again.

Talent: Strength blessing!

It can provide 100% strength blessing to soldiers!

This is absolutely revolutionary for the enhancement of soldiers.

The key is that doubling this kind of blessing is not the limit, but just the basis.

Fang Bai has discovered more than one power blessing reaching 130% or 150%.

Of course, there are a few whose power blessing is only 80% or 90%.

And this overall growth rate seems to be growing.

Although this kind of natural power belongs to the army, it will disappear if it is separated from the army.

However, individual soldiers will also exert different effects based on their different levels of mastery, proficiency, understanding, and physical fitness.

This talent is like fighting spirit and can be cultivated.

So in theory, if a soldier develops his own strength well enough, he can use his talent to exert strength comparable to that of an extraordinary person on the battlefield.

If one blessing doesn't work, then use ten times. If ten times of blessing doesn't work, then use a hundred times.

If you can practice, there are endless possibilities.

This is definitely another extraordinary path, and it would be great if you could master the method of direct training.

In other words, Fang Bai wants to directly master the cultivation method of this talent!

Thinking about it, Fang Bai's mental energy was completely immersed in the clouds, immersed in the birth process of talent, and at this time, there were clusters of pure white clouds slowly emerging next to him.

The clouds of different periods emerged one after another. Fang Bai patiently compared the differences and silently analyzed the composition of talent.

At this moment, outside Red Maple City, a negotiation came to an end.

Thanks to "卍Crazy Lanmaru卍" for the 10,000 starting coin reward, thank you for your support.

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